

单词 cadre
(once / 7695 pages)

A cadre is a group of specially trained people prepared to lead or instruct others. Examples could be a military unit, a group of scientists, or a band of insurgents.
Just looking at the "re" at the end of cadre suggests the word has some French roots, and so it does. The word, stemming from the Latin quadrum, meaning "a square," also meant "framework." This idea of a frame or border came to suggest the word as meaning a small group that creates the framework for a larger one, much like a picture frame. Your cadre of rebels consists of two cats and a stuffed bear . . . at least they'll be good at keeping secrets.
cadre: cadres
The caves that the cadres used as hide-outs from Japanese bombers still exist, buried into the bleak hills like black eyes.
New York Times(Jan 01, 2017)
Kudos to Seattle’s cadre of superior sound designers, whose work enhanced many a production.
Seattle Times(Dec 30, 2016)
In the beginning of the Khmer Rouge’s reign, she worked as a technical supervisor at a weaving factory that produced clothing for the black-clad cadres.
Los Angeles Times(Dec 26, 2016)
1n a nucleus of military personnel capable of expansion
core, core group, nucleus
a small group of indispensable persons or things
2n a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement
sleeper cell
a cell of sleepers
radical cell, terrorist cell
a cell of terrorists (usually 3 to 5 members)
operational cell
a terrorist cell that performs clandestine activities
intelligence cell
a terrorist cell whose members are trained to perform reconnaissance and surveillance
auxiliary cell
a terrorist cell responsible for logistics; usually large and less compartmentalized than other terrorist cells
political entity, political unit
a unit with political responsibilities




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