

单词 quagmire
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A quagmire is a dangerous place, like the muddy shoreline of a pond. Because it's so hard to climb out of a quagmire, the word has also come to also mean any difficult or sticky situation you find yourself in.
Long ago, quag was a synonym for "bog" or "marsh," a swampy area where water seems to sit instead of drain out. Mire is another word to describe such a place. As a verb mire means "stuck," like someone who's mired in quicksand or mired in work — both prevent you from going anywhere. In a quagmire, you get stuck physically — or, even more commonly, in a situation that is hard to escape because there is no easy solution.
quagmire: quagmires
Other than that, it is good that we did not get any more involved in the Syrian quagmire than we did.
Washington Post(Dec 25, 2016)
Russia’s Mideast muscle-flexing carries risks of getting bogged down militarily in regional quagmires.
Los Angeles Times(Dec 23, 2016)
"As unfortunate as it is, I understand the quagmire," Trump told the Times.
Reuters(Dec 22, 2016)
1n a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot
mire, morass, quag, slack
bog, peat bog
wet spongy ground of decomposing vegetation; has poorer drainage than a swamp; soil is unfit for cultivation but can be cut and dried and used for fuel
2n a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one
plight, predicament, quandary
a cause for feeling concern
box, corner
a predicament from which a skillful or graceful escape is impossible
hot water
a dangerous or distressing predicament
a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome




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