单词 | billet |
释义 | billet (once / 1579 pages) 1vn 2n 3n WORD FAMILY billet: billeted, billeting, billets, billetted, billetting USAGE EXAMPLESAs GE trawls through the records, it will identify other parts made from the same billet of metal the broken disk was made from. Seattle Times(Nov 04, 2016) My billet was a very short distance from the front staircase. New York Times(Sep 27, 2016) The federation pays for travel to tournaments, and it billets, feeds, clothes and educates the players. New York Times(Aug 28, 2016) 1 1v provide housing for (military personnel) Syn|Hyper canton, quarter accommodate, lodge provide housing for 2n lodging for military personnel (especially in a private home) 2Hyper housing, living accommodations, lodging structures collectively in which people are housed n a job in an organization 3Syn|Hypo|Hyper berth, office, place, position, post, situation, spot academicianship the position of member of an honorary academy accountantshipthe position of accountant admiraltythe office of admiral ambassadorshipthe post of ambassador apostleshipthe position of apostle apprenticeshipthe position of apprentice associateshipthe position of associate (as in an office or academy) attorneyshipthe position of attorney bailiffshipthe office of bailiff baronetagethe state of a baronet bishopry, episcopatethe office and dignity of a bishop cadetshipthe position of cadet caliphatethe office of a caliph captaincy, captainshipthe post of captain cardinalshipthe office of cardinal chairmanshipthe position of chairman chancellorshipthe office of chancellor chaplaincy, chaplainshipthe position of chaplain chieftaincy, chieftainshipthe position of chieftain clerkshipthe job of clerk commandership, commanderythe position or office of commander comptrollershipthe position of comptroller consulshipthe post of consul controllershipthe position of controller councillorship, councilorshipthe position of council member counsellorship, counselorshipthe position of counselor curacythe position of a curate curatorshipthe position of curator custodianshipthe position of custodian deanery, deanshipthe position or office of a dean directorshipthe position of a director of a business concern discipleshipthe position of disciple editorshipthe position of editor eldershipthe office of elder emiratethe office of an emir fatherhoodthe status of a father fatherhoodthe status of a religious leader foremanshipthe position of foreman generalcy, generalshipthe office and authority of a general governorshipthe office of governor headshipthe position of head headshipthe position of headmaster or headmistress hot seata difficult position where you are subjected to stress and criticism incumbencythe office of an incumbent inspectorshipthe office of inspector instructorshipthe position of instructor internshipthe position of a medical intern judgeship, judicaturethe position of judge khanatethe position of a khan lectureshipthe post of lecturer legateship, legationthe post or office of legate legislatorshipthe office of legislator librarianshipthe position of librarian lieutenancythe position of a lieutenant magistracy, magistraturethe position of magistrate managershipthe position of manager manhoodthe status of being a man marshalshipthe post of marshall mastershipthe position of master mayoraltythe position of mayor messiahshipthe position of messiah moderatorshipthe position of moderator overlordshipthe position of overlord pastorate, pastorshipthe position of pastor peasanthoodthe state of being a peasant pluma highly desirable position or assignment praetorshipthe office of praetor precentorshipthe position of precentor preceptorshipthe position of preceptor prefecturethe office of prefect prelacy, prelaturethe office or station of a prelate premiershipthe office of premier presidency, presidentshipthe office and function of president primateshipthe office of primate principalshipthe post of principal priorshipthe office of prior proconsulate, proconsulshipthe position of proconsul proctorshipthe position of proctor chair, professorshipthe position of professor protectorshipthe position of protector public officea position concerning the people as a whole rabbinatethe office or function of a rabbi receivershipthe office of a receiver rectorate, rectorshipthe office or station of a rector regencythe office of a regent residencythe position of physician who is receiving special training in a hospital (usually after completing an internship) rulershipthe position of ruler sainthoodthe status and dignity of a saint secretaryshipthe position of secretary feudal lordship, seigneury, seigniorythe position and authority of a feudal lord senatorshipthe office of senator sinecurean office that involves minimal duties solicitorshipthe position of solicitor speakershipthe position of Speaker stewardshipthe position of steward studentshipthe position of student teachershipthe position of teacher thaneshipthe position of thane thronethe position and power of an exalted person (a sovereign or bishop) who is entitled to sit in a chair of state on ceremonial occasions treasurershipthe position of treasurer tribuneshipthe position of tribune trusteeshipthe position of trustee vice-presidencythe office and function of a vice president viceroyshipthe position of viceroy viziershipthe position of vizier wardenshipthe position of warden wardershipthe position of warder womanhoodthe status of a woman headmastershipthe position of headmaster headmistressshipthe position of headmistress Chief Executive, President, President of the United Statesthe office of the United States head of state bully pulpita public office of sufficiently high rank that it provides the holder with an opportunity to speak out and be listened to on any matter Attorney General, Attorney General of the United Statesthe position of the head of the Justice Department and the chief law enforcement officer of the United States Agriculture Secretary, Secretary of Agriculturethe position of the head of the Department of Agriculture Commerce Secretary, Secretary of Commercethe position of the head of the Department of Commerce Defense Secretary, Secretary of Defensethe position of the head of the Department of Defense Education Secretary, Secretary of Educationthe position of the head of the Education Department Energy Secretary, Secretary of Energythe position of the head of the Department of Energy Secretary of Health and Human Servicesthe position of the head of the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary of Housing and Urban Developmentthe position of the head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Labor Secretary, Secretary of Laborthe position of the head of the Department of Labor Secretary of Statethe position of the head of the State Department Interior Secretary, Secretary of the Interiorthe position of the head of the Department of the Interior Secretary of the Treasury, Treasury Secretarythe position of the head of the Treasury Department Secretary of Transportation, Transportation Secretarythe position of the head of the Department of Transportation Secretary of Veterans Affairsthe position of the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary of War, War Secretaryhead of a former executive department; combined with the Navy Secretary to form the Defense Secretary in 1947 Navy Secretary, Secretary of the Navyhead of a former executive department; combined with the War Secretary to form the Defense Secretary in 1947 Secretary of Commerce and Laborhead of a former executive department created in 1903 and divided into two departments in 1913 Secretary of Health Education and Welfarehead of a former executive department created in 1953 and divided into two departments in 1979 business, job, line, line of work, occupation the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money n a short personal letter Syn|Hypo|Hyper line, note, short letter excuse a note explaining an absence personal letter a letter dealing with personal affairs |
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