单词 | belief |
释义 | belief (once / 91 pages) n A belief is an idea one accepts as being true or real. Many children have a strong belief that the Tooth Fairy really does exist. The noun belief replaced the Old English word geleafa, meaning “belief, faith,” in the late 12th century. A belief is an idea one usually holds with conviction and importance. In a religious context, the Ancient Greeks held the belief that many gods existed, controlling their fate, while Christianity began with the belief that only one God exists. You can also have belief in yourself in the face of a challenge. WORD FAMILYbelief: beliefs, disbelief, unbelief+/believability: believabilities/believable: believability, believably, unbelievable/believe: belief, believable, believed, believer, believes, believing, disbelieve, misbelieve/believer: believers, nonbeliever, unbeliever/believing: believingly, believings, unbelieving/disbelief: disbeliefs/disbelieve: disbelieved, disbeliever, disbelieves, disbelieving/disbeliever: disbelievers/disbelieving: disbelievingly/misbelieve: misbelieved, misbeliever, misbelieves, misbelieving/misbeliever: misbelievers/nonbeliever: nonbelievers/unbelief: unbeliefs/unbelievable: unbelievably/unbeliever: unbelievers/unbelieving: unbelievingly USAGE EXAMPLESIn 1970, Brewer sought a full term as governor based on the belief that George Wallace would not run. Washington Times(Jan 02, 2017) Dr. Appleby was part of a generation of historians who examined the ideologies and beliefs that animated the American Revolution. New York Times(Jan 02, 2017) And contrary to popular belief, research shows that adopting WTE technology does not reduce recycling rates. Salon(Jan 02, 2017) 1n any cognitive content held as true Ant|Exp|Hypo|Hyper disbelief, unbelief a rejection of belief Augsburg Confession the document drawn up in 1555 to defend the catholicity of Lutheran doctrine and to justify innovations in Lutheran practice; is still in effect today Demogorgon(Greek mythology) a mysterious and terrifying deity of the underworld Hypnos(Greek mythology) the Greek god of sleep; the son of Nyx Morpheusthe Roman god of sleep and dreams Amaethonthe farmer god; ancient god of agriculture Anamother of the ancient Irish gods; sometimes identified with Danu Angus OgCeltic god of love and beauty; patron deity of young men and women ArawnCeltic deity who was the lord of Annwfn (the other world or the land of fairies) ArianrhodCeltic goddess famous for her beauty; mother of Dylan BoannCeltic goddess; mother of Angus Og BrigitCeltic goddess of fire and fertility and agriculture and household arts and wisdom; later associated with Saint Bridget Dagdachief Celtic god of the Tuatha De Danann; father of Angus Og and Brigit DanaCeltic goddess who was the mother of the Tuatha De Danann; identified with the Welsh Don DonCeltic goddess; mother of Gwydion and Arianrhod; corresponds to Irish Danu DylanCeltic god of the waves; son of Arianrhod Epona(possibly Roman mythology) Celtic goddess of horses and mules and asses GwydionCeltic sky god; a magician; giver of arts and civilization GwynCeltic underworld god LLuda Celtic warrior god LlyrCeltic deity who was the father of Manawydan; corresponds to Irish Lir Lughancient Celtic god ManannanCeltic god of the sea; son of Ler ManawyddanCeltic sea god; son of Llyr MorriganCeltic war goddess Amen-RaEgyptian sun god; supreme god of the universe in whom Amen and Ra were merged; principal deity during Theban supremacy AnubisEgyptian god of tombs and ruler of the underworld; usually depicted as a man with the head of a jackal Atenthe sun (or solar disc) which was the deity of a monotheistic cult under the Pharaoh Akhenaten Bastcat- or lion-headed Egyptian goddess; represents life-giving power of the sun GebEgyptian god of the earth; father of Osiris and Isis HorusEgyptian solar god with the head of a falcon; the son of Osiris and Isis IsisEgyptian goddess of fertility; daughter of Geb; sister and wife of Osiris KheperaEgyptian god of the morning sun; creator Minan Egyptian god of procreation NephthysEgyptian goddess associated with ritual of the dead; sister of Geb and Nut; wife of Set NutEgyptian goddess of the sky OsirisEgyptian god of the underworld and judge of the dead; husband and brother of Isis; father of Horus Ptaha major Egyptian god; shaper of the world; father of gods and men; worshipped especially at Memphis Raancient Egyptian sun god with the head of a hawk; a universal creator; he merged with the god Amen as Amen-Ra to become the king of the gods Eye of Raa lion-headed Egyptian goddess; typifies life-destroying power of the sun Sethevil Egyptian god with the head of a beast that has high square ears and a long snout; brother and murderer of Osiris ThothEgyptian Moon deity with the head of an ibis; god of wisdom and learning and the arts; scribe of the gods AdadBabylonian god of storms and wind Adapaa Babylonian demigod or first man (sometimes identified with Adam) Ansharthe Babylonian father of the gods; identified with Assyrian Ashur; in Sumerian the name signifies `the totality of the upper world' AntumBabylonian consort of Anu AnuBabylonian god of the sky; one of the supreme triad including Bel and Ea Apsufather of the gods and consort of Tiamat Arurumother and earth goddess in Gilgamish epic; identified with Sumerian Ki and Ninkhursag Ashirchief god of the Assyrians; god of military prowess and empire; identified with Babylonian Anshar Ashtorethan ancient Phoenician goddess of love and fertility; the Phoenician counterpart to Ishtar MylittaBabylonian and Assyrian goddess of love and fertility and war; counterpart to the Phoenician Astarte Baalany of numerous local fertility and nature deities worshipped by ancient Semitic peoples; the Hebrews considered Baal a false god BelBabylonian god of the earth; one of the supreme triad including Anu and Ea; earlier identified with En-lil Dagongod of agriculture and the earth; national god of Philistines Dagangod of agriculture and earth; counterpart of Phoenician Dagon Damgalnunna(Babylonian) earth goddess; consort of Ea and mother of Marduk DumuziSumerian and Babylonian god of pastures and vegetation; consort of Inanna Eathe Babylonian god of wisdom; son of Apsu and father of Marduk; counterpart of the Sumerian Enki; as one of the supreme triad including Anu and Bel he was assigned control of the watery element Enkiwater god and god of wisdom; counterpart of the Akkadian Ea En-lilgod of the air and king of the Sumerian gods Eresh-kigalgoddess of death and consort of Nergal Girruthe Babylonian god of fire; often invoked in incantations against sorcery Gulathe Babylonian goddess of healing and consort of Ninurta Igigiany of a group of heavenly spirits under the god Anu Inannaconsort of Dumuzi (Tammuz) Kigoddess personifying earth; counterpart of Akkadian Aruru KisharBabylonian consort of Anshar; in Sumerian the name signifies `the totality of the lower world' Mamaa name under which Ninkhursag was worshipped Baal Merodachthe chief Babylonian god; his consort was Sarpanitu Molechgod of the Canaanites and Phoenicians to whom parents sacrificed their children NabuBabylonian god of wisdom and agriculture and patron of scribes and schools Nammugoddess personifying the primeval sea; mother of the gods and of heaven and earth Namtarua demon personifying death; messenger of the underworld goddess Ereshkigal bringing death to mankind Nannagod of the Moon; counterpart of the Akkadian Sin Nergal(Akkadian) god ruling with his consort Ereshkigal the world of the dead Ninathe Babylonian goddess of the watery deep and daughter of Ea Ningal(Akkadian) a goddess; wife of the Moon god Sin NingirsuBabylonian god in older pantheon: god of war and agriculture Ningishzidaan underworld Babylonian deity; patron of medicine Ninkharsagthe great mother goddess; worshipped also as Aruru and Mama and Nintu Nintooa name under which Ninkhursag was worshipped Ninurtaa solar deity; firstborn of Bel and consort was Gula; god of war and the chase and agriculture; sometimes identified with biblical Nimrod Nuskugod of fire and light; corresponds to Babylonian Girru Rammangod of storms and wind; corresponds to Babylonian Adad Sarpanituconsort of Marduk Shamashthe chief sun god; drives away winter and storms and brightens the earth with greenery; drives away evil and brings justice and compassion Sin(Akkadian) god of the Moon; counterpart of Sumerian Nanna Tashmitumconsort of Nabu Tiamat(Akkadian) mother of the gods and consort of Apsu Utnapishtimfavorite of the gods and grandfather of Gilgamish; survived the great flood and became immortal Utugsun god; counterpart of Akkadian Shamash Zubirdevil storm god represented as a black bird Aditia Hindu goddess who releases from sin or disease; mother of the Adityas Agni(Sanskrit) Hindu god of fire in ancient and traditional India; one of the three chief deities of the Vedas Asuraearlier a god; later a demon; counterpart of Zoroastrian Ahura BhagaHindu god of wealth and love Brahmathe Creator; one of the three major deities in the later Hindu pantheon Brihaspatipersonification of the power of ritual devotion Bhumi DeviHindu earth goddess; one of the two wives of Vishnu DeviHindu mother goddess; supreme power in the universe; wife or embodiment of the female energy of Siva having both beneficent and malevolent forms or aspects Chandimalevolent aspect of Devi DurgaHindu goddess of war; a malevolent aspect of Devi Dyaus-pitarHindu god of the sky GanapatiHindu god of wisdom or prophecy; the god who removes obstacles Gauriin Hinduism, goddess of purity and posterity and a benevolent aspect of Devi; the `brilliant' Hanumanin Hinduism, the monkey god and helper of Rama; god of devotion and courage Indrachief Hindu god of the Rig-Veda; god of rain and thunder Kaunknown god; an epithet of Prajapati and Brahma Kaliwife of Siva and malevolent form of Devi KamaHindu god of love and erotic desire; opposite of Mara MaraHindu god of death; opposite of Kama KarttikeyaHindu god of bravery LakshmiHindu goddess of fortune and prosperity MitraHindu god of friendship and alliances; usually invoked together with Varuna as a supporter of heaven and earth ParjanyaHindu god of rain; sometimes identified with Indra Annapurnawife of Siva and a benevolent aspect of Devi: Hindu goddess of plenty PrajapatiHindu god personifying a creative force; equivalent to Brahma Pushancelestial shepherd god; conductor of souls of the dead Rahua Hindu demon who swallows the sun causing eclipses Rudrafather of the Hindu storm gods Marut; controller of nature; sometimes identified with Siva SarasvatiHindu goddess of learning and the arts Savitaran important Hindu god; the sun in its life-giving aspect Shaktithe female or generative principle; wife of Siva and a benevolent form of Devi Shivathe destroyer; one of the three major divinities in the later Hindu pantheon SkandaHindu god of war Suryaan important god of later Hinduism; the sun god or the sun itself worshipped as the source of warmth and light Umaa benevolent aspect of Devi; `splendor' UshasHindu goddess of dawn; daughter of the sky and sister of the night Varunain Vedism, god of the night sky who with his thousand eyes watches over human conduct and judges good and evil and punishes evildoers; often considered king of the Hindu gods and frequently paired with Mitra as an upholder of the world VayuHindu wind god Vishnuthe sustainer; a Hindu divinity worshipped as the preserver of worlds YamaHindu god of death and lord of the underworld Mithrasancient Persian god of light and truth; sun god Ahura Mazdachief deity of Zoroastrianism; source of light and embodiment of good Ahrimanthe spirit of evil in Zoroastrianism; arch rival of Ormazd BoddhisatvaBuddhist worthy of nirvana who postpones it to help others Arhanta Buddhist who has attained nirvana Chang Kuo-laoone of the 8 immortals of Taoism Wen Ch'angChinese god of literature Taoist Trinitythe three pure ones; the three chief gods of Taoism Heavenly Jewela member of the Taoist Trinity Mystic Jewela member of the Taoist Trinity Spiritual Jewela member of the Taoist Trinity; identified with Lao-tse Kuan Yin(Buddhism) a female Bodhisattva; often called goddess of mercy and considered an aspect of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara; identified with Japanese Kwannon Amaterasu Omikamicentral deity of Shinto; goddess personifying the sun and ancestress of the rulers of Japan Hachimana Shinto god of war Hoteione of the 7 gods of happiness Izanagithe god who fathered the islands and gods of Japan with his sister Izanami Izanamisister and consort of Izanami; mother of the islands and gods of Japan Kamione the Shinto deities (including mythological beings, spirits of distinguished men, forces of nature) KwannonJapanese counterpart of Chinese Kuan Yin Ninigino-Mikotograndson of Amaterasu and first ruler of Japan Supreme Beingthe supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions Prince of Darkness(Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions) chief spirit of evil and adversary of God; tempter of mankind; master of Hell Olympic goda classical Greek god after the overthrow of the Titans Aeolusgod of the winds in ancient mythology Phoebus Apollo(Greek mythology) Greek god of light; god of prophecy and poetry and music and healing; son of Zeus and Leto; twin brother of Artemis Aphroditegoddess of love and beauty and daughter of Zeus in ancient mythology; identified with Roman Venus Uraniagoddess of love; counterpart of Greek Aphrodite Ares(Greek mythology) Greek god of war; son of Zeus and Hera; identified with Roman Mars Eris(Greek mythology) goddess of discord; sister of Ares Thanatos(Greek mythology) the Greek personification of death; son of Nyx Mors(Roman mythology) Roman god of death; counterpart of Thanatos Mars(Roman mythology) Roman god of war and agriculture; father of Romulus and Remus; counterpart of Greek Ares Nyx(Greek mythology) Greek goddess of the night; daughter of Chaos; counterpart of Roman Nox Artemis(Greek mythology) the virgin goddess of the hunt and the Moon; daughter of Leto and twin sister of Apollo; identified with Roman Diana Boreas(Greek mythology) the god who personified the north wind Diana(Roman mythology) virgin goddess of the hunt and the Moon; counterpart of Greek Artemis Ategoddess of criminal rashness and its punishment Pallas Athena(Greek mythology) goddess of wisdom and useful arts and prudent warfare; guardian of Athens; identified with Roman Minerva Minerva(Roman mythology) goddess of wisdom; counterpart of Greek Athena Chaos(Greek mythology) the most ancient of gods; the personification of the infinity of space preceding creation of the universe Saturn(Roman mythology) god of agriculture and vegetation; counterpart of Greek Cronus Demeter(Greek mythology) goddess of fertility and protector of marriage in ancient mythology; counterpart of Roman Ceres Ceres(Roman mythology) goddess of agriculture; counterpart of Greek Demeter Dionysus(Greek mythology) god of wine and fertility and drama; the Greek name of Bacchus Doris(Greek mythology) wife of Nereus and mother of the Nereids Aesculapiusson of Apollo; a hero and the Roman god of medicine and healing; his daughters were Hygeia and Panacea Bacchus(classical mythology) god of wine; equivalent of Dionysus Erebus(Greek mythology) Greek god of darkness who dwelt in the underworld; son of Chaos; brother of Nox; father of Aether and Day NightRoman goddess of night; daughter of Erebus; counterpart of Greek Nyx Eros(Greek mythology) god of love; son of Aphrodite; identified with Roman Cupid Cupid(Roman mythology) god of love; counterpart of Greek Eros Gaea(Greek mythology) goddess of the earth and mother of Cronus and the Titans in ancient mythology Hebe(Greek mythology) the goddess of youth and spring; wife of Hercules; daughter of Zeus and Hera; cupbearer to the Olympian gods Helios(Greek mythology) ancient god of the sun; drove his chariot across the sky each day; identified with Roman Sol Sol(Roman mythology) ancient Roman god; personification of the sun; counterpart of Greek Helios Hecate(Greek mythology) Greek goddess of fertility who later became associated with Persephone as goddess of the underworld and protector of witches Hephaestus(Greek mythology) the lame god of fire and metalworking in ancient mythology; identified with Roman Vulcan Vulcan(Roman mythology) god of fire and metal working; counterpart of Greek Hephaestus Hermes(Greek mythology) messenger and herald of the gods; god of commerce and cunning and invention and theft; identified with Roman Mercury Hermaphroditus(Greek mythology) son of Hermes and Aphrodite who merged with the nymph Salmacis to form one body Mercury(Roman mythology) messenger of Jupiter and god of commerce; counterpart of Greek Hermes Hygeia(Greek mythology) the goddess of health; daughter of Aesculapius and sister of Panacea Panacea(Greek mythology) the goddess of healing; daughter of Aesculapius and sister of Hygeia Heraqueen of the Olympian gods in ancient Greek mythology; sister and wife of Zeus remembered for her jealously of the many mortal women Zeus fell in love with; identified with Roman Juno Janus(Roman mythology) the Roman god of doorways and passages; is depicted with two faces on opposite sides of his head Juno(Roman mythology) queen of the Olympian gods who protected marriage; wife and sister of Jupiter; counterpart of Greek Hera Hestia(Greek mythology) the goddess of the hearth and its fire in ancient mythology; identified with Roman Vesta Vesta(Roman mythology) goddess of the hearth and its fire whose flame was tended by vestal virgins; counterpart of Greek Hestia Hymen(Greek mythology) the god of marriage Minosson of Zeus and Europa; king of ancient Crete; ordered Daedalus to build the labyrinth; after death Minos became a judge in the underworld Ariadnebeautiful daughter of Minos and Pasiphae; she fell in love with Theseus and gave him the thread with which he found his way out of the Minotaur's labyrinth Clothothe Greek goddess of fate who spins the thread of life Lachesisthe Greek goddess of fate who determines the length of the thread of life Atroposthe Greek goddess of fate who cuts the thread of life Momosgod of blame and mockery Nemesis(Greek mythology) the goddess of divine retribution and vengeance Nereus(Greek mythology) a sea god son of Pontus and Gaea; lived in the depths of the sea with his wife Doris and their daughters the Nereids Nike(Greek mythology) winged goddess of victory; identified with Roman Victoria Victoria(Roman mythology) goddess of victory; counterpart of Greek Nike Ouranos(Greek mythology) god of the heavens; son and husband of Gaea and father of the Titans in ancient mythology goat god(Greek mythology) god of fields and woods and shepherds and flocks; represented as a man with goat's legs and horns and ears; identified with Roman Sylvanus or Faunus Faunus(Roman mythology) ancient rural deity; later considered a counterpart of Greek Pan Pasiphae(Greek mythology) daughter of Helios and mother of Ariadne Poseidon(Greek mythology) the god of the sea and earthquakes in ancient mythology; brother of Zeus and Hades and Hera; identified with Roman Neptune Proteus(Greek mythology) a prophetic god who served Poseidon; was capable of changing his shape at will Neptune(Roman mythology) god of the sea; counterpart of Greek Poseidon Persephone(Greek mythology) daughter of Zeus and Demeter; made queen of the underworld by Pluto in ancient mythology; identified with Roman Proserpina Proserpinagoddess of the underworld; counterpart of Greek Persephone Phaethon(Greek mythology) son of Helios; killed when trying to drive his father's chariot and came too close to earth Aidoneus(Greek mythology) the god of the underworld in ancient mythology; brother of Zeus and husband of Persephone Orcusgod of the underworld; counterpart of Greek Pluto Pythoness(Greek mythology) the priestess of Apollo at Delphi who transmitted the oracles Priapus(classical mythology) god of male procreative power and guardian of gardens and vineyards Selene(Greek mythology) goddess of the Moon in ancient mythology; identified with Roman Luna Luna(Roman mythology) the goddess of the Moon; counterpart of Greek Selene Eos(Greek mythology) the winged goddess of the dawn in ancient mythology; daughter of Hyperion; identified with Roman Aurora Aurora(Roman mythology) goddess of the dawn; counterpart of Greek Eos Tellus(Roman mythology) goddess of the earth; protector of marriage and fertility; identified with Greek Gaea Titan(Greek mythology) any of the primordial giant gods who ruled the Earth until overthrown by Zeus; the Titans were offspring of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth) Titaness(Greek mythology) any of the primordial giant goddesses who were offspring of Uranus (heaven) and Gaea (earth) in ancient mythology Triton(Greek mythology) a sea god; son of Poseidon Tyche(Greek mythology) the goddess of fortune; identified with Roman Fortuna Fortuna(Roman mythology) the goddess of fortune and good luck; counterpart of Greek Tyche Zephyr(Greek mythology) the Greek god of the west wind Zeus(Greek mythology) the supreme god of ancient Greek mythology; son of Rhea and Cronus whom he dethroned; husband and brother of Hera; brother of Poseidon and Hades; father of many gods; counterpart of Roman Jupiter Jupiter(Roman mythology) supreme god of Romans; counterpart of Greek Zeus Ops(Roman mythology) goddess of abundance and fertility; wife of Saturn; counterpart of Greek Rhea and Cybele of ancient Asia Minor Silvanus(Roman mythology) god of woods and fields and flocks; Pan is the Greek counterpart Balder(Norse mythology) god of light and peace and noted for his beauty and sweet nature; son of Odin and Frigg and husband of Nanna; killed by Hoth Brage(Norse mythology) god of poetry and music; son of Odin Elli(Norse mythology) goddess of old age who defeated Thor in a wrestling match Forseti(Norse mythology) god of justice; son of Balder and Nanna Freyr(Norse mythology) god of earth's fertility and peace and prosperity; son of Njorth and brother of Freya; originally of the Vanir; later with the Aesir Freyja(Norse mythology) goddess of love and fecundity; daughter of Njorth and sister of Frey Frigga(Norse mythology) goddess of the heavens and married love; wife of Odin Heimdallr(Norse mythology) god of dawn and light; guardian of Asgard Hela(Norse mythology) goddess of the dead and queen of the underworld Hoenir(Norse mythology) one of the Aesir having a strong and beautiful body but a dull mind Hoder(Norse mythology) a blind god; misled by Loki, he kills his brother Balder by throwing a shaft of mistletoe Ithunn(Norse mythology) goddess of spring and wife of Bragi; guarded the apples that kept the gods eternally young Loki(Norse mythology) trickster; god of discord and mischief; contrived death of Balder and was overcome by Thor Njorth(Norse mythology) chief of the Vanir; god of the sea and winds and prosperity; father of Frey and Freya; sometimes subsumes Teutonic Nerthus Odin(Norse mythology) ruler of the Aesir; supreme god of war and poetry and knowledge and wisdom (for which he gave an eye) and husband of Frigg; identified with the Teutonic Wotan Sif(Norse mythology) wife of Thor and guardian of the home Thor(Norse mythology) god of thunder and rain and farming; pictured as wielding a hammer emblematic of the thunderbolt; identified with Teutonic Donar Tyrr(Norse mythology) god of war and strife and son of Odin; identified with Anglo-Saxon Tiu Donarthe Teutonic god of thunder; counterpart of Norse Thor Nerthusthe Teutonic goddess of fertility; later identified with Norse Njord Wotansupreme Teutonic god; counterpart of Norse Odin and Anglo-Saxon Woden Tiugod of war and sky; counterpart of Norse Tyr Wodanchief god; counterpart of Norse Odin and Teutonic Wotan Mater Turritagreat nature goddess of ancient Phrygia in Asia Minor; counterpart of Greek Rhea and Roman Ops Mephistophelesevil spirit to whom Faust sold his soul Quetzalcoatlan Aztec deity represented as a plumed serpent Zurvanthe Zoroastrian god of time Saint Ambrose(Roman Catholic Church) Roman priest who became bishop of Milan; the first Church Father born and raised in the Christian faith; composer of hymns; imposed orthodoxy on the early Christian church and built up its secular power; a saint and Doctor of the Church (340?-397) Saint Andrew the Apostle(New Testament) disciple of Jesus; brother of Peter; patron saint of Scotland Saint Anselman Italian who was a Benedictine monk; was archbishop of Canterbury from 1093 to 1109; one of the founders of scholasticism; best known for his proof of the existence of God Saint Thomas Aquinas(Roman Catholic Church) Italian theologian and Doctor of the Church who is remembered for his attempt to reconcile faith and reason in a comprehensive theology; presented philosophical proofs of the existence of God (1225-1274) Athanasius the Great(Roman Catholic Church) Greek patriarch of Alexandria who championed Christian orthodoxy against Arianism; a church father, saint, and Doctor of the Church (293-373) Augustine of Hippo(Roman Catholic Church) one of the great Fathers of the early Christian church; after a dramatic conversion to Christianity he became bishop of Hippo Regius in North Africa; St. Augustine emphasized man's need for grace (354-430) St. Basil the Great(Roman Catholic Church) the bishop of Caesarea who defended the Roman Catholic Church against the heresies of the 4th century; a saint and Doctor of the Church (329-379) Saint Thomas a Becket(Roman Catholic Church) archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170; murdered following his opposition to Henry II's attempts to control the clergy (1118-1170) the Venerable Bede(Roman Catholic Church) English monk and scholar (672-735) Saint BenedictItalian monk who founded the Benedictine order about 540 (480-547) Apostle of Germany(Roman Catholic Church) Anglo-Saxon missionary who was sent to Frisia and Germany to spread the Christian faith; was martyred in Frisia (680-754) Saint BridgetIrish abbess; a patron saint of Ireland (453-523) Saint Bruno(Roman Catholic Church) a French cleric (born in Germany) who founded the Carthusian order in 1084 (1032-1101) Domingo de Guzman(Roman Catholic Church) Spanish priest who founded an order whose members became known as Dominicans or Black Friars (circa 1170-1221) Saint Edward the Confessorson of Ethelred the Unready; King of England from 1042 to 1066; he founded Westminster Abbey where he was eventually buried (1003-1066) Saint Edward the MartyrKing of England who was a son of Edgar; he was challenged for the throne by supporters of his half-brother Ethelred II who eventually murdered him (963-978) Saint Francis of Assisi(Roman Catholic Church) an Italian and the Roman Catholic monk who founded the Franciscan order of friars (1181-1226) Gregory the Great(Roman Catholic Church) an Italian pope distinguished for his spiritual and temporal leadership; a saint and Doctor of the Church (540?-604) St. Gregory of Nazianzen(Roman Catholic Church) a church father known for his constant fight against perceived heresies; a saint and Doctor of the Church (329-391) Saint Ignatiusbishop of Antioch who was martyred under the Roman Emperor Trajan (died 110) Saint Ignatius of LoyolaSpaniard and Roman Catholic theologian and founder of the Society of Jesus; a leading opponent of the Reformation (1491-1556) Saint IrenaeusGreek theologian who was bishop of Lyons and an antiheretical writer; a saint and Doctor of the Church (circa 130-200) Saint James the Apostle(New Testament) disciple of Jesus; brother of John; author of the Epistle of James in the New Testament Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus(Roman Catholic Church) one of the great Fathers of the early Christian Church whose major work was his translation of the Scriptures from Hebrew and Greek into Latin (which became the Vulgate); a saint and Doctor of the Church (347-420) Saint John the Apostle(New Testament) disciple of Jesus; traditionally said to be the author of the 4th Gospel and three epistles and the book of Revelation St. John Chrysostom(Roman Catholic Church) a Church Father who was a great preacher and bishop of Constantinople; a saint and Doctor of the Church (347-407) St. John the Baptist(New Testament) a preacher and hermit and forerunner of Jesus (whom he baptized); was beheaded by Herod at the request of Salome Saint Jude(New Testament) supposed brother of St. James; one of the Apostles who is invoked in prayer when a situation seems hopeless Saint LawrenceRoman martyr; supposedly Lawrence was ordered by the police to give up the church's treasure and when he responded by presenting the poor people of Rome he was roasted to death on a gridiron (died in 258) Leo the GreatItalian pope from 440 to 461 who extended the authority of the papacy to the west and persuaded Attila not to attack Rome (440-461) Saint Louisking of France and son of Louis VIII; he led two unsuccessful Crusades; considered an ideal medieval king (1214-1270) Saint Luke(New Testament) the Apostle closely associated with St. Paul and traditionally assumed to be the author of the third Gospel Saint MarkApostle and companion of Saint Peter; assumed to be the author of the second Gospel St. MartinFrench bishop who is a patron saint of France (died in 397) St. Mary Magdalenesinful woman Jesus healed of evil spirits; she became a follower of Jesus Saint Matthew the Apostle(New Testament) disciple of Jesus; traditionally considered to be the author of the first Gospel Saint Nicholasa bishop in Asia Minor who is associated with Santa Claus (4th century) Saint OlafKing and patron saint of Norway (995-1030) Apostle of the Gentiles(New Testament) a Christian missionary to the Gentiles; author of several Epistles in the New Testament; even though Paul was not present at the Last Supper he is considered an Apostle Saint Peter the Apostledisciple of Jesus and leader of the Apostles; regarded by Catholics as the vicar of Christ on earth and first Pope Simon the Canaaniteone of the twelve Apostles (first century) Saint Teresa of AvilaSpanish mystic and religious reformer; author of religious classics and a Christian saint (1515-1582) Thomas the doubting Apostlethe Apostle who would not believe the resurrection of Jesus until he saw Jesus with his own eyes St. VitusChristian martyr and patron of those who suffer from epilepsy and Sydenham's chorea (died around 300) Jagannathaan avatar of Vishnu Kalkithe 10th and last incarnation of Vishnu Krishna8th and most important avatar of Vishnu; incarnated as a handsome young man playing a flute Ramaavatar of Vishnu whose name is synonymous with God; any of three incarnations: Ramachandra or Parashurama or Balarama Silenusthe chief satyr in the service of Bacchus; father of Dionysus; usually depicted as drunk and jolly and riding a donkey Calliope(Greek mythology) the Muse of epic poetry Clio(Greek mythology) the Muse of history Erato(Greek mythology) the Muse of lyric and love poetry Euterpe(Greek mythology) the Muse of music (or the flute) Melpomene(Greek mythology) the Muse of tragedy Polyhymnia(Greek mythology) the Muse of singing and mime and sacred dance Terpsichore(Greek mythology) the Muse of the dance and of choral song Thalia(Greek mythology) the Muse of comedy and pastoral poetry Urania(Greek mythology) the Muse of astronomy Urthgoddess of fate: a giantess who personified the past Verthandigoddess of fate: an elf who personified the present Skuldgoddess of fate: a dwarf who personified the future Father Christmasthe legendary patron saint of children; an imaginary being who is thought to bring presents to children at Christmas Saint ChristopherChristian martyr and patron saint of travellers (3rd century) Saint Crispinpatron saint of shoemakers; he and his brother were martyred for trying to spread Christianity (3rd century) Saint Davidpatron saint of Wales (circa 520-600) Saint GeorgeChristian martyr; patron saint of England; hero of the legend of Saint George and the Dragon in which he slew a dragon and saved a princess (?-303) Saint PatrickApostle and patron saint of Ireland; an English missionary to Ireland in the 5th century Loreleia Siren of German legend who lured boatmen in the Rhine to destruction article of faith, conviction, strong belief an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence faith, trustcomplete confidence in a person or plan etc doctrine, ism, philosophical system, philosophy, school of thoughta belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school philosophyany personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation expectation, outlook, prospectbelief about (or mental picture of) the future fetichism, fetishisma belief in the magical power of fetishes (or the worship of a fetish) geneticismthe belief that all human characteristics are determined genetically meliorismthe belief that the world can be made better by human effort opinion, persuasion, sentiment, thought, viewa personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty autotelismbelief that a work of art is an end in itself or its own justification originalismthe belief that the United States Constitution should be interpreted in the way the authors originally intended it pacificism, pacifismthe belief that all international disputes can be settled by arbitration faith, religion, religious beliefa strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny opinion, popular opinion, public opinion, vox populia belief or sentiment shared by most people; the voice of the people revolutionisma belief in the spread of revolutionary principles sacerdotalisma belief that priests can act as mediators between human beings and God spiritualismthe belief that the spirits of dead people can communicate with people who are still alive (especially via a medium) spiritual domain, spiritual world, unseena belief that there is a realm controlled by a divine spirit suffragismthe belief that the right to vote should be extended (as to women) supernaturalisma belief in forces beyond ordinary human understanding superstition, superstitious notionan irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear supremacismthe belief that some particular group or race is superior to all others theorya belief that can guide behavior theosophismbelief in theosophy thoughtthe organized beliefs of a period or group or individual totemismbelief in the kinship of a group of people with a common totem tribalismthe beliefs of a tribal society valuesbeliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment (either for or against something) vampirismbelief in the existence of vampires individualisma belief in the importance of the individual and the virtue of self-reliance and personal independence spiritual being, supernatural beingan incorporeal being believed to have powers to affect the course of human events nuclear deterrencethe military doctrine that an enemy will be deterred from using nuclear weapons as long as he can be destroyed as a consequence ideaa personal view judgement, judgment, mindan opinion formed by judging something apophatismthe religious belief that God cannot be known but is completely `other' and must be described in negative terms (in terms of what God is not) cataphatismthe religious belief that God has given enough clues to be known to humans positively and affirmatively (e.g., God created Adam `in his own image') analogy, doctrine of analogythe religious belief that between creature and creator no similarity can be found so great but that the dissimilarity is always greater; any analogy between God and humans will always be inadequate cult, cultus, religious culta system of religious beliefs and rituals culta religion or sect that is generally considered to be unorthodox, extremist, or false ecclesiasticismreligion appropriate to a church and to ecclesiastical principles and practices mysticism, religious mysticisma religion based on mystical communion with an ultimate reality nature worshipa system of religion that deifies and worships natural forces and phenomena revealed religiona religion founded primarily on the revelations of God to humankind eyesopinion or judgment parti pris, preconceived idea, preconceived notion, preconceived opinion, preconception, prepossessionan opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence poleone of two divergent or mutually exclusive opinions hope, promisegrounds for feeling hopeful about the future foretastean early limited awareness of something yet to occur possibilitya future prospect or potential anticipation, expectancysomething expected (as on the basis of a norm) apprehension, misgivingpainful expectation egoism(ethics) the theory that the pursuit of your own welfare in the basis of morality hodgepodge, jumble, patchworka theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas Cabalism, Kabbalismthe doctrines of the Kabbalah mainstreamthe prevailing current of thought abolitionismthe doctrine that calls for the abolition of slavery absolutismthe doctrine of an absolute being amoralismthe doctrine that moral distinctions are invalid animalismthe doctrine that human beings are purely animal in nature and lacking a spiritual nature animismthe doctrine that all natural objects and the universe itself have souls antiestablishmentarianism, antiestablishmentismthe doctrine of opposition to the social and political establishment asceticismthe doctrine that through renunciation of worldly pleasures it is possible to achieve a high spiritual or intellectual state contextualismany doctrine emphasizing the importance of the context in solving problems or establishing the meaning of terms creationismthe literal belief in the account of Creation given in the Book of Genesis credo, creedany system of principles or beliefs divine right, divine right of kingsthe doctrine that kings derive their right to rule directly from God and are not accountable to their subjects; rebellion is the worst of political crimes dogmaa doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative dualismthe doctrine that reality consists of two basic opposing elements, often taken to be mind and matter (or mind and body), or good and evil dynamismany of the various theories or doctrines or philosophical systems that attempt to explain the phenomena of the universe in terms of some immanent force or energy epicureanisma doctrine of hedonism that was defended by several ancient Greek philosophers establishmentarianism, establishmentismthe doctrine of supporting the social or political establishment ethicisma doctrine that ethics and ethical ideas are valid and important expansionismthe doctrine of expanding the territory or the economic influence of a country formalismthe doctrine that formal structure rather than content is what should be represented functionalismany doctrine that stresses utility or purpose Girondismthe doctrine of the Girondists gospela doctrine that is believed to be of great importance gymnosophythe doctrine of a sect of Hindu philosophers who practiced nudity and asceticism and meditation imitationthe doctrine that representations of nature or human behavior should be accurate imitations individualism, laissez fairethe doctrine that government should not interfere in commercial affairs rugged individualismindividualism in social and economic affairs; belief not only in personal liberty and self-reliance but also in free competition internationalismthe doctrine that nations should cooperate because their common interests are more important than their differences unilateralismthe doctrine that nations should conduct their foreign affairs individualistically without the advice or involvement of other nations irredentism, irridentismthe doctrine that irredenta should be controlled by the country to which they are ethnically or historically related literalismthe doctrine of realistic (literal) portrayal in art or literature democracy, majority rulethe doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group monismthe doctrine that reality consists of a single basic substance or element multiculturalismthe doctrine that several different cultures (rather than one national culture) can coexist peacefully and equitably in a single country nationalismthe doctrine that your national culture and interests are superior to any other nationalismthe doctrine that nations should act independently (rather than collectively) to attain their goals nihilisma revolutionary doctrine that advocates destruction of the social system for its own sake pacificism, pacifism, passivismthe doctrine that all violence is unjustifiable pluralismthe doctrine that reality consists of several basic substances or elements populismthe political doctrine that supports the rights and powers of the common people in their struggle with the privileged elite presentismthe doctrine that the Scripture prophecies of the Apocalypse (as in the Book of Revelations) are presently in the course of being fulfilled freethinking, rationalismthe doctrine that reason is the right basis for regulating conduct reformisma doctrine of reform humanism, secular humanismthe doctrine emphasizing a person's capacity for self-realization through reason; rejects religion and the supernatural humanism, humanitarianismthe doctrine that people's duty is to promote human welfare egalitarianism, equalitarianismthe doctrine of the equality of mankind and the desirability of political and economic and social equality feminisma doctrine that advocates equal rights for women magic, thaumaturgyany art that invokes supernatural powers occultisma belief in supernatural powers and the possibility of bringing them under human control reincarnationisma doctrine that on the death of the body the soul migrates to or is born again in another body secessionisma doctrine that maintains the right of secession secularisma doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations dispossession, exorcismfreeing from evil spirits political sympathies, politicsthe opinion you hold with respect to political questions phenomenologya philosophical doctrine proposed by Edmund Husserl based on the study of human experience in which considerations of objective reality are not taken into account philosophical doctrine, philosophical theorya doctrine accepted by adherents to a philosophy states' rightsa doctrine that federal powers should be curtailed and returned to the individual states commandment, precept, teachinga doctrine that is taught theological doctrinethe doctrine of a religious group utilitarianismdoctrine that the useful is the good; especially as elaborated by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill; the aim was said to be the greatest happiness for the greatest number theismthe doctrine or belief in the existence of a God or gods heathenism, pagan religion, paganismany of various religions other than Christianity or Judaism or Islamism Christian religion, Christianitya monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior Hindooism, Hinduisma body of religious and philosophical beliefs and cultural practices native to India and based on a caste system; it is characterized by a belief in reincarnation, by a belief in a supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation from earthly evils Brahmanism, Brahminismthe religious beliefs of ancient India as prescribed in the sacred Vedas and Brahmanas and Upanishads Jainismreligion founded in the 6th century BC as a revolt against Hinduism; emphasizes asceticism and immortality and transmigration of the soul; denies existence of a perfect or supreme being Sikhismthe doctrines of a monotheistic religion founded in northern India in the 16th century by Guru Nanak and combining elements of Hinduism and Islam Buddhismthe teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth Hsuan Chiao, Taoismpopular Chinese philosophical system based in teachings of Lao-tzu but characterized by a pantheism of many gods and the practices of alchemy and divination and magic Shinto, Shintoismthe ancient indigenous religion of Japan lacking formal dogma; characterized by a veneration of nature spirits and of ancestors Manichaeanism, Manichaeisma religion founded by Manes in the third century; a synthesis of Zoroastrian dualism between light and dark and Babylonian folklore and Buddhist ethics and superficial elements of Christianity; spread widely in the Roman Empire but had largely died out by 1000 Mithraicism, Mithraismancient Persian religion; popular among Romans during first three centuries a.d. Mazdaism, Zoroastrianismsystem of religion founded in Persia in the 6th century BC by Zoroaster; set forth in the Zend-Avesta; based on concept of struggle between light (good) and dark (evil) Bahaisma religion founded in Iran in 1863; emphasizes the spiritual unity of all humankind; incorporates Christian and Islamic tenets; many adherents live in the United States Asian shamanism, shamanisman animistic religion of northern Asia having the belief that the mediation between the visible and the spirit worlds is effected by shamans shamanismany animistic religion similar to Asian shamanism (especially as practiced by certain Native American tribes) Wiccathe polytheistic nature religion of modern witchcraft whose central deity is a mother goddess; claims origins in pre-Christian pagan religions of western Europe amateurismthe conviction that people should participate in sports as a hobby (for the fun of it) rather than for money descriptivism(linguistics) a doctrine supporting or promoting descriptive linguistics descriptivism(ethics) a doctrine holding that moral statements have a truth value prescriptivism(linguistics) a doctrine supporting or promoting prescriptive linguistics prescriptivism(ethics) a doctrine holding that moral statements prescribe appropriate attitudes and behavior church doctrine, creed, gospel, religious doctrinethe written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group Kingdom of Godthe spiritual domain over which God is sovereign deity, divinity, god, immortalany supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force aeon, eon(Gnosticism) a divine power or nature emanating from the Supreme Being and playing various roles in the operation of the universe angelspiritual being attendant upon God faerie, faery, fairy, fay, spritea small being, human in form, playful and having magical powers disembodied spirit, spiritany incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings trickstera mischievous supernatural being found in the folklore of many primitive people; sometimes distinguished by prodigious biological drives and exaggerated bodily parts millennium(New Testament) in Revelations it is foretold that those faithful to Jesus will reign with Jesus over the earth for a thousand years; the meaning of these words have been much debated; some denominations (e.g. Jehovah's Witnesses) expect it to be a thousand years of justice and peace and happiness cognitive content, content, mental object the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned 2n a vague idea in which some confidence is placed it strengthened my belief in his sincerity Syn|Hypo|Hyper feeling, impression, notion, opinion presence the impression that something is present effectan impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived) first blushat the first glimpse or impression hunch, intuition, suspicionan impression that something might be the case sound effectan effect that imitates a sound called for in the script of a play special effectan effect used to produce scenes that cannot be achieved by normal techniques (especially on film) bosom, heartthe locus of feelings and intuitions idea, thought the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about |
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