

单词 social scientist
social scientist
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social scientist: social scientists
Let some social scientists tell it and the way profanity affects us reveals elements of our nature as evolutionary beings, I sh-t you not.
Time(Dec 15, 2016)
Social scientists began predicting it in the 1970s.
Washington Post(Dec 12, 2016)
Social scientists bear glad tidings for the holiday season.
New York Times(Dec 12, 2016)
n someone expert in the study of human society and its personal relationships
Ruth Benedict
United States anthropologist (1887-1948)
William Henry Beveridge
British economist (born in India) whose report on social insurance provided the basis for most of the social legislation on which the welfare state in the United Kingdom is based (1879-1963)
Daniel Garrison Brinton
United States anthropologist who was the first to attempt a systematic classification of Native American languages (1837-1899)
Pierre-Paul Broca
French anthropologist who studied the craniums and brains of different races of people; remembered for his discovery that articulate speech depends on an area of the brain now known as Broca's area (1824-1880)
Howard Carter
Englishman and Egyptologist who in 1922 discovered and excavated the tomb of Tutankhamen (1873-1939)
Jean Francois Champollion
Frenchman and Egyptologist who studied the Rosetta Stone and in 1821 became the first person to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics (1790-1832)
Emile Durkheim
French sociologist and first professor of sociology at the Sorbonne (1858-1917)
Sir Arthur John Evans
British archaeologist who excavated the palace of Knossos in Crete to find what he called Minoan civilization (1851-1941)
Francois Marie Charles Fourier
French sociologist and reformer who hoped to achieve universal harmony by reorganizing society (1772-1837)
Sir James George Frazer
English social anthropologist noted for studies of primitive religion and magic (1854-1941)
Milton Friedman
United States economist noted as a proponent of monetarism and for his opposition to government intervention in the economy (born in 1912)
Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch
Norwegian economist noted for his work in econometrics (1895-1973)
John Kenneth Galbraith
United States economist (born in Canada) who served as ambassador to India (born in 1908)
Friedrich August von Hayek
English economist (born in Austria) noted for work on the optimum allocation of resources (1899-1992)
Thor Hyerdahl
Norwegian anthropologist noted for his studies of cultural diffusion (1914-2002)
William Stanley Jevons
English economist and logician who contributed to the development of the theory of marginal utility (1835-1882)
John Maynard Keynes
English economist who advocated the use of government monetary and fiscal policy to maintain full employment without inflation (1883-1946)
Tjalling Charles Koopmans
United States economist (born in the Netherlands) (1910-1985)
Alfred Louis Kroeber
United States anthropologist noted for his studies of culture (1876-1960)
Simon Kuznets
United States economist (born in Russia) who developed a method for using a country's gross national product to estimate its economic growth (1901-1985)
Arthur Laffer
United States economist who proposed the Laffer curve (born in 1940)
Stephen Butler Leacock
Canadian economist best remembered for his humorous writings (1869-1944)
Louis Seymour Bazett Leakey
English paleontologist whose account of fossil discoveries in Tanzania changed theories of human evolution (1903-1972)
Mary Douglas Leakey
English paleontologist (the wife of Louis Leakey) who discovered the Zinjanthropus skull that was 1,750,000 years old (1913-1996)
Richard Erskine Leakey
English paleontologist (son of Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey) who continued the work of his parents; he was appointed director of a wildlife preserve in Kenya but resigned under political pressure (born in 1944)
Wassily Leontief
United States economist (born in Russia) who devised an input-output method of economic analysis (1906-1999)
Claude Levi-Strauss
French cultural anthropologist who promoted structural analysis of social systems (born in 1908)
Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski
British anthropologist (born in Poland) who introduced the technique of the participant observer (1884-1942)
Thomas Robert Malthus
an English economist who argued that increases in population would outgrow increases in the means of subsistence (1766-1834)
Karl Marx
founder of modern communism; wrote the Communist Manifesto with Engels in 1848; wrote Das Kapital in 1867 (1818-1883)
Margaret Mead
United States anthropologist noted for her claims about adolescence and sexual behavior in Polynesian cultures (1901-1978)
James Edward Meade
English economist noted for his studies of international trade and finance (1907-1995)
Robert King Merton
United States sociologist (1910-2003)
John Stuart Mill
English philosopher and economist remembered for his interpretations of empiricism and utilitarianism (1806-1873)
Jean Monnet
French economist who advocated a Common Market in Europe (1888-1979)
Ashley Montagu
United States anthropologist (born in England) who popularized anthropology (1905-)
Lewis Henry Morgan
United States anthropologist who studied the Seneca (1818-1881)
Karl Gunnar Myrdal
Swedish economist (1898-1987)
Vilfredo Pareto
Italian sociologist and economist whose theories influenced the development of fascism in Italy (1848-1923)
Talcott Parsons
United States sociologist (1902-1979)
Kund Johan Victor Rasmussen
Danish ethnologist and Arctic explorer; led expeditions into the Arctic to find support for his theory that Eskimos and North American Indians originally migrated from Asia (1879-1933)
David Ricardo
English economist who argued that the laws of supply and demand should operate in a free market (1772-1823)
David Riesman Jr.
United States sociologist (1909-2002)
Edward Sapir
anthropologist and linguist; studied languages of North American Indians (1884-1939)
Heinrich Schliemann
German archaeologist who discovered nine superimposed city sites of Troy; he also excavated Mycenae (1822-1890)
Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
United States geologist and ethnologist and explorer who discovered the source of the Mississippi River (1793-1864)
Joseph Alois Schumpeter
United States economist (born in Czechoslovakia) (1883-1950)
Herbert Alexander Simon
United States economist and psychologist who pioneered in the development of cognitive science (1916-2001)
Adam Smith
Scottish economist who advocated private enterprise and free trade (1723-1790)
Herbert Spencer
English philosopher and sociologist who applied the theory of natural selection to human societies (1820-1903)
William Graham Sumner
United States sociologist (1840-1910)
Richard Henry Tawney
English economist remembered for his studies of the development of capitalism (1880-1962)
Homer Armstrong Thompson
United States classical archaeologist (born in Canada) noted for leading the excavation of the Athenian agora (1906-2000)
Jan Tinbergen
Dutch economist noted for his work in econometrics (1903-1994)
James Tobin
United States economist (1918-2002)
Anne Robert Jacques Turgot
French economist who in 1774 was put in control of finances by Louis XVI; his proposals for reforms that involved abolishing feudal privileges made him unpopular with the aristocracy and in 1776 he was dismissed (1727-1781)
Thorstein Bunde Veblen
United States economist who wrote about conspicuous consumption (1857-1929)
Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth
English economist and conservationist (1914-1981)
First Baron Passfield
English sociologist and economist and a central member of the Fabian Society (1859-1947)
Max Weber
German sociologist and pioneer of the analytic method in sociology (1864-1920)
Sir Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler
Scottish archaeologist (1890-1976)
Johann Joachim Winckelmann
German archaeologist and art historian said to be the father of archaeology (1717-1768)
Helen Laura Sumner Woodbury
United States social economist (1876-1933)
Sir Charles Leonard Woolley
English archaeologist who supervised the excavations at Ur (1880-1960)
Thomas Young
British physicist and Egyptologist; he revived the wave theory of light and proposed a three-component theory of color vision; he also played an important role in deciphering the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone (1773-1829)
a social scientist who specializes in anthropology
economic expert, economist
an expert in the science of economics
a person who studies the theory and practice of prison management
political scientist
a social scientist specializing in the study of government
a social scientist who studies the institutions and development of human society
archaeologist, archeologist
an anthropologist who studies prehistoric people and their culture
demographer, demographist, population scientist
a scientist who studies the growth and density of populations and their vital statistics
econometrician, econometrist
an economist who uses statistical and mathematical methods
an anthropologist who does ethnography
an anthropologist who studies ethnology
macroeconomic expert, macroeconomist
an economist who specializes in macroeconomics
microeconomic expert, microeconomist
an economist who specializes in microeconomics
an advocate of the theory that economic fluctuations are caused by increases or decreases in the supply of money
a sociologist who studies election trends
cultural anthropologist, social anthropologist
an anthropologist who studies such cultural phenomena as kinship systems
a person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences




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