单词 | produce |
释义 | produce (once / 21 pages) 1v 2n To produce is to create, manufacture, or cultivate. We rely on agriculture to produce food and artists to produce art. As a noun, produce (accented first syllable) is the product of gardening: fruits and vegetables. The verb form of this word (accented last syllable) has several meanings, all related to making, creating, bringing forth, or raising. At the airport, you might be asked to produce (show) some identification. To produce results is to get a job done or to have something to show for your work. To produce children is to give birth to them or raise them. WORD FAMILYproduce: overproduce, produced, producer, produces, producing, production, productive, underproduce+/counterproductive: counterproductively/overproduce: overproduced, overproducing, overproduction/overproduction: overproductions/produced: self-produced/producer: producers/production: productions/productive: counterproductive, nonproductive, productively, productiveness, productivity, unproductive/underproduce: underproduced, underproduces, underproducing, underproduction/unproductive: unproductively, unproductiveness USAGE EXAMPLESNeither quarterback got much help from a running game that produced 218 yards in the first meeting with the Broncos. Washington Times(Jan 02, 2017) Some proponents see guaranteed incomes as a way to prepare for an economy that produces fewer jobs. Los Angeles Times(Jan 02, 2017) This story was produced in collaboration with the Trace as part of a partnership to report on exclusive new gun ownership data. The Guardian(Jan 02, 2017) 1 1v bring forth or yield The tree would not produce fruit Syn|Hypo|Hyper bring forth bear, birth, deliver, give birth, have cause to be born sporulateproduce spores crank out, grind outproduce in a routine or monotonous manner manufactureproduce naturally twingive birth to twins dropgive birth; used for animals foalgive birth to a foal cubgive birth to cubs kittenhave kittens lambgive birth to a lamb littergive birth to a litter of animals pup, whelpbirth farrow, piggive birth fawnhave fawns calve, have youngbirth bear, carry, expect, gestate, have a bun in the ovenbe pregnant with create, make make or cause to be or to become 2v come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes) Syn|Hypo|Hyper acquire, develop, get, grow acquire, develop, evolve gain through experience feather, fledge grow feathers regrowgrow anew or continue growth after an injury or interruption springdevelop suddenly sprout, stockput forth and grow sprouts or shoots stool, tillergrow shoots in the form of stools or tillers leafproduce leaves, of plants podproduce pods, of plants teethegrow teeth; cut the baby teeth pupatedevelop into a pupa get up, work updevelop cuthave grow through the gums change undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature 3v create or manufacture a man-made product We produce more cars than we can sell Syn|Hypo create, make create, make create by artistic means breed cause to procreate (animals) make over, redo, refashion, remakemake new prefabricateproduce synthetically, artificially, or stereotypically and unoriginally underproduceproduce below capacity or demand outputto create or manufacture a specific amount pulsate, pulseproduce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of short bursts or pulses or cause an apparatus to produce pulses clap together, clap up, slap togethermake hastily and carelessly custom-make, customise, customize, tailor-makemake to specifications dummy, dummy upmake a dummy of turn outproduce quickly or regularly, usually with machinery machinemake by machinery churn outproduce something at a fast rate overproduceproduce in excess elaborateproduce from basic elements or sources; change into a more developed product put output out considerable effort laminatecreate laminate by bonding sheets of material with a bonding material bootlegproduce or distribute illegally generateproduce (energy) generate, give, render, return, yieldgive or supply extrude, squeeze outform or shape by forcing through an opening smeltextract (metals) by heating reproducemake a copy or equivalent of preassemble, prefabricateto manufacture sections of (a building), especially in a factory, so that they can be easily transported to and rapidly assembled on a building site of buildings fudge together, throw togetherproduce shoddily, without much attention to detail print, publishput into print confectmake or construct proofmake or take a proof of, such as a photographic negative, an etching, or typeset burn, cutcreate by duplicating data mongrelise, mongrelizecause to become a mongrel cross, crossbreed, hybridise, hybridize, interbreedbreed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties recast, reforge, remodelcast or model anew double, duplicate, reduplicate, repeat, replicatemake or do or perform again duplicatemake a duplicate or duplicates of triplicatereproduce threefold quadruplicatereproduce fourfold reissue, reprintprint anew photocopy, run off, xeroxreproduce by xerography play back, replayreproduce (a recording) on a recorder copy, imitate, simulatereproduce someone's behavior or looks republishpublish again gazettepublish in a gazette fingerprinttake an impression of a person's fingerprints printmake into a print 4v cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques The Bordeaux region produces great red wines They produce good ham in Parma Syn|Hypo|Hyper farm, grow, raise carry bear (a crop) overproduceproduce in excess; produce more than needed or wanted keepraise herdkeep, move, or drive animals cultivate foster the growth of 5v cause to happen, occur or exist This procedure produces a curious effect These chemicals produce a noxious vapor Syn|Hypo|Hyper bring about, give rise induce, induct produce electric current by electrostatic or magnetic processes lead, leave, resulthave as a result or residue leadtend to or result in create, make make or cause to be or to become 6v bring out for display The proud father produced many pictures of his baby Syn|Hypo|Hyper bring forth turn on produce suddenly or automatically display, exhibit, expose to show, make visible or apparent 7v bring onto the market or release 2produce a movie produce a new play Syn|Hypo bring on, bring out offer produce or introduce on the stage n fresh fruits and vegetable grown for the market Syn|Hypo|Hyper garden truck, green goods, green groceries edible fruit edible reproductive body of a seed plant especially one having sweet flesh veg, vegetable, veggieedible seeds or roots or stems or leaves or bulbs or tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plant eaterany green goods that are good to eat julienne, julienne vegetablea vegetable cut into thin strips (usually used as a garnish) rabbit food, raw vegetablean uncooked vegetable legumethe seedpod of a leguminous plant (such as peas or beans or lentils) potherbany of various herbaceous plants whose leaves or stems or flowers are cooked and used for food or seasoning green, greens, leafy vegetableany of various leafy plants or their leaves and stems eaten as vegetables solanaceous vegetableany of several fruits of plants of the family Solanaceae; especially of the genera Solanum, Capsicum, and Lycopersicon root vegetableany of various fleshy edible underground roots or tubers pieplant, rhubarblong pinkish sour leafstalks usually eaten cooked and sweetened cruciferous vegetablea vegetable of the mustard family: especially mustard greens; various cabbages; broccoli; cauliflower; brussels sprouts squashedible fruit of a squash plant; eaten as a vegetable cucumber, cukecylindrical green fruit with thin green rind and white flesh eaten as a vegetable; related to melons artichoke, globe artichokea thistlelike flower head with edible fleshy leaves and heart artichoke heartthe tender fleshy center of the immature artichoke flower asparagusedible young shoots of the asparagus plant bamboo shootedible young shoots of bamboo onionan aromatic flavorful vegetable leekrelated to onions; white cylindrical bulb and flat dark-green leaves cardoononly parts eaten are roots and especially stalks (blanched and used as celery); related to artichokes celerystalks eaten raw or cooked or used as seasoning gumbo, okralong mucilaginous green pods; may be simmered or sauteed but used especially in soups and stews mushroomfleshy body of any of numerous edible fungi pumpkinusually large pulpy deep-yellow round fruit of the squash family maturing in late summer or early autumn earthnut, truffleedible subterranean fungus of the genus Tuber freestonefruit (especially peach) whose flesh does not adhere to the pit cling, clingstonefruit (especially peach) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit windfallfruit that has fallen from the tree applefruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh berryany of numerous small and pulpy edible fruits; used as desserts or in making jams and jellies and preserves lansa, lansat, lanseh, lansetEast Indian tart yellow berrylike fruit carambola, star fruitdeeply ridged yellow-brown tropical fruit; used raw as a vegetable or in salad or when fully ripe as a dessert ceriman, monsteratropical cylindrical fruit resembling a pinecone with pineapple-banana flavor carissa plum, natal plumedible scarlet plumlike fruit of a South African plant citrous fruit, citrus, citrus fruitany of numerous fruits of the genus Citrus having thick rind and juicy pulp; grown in warm regions tangelo, ugli, ugli fruitlarge sweet juicy hybrid between tangerine and grapefruit having a thick wrinkled skin apricotdowny yellow to rosy-colored fruit resembling a small peach peachdowny juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh nectarinea variety or mutation of the peach that has a smooth skin pitahayahighly colored edible fruit of pitahaya cactus having bright red juice; often as large as a peach plumany of numerous varieties of small to medium-sized round or oval fruit having a smooth skin and a single pit dried fruitfruit preserved by drying figfleshy sweet pear-shaped yellowish or purple multiple fruit eaten fresh or preserved or dried ananas, pineapplelarge sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated anchovy pear, river pearWest Indian fruit resembling the mango; often pickled bananaelongated crescent-shaped yellow fruit with soft sweet flesh passion fruitegg-shaped tropical fruit of certain passionflower vines; used for sherbets and confectionery and drinks breadfruita large round seedless or seeded fruit with a texture like bread; eaten boiled or baked or roasted or ground into flour; the roasted seeds resemble chestnuts jack, jackfruit, jakimmense East Indian fruit resembling breadfruit; it contains an edible pulp and nutritious seeds that are commonly roasted canistel, eggfruitovoid orange-yellow mealy sweet fruit of Florida and West Indies melonany of numerous fruits of the gourd family having a hard rind and sweet juicy flesh cherrya red fruit with a single hard stone coco plum, cocoa plum, icacoplum-shaped whitish to almost black fruit used for preserves; tropical American grapeany of various juicy fruit of the genus Vitis with green or purple skins; grow in clusters custard applethe fruit of any of several tropical American trees of the genus Annona having soft edible pulp papaw, pawpawfruit with yellow flesh; related to custard apples papayalarge oval melon-like tropical fruit with yellowish flesh kai appleSouth African fruit smelling and tasting like apricots; used for pickles and preserves ketembilla, kitambilla, kitembillamaroon-purple gooseberry-like fruit of India having tart-sweet purple pulp used especially for preserves ackee, akeered pear-shaped tropical fruit with poisonous seeds; flesh is poisonous when unripe or overripe durianhuge fruit native to southeastern Asia `smelling like Hell and tasting like Heaven'; seeds are roasted and eaten like nuts feijoa, pineapple guavadark-green kiwi-sized tropical fruit with white flesh; used chiefly for jellies and preserves Spanish lime, genipround one-inch Caribbean fruit with green leathery skin and sweet juicy translucent pulp; eaten like grapes genipap, genipap fruita succulent orange-sized tropical fruit with a thick rind Chinese gooseberry, kiwi, kiwi fruitfuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh Japanese plum, loquatyellow olive-sized semitropical fruit with a large free stone and relatively little flesh; used for jellies mangosteentwo- to three-inch tropical fruit with juicy flesh suggestive of both peaches and pineapples mangolarge oval tropical fruit having smooth skin, juicy aromatic pulp, and a large hairy seed sapodilla, sapodilla plum, sapotatropical fruit with a rough brownish skin and very sweet brownish pulp mammee, marmalade plum, sapotebrown oval fruit flesh makes excellent sherbet tamarind, tamarindolarge tropical seed pod with very tangy pulp that is eaten fresh or cooked with rice and fish or preserved for curries and chutneys aguacate, alligator pear, avocado, avocado peara pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed datesweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed elderberryberrylike fruit of an elder used for e.g. wines and jellies guavatropical fruit having yellow skin and pink pulp; eaten fresh or used for e.g. jellies mombinpurplish tropical fruit hog plum, yellow mombinyellow oval tropical fruit hog plum, wild plumfruit of the wild plum of southern United States jaboticabatough-skinned purple grapelike tropical fruit grown in Brazil Chinese date, Chinese jujube, jujubedark red plumlike fruit of Old World buckthorn trees leechee, lichee, lichi, litchee, litchi, litchi nut, lycheeChinese fruit having a thin brittle shell enclosing a sweet jellylike pulp and a single seed; often dried dragon's eye, longanberryAsian fruit similar to litchi mamey, mammee, mammee appleglobular or ovoid tropical fruit with thick russet leathery rind and juicy yellow or reddish flesh marangtropical fruit from the Philippines having a mass of small seeds embedded in sweetish white pulp medlarcrabapple-like fruit used for preserves medlara South African globular fruit with brown leathery skin and pithy flesh having a sweet-acid taste pearsweet juicy gritty-textured fruit available in many varieties plantainstarchy banana-like fruit; eaten (always cooked) as a staple vegetable throughout the tropics plumcothybrid between plum and apricot pomegranatelarge globular fruit having many seeds with juicy red pulp in a tough brownish-red rind prickly pearround or pear-shaped spiny fruit of any of various prickly pear cacti garambullasmall berrylike fruit Barbados gooseberry, blade applesmall yellow to orange fruit of the Barbados gooseberry cactus used in desserts and preserves and jellies native peach, quandang, quandong, quantongred Australian fruit; used for dessert or in jam quincearomatic acid-tasting pear-shaped fruit used in preserves rambotan, rambutanpleasantly acid bright red oval Malayan fruit covered with soft spines pulasan, pulassanfruit of an East Indian tree similar to the rambutan but sweeter rose applefragrant oval yellowish tropical fruit used in jellies and confections sorb, sorb appleacid gritty-textured fruit sour gourdacid-tasting Australian gourd-like fruit with a woody rind and large seeds monkey bread, sour gourdAfrican gourd-like fruit with edible pulp Florence fennel, fennel, finocchioaromatic bulbous stem base eaten cooked or raw in salads food, solid food any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment |
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