

单词 fount
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fount: founts
OK, being a fount of football information, that we’ll buy.
Seattle Times(Dec 28, 2016)
Yet even for the West, the fount of astrology lies in the East.
Economist(Nov 10, 2016)
It’s a sign most of the characters could themselves wear: “Warning: I am an endless fount of want.”
New York Times(Sep 23, 2016)
n a plumbing fixture that provides a flow of water
plumbing fixture
a fixture for the distribution and use of water in a building
n a specific size and style of type within a type family
case, face, font, typeface
unicameral script
a script with a single case
bicameral script
a script having two distinct cases
constant-width font, fixed-width font, monospaced font, typewriter font
a typeface is which each character is given the same width (as by a typewriter)
proportional font
any font whose different characters have different widths
cartridge font, font cartridge
any font that is contained in a cartridge that can be plugged into a computer printer
Gothic, black letter
a heavy typeface in use from 15th to 18th centuries
bold, bold face, boldface
a typeface with thick heavy lines
a typeface with letters slanting upward to the right
raster font, screen font
the font that is displayed on a computer screen
Helvetica, sans serif
a typeface in which characters have no serifs
Latin alphabet, Roman alphabet
the alphabet evolved by the ancient Romans which serves for writing most of the languages of western Europe
Hebraic alphabet, Hebrew alphabet, Hebrew script
a Semitic alphabet used since the 5th century BC for writing the Hebrew language (and later for writing Yiddish and Ladino)
Cyrillic, Cyrillic alphabet
an alphabet derived from the Greek alphabet and used for writing Slavic languages (Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Ukrainian, and some other Slavic languages)
Arabic alphabet
the alphabet of 28 characters derived from Aramaic and used for writing Arabic languages (and borrowed for writing Urdu)
Bodoni, Bodoni font, modern, modern font
a typeface (based on an 18th century design by Gianbattista Bodoni) distinguished by regular shape and hairline serifs and heavy downstrokes
old style, old style font
a typeface (based on an 18th century design) distinguished by irregularity and slanted ascender serifs and little contrast between light and heavy strokes
roman, roman letters, roman print, roman type
a typeface used in ancient Roman inscriptions
printed characters




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