

单词 mammal family
mammal family
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mammal family
Credit: After putting together a sort of mammal family tree, researchers have identified the common ancestor of all placental mammals—humans included.
Science Magazine(Feb 08, 2013)
For a century, researchers at different institutions gave Necrolestes their best shot, trying to place it accurately onto the mammal family tree.
Scientific American(Nov 20, 2012)
n a family of mammals
Tachyglossidae, family Tachyglossidae
Ornithorhynchidae, family Ornithorhynchidae
Didelphidae, family Didelphidae
Caenolestidae, family Caenolestidae
small marsupials of southern South America
Peramelidae, family Peramelidae
Macropodidae, family Macropodidae
kangaroos; wallabies
Potoroinae, subfamily Potoroinae
rat kangaroos
Phalangeridae, family Phalangeridae
phalangers; koalas
Vombatidae, family Vombatidae
Dasyuridae, family Dasyuridae, family Dasyurinae
dasyures; native cats; pouched mice; banded anteaters; Tasmanian devils
Notoryctidae, family Notoryctidae
pouched moles
Talpidae, family Talpidae
Chrysochloridae, family Chrysochloridae
golden moles
Soricidae, family Soricidae
Erinaceidae, family Erinaceidae
true hedgehogs
Tenrecidae, family Tenrecidae
tenrecs and extinct related forms
Potamogalidae, family Potamogalidae
otter shrews
Balaenidae, family Balaenidae
right whales
Balaenopteridae, family Balaenopteridae
rorquals; blue whales
Eschrichtiidae, family Eschrichtiidae
comprising only the grey whales
Physeteridae, family Physeteridae
sperm whales
Hyperodontidae, Ziphiidae, family Hyperodontidae, family Ziphiidae
beaked whales; in some especially former classifications included in the family Physeteridae
Delphinidae, family Delphinidae
Platanistidae, family Platanistidae
river dolphins
Monodontidae, family Monodontidae
Trichechidae, family Trichechidae
comprising only the manatees
Dugongidae, family Dugongidae
a family of mammals of order Sirenia including dugongs and Steller's sea cow
Otariidae, family Otariidae
eared seals: sea lions and fur seals
Phocidae, family Phocidae
earless seals
Odobenidae, family Odobenidae
walruses and extinct forms
Orycteropodidae, family Orycteropodidae
Canidae, family Canidae
dogs; wolves; jackals; foxes
Hyaenidae, family Hyaenidae
Felidae, family Felidae
cats; wildcats; lions; leopards; cheetahs; saber-toothed tigers
Ursidae, family Ursidae
bears and extinct related forms
Viverridae, Viverrinae, family Viverridae, family Viverrinae
genets; civets; mongooses
Phyllostomatidae, Phyllostomidae, family Phyllostomatidae, family Phyllostomidae
New World leaf-nosed bats
Rhinolophidae, family Rhinolophidae
Old World leaf-nosed bats
Hipposideridae, family Hipposideridae
Old World leafnose bats
Megadermatidae, family Megadermatidae
Old World false vampire bats
Vespertilionidae, family Vespertilionidae
the majority of common bats of temperate regions of the world
Molossidae, family Molossidae
mastiff bats; freetail bats
Desmodontidae, family Desmodontidae
true vampire bats
Leporidae, family Leporidae
hares and rabbits
Ochotonidae, family Ochotonidae
pikas and extinct forms
Muroidea, superfamily Muroidea
a superfamily of rodents essentially equal to the suborder Myomorpha but with the Dipodidae excluded
Muridae, family Muridae
originally Old World rats now distributed worldwide; distinguished from the Cricetidae by typically lacking cheek pouches
Hydromyinae, subfamily Hydromyinae
water rats of Australia and New Guinea
Cricetidae, family Cricetidae
mostly small New World rodents including New World mice and lemmings and voles and hamsters
Gerbillinae, subfamily Gerbillinae
Hystricidae, family Hystricidae
Old World porcupines
Erethizontidae, family Erethizontidae
New World arboreal porcupines
Heteromyidae, family Heteromyidae
small New World burrowing mouselike rodents with fur-lined cheek pouches and hind limbs and tail adapted to leaping; adapted to desert conditions: pocket mice; kangaroo mice; kangaroo rats
Zapodidae, family Zapodidae
jumping mice
Dipodidae, family Dipodidae
Old World jerboas
Gliridae, family Gliridae
dormice and other Old World forms
Geomyidae, family Geomyidae
North American pocket gophers
Sciuridae, family Sciuridae
a mammal family of true squirrels including: ground squirrels; marmots; chipmunks; flying squirrels; spermophiles
Petauristidae, subfamily Petauristidae
Old World flying squirrels
Castoridae, family Castoridae
Aplodontiidae, family Aplodontiidae
mountain beavers
Caviidae, family Caviidae
a family of Hystricomorpha
Hydrochoeridae, family Hydrochoeridae
Dasyproctidae, family Dasyproctidae
agoutis and pacas
Capromyidae, family Capromyidae
Chinchillidae, family Chinchillidae
small bushy-tailed South American burrowing rodents
Spalacidae, family Spalacidae
mole rats
Bathyergidae, family Bathyergidae
mole rats; sand rats
Uintatheriidae, family Uintatheriidae
an extinct family of Dinocerata
Procaviidae, family Procaviidae
includes all recent members of the order Hyracoidea
Equidae, family Equidae
horses; asses; zebras; extinct animals
Rhinocerotidae, family Rhinocerotidae, rhinoceros family
Tapiridae, family Tapiridae
tapirs and extinct related forms
Suidae, family Suidae
pigs; hogs; boars
Tayassuidae, family Tayassuidae
Hippopotamidae, family Hippopotamidae
Bovidae, family Bovidae
true antelopes; cattle; oxen; sheep; goats
Bovinae, subfamily Bovinae
term not used technically; essentially coextensive with genus Bos: cattle; buffalo; and sometimes includes kudu
Antilocapridae, family Antilocapridae
comprising only the pronghorns
Cervidae, family Cervidae
deer: reindeer; moose or elks; muntjacs; roe deer
Tragulidae, family Tragulidae
Camelidae, family Camelidae
camels and llamas and vicunas
Giraffidae, family Giraffidae
Mustelidae, family Mustelidae
weasels; polecats; ferrets; minks; fishers; otters; badgers; skunks; wolverines; martens
Lutrinae, subfamily Lutrinae
subdivision not used in some classifications: otters
Mephitinae, subfamily Mephitinae
subdivision not used in some classifications: skunks
Melinae, subfamily Melinae
subdivision not used in some classifications: badgers
Dasypodidae, family Dasypodidae
Bradypodidae, family Bradypodidae
a family of edentates comprising the true sloths
Megalonychidae, family Megalonychidae
mammal family consisting of the two-toed sloths
Megatheriidae, family Megatheriidae
extinct ground sloths
Mylodontidae, family Mylodontidae
extinct South American edentates
Myrmecophagidae, family Myrmecophagidae
New World anteaters
Manidae, family Manidae
coextensive with the order Pholidota
Hominidae, family Hominidae
modern man and extinct immediate ancestors of man
Pongidae, family Pongidae
usually considered as comprising orangutans; gorillas; chimpanzees; and sometimes gibbons
Hylobatidae, family Hylobatidae
used in some classifications for the lesser apes (gibbons and siamangs); sometimes considered a subfamily of Pongidae
Cercopithecidae, family Cercopithecidae
Old World monkeys: guenon; baboon; colobus monkey; langur; macaque; mandrill; mangabey; patas; proboscis monkey
Platyrrhini, superfamily Platyrrhini
New World monkeys: capuchin; douroucouli; howler monkey; saki; spider monkey; squirrel monkey; titi; uakari; woolly monkey; marmoset; tamarin
Callithricidae, family Callithricidae
Cebidae, family Cebidae
all the New World monkeys except marmosets and tamarins
Tupaiidae, family Tupaiidae
tree shrews; in some classifications tree shrews are considered prosimian primates
Lemuridae, family Lemuridae
typical lemurs; of Madagascar
Daubentoniidae, family Daubentoniidae
comprising solely the aye-aye
Lorisidae, family Lorisidae
slow-moving omnivorous nocturnal primates of tropical Asia; usually tailless
Indriidae, family Indriidae
a family of Lemuroidea
Tarsiidae, family Tarsiidae
coextensive with the genus Tarsius: tarsiers
Cynocephalidae, family Cynocephalidae
a family of Dermoptera
Elephantidae, family Elephantidae
Mammutidae, family Mammutidae, family Mastodontidae
extinct family: mastodons
Gomphotheriidae, family Gomphotheriidae
elephants extinct since the Pleistocene
Procyonidae, family Procyonidae
raccoons; coatis; cacomistles; kinkajous; and sometimes pandas
Bassariscidae, subfamily Bassariscidae
in some classifications considered a separate family
Ailuropodidae, family Ailuropodidae
in some classifications considered the family comprising the giant pandas
(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera




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