

单词 baccalaureate
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The noun baccalaureate means the same thing as a bachelor's degree from college. It can also refer to a "baccalaureate service," which is a like a farewell ceremony for graduating seniors from high school or college.
You can “receive a baccalaureate” or you can “attend a baccalaureate.” If you receive a baccalaureate that means you have received a bachelor's degree for undergraduate studies in college. When you attend a baccalaureate, that means you are attending a ceremony celebrating graduating seniors. Traditionally, a baccalaureate was a religious service held the Sunday before graduation, but in modern times it doesn’t necessarily have a religious meaning.
baccalaureate: baccalaureates
During Brown’s tenure, the system expanded the number of applied baccalaureate degrees it offers from 12 to 75.
Seattle Times(Dec 29, 2016)
By contrast, the school district lets anyone into its best high school courses, Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate.
Washington Post(Dec 04, 2016)
Even affluent suburban high schools usually do not require AP or International Baccalaureate for all students.
Washington Post(Nov 27, 2016)
n an academic degree conferred on someone who has successfully completed undergraduate studies
bachelor's degree
AB, Artium Baccalaurens, BA, Bachelor of Arts
a bachelor's degree in arts and sciences
ABLS, Bachelor of Arts in Library Science
a bachelor's degree in library science
BAN, Bachelor of Arts in Nursing
a bachelor's degree in nursing
BD, Bachelor of Divinity
a bachelor's degree in religion
BLitt, Bachelor of Literature
a bachelor's degree in literature
Bachelor of Medicine, MB
(a British degree) a bachelor's degree in medicine
BMus, Bachelor of Music
a bachelor's degree in music
BNS, Bachelor of Naval Science
a bachelor's degree in naval science
BS, Bachelor of Science, SB
a bachelor's degree in science
BSArch, Bachelor of Science in Architecture
a bachelor's degree in architecture
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
a bachelor's degree in engineering
Bachelor of Theology, ThB
a bachelor's degree in theology
academic degree, degree
an award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study
n a farewell sermon to a graduating class at their commencement ceremonies
discourse, preaching, sermon
an address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service)




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