

单词 malfeasance
(once / 24573 pages)

Whenever you see the prefix "mal-," you know it's not good. Malfeasance is bad behavior, especially from officials or people who should know better.
If nothing else, the mal- in malfeasance will alert you to the fact that something bad is going on. If you know French, fease-, faise- will ring a bell, as it often means "to do." You can probably then infer that malfeasance means "to do bad." Today, it's usually a bad deed done by an official or an organization. You wouldn't accuse a dog who peed on the carpet of malfeasance, but you would accuse a mayor who took a bribe of malfeasance.
malfeasance: malfeasances
Thus far, no credible evidence of vote fraud or electoral malfeasance exists, despite an evidence-free claim from Trump himself.
The Guardian(Nov 30, 2016)
That number climbs to 81 percent for Veracruz, where silencing the press has been an effective shield for rampant graft and other malfeasance.
Seattle Times(Nov 30, 2016)
But the bank has been pummeled by accusations it took part in a wide array of financial malfeasance.
New York Times(Nov 30, 2016)
n wrongful conduct by a public official
actus reus, misconduct, wrongdoing, wrongful conduct
activity that transgresses moral or civil law




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