

单词 flower
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If someone tells you they think you'll flower when you go to college, they don't mean they think you'll grow blossoms on your head, but that you'll really come into your own and find your potential.
A flower is a fragile blossom that has petals and grows at the top of the stem of a plant. Flowers attract bees, who help out with the pollination process so more plants can grow. Roses, daisies, and carnations are all types of flowers. Flower is also a verb meaning to bring forth flowers. And if something besides a plant — a business, a person, a community — has a period of extra productivity or prosperity, we say it is flowering.
flower: florist, flowered, flowering, flowerless, flowers, flowery+/florist: florists/flowering: flowerings, nonflowering/flowery: flowerily
Flowers will mark the Pumas’ first outing in two weeks.
Washington Post(Jan 02, 2017)
The theme of the Rose Parade that year was "Headlines in Flowers."
Golf Digest(Jan 02, 2017)
The teacher who keeps all this machinery in good order is Catkin Flowers.
The New Yorker(Jan 01, 2017)
1n reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
bloom, blossom
floret, floweret
a diminutive flower (especially one that is part of a composite flower)
apetalous flower
flower having no petals
the flowering part of a plant or arrangement of flowers on a stalk
ray floret, ray flower
small flower with a flat strap-shaped corolla usually occupying the peripheral rings of a composite flower
a partially opened flower
the flower of a chrysanthemum plant
flower head
a shortened compact cluster of flowers so arranged that the whole gives the effect of a single flower as in clover or members of the family Compositae
ament, catkin
a cylindrical spikelike inflorescence
the bud of a rose
flat-topped or rounded inflorescence characteristic of the family Umbelliferae in which the individual flower stalks arise from about the same point; youngest flowers are at the center
flat-topped or convex inflorescence in which the individual flower stalks grow upward from various points on the main stem to approximately the same height; outer flowers open first
flower cluster
an inflorescence consisting of a cluster of flowers
more or less flat-topped cluster of flowers in which the central or terminal flower opens first
(botany) an indeterminate inflorescence bearing sessile flowers on an unbranched axis
reproductive structure
the parts of a plant involved in its reproduction
2n a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
a flower that blooms in a particular way
paeony, peony
any of numerous plants widely cultivated for their showy single or double red or pink or white flowers
Ranunculus ficaria, lesser celandine, pilewort
perennial herb native to Europe but naturalized elsewhere having heart-shaped leaves and yellow flowers resembling buttercups; its tuberous roots have been used as a poultice to relieve piles
Adonis annua, pheasant's-eye
Eurasian herb cultivated for its deep red flowers with dark centers
anemone, windflower
any woodland plant of the genus Anemone grown for its beautiful flowers and whorls of dissected leaves
Anemonella thalictroides, rue anemone
woodland flower native to eastern North America having cup-shaped flowers reminiscent of anemone but more delicate
aquilege, aquilegia, columbine
a plant of the genus Aquilegia having irregular showy spurred flowers; north temperate regions especially mountains
Consolida ambigua, Delphinium ajacis, rocket larkspur
commonly cultivated larkspur of southern Europe having unbranched spikelike racemes of blue or sometimes purplish or pinkish flowers; sometime placed in genus Delphinium
any plant of the genus Delphinium having palmately divided leaves and showy spikes of variously colored spurred flowers; some contain extremely poisonous substances
any plant of the genus Nigella
peace lily, spathe flower, spathiphyllum
any of various plants of the genus Spathiphyllum having a white or green spathe and a spike of fragrant flowers and often cultivated as an ornamental
Zantedeschia aethiopica, arum lily, calla, calla lily
South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix
low-growing chiefly perennial plant usually with small white flowers suitable for e.g. rock gardens
garden pink, pink
any of various flowers of plants of the genus Dianthus cultivated for their fragrant flowers
Gypsophila paniculata, babies'-breath, baby's breath
tall plant with small lance-shaped leaves and numerous tiny white or pink flowers
catchfly, lychnis
mostly perennial herbs with sticky stems that catch insects; widespread in north temperate zone
Moehringia lateriflora, sandwort
low-growing herb having clusters of small white four-petaled flowers
Moehringia mucosa, sandwort
loosely matted plant with moss-like foliage studded with tiny starry four-petaled white blossoms; mountains of central and southern Europe
Saponaria officinalis, bouncing Bess, bouncing Bet, hedge pink, soapwort
plant of European origin having pink or white flowers and leaves yielding a detergent when bruised
campion, catchfly, silene
any plant of the genus Silene
Saponaria vaccaria, Vaccaria hispanica, Vaccaria pyramidata, cow cockle, cowherb
European annual with pale rose-colored flowers; cultivated flower or self-sown grainfield weed; introduced in North America; sometimes classified as a soapwort
fig marigold, pebble plant
any of several South African plants of the genus Mesembryanthemum cultivated for showy pink or white flowers
Gomphrena globosa, bachelor's button, globe amaranth
tropical American herb having rose to red or purple flowers that can be dried without losing color
Nyctaginia capitata, scarlet musk flower
viscid branched perennial of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico having tuberous roots and deep red flowers
a plant of the genus Mirabilis
four o'clock
any of several plants of the genus Mirabilis having flowers that open in late afternoon
a plant of the genus Portulaca having pink or red or purple or white ephemeral flowers
Carolina spring beauty, Claytonia caroliniana
similar to Claytonia virginica but having usually pink flowers; eastern North America
Clatonia lanceolata, spring beauty
small slender plant having one pair of succulent leaves at the middle of the stem and a loose raceme of white or pink or rose bowl-shaped flowers and an edible corm
Claytonia virginica, Virginia spring beauty
small cormous perennial grown for its low rosette of succulent foliage and racemes of pink-tinged white flowers; eastern North America
Cheiranthus cheiri, Erysimum cheiri, wallflower
perennial of southern Europe having clusters of fragrant flowers of all colors especially yellow and orange; often naturalized on old walls or cliffs; sometimes placed in genus Erysimum
prairie rocket
any of several western American plants of the genus Cheiranthus having large yellow flowers
any of numerous plants of the genus Erysimum having fragrant yellow or orange or brownish flowers
prairie rocket
any of several North American plants of the genus Erysimum having large yellow flowers
Cheiranthus asperus, Erysimum arkansanum, Erysimum asperum, western wall flower
biennial or short-lived perennial prairie rocket having orange-yellow flowers; western North America to Minnesota and Kansas; sometimes placed in genus Cheiranthus
any of various South African herbs and subshrubs cultivated for long showy racemes of bright blue flowers with white eyes
Dame's violet, Hesperis matronalis, damask violet, sweet rocket
long cultivated herb having flowers whose scent is more pronounced in the evening; naturalized throughout Europe to Siberia and into North America
any of various flowering plants of the genus Iberis cultivated for their showy clusters of white to red or purple flowers; native to Mediterranean region
Lobularia maritima, sweet alison, sweet alyssum
perennial European plant having clusters of small fragrant usually white flowers; widely grown in gardens
Malcolm stock, stock
any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus Malcolmia
Malcolmia maritima, Virginia stock, Virginian stock
erect branching herb cultivated for its loose racemes of fragrant white or pink or red or lilac flowers; native to sands and sea cliffs of southwestern Greece and southern Albania
gillyflower, stock
any of several Old World plants cultivated for their brightly colored flowers
Schizopetalon walkeri, schizopetalon
a dainty South American annual having deeply pinnatifid leaves and racemes of fringed almond-scented purple-white flowers
annual or biennial or perennial herbs having showy flowers
a plant of the genus Corydalis with beautiful compound foliage and spurred tubular flowers
Glaucium flavum, horn poppy, horned poppy, sea poppy, yellow horned poppy
yellow-flowered Eurasian glaucous herb naturalized in along sandy shores in eastern North America
composite, composite plant
considered the most highly evolved dicotyledonous plants, characterized by florets arranged in dense heads that resemble single flowers
any plant of the genus Ageratum having opposite leaves and small heads of blue or white flowers
Amberboa moschata, Centaurea moschata, sweet sultan
Asian plant widely grown for its sweetly fragrant pink flowers; sometimes placed in genus Centaurea
any plant of the genus Ammobium having yellow flowers and silvery foliage
African daisy
any of several plants of the genus Arctotis having daisylike flowers
Arctotis stoechadifolia, Arctotis venusta, blue-eyed African daisy
bushy perennial of South Africa with white or violet flowers; in its native region often clothes entire valley sides in a sheet of color
any of various chiefly fall-blooming herbs of the genus Aster with showy daisylike flowers
any of numerous composite plants having flower heads with well-developed ray flowers usually arranged in a single whorl
Brachycome Iberidifolia, Swan River daisy
western Australian annual much cultivated for its flower heads with white or bluish to violet or variegated rays
any of numerous chiefly annual herbs of the genus Calendula widely cultivated for their yellow or orange flowers; often used for medicinal and culinary purposes
Callistephus chinensis, China aster
valued for their beautiful flowers in a wide range of clear bright colors; grown primarily for cutting
any of several plants of the genus Catananche having long-stalked heads of blue or yellow flowers
Centaurea cyanus, bachelor's button, bluebottle, cornflower
an annual Eurasian plant cultivated in North America having showy heads of blue or purple or pink or white flowers
Centaurea imperialis, sweet sultan
perennial of mountains of Iran and Iraq; cultivated for its fragrant rose-pink flowers
any of numerous perennial Old World herbs having showy brightly colored flower heads of the genera Chrysanthemum, Argyranthemum, Dendranthema, Tanacetum; widely cultivated
Conoclinium coelestinum, Eupatorium coelestinum, ageratum, mist-flower, mistflower
rhizomatous plant of central and southeastern United States and West Indies having large showy heads of clear blue flowers; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium
cosmea, cosmos
any of various mostly Mexican herbs of the genus Cosmos having radiate heads of variously colored flowers and pinnate leaves; popular fall-blooming annuals
Cotula coronopifolia, brass buttons
South African herb with golden-yellow globose flower heads; naturalized in moist areas along coast of California; cultivated as an ornamental
billy buttons
any of various plants of the genus Craspedia grown for their downy foliage and globose heads of golden flowers; Australia and New Zealand
Dahlia pinnata, dahlia
any of several plants of or developed from the species Dahlia pinnata having tuberous roots and showy rayed variously colored flower heads; native to the mountains of Mexico and Central America and Colombia
cape marigold, star of the veldt, sun marigold
any of several South African plants grown for the profusion of usually yellow daisylike flowers and mounds of aromatic foliage
any of various perennials of the eastern United States having thick rough leaves and long-stalked showy flowers with drooping rays and a conelike center
Felicia amelloides, blue daisy, blue marguerite
hairy South African or Australian subshrub that has daisylike flowers with blue rays
Felicia bergeriana, kingfisher daisy
softly hairy South African herb having flowers with bright blue rays
cotton rose, cudweed, filago
any plant of the genus Filago having capitate clusters of small woolly flower heads
any plant of the genus Gazania valued for their showy daisy flowers
African daisy
African or Asiatic herbs with daisylike flowers
helianthus, sunflower
any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays
Layia platyglossa, tidy tips, tidytips
California annual having flower heads with yellow rays tipped with white
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, Leucanthemum vulgare, marguerite, moon daisy, ox-eyed daisy, oxeye daisy, white daisy
tall leafy-stemmed Eurasian perennial with white flowers; widely naturalized; often placed in genus Chrysanthemum
Lindheimera texana, Texas star
Texas annual with coarsely pinnatifid leaves; cultivated for its showy radiate yellow flower heads
African daisy, Lonas annua, Lonas inodora, yellow ageratum
shrub of southwestern Mediterranean region having yellow daisylike flowers
Pericallis cruenta, Senecio cruentus, cineraria
herb of Canary Islands widely cultivated for its blue or purple or red or variegated daisylike flowers
Pericallis hybrida, florest's cineraria
herb derived from Pericallis cruenta and widely cultivated in a variety of profusely flowering forms with florets from white to pink to red or purple or violet or blue
any of various plants of the genus Rudbeckia cultivated for their large usually yellow daisies with prominent central cones
white-topped aster
herb having corymbose white-rayed flowers with scaly bracts and silky indehiscent fruits
Stokesia laevis, cornflower aster, stokes' aster
erect perennial of southeastern United States having large heads of usually blue flowers
any of various tropical American plants of the genus Tagetes widely cultivated for their showy yellow or orange flowers
Chrysanthemum coccineum, Tanacetum coccineum, painted daisy, pyrethrum
spring-flowering garden perennial of Asiatic origin having finely divided aromatic leaves and white to pink-purple flowers; source of an insecticide; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum
Mexican sunflower, tithonia
any plant of the genus Tithonia; tall coarse herbs or shrubs of Mexico to Panama having large flower heads resembling sunflowers with yellow disc florets and golden-yellow to orange-scarlet rays
Easter daisy, Townsendia Exscapa, stemless daisy
dwarf tufted nearly stemless herb having a rosette of woolly leaves and large white-rayed flower heads and bristly achenes; central Canada and United States west to Arizona
any of various plants of the genus Ursinia grown for their yellow- or orange- or white-rayed flowers
any plant of the genus Xeranthemum native to southern Europe having chaffy or silvery flower heads with purplish tubular flowers
old maid, old maid flower, zinnia
any of various plants of the genus Zinnia cultivated for their variously and brightly colored flower heads
Mentzelia laevicaulis, Mentzelia livicaulis, blazing star
biennial of southwestern United States having white stems and toothed leaves that is grown for its large pale yellow flowers that open in early morning
Mentzelia lindleyi, bartonia
annual grown especially for its fragrant golden nocturnal flowers
orchid, orchidaceous plant
any of numerous plants of the orchid family usually having flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colors
Cyclamen purpurascens, cyclamen
Mediterranean plant widely cultivated as a houseplant for its showy dark green leaves splotched with silver and nodding white or pink to reddish flowers with reflexed petals
Cyclamen hederifolium, Cyclamen neopolitanum, sowbread
common wild European cyclamen with pink flowers
any plant of the genus Shortia; evergreen perennial herbs with smooth leathery basal leaves and showy white solitary flowers
any of various plants of the genus Centaurium
any of various plants of the family Gentianaceae especially the genera Gentiana and Gentianella and Gentianopsis
any of numerous plants of the genus Begonia grown for their attractive glossy asymmetrical leaves and colorful flowers in usually terminal cymes or racemes
Sparaxis tricolor, wandflower
a showy often-cultivated plant with tawny yellow often purple-spotted flowers
Bessera elegans, coral drops
half-hardy Mexican herb cultivated for its drooping terminal umbels of showy red-and-white flowers
Christmas bells
any of several plants of the genus Blandfordia having large orange or crimson flowers
bellwort, merry bells, wild oats
any of various plants of the genus Uvularia having yellowish drooping bell-shaped flowers
Polianthes tuberosa, tuberose
a tuberous Mexican herb having grasslike leaves and cultivated for its spikes of highly fragrant lily-like waxy white flowers
any plant of the genus Commelina
scabiosa, scabious
any of various plants of the genus Scabiosa
Lithophragma affine, Lithophragma affinis, Tellima affinis, woodland star
California perennial herb cultivated for its racemose white flowers with widely spreading petals; sometimes placed in genus Tellima
achimenes, hot water plant
any plant of the genus Achimenes having showy bell-shaped flowers that resemble gloxinias
Alsobia dianthiflora, Episcia dianthiflora, lace-flower vine
low-growing creeping perennial of Central America having deeply fringed white flowers; sometimes placed in genus Episcia
African violet, Saintpaulia ionantha
tropical African plant cultivated as a houseplant for its violet or white or pink flowers
any of various plants of the genus Streptocarpus having leaves in a basal rosette and flowers like primroses
phacelia, scorpion weed, scorpionweed
any plant of the genus Phacelia
a garden plant of the genus Antirrhinum having showy white or yellow or crimson flowers resembling the face of a dragon
calceolaria, slipperwort
any garden plant of the genus Calceolaria having flowers with large inflated slipper-shaped lower lip
any plant of the genus Gerardia
Linaria vulgaris, butter-and-eggs, devil's flax, toadflax, wild snapdragon
common European perennial having showy yellow and orange flowers; a naturalized weed in North America
speedwell, veronica
any plant of the genus Veronica
browallia, bush violet
any of several herbs of the genus Browallia cultivated for their blue or violet or white flowers
any of numerous tropical herbs having fluted funnel-shaped flowers
butterfly flower, poor man's orchid, schizanthus
any plant of the genus Schizanthus having finely divided leaves and showy variegated flowers
verbena, vervain
any of numerous tropical or subtropical American plants of the genus Verbena grown for their showy spikes of variously colored flowers
a plant of the genus Valeriana having lobed or dissected leaves and cymose white or pink flowers
Centranthus ruber, French honeysuckle, red valerian
European herb with small fragrant crimson or white spurred flowers
Alpine anemone, Anemone tetonensis, mountain anemone
silky-foliaged herb of the Rocky Mountains with bluish-white flowers
Anemone Canadensis, Canada anemone
common summer-flowering woodland herb of Labrador to Colorado
Anemone cylindrica, thimbleweed
a common North American anemone with cylindrical fruit clusters resembling thimbles
Anemone nemorosa, wood anemone
European anemone with solitary white flowers common in deciduous woodlands
Anemone quinquefolia, snowdrop, wood anemone
common anemone of eastern North America with solitary pink-tinged white flowers
Anemone sylvestris, snowdrop anemone, snowdrop windflower
Eurasian herb with solitary nodding fragrant white flowers
Aquilegia canadensis, honeysuckle, meeting house
columbine of eastern North America having long-spurred red flowers
Aquilegia caerulea, Aquilegia scopulorum calcarea, blue columbine
columbine of the Rocky Mountains having long-spurred blue flowers
Aquilegia vulgaris, granny's bonnets
common European columbine having variously colored (white or blue to purple or red) short-spurred flowers; naturalized in United States
any of numerous cultivated plants of the genus Delphinium
Nigella damascena, love-in-a-mist
European garden plant having finely cut leaves and white or pale blue flowers
Nigella hispanica, fennel flower
nigella of Spain and southern France
Nigella sativa, Roman coriander, black caraway, nutmeg flower
herb of the Mediterranean region having pungent seeds used like those of caraway
Zantedeschia rehmanii, pink calla
calla having a rose-colored spathe
golden calla
any of several callas of the genus Zantedeschia having yellow spathes
Arenaria groenlandica, mountain daisy, mountain sandwort, mountain starwort
boreal or alpine sandwort
Arenaria caroliniana, longroot, pine-barren sandwort
deep-rooted perennial of southeastern United States
Arenaria peploides, seabeach sandwort
perennial succulent herb with small solitary axillary or terminal flowers
Arenaria stricta, rock sandwort
low perennial tufted plant of southeastern North America
Arenaria serpyllifolia, thyme-leaved sandwort
Eurasian annual sprawling plant naturalized throughout North America
Dianthus barbatus, sweet William
Eurasian pink widely cultivated for its flat-topped dense clusters of varicolored flowers
Dianthus caryophyllus, carnation, clove pink, gillyflower
Eurasian plant with pink to purple-red spice-scented usually double flowers; widely cultivated in many varieties and many colors
Dianthus chinensis, china pink, rainbow pink
Chinese pink with deeply toothed rose-lilac flowers with a purplish eye; usually raised as an annual
Dianthus deltoides, maiden pink
low-growing loosely mat-forming Eurasian pink with a single pale pink flower with a crimson center
Diangus gratianopolitanus, cheddar pink
mat-forming perennial of central Europe with large fragrant pink or red flowers
Dianthus latifolius, button pink
much-branched pink with flowers in clusters; closely related to sweet William
Dianthus plumarius, cottage pink, grass pink
European pink cultivated for its very fragrant pink or rosy flowers
Dianthus supurbus, fringed pink
Eurasian perennial pink having fragrant lilac or rose flowers with deeply fringed margins
Lychins floscuculi, Lychnis flos-cuculi, cuckoo flower, ragged robin
common perennial native to Europe and western Asia having usually pink flowers with ragged petals
Lychins chalcedonica, maltese cross, scarlet lychnis
Eurasian garden perennial having scarlet flowers in dense terminal heads
Lychnis coronaria, dusty miller, gardener's delight, mullein pink, rose campion
an old cottage garden plant of southeastern Europe widely cultivated for its attractive white woolly foliage and showy crimson flowers
Silene acaulis, moss campion
tuft- or mat-forming dwarf perennial of Arctic regions of western and central Europe and North America
Silene caroliniana, wild pink
perennial of eastern and central North America having short-stalked pink or white flowers in hairy clusters
Lychnis dioica, Silene dioica, red bird's eye, red campion
biennial European catchfly having red or pink flowers; sometimes placed in genus Lychnis
Lychnis alba, Silene latifolia, bladder campion, evening lychnis, white campion, white cockle
bluish-green herb having sticky stems and clusters of large evening-opening white flowers with much-inflated calyx; sometimes placed in genus Lychnis
Silene virginica, fire pink
perennial herb of eastern North America, having red flowers with narrow notched petals
Silene uniflora, Silene vulgaris, bladder campion
perennial of Arctic Europe having large white flowers with inflated calyx
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, ice plant, icicle plant
Old World annual widely naturalized in warm regions having white flowers and fleshy foliage covered with hairs that resemble ice
Mirabilis jalapa, Mirabilis uniflora, common four-o'clock, marvel-of-Peru
common garden plant of North America having fragrant red or purple or yellow or white flowers that open in late afternoon
California four o'clock, Mirabilis californica, Mirabilis laevis
California four o'clock with purple-red flowers
Mirabilis longiflora, maravilla, sweet four o'clock
leafy wildflower having fragrant slender white or pale pink trumpet-shaped flowers; southwestern United States and northern Mexico
Colorado four o'clock, Mirabilis multiflora, desert four o'clock, maravilla
wildflower having vibrant deep pink tubular evening-blooming flowers; found in sandy and desert areas from southern California to southern Colorado and into Mexico
Mirabilis oblongifolia, mountain four o'clock
leafy wildflower with lavender-pink flowers that open in the evening and remain through cool part of the next day; found in open woods or brush in mountains of southern Colorado to Arizona and into Mexico
Portulaca grandiflora, rose moss, sun plant
widely cultivated in many varieties for its fleshy moss-like foliage and profusion of brightly colored flowers
Cheiranthus allionii, Erysimum allionii, Siberian wall flower
showy erect biennial or short-lived perennial cultivated for its terminal racemes of orange-yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Cheiranthus
Matthiola incana, brompton stock
European plant with racemes of sweet-scented flowers; widely cultivated as an ornamental
Iceland poppy, Papaver alpinum
Old World alpine poppy with white or yellow to orange flowers
Papaver californicum, western poppy
showy annual of California with red flowers
Papaver argemone, prickly poppy
annual Old World poppy with orange-red flowers and bristly fruit
Iceland poppy, Papaver nudicaule, arctic poppy
subarctic perennial poppy of both hemispheres having fragrant white or yellow to orange or peach flowers
Papaver orientale, oriental poppy
commonly cultivated Asiatic perennial poppy having stiff heavily haired leaves and bright scarlet or pink to orange flowers
Flanders poppy, Papaver rhoeas, corn poppy, field poppy
annual European poppy common in grain fields and often cultivated
Papaver somniferum, opium poppy
southwestern Asian herb with greyish leaves and white or reddish flowers; source of opium
Chelidonium majus, celandine, greater celandine, swallow wort, swallowwort
perennial herb with branched woody stock and bright yellow flowers
California poppy, Eschscholtzia californica
of Pacific coast of North America; widely cultivated for its yellow to red flowers
Hunnemania fumariifolia, Mexican tulip poppy, golden cup
native of Mexican highlands grown for its glossy clear yellow flowers and blue-grey finely dissected foliage
Macleaya cordata, bocconia, plume poppy
herb of China and Japan widely cultivated for its plumelike panicles of creamy white flowers
Meconopsis betonicifolia, blue poppy
Chinese perennial having mauve-pink to bright sky blue flowers in drooping cymes
Meconopsis cambrica, Welsh poppy
widely cultivated west European plant with showy pale yellow flowers
Platystemon californicus, creamcups
California plant with small pale yellow flowers
Papaver heterophyllum, Stylomecon heterophyllum, flaming poppy, wind poppy
California wild poppy with bright red flowers
Stylophorum diphyllum, celandine poppy, wood poppy
perennial herb native to woodland of the eastern United States having yellow flowers
compass flower, compass plant
any of several plants having leaves so arranged on the axis as to indicate the cardinal points of the compass
everlasting, everlasting flower
any of various plants of various genera of the family Compositae having flowers that can be dried without loss of form or color
Ageratum houstonianum, common ageratum
small tender herb grown for its fluffy brushlike blue to lavender blooms
Ammobium alatum, winged everlasting
Australian plant widely cultivated for its beautiful silvery-white blooms with bright yellow centers on long winged stems
Anthemis cotula, dog fennel, mayweed, stinking chamomile, stinking mayweed
widespread rank-smelling weed having white-rayed flower heads with yellow discs
Anthemis tinctoria, dyers' chamomile, golden marguerite, yellow chamomile
Eurasian perennial herb with hairy divided leaves and yellow flowers; naturalized in North America
Anthemis arvensis, corn chamomile, corn mayweed, field chamomile
European white-flowered weed naturalized in North America
wood aster
any of several asters of eastern North America usually growing in woods
Aster acuminatus, whorled aster
North American perennial with apparently whorled leaves and showy white purple-tinged flowers
Aster arenosus, heath aster
common North American perennial with heathlike foliage and small white flower heads
Aster dumosus, bushy aster
stiff perennial of the eastern United States having small linear leaves and numerous tiny white flower heads
Aster ericoides, heath aster
common much-branched North American perennial with heathlike foliage and small starry white flowers
Aster falcatus, white prairie aster
perennial of western North America having white flowers
Aster linarifolius, stiff aster
wiry tufted perennial of the eastern United States with stiff erect rough stems, linear leaves and large violet flowers
Aster linosyris, Linosyris vulgaris, goldilocks, goldilocks aster
early-flowering perennial of southern and southeastern Europe with flower heads resembling those of goldenrod
Aster novae-angliae, New England aster
common perennial of eastern North America having showy purplish flowers; a parent of the Michaelmas daisy
Aster novi-belgii, Michaelmas daisy, New York aster
North American perennial herb having small autumn-blooming purple or pink or white flowers; widely naturalized in Europe
Aster ptarmicoides, upland white aster
tufted rigid North American perennial with loose clusters of white flowers
Aster shortii, Short's aster
perennial of southeastern United States having usually blue flowers
Aster tripolium, sea aster, sea starwort
a common European aster that grows in salt marshes
Aster turbinellis, prairie aster
violet-flowered perennial aster of central United States having solitary heads
annual salt-marsh aster
a variety of aster
aromatic aster
a variety of aster
arrow leaved aster
a variety of aster
azure aster
a variety of aster
bog aster
a variety of aster
crooked-stemmed aster
a variety of aster
Eastern silvery aster
a variety of aster
flat-topped white aster
a variety of aster
late purple aster
a variety of aster
panicled aster
a variety of aster
perennial salt marsh aster
a variety of aster
purple-stemmed aster
a variety of aster
rough-leaved aster
a variety of aster
rush aster
a variety of aster
Schreiber's aster
a variety of aster
small white aster
a variety of aster
smooth aster
a variety of aster
southern aster
a variety of aster
calico aster, starved aster
a variety of aster
tradescant's aster
a variety of aster
wavy-leaved aster
a variety of aster
Western silvery aster
a variety of aster
willow aster
a variety of aster
Bellis perennis, English daisy, common daisy
low-growing Eurasian plant with yellow central disc flowers and pinkish-white outer ray flowers
Calendula officinalis, Scotch marigold, common marigold, pot marigold, ruddles
the common European annual marigold
Catananche caerulea, blue succory, cupid's dart
south European plant having dark-eyed flowers with flat blue rays
Chrysanthemum segetum, corn marigold, field marigold
European herb with bright yellow flowers; a common weed in grain fields
Chrysanthemum coronarium, crown daisy
shrubby annual of the Mediterranean region with yellowish-white flowers
Chrysanthemum coronarium spatiosum, chop-suey greens, shun giku, tong ho
grown for its succulent edible leaves used in Asian cooking
Chrysanthemum morifolium, Dendranthema grandifloruom, florist's chrysanthemum, florists' chrysanthemum, mum
of China
Filago germanica, herba impia
(literally an undutiful herb) a variety of cotton rose
Gazania rigens, treasure flower
decumbent South African perennial with short densely leafy stems and orange flower rays with black eyespots at base
Barberton daisy, Gerbera jamesonii, Transvaal daisy
widely cultivated South African perennial having flower heads with orange to flame-colored rays
Helianthus angustifolius, swamp sunflower
sunflower of eastern North America having narrow leaves and found in bogs
Helianthus annuus, common sunflower, mirasol
annual sunflower grown for silage and for its seeds which are a source of oil; common throughout United States and much of North America
Helianthus giganteus, Indian potato, giant sunflower, tall sunflower
very tall American perennial of central and the eastern United States to Canada having edible tuberous roots
Helianthus laetiflorus, showy sunflower
tall rough-leaved perennial with a few large flower heads; central United States
Helianthus maximilianii, Maximilian's sunflower
tall perennial of central United States to Canada having golden-yellow flowers
Helianthus petiolaris, prairie sunflower
similar to the common sunflower with slender usually branching stems common in central United States
Helianthus tuberosus, Jerusalem artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke sunflower, girasol
tall perennial with hairy stems and leaves; widely cultivated for its large irregular edible tubers
Chrysanthemum maximum, Leucanthemum maximum, oxeye daisy
similar to oxeye daisy
Chrysanthemum maximum maximum, Leucanthemum superbum, shasta daisy
hybrid garden flower derived from Chrysanthemum maximum and Chrysanthemum lacustre having large white flower heads resembling oxeye daisies; often placed in the genus Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum lacustre, Leucanthemum lacustre, Pyrenees daisy
perennial of Portugal similar to the oxeye daisy
Rudbeckia hirta, Rudbeckia serotina, black-eyed Susan
the state flower of Maryland; of central and southeastern United States; having daisylike flowers with dark centers and yellow to orange rays
Rudbeckia laciniata, cutleaved coneflower
tall leafy plant with erect branches ending in large yellow flower heads with downward-arching rays; grow in Rocky Mountains south to Arizona and east to the Atlantic coast
narrow-leaved white-topped aster
a variety of white-topped aster
African marigold, Aztec marigold, Tagetes erecta, big marigold
a stout branching annual with large yellow to orange flower heads; Mexico and Central America
French marigold, Tagetes patula
strong-scented bushy annual with orange or yellow flower heads marked with red; Mexico and Guatemala
Chrysanthemum ptarmiciflorum, Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum, dusty miller, silver lace, silver-lace
shrubby perennial of the Canary Islands having white flowers and leaves and hairy stems covered with dustlike down; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum
Tanacetum vulgare, golden buttons, scented fern, tansy
common perennial aromatic herb native to Eurasia having buttonlike yellow flower heads and bitter-tasting pinnate leaves sometimes used medicinally
crown beard, crown-beard, crownbeard
any plant of the genus Verbesina having clustered white or yellow flower heads
Zinnia acerosa, white zinnia
subshrub with slender woolly stems and long narrow leaves and flower heads with white rays; southern United States and northern Mexico
Zinnia grandiflora, little golden zinnia
subshrub having short leafy stems and numerous small flower heads with nearly round yellow-orange rays; Arizona south to Mexico and east to Kansas
any of various deciduous terrestrial orchids having fleshy tubers and flowers in erect terminal racemes
any orchid of the genus Aerides
any of various spectacular orchids of the genus Angraecum having dark green leathery leaves and usually nocturnally scented white or ivory flowers
jewel orchid
any of several delicate Asiatic orchids grown especially for their velvety leaves with metallic white or gold veining
Aplectrum hyemale, adam-and-eve, puttyroot
North American orchid bearing a single leaf and yellowish-brown flowers
any of several bog orchids of the genus Arethusa having 1 or 2 showy flowers
any of various orchids of the genus Bletia having pseudobulbs and erect leafless racemes of large purple or pink flowers
Bletia striata, Bletilla striata
Japanese orchid with white-striped leaves and slender erect racemes of rose to magenta flowers; often cultivated; sometimes placed in genus Bletia
any of various tropical American orchids with usually solitary fleshy leaves and showy white to green nocturnally fragrant blossoms solitary or in racemes of up to 7
Brassia lawrenceana, spider orchid
South American orchid with spiderlike pale-yellow to pale-green flowers
Brassia verrucosa, spider orchid
Central American orchid having spiderlike flowers with prominent green warts
any of various orchids of the genus Caladenia
any of various showy orchids of the genus Calanthe having white or yellow or rose-colored flowers and broad leaves folded lengthwise
Calopogon pulchellum, Calopogon tuberosum, grass pink
an orchid
Calypso bulbosa, calypso, fairy-slipper
rare north temperate bog orchid bearing a solitary white to pink flower marked with purple at the tip of an erect reddish stalk above 1 basal leaf
Catasetum macrocarpum, jumping orchid
orchid having both male and female flowers in the same raceme; when a sensitive projection at the base of the column of the male flower is touched the pollen is suddenly ejected
any orchid of the genus Cattleya characterized by a three-lobed lip enclosing the column; among the most popular and most extravagantly beautiful orchids known
any of several orchids of the genus Cephalanthera
Cleistes divaricata, Pogonia divaricata, funnel-crest rosebud orchid, spreading pogonia
orchid of northeastern United States with magenta-pink flowers having funnel-shaped lip; sometimes placed in genus Pogonia
Cleistes rosea, Pogonia rosea, rosebud orchid
orchid of central and northern South America having 1- to 3-blossomed racemes of large showy rose-colored flowers; sometimes placed in genus Pogonia
Coeloglossum bracteatum, satyr orchid
orchid with broad ovate leaves and long-bracted green very irregular flowers
Coeloglossum viride, frog orchid
orchid having hooded long-bracted green to yellow-green flowers suffused with purple
any of various orchids of the genus Coelogyne with: clusters of fragrant lacy snow-white flowers; salmon-pink solitary flowers; chainlike racemes of topaz and chocolate brown flowers; spikes of delicate white spice-scented flowers; emerald green flowers marked with blue-black
coral root
a wildflower of the genus Corallorhiza growing from a hard mass of rhizomes associated with a fungus that aids in absorbing nutrients from the forest floor
helmet orchid, helmetflower
any of several orchids of the genus Coryanthes having racemes of a few musky-scented waxy flowers with a helmet-shaped lip process
swan orchid, swan-flower, swan-neck, swanflower, swanneck
any of several orchids of the genus Cycnoches having slender arching columns of flowers suggesting the neck of a swan
cymbid, cymbidium
any of various plants of the genus Cymbidium having narrow leaves and a long drooping cluster of numerous showy and variously colored boat-shaped flowers; extensively hybridized and cultivated as houseplants and important florists' flowers
a plant or flower of the genus Cypripedium
ladies' slipper, lady's slipper, lady-slipper, slipper orchid
any of several chiefly American wildflowers having an inflated pouchlike lip; difficult or impossible to cultivate in the garden
marsh orchid
any of several orchids of the genus Dactylorhiza having fingerlike tuberous roots; Europe and Mediterranean region
Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Dactylorhiza maculata fuchsii, common spotted orchid
European orchid having lanceolate leaves spotted purple and pink to white or mauve flowers spotted or lined deep red or purple
a plant of the genus Dendrobium having stems like cane and usually showy racemose flowers
any orchid of the genus Disa; beautiful orchids with dark green leaves and usually hooded flowers; much prized as emblematic flowers in their native regions
Eburophyton austinae, phantom orchid, snow orchid
waxy white nearly leafless plant with stems in clusters and racemes of white flowers; northwestern United States to northern California and east to Idaho
Cattleya citrina, Encyclia citrina, tulip orchid
Mexican epiphytic orchid with glaucous grey-green leaves and lemon- to golden-yellow flowers appearing only partially opened; sometimes placed in genus Cattleya
Encyclia tampensis, Epidendrum tampense, butterfly orchid
orchid of Florida and the Bahamas having showy brightly colored flowers; sometimes placed in genus Epidendrum
Encyclia venosa, Epidendrum venosum, butterfly orchid, butterfly orchis
Mexican epiphytic orchid having pale green or yellow-green flowers with white purple-veined lip
any of various orchids of the genus Epidendrum
any of various orchids of the genus Epipactis
tongue-flower, tongueflower
orchid having blue to purple flowers with tongue-shaped or strap-shaped protuberances (calli) at the lip base
helleborine, rattlesnake plantain
any of several small temperate and tropical orchids having mottled or striped leaves and spikes of small yellowish-white flowers in a twisted raceme
Gymnadenia conopsea, fragrant orchid
European orchid having dense spikes of fragrant pink or lilac or red flowers with conspicuous spurs
Gymnadenia odoratissima, short-spurred fragrant orchid
similar to Gymnadenia conopsea but with smaller flowers on shorter stems and having much shorter spurs
fringed orchid, fringed orchis
any of several summer-flowering American orchids distinguished by a fringed or lacerated lip
frog orchid
any of several green orchids of the genus Habenaria
rein orchid, rein orchis
any of several American wildflowers with a kidney-shaped lip
Hexalectris spicata, crested coral root
orchid with yellowish-brown flowers with dark veins; southeastern Arizona to the eastern United States
Hexalectris warnockii, Texas purple spike
orchid with slender nearly leafless reddish-brown stems with loose racemes of reddish-brown flowers; of open brushy woods of southeastern Arizona and central Texas
Himantoglossum hircinum, lizard orchid
an orchid of the genus Himantoglossum
any of various spectacular plants of the genus Laelia having showy flowers in many colors
an orchid of the genus Liparis having few leaves and usually fairly small yellow-green or dull purple flowers in terminal racemes
an orchid of the genus Liparis having a pair of leaves
Liparis loeselii, fen orchid, fen orchis
small terrestrial orchid of eastern North America and Europe having two nearly basal leaves and dull yellow-green racemose flowers
Listera convallarioides, broad-leaved twayblade
small orchid with two elliptic leaves and a slender raceme of small green flowers; western North America
Listera cordata, lesser twayblade
orchid having two triangular leaves and a short lax raceme of green to rust-colored flowers with the lip flushed mauve; Europe and Asia and North America and Greenland
Listera ovata, twayblade
orchid having a pair of ovate leaves and a long slender raceme of green flowers sometimes tinged red-brown; Europe to central Asia
Malaxis ophioglossoides, Malaxis-unifolia, green adder's mouth
North American orchid having a solitary leaf and flowers with threadlike petals
any of numerous orchids of the genus Masdevallia; tufted evergreen often diminutive plants whose flowers in a remarkable range of colors usually resemble a tricorn with sepals fused at the base to form a tube
any of numerous orchids of the genus Maxillaria often cultivated for their large brilliantly colored solitary flowers
pansy orchid
any of various orchids of the genus Miltonia having solitary or loosely racemose showy broadly spreading flowers
any of numerous and diverse orchids of the genus Odontoglossum having racemes of few to many showy usually large flowers in many colors
butterfly orchid, butterfly plant, dancing lady orchid, oncidium
any orchid of the genus Oncidium: characterized by slender branching sprays of small yellow and brown flowers; often grown as houseplants
Ophrys apifera, bee orchid
European orchid whose flowers resemble bumble bees in shape and color
Ophrys insectifera, Ophrys muscifera, fly orchid
European orchid whose flowers resemble flies
spider orchid
any of several European orchids of the genus Ophrys
Venus' slipper, Venus's shoe, Venus's slipper
any of various orchids of the genus Paphiopedilum having slender flower stalks bearing 1 to several waxy flowers with pouchlike lips
an orchid of the genus Phaius having large plicate leaves and racemes of showy flowers
moth orchid, moth plant
any of various orchids of the genus Phalaenopsis having often drooping glossy broad obovate or oval leaves usually dark green flushed purple or mottled grey and silver
rattlesnake orchid
any of various orchids of the genus Pholidota having numerous white to brown flowers in spiraling racemes clothed in slightly inflated bracts and resembling a rattlesnake's tail
Habenaria bifolia, Platanthera bifolia, lesser butterfly orchid
south European orchid having fragrant greenish-white flowers; sometimes placed in genus Habenaria
Habenaria chlorantha, Platanthera chlorantha, greater butterfly orchid
south European orchid with dark green flowers that are larger and less fragrant than Platanthera bifolia; sometimes placed in genus Habenaria
Platanthera leucophea, prairie white-fringed orchid
of central North America; a threatened species
tangle orchid
an orchid of the genus Plectorrhiza having tangled roots and long wiry stems bearing lax racemes of small fragrant green flowers
Indian crocus
any of several dwarf orchids of the genus Pleione bearing one or two solitary white or pink to magenta or occasionally yellow flowers with slender stalks
any of numerous small tufted orchids of the genus Pleurothallis having leathery to fleshy leaves and racemes of 1 to many small flowers
any hardy bog orchid of the genus Pogonia: terrestrial orchids having slender rootstocks and erect stems bearing one or a few leaves and a solitary terminal flower
butterfly orchid
any orchid of the genus Psychopsis: spectacular large tiger-striped orchids
greenhood, helmet orchid
any of numerous orchids of the genus Pterostylis having leaves in a basal rosette and green flowers often striped purple or brown or red with the dorsal sepal incurved to form a hood
foxtail orchid
any of various orchids of the genus Rhyncostylis having pink- to purple-marked white flowers in a dense cylindrical raceme
Sarcochilus falcatus, orange-blossom orchid
diminutive Australian orchid with loose racemes of fragrant white flowers with purple and orange markings on the lip
any of various showy orchids of the genus Sobralia having leafy stems and bright-colored solitary or racemose flowers similar to those of genus Cattleya
ladies' tresses, lady's tresses
an orchid of the genus Spiranthes having slender often twisted spikes of white flowers
any of various orchids of the genus Stanhopea having a single large leaf and loose racemes of large fragrant flowers of various colors; Mexico to Brazil
any of various small tropical American orchids of the genus Stelis having long slender racemes of numerous small to minute flowers
fly orchid
any of several dwarf creeping orchids with small bizarre insect-like hairy flowers on slender stalks
any of numerous showy orchids of the genus Vanda having many large flowers in loose racemes
any of numerous climbing plants of the genus Vanilla having fleshy leaves and clusters of large waxy highly fragrant white or green or topaz flowers
Shortia galacifolia, oconee bells
plant of southeastern United States having solitary white funnel-shaped flowers flushed with pink and large glossy green leaves that turn bronze-red in fall
Centaurium calycosum, rosita
erect plant with small clusters of pink trumpet-shaped flowers of southwestern United States
Centaurium minus, lesser centaury
common European glabrous annual centaury with flowers in dense cymes
Centaurium scilloides, tufted centaury
tufted perennial of western Europe and Azores having bright pink to white flowers
seaside centaury
a variety of centaury found at the seaside
broad leaved centaury
a variety of centaury with broad leaves
slender centaury
a slender variety of centaury
Gentiana acaulis, gentianella
low-growing alpine plant cultivated for its dark glossy green leaves in basal rosettes and showy solitary bell-shaped blue flowers
Gentiana andrewsii, blind gentian, bottle gentian, closed gentian
gentian of eastern North America having tubular blue or white flowers that open little if at all
Gentiana calycosa, explorer's gentian
tufted sometimes sprawling perennial with blue flowers spotted with green; western North America
Gentiana clausa, blind gentian, closed gentian
similar to Gentiana andrewsii but with larger flowers
Gentiana lutea, great yellow gentian
robust European perennial having clusters of yellow flowers
Gentiana pneumonanthe, calathian violet, marsh gentian
perennial Eurasian gentian with sky-blue funnel-shaped flowers of damp open heaths
Gentiana saponaria, soapwort gentian
erect perennial of wet woodlands of North America having leaves and flower buds resembling those of soapwort
Gentiana villosa, striped gentian
a perennial marsh gentian of eastern North America
Gentiana quinquefolia, Gentianella quinquefolia, ague weed, agueweed, five-flowered gentian, stiff gentian
gentian of eastern North America having clusters of bristly blue flowers
felwort, gentianella amarella
gentian of Europe and China having creamy white flowers with fringed corollas
fringed gentian
any of various herbs of the genus Gentianopsis having the margins of the corolla lobes fringed; sometimes included in genus Gentiana
spurred gentian
any of various plants of the genus Halenia having flowers with spurred lobes
fibrous-rooted begonia
any of numerous begonias having fibrous rather than tuberous or rhizomatous roots
tuberous begonia
any of numerous begonias having large tuberous roots
rhizomatous begonia
any of numerous begonias having prominent shaggy creeping stems or rhizomes
Begonia cheimantha, Christmas begonia, blooming-fool begonia
hybrid winter-blooming begonia grown for its many large pink flowers
Begonia cocchinea, angel-wing begonia
South American fibrous-rooted begonias having prominent basal leaf lobes suggesting angels' wings and racemes of coral-red flowers
Begonia dregei, grape-leaf begonia, maple-leaf begonia
tuberous or semi-tuberous South African begonia having shallowly lobed ovate leaves and small white flowers
Begonia erythrophylla, Begonia feastii, beefsteak begonia, kidney begonia
rhizomatous begonia with roundish fleshy leaves reddish colored beneath
Begonia heracleifolia, star begonia, star-leaf begonia
rhizomatous begonia having leaves with pointed lobes suggestive of stars and pink flowers
Begonia rex, beefsteak geranium, king begonia, painted-leaf begonia, rex begonia
any of numerous usually rhizomatous hybrid begonias derived from an East Indian plant having rough-textured leaves patterned in silver and bronze and purple and red-brown with inconspicuous flowers
Begonia semperflorens, wax begonia
hybrid fibrous-rooted begonia having broad-ovate green to bronze-red leaves and small clusters of white or pink or red flowers; widely used as a bedding plant
Begonia socotrana, Socotra begonia
semi-tuberous begonia having peltate leaves and rose-pink flowers; Yemen
Uvularia grandiflora, cornflower, strawflower
plant of southern and southeastern United States grown for its yellow flowers that can be dried
Scabiosa atropurpurea, mournful widow, pincushion flower, sweet scabious
Old World annual having fragrant purple to deep crimson flower heads; naturalized in United States
Scabiosa arvensis, field scabious
perennial having bluish-lilac flowers; introduced in the eastern United States
Cape primrose
any of various African plants of the genus Streptocarpus widely cultivated especially as houseplants for their showy blue or purple flowers
California bluebell, Phacelia campanularia
annual of southern California with intricately branched stems and lax cymes of aromatic deep blue bell-shaped flowers
California bluebell, Phacelia minor, Phacelia whitlavia, whitlavia
desert plant of southern California with blue or violet tubular flowers in terminal racemes
Phacelia tanacetifolia, fiddleneck
hairy annual of California to Mexico with crowded cymes of small blue to lilac or mauve flowers
Antirrhinum coulterianum, white snapdragon
California plant with slender racemes of white flowers
Antirrhinum filipes, yellow twining snapdragon
southwestern United States plant with yellow flowers on stems that twist and twine through other vegetation
Antirrhinum majus, Mediterranean snapdragon
perennial native to the Mediterranean but widely cultivated for its purple or pink flowers
Linaria canadensis, blue toadflax, old-field toadflax
North American plant having racemes of blue-violet flowers
Veronica agrestis, field speedwell
European plant with minute axillary blue flowers on long stalks; widely naturalized in America
Veronica arvensis, corn speedwell
erect or procumbent blue-flowered annual found in waste places of Europe and America
Veronica chamaedrys, bird's eye, germander speedwell
Old World plant with axillary racemes of blue-and-white flowers
Veronica officinalis, common speedwell, gypsyweed
common hairy European perennial with pale blue or lilac flowers in axillary racemes
Veronica peregrina, purslane speedwell
North American annual with small white flowers widely naturalized as a weed in South America and Europe
Veronica serpyllifolia, thyme-leaved speedwell
perennial decumbent herb having small opposite leaves and racemes of blue flowers; throughout Eurasia and the New World
Petunia axillaris, large white petunia
annual herb having large nocturnally fragrant white flowers
Petunia integrifolia, violet-flowered petunia
herb or small shrublet having solitary violet to rose-red flowers
Petunia hybrida, hybrid petunia
hybrids of Petunia axillaris and Petunia integrifolia: a complex group of petunias having single or double flowers in colors from white to purple
Valeriana officinalis, common valerian, garden heliotrope
tall rhizomatous plant having very fragrant flowers and rhizomes used medicinally
angiosperm, flowering plant
plants having seeds in a closed ovary
3v produce or yield flowers
bloom, blossom
burst forth, effloresce
come into or as if into flower
grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment
n the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flush, heyday, peak, prime
golden age
a time period when some activity or skill was at its peak
period, period of time, time period
an amount of time




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