If it has to do with trees, you can call it arboreal. Monkeys that live in trees are arboreal. The rings of a tree are an indication of arboreal age.
The word arboreal comes from the Latin arboreus, which means "pertaining to trees." It's a word that refers not just to animals that live in trees, but also to anything that resembles the branching form of a tree — like a chandelier or a family geology drawn out. It even can be used to describe, as its Latin root suggests, something pertaining to trees. A Christmas tree shop is an arboreal wonderland. There are trees everywhere!
But the most important thing about this epiphany was not the arboreal splendor itself, but the Lord’s appointment on earth: The Christmas Tree Whisperer.
Salon(Dec 18, 2016)
“If she evolved from a more arboreal ancestor she may just not have had the time yet to evolve a shorter upper limb,” he said.
Washington Post(Nov 30, 2016)
That contribution inspires and informs Arboreal, a beautiful, insightful anthology edited by nature writer Adrian Cooper.
Nature(Oct 18, 2016)
1adj of or relating to or formed by trees
arborary, arborical, arborous
2adj resembling a tree in form and branching structure