

单词 point
(once / 13 pages)
1nv 2vn 3nv 4nv 5n 6v 7v

When you go through airport security these days, you have to take anything with a point out of your carry-on bag. A point is any sharp or tapered end.
A sharpened pencil has a point, as does the end of an umbrella. The noun point has a dizzying number of different definitions, including a punctuation mark, a unit of scoring in a game, a moment in time, and the essential meaning or purpose of something. Point is a verb too, meaning to gesture with your finger, to emphasize, or to make something into the shape of a point. The original meaning of point was "a dot," from the Latin pungere, "prick or pierce".
point: counterpoint, pointed, pointer, pointing, pointless, points, repoint+/contrapuntist: contrapuntists/counterpoint: contrapuntist, counterpointed, counterpointing, counterpoints/pointed: pointedly, pointedness, unpointed/pointer: pointers/pointless: pointlessly, pointlessness/repoint: repointed, repointing/unpointed: unpointedness
He also points to mismanagement, corruption and red tape within a complex web of urban planning authorities.
The Guardian(Jan 03, 2017)
And that pointed up the truth that “The Apprentice” never really was Mr. Trump’s show.
New York Times(Jan 03, 2017)
Westbrook led the Thunder with 30 points and six assists. 
Los Angeles Times(Jan 02, 2017)
1n a distinguishing or individuating characteristic
he knows my bad points as well as my good points
selling point
a characteristic of something that is up for sale that makes it attractive to potential customers
a distinguishing quality
2n an outstanding characteristic
his acting was one of the high points of the movie
a distinguishing quality
3n a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list
the main point on the agenda was taken up first
agenda item
one of the items to be considered
an item that is incidental
inventory item
an item listed in an inventory
line item
an item in an appropriation bill
news item
an item in a newspaper
place, position
an item on a list or in a sequence
(linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element after another (as placing a modifier after the word that it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix after the base to which it is attached)
(linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element before another (as placing a modifier before the word it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix before the base to which it is attached)
a brief (usually one sentence and usually trivial) news item
component, component part, constituent, part, portion
something determined in relation to something that includes it
4n an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole
a point of information
detail, item
a small or minor detail
nook and cranny, nooks and crannies
something remote
regard, respect
(usually preceded by `in') a detail or point
sticking point
a point at which an impasse arises in progress toward an agreement or a goal
technicality, trifle, triviality
a detail that is considered insignificant
a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred
5n a brief version of the essential meaning of something
get to the point
he missed the point of the joke
life has lost its point
bottom line
the decisive point
crux, crux of the matter
the most important point
rallying point
a point or principle on which scattered or opposing groups can come together
talking point
an especially persuasive point helping to support an argument or discussion
alpha and omega
the basic meaning of something; the crucial part
import, meaning, significance, signification
the message that is intended or expressed or signified
6n the object of an activity
what is the point of discussing it?
aim, object, objective, target
the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)
7n a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process
degree, level, stage
ascending stages by which somebody or something can progress
acme, elevation, height, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, tiptop, top
the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development
the point or degree to which something extends
end point, resultant
the final point in a process
standard of life, standard of living
a level of material comfort in terms of goods and services available to someone or some group
a level of existence or development
state of the art
the highest degree of development of an art or technique at a particular time
ultimacy, ultimateness
the state or degree of being ultimate; the final or most extreme in degree or size or time or distance, "the ultimacy of these social values"
the stage of pregnancy at which the mother first feels the movements of the fetus
the most severe stage of a disease
the greatest or utmost degree
extremeness of degree
the way something is with respect to its main attributes
8n any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass
he checked the point on his compass
compass point
cardinal compass point
one of the four main compass points
NbE, north by east
the compass point that is one point east (clockwise) of due north
NNE, nor'-nor'-east, north northeast
the compass point that is midway between north and northeast
NEbN, northeast by north
the compass point that is one point north of northeast
NE, nor'-east, northeast, northeastward
the compass point midway between north and east; at 45 degrees
NEbE, northeast by east
the compass point that is one point east of northeast
ENE, east northeast
the compass point midway between northeast and east
EbN, east by north
the compass point that is one point north of due east
EbS, east by south
the compass point that is one point south of due east
ESE, east southeast
the compass point midway between east and southeast
SEbE, southeast by east
the compass point that is one point east of southeast
SE, sou'-east, southeast, southeastward
the compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degrees
SEbS, southeast by south
the compass point that is one point south of southeast
SSE, sou'-sou'-east, south southeast
the compass point midway between south and southeast
SbE, south by east
the compass point that is one point east of due south
SbW, south by west
the compass point that is one point west of due south
SSW, sou'-sou'-west, south southwest
the compass point midway between south and southwest
SWbS, southwest by south
the compass point that is one point south of southwest
SW, sou'-west, southwest, southwestward
the compass point midway between south and west; at 225 degrees
SWbW, southwest by west
the compass point that is one point west of southwest
WSW, west southwest
the compass point midway between west and southwest
WbS, west by south
the compass point that is one point south of due west
WbN, west by north
the compass point that is one point north of due west
WNW, west northwest
the compass point midway between west and northwest
NWbW, northwest by west
the compass point that is one point west of northwest
NW, nor'-west, northwest, northwestward
the compass point midway between north and west; at 315 degrees
NWbN, northwest by north
the compass point that is one point north of northwest
NNW, nor'-nor'-west, north northwest
the compass point that is midway between north and northwest
NbW, north by west
the compass point that is one point west of due north
N, due north, north, northward
the cardinal compass point that is at 0 or 360 degrees
E, due east, east, eastward
the cardinal compass point that is at 90 degrees
S, due south, south, southward
the cardinal compass point that is at 180 degrees
W, due west, west, westward
the cardinal compass point that is a 270 degrees
the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves
9n one percent of the total principal of a loan; it is paid at the time the loan is made and is independent of the interest on the loan
the temporary provision of money (usually at interest)
10n an instant of time
at that point I had to leave
point in time
a remote point in time
date, particular date
a particular but unspecified point in time
the point in time at which something must be completed
arrival time, time of arrival
the time at which a public conveyance is scheduled to arrive at a given destination
departure time, time of departure
the time at which a public conveyance is scheduled to depart from a given point of origin
middle of an academic term or a political term in office
full term, term
the end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent
the middle of the gestation period
instant, minute, moment, second
a particular point in time
the time at which a (software or multimedia) program is run
beginning, commencement, first, get-go, kickoff, offset, outset, showtime, start, starting time
the time at which something is supposed to begin
time between the beginning and the end of a temporal period
end, ending
the point in time at which something ends
phase, phase angle
a particular point in the time of a cycle; measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle
show time
the point in time at which an entertainment (a movie or television show etc.) is scheduled to begin
that time; that moment
climax, culmination
the decisive moment in a novel or play
the time when something begins (especially life)
incipience, incipiency
beginning to exist or to be apparent
death, last
the time at which life ends; continuing until dead
death, demise, dying
the time when something ends
the end or completion of something
the time that the curfew signal is sounded
checkout, checkout time
the latest time for vacating a hotel room
the end of a calendar year
eleventh hour, last minute
the latest possible moment
moment of truth
a crucial moment on which much depends
moment of truth
the moment in a bullfight when the matador kills the bull
a very brief moment
a suitable moment
psychological moment
the most appropriate time for achieving a desired effect
starting point, terminus a quo
earliest limiting point
the central and most intense or profound part
close, conclusion, finale, finis, finish, last, stopping point
the temporal end; the concluding time
(`cease' is a noun only in the phrase `without cease') end
fag end, tail, tail end
the time of the last part of something
last gasp
the point of death or exhaustion or completion
expiration, expiry, termination
a coming to an end of a contract period
limit, terminal point, terminus ad quem
final or latest limiting point
the starting point for a new state or experience
amount, measure, quantity
how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify
11n the unit of counting in scoring a game or contest
he scored 20 points in the first half
a touchdown counts 6 points
extra point, point after, point after touchdown
in American football a point awarded for a successful place kick following a touchdown
(tennis) first point scored after deuce
set point
(tennis) the final point needed to win a set in tennis
match point
(tennis) the final point needed to win a match (especially in tennis)
unit, unit of measurement
any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange
12n a style in speech or writing that arrests attention and has a penetrating or convincing quality or effect
relevance, relevancy
the relation of something to the matter at hand
13v be a signal for or a symptom of
Her behavior points to a severe neurosis
bespeak, betoken, indicate, signal
augur, auspicate, betoken, bode, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, omen, portend, predict, prefigure, presage, prognosticate
indicate by signs
designate as if by a mark
to be a menacing indication of something:"The clouds threaten rain"
indicate by marking trees with blazes
indicate the dimensions on
mark with a signpost, as of a path
distinguish, signalise, signalize
make conspicuous or noteworthy
mark with a buoy
foretell by divine inspiration
let something be known
14v mark (a psalm text) to indicate the points at which the music changes
label, mark, tag
attach a tag or label to
1v indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively
He pointed to the empty parking space
designate, indicate, show
indicate the fingering for the playing of musical scores for keyboard instruments
call attention, point out, signalise, signalize
point out carefully and clearly
manifest or bring back
impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to
2v be oriented
The weather vane points North
the dancers toes pointed outward
be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position
3v direct into a position for use
point a gun
charge, level
aim, direct, take, take aim, train
point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
4v direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
channelise, channelize, direct, guide, head, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, steer
maneuver into a dock
cause to sheer
pull over
steer a vehicle to the side of the road
be at or take the helm of
direct (an aircraft) into a crosswind
direct carefully and safely
stand out
steer away from shore, of ships
turn to the right, of helms or rudders
conduct or direct the steering of a ship or plane
navigate, pilot
act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance
canalise, canalize, channel
direct the flow of
corner, tree
force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape
maneuver a vehicle into a parking space
dry-dock, drydock
maneuver (a ship) into a drydock
guide in interplanetary travel
park at an angle
park directly behind another vehicle
park a vehicle alongside another
command, control
exercise authoritative control or power over
5v intend (something) to move towards a certain goal
aim, direct, place, target
direct a question at someone
home in, range in, zero in
direct onto a point or target, especially by automatic navigational aids
aim, direct, take, take aim, train
point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
6v indicate the presence of (game) by standing and pointing with the muzzle
the dog pointed the dead duck
designate, indicate, show
indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively
7v be positionable in a specified manner
The gun points with ease
charge, level
direct into a position for use
have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)
8n the precise location of something; a spatially limited location
she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street
Holy Sepulcher
the sepulcher in which Christ's body lay between burial and resurrection
north celestial pole
the celestial pole above the northern hemisphere; near Polaris
North Pole
the northernmost point of the Earth's axis
South Pole
the southernmost point of the Earth's axis
south celestial pole
the celestial pole above the southern hemisphere
port city in western Albania on the Adriatic
Algerian capital
an ancient port on the Mediterranean; the capital and largest city of Algeria
a port city of northeastern Algeria near the Tunisian border
a port city in northwestern Algeria and the country's 2nd largest city
Angolan capital
port city on Atlantic coast; the capital and largest city of Angola
a seaport on the Atlantic coast of Angola
Bahia Blanca
a port city in eastern Argentina to the southwest of Buenos Aires on an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean
capital of Argentina
capital and largest city of Argentina; located in eastern Argentina near Uruguay; Argentina's chief port and industrial and cultural center
a port city in northeastern Bulgaria on the Black Sea
a port city of southern Myanmar on the Gulf of Martaban
a port city on the Pacific in northern Chile
the chief port and second largest city of Chile; located on a wide harbor in central Chile
a city on the Zhu Jiang delta in southern China; the capital of Guangdong province and a major deep-water port
a port and shipbuilding center in northeastern China on the Liaodong Peninsula; now a part of Luda
Port Arthur
a major port city in northeastern China on the Liaodong Peninsula; now a part of Luda
the largest city of China; located in the east on the Pacific; one of the largest ports in the world
Hong Kong
formerly a Crown Colony on the coast of southern China in Guangdong province; leased by China to Britain in 1842 and returned in 1997; one of the world's leading commercial centers
a port city of northern Colombia near the Caribbean on the Magdalena River
a port city in northwestern Colombia on the Caribbean
a port city at the Caribbean entrance to the Panama Canal
Acapulco de Juarez
a port and fashionable resort city on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico; known for beaches and water sports (including cliff diving)
a port city in western Mexico on the Pacific Ocean; tourist center
a port city in eastern Mexico
a major Mexican port on the Gulf of Mexico in the state of Veracruz
Santiago de Cuba
a port city in southeastern Cuba; industrial center
Montego Bay
port and resort city in northwestern Jamaica
capital of Barbados
capital of Barbados; a port city on the southwestern coast of Barbados
chief port of Benin on the Bight of Benin
port city of Denmark in eastern Jutland
a city and port in northern Jutland
capital of Djibouti
port city on the Gulf of Aden; the capital and largest city of Djibouti
capital of Norway
the capital and largest city of Norway; the country's main port; located at the head of a fjord on Norway's southern coast
a port city in southwestern Norway
a port city in southwestern Norway; center for shipbuilding industry
a port in central Norway on Trondheim Fjord
a port in southern Sweden
a port in southwestern Sweden; second largest city in Sweden
a port city in northwestern Germany at the mouth of the Weser River on the North Sea; has a deep natural harbor and is an important shipping center
a port city in northern Germany on the Elbe River that was founded by Charlemagne in the 9th century and is today the largest port in Germany; in 1241 it formed an alliance with Lubeck that became the basis for the Hanseatic League
a port city in northwestern Germany; formerly a member of the Hanseatic League
a port town in Eritrea on an inlet of the Red Sea
capital of Finland
the capital and largest city of Finland; located in southern Finland; a major port and commercial and cultural center
a town that is the chief port of the Aland islands
the modern Greek port near the site of the ancient city that was second only to Athens
a port city in western Greece in the northwestern Peloponnese on an inlet of the Ionian Sea; was a major trade center from the 5th century BC to the 3rd century BC; commercial importance revived during the Middle Ages
a port city in northeastern Greece on an inlet of the Aegean Sea; second largest city of Greece
a town and port in northwestern Israel in the eastern Mediterranean
an ancient seaport in northwestern Israel; an important Roman city in ancient Palestine
a major port in northwestern Israel
a port in western Israel on the Mediterranean; incorporated into Tel Aviv in 1950
a port and tourist center in southwestern Italy; capital of the Campania region
a port city in northeastern Sicily on the Strait of Messina
a port city in southeastern Apulia in Italy; a center for the Crusades in the Middle Ages
La Spezia
a port city in Liguria on an arm of the Ligurian Sea; a major seaport and year-round resort
the capital of Sicily; located in northwestern Sicily; an important port for 3000 years
a port city in southwestern Croatia on the Adriatic; a popular tourist center
capital of the Canadian province of British Columbia on Vancouver Island
a port city in southwestern British Columbia on an arm of the Pacific Ocean opposite Vancouver Island; Canada's chief Pacific port and third largest city
Saint John
a port in eastern Canada; the largest city in New Brunswick
Saint John's
a port and provincial capital of Newfoundland
a port city in southeastern Ontario at the western end of Lake Ontario
Thunder Bay
a port city in Ontario on Lake Superior
a port and state capital of Tasmania
a port city and industrial center in southeastern Bangladesh on the Bay of Bengal
a busy port and financial center in northern Belgium on the Scheldt river; it has long been a center for the diamond industry and the first stock exchange was opened there in 1460
port city in northwestern Belgium and industrial center; famous for cloth industry
St. Mary of Bethlehem
port city in northern Brazil in the Amazon delta; main port and commercial center for the Amazon River basin
a port city in northeastern Brazil
a port city of northeastern Brazil on the Atlantic
a port city in southwestern Brazil on an offshore island near Sao Paulo
Kingston-upon Hull
a large fishing port in northeastern England
a large city in northwestern England; its port is the country's major outlet for industrial exports
an industrial city and port in southwestern England near the mouth of the River Avon
a port city in northeastern England on the River Tyne; a center for coal exports (giving rise to the expression `carry coals to Newcastle' meaning to do something unnecessary)
a port city in southern England on the English Channel; Britain's major naval base
a port and industrial city in northeastern England
capital of Ireland
capital and largest city and major port of the Irish Republic
a port city in southern Ireland
a port city in western Ireland on Galway Bay
port city in southwestern Ireland
a port city in southern Ireland; famous for glass industry
a port in southwestern Scotland
largest city in Scotland; a port on the Clyde in west central Scotland; one of the great shipbuilding centers of the world
a port city in southeastern Wales
a port city in southern Wales on an inlet of the Bristol Channel
El Iskandriyah
the chief port of Egypt; located on the western edge of the Nile delta on the Mediterranean Sea; founded by Alexander the Great; the capital of ancient Egypt
Egyptian capital
the capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa; a major port just to the south of the Nile delta; formerly the home of the Pharaohs
a port city is southern Indonesia; located in northern Java
a port city in southwestern Iran
the second largest city in Iraq; an oil port in southern Iraq
port city on southern Honshu on Osaka Bay; a commercial and industrial center of Japan
port city on southeastern Honshu in central Japan
a port city in Japan on Osaka Bay in southern Honshu; was damaged by an earthquake in 1995
a port city on the southwestern coast of Honshu in Japan; on August 6, 1945 Hiroshima was almost completely destroyed by the first atomic bomb dropped on a populated area
a city in southern Japan on Kyushu; a leading port and shipbuilding center; on August 9, 1945 Nagasaki became the second populated area to receive an atomic bomb
a port city in western Kenya on the northeastern shore of Lake Victoria; fishing and trading center
a port city in southern Kenya on a coral island in a bay of the Indian Ocean
a port city in southwestern France; a major center of the wine trade
a port city in northwestern France (in Brittany); the chief naval station of France
a town in northern France on the Strait of Dover that serves as a ferry port to England; in 1347 it was captured by the English king Edward III after a long siege and remained in English hands until it was recaptured by the French king Henry II in 1558
a port and resort city on the French Riviera; site of an annual film festival
a port town in northwestern France on the English Channel; site of a naval base
a seaport in northern France on the North Sea; scene of the evacuation of British forces in 1940 during World War II
Le Havre
a port city in northern France on the English Channel at the mouth of the Seine
a port city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean
a port city in western France on the Loire estuary
a port city and naval base in southeastern France on the Mediterranean coast
capital of Gambia
a port city and capital of Gambia
capital of Guinea
a port and the capital of Guinea
port city and the capital and largest city of Guyana
capital of Iceland
the capital and chief port of Iceland on the southwestern coast of Iceland; buildings are heated by natural hot water
a port city in western South Korea on the Yellow Sea
a city in southeastern South Korea on the Korean Strait; the chief port and second largest city
Tarabulus Ash-Sham
a port city and commercial center in northwestern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea
a port in southern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea; formerly a major Phoenician seaport famous for silks
capital of Liberia
the capital and chief port and largest city of Liberia
port in northern Libya on the Gulf of Sidra; formerly a joint capital of Libya with Tripoli
Port Louis
capital and chief port of Mauritius; located on the northwestern coast of the island
a port on the Atlantic and the largest city of Morocco
a port city in eastern Mozambique on the Mozambique Channel
the largest city and principal port of New Zealand
chief port and economic center of Nigeria; located in southwestern Nigeria on the Gulf of Guinea; former capital of Nigeria
capital of Oman
a port on the Gulf of Oman and capital of the sultanate of Oman
capital of Paraguay
the capital and chief port of Paraguay
a port city of northern Poland near the mouth of the Vistula River on a gulf of the Baltic Sea; a member of the Hanseatic League in the 14th century
capital of Portugal
capital and largest city and economic and cultural center of Portugal; a major port in western Portugal on Tagus River where it broadens and empties into the Atlantic
port city in northwest Portugal; noted for port wine
a port city on the Atlantic coast of Portugal to the southeast of Lisbon
capital of Qatar
the capital and chief port of Qatar
a port on the island of Saint Lucia; capital and largest city of Saint Lucia
Pango Pango
a port in American Samoa
port city in western Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea; near Mecca
capital of Senegal
the capital and chief port and largest city of Senegal
capital of Seychelles
port city and the capital of Seychelles
capital of Sierra Leone
port city and the capital and largest city of Sierra Leone
capital of Somalia
the capital and largest city of Somalia; a port on the Indian Ocean
Cape Town
port city in southwestern South Africa; the seat of the legislative branch of the government of South Africa
a port city in eastern South Africa on the Indian Ocean; resort and industrial center
a port city in northwestern Russia on the Kola Peninsula; the largest city to the north of the Arctic Circle; an important supply line to Russia in World War I and World War II
Rostov na Donu
a seaport on the Don River near the Sea of Azov in the European part of Russia
capital of Estonia
a port city on the Gulf of Finland that is the capital and largest city of Estonia
capital of Latvia
a port city on the Gulf of Riga that is the capital and largest city of Latvia; formerly a member of the Hanseatic League
port city and industrial center in east central Ukraine on the Dnieper River
a port city of south central Ukraine on an arm of the Black Sea
capital of Azerbaijan
a port city on the Caspian Sea that is the capital of Azerbaijan and an important center for oil production
a city in northeastern Spain on the Mediterranean; 2nd largest Spanish city and the largest port and commercial center; has been a center for radical political beliefs
an ancient port city in southwestern Spain
a port in southeastern Spain on the Mediterranean
a port city and resort in Andalusia in southern Spain on the Mediterranean
a city in southwestern Spain; a major port and cultural center; the capital of bullfighting in Spain
Port Sudan
port city in Sudan on the Red Sea
capital of Suriname
the capital and largest city and major port of Surinam
Al Ladhiqiyah
a seaport on the western coast of Syria
capital of Tanzania
the capital and largest port city of Tanzania on the Indian Ocean
a port city in northeastern Tanzania on the Indian Ocean
capital of Thailand
the capital and largest city and chief port of Thailand; a leading city in southeastern Asia; noted for Buddhist architecture
capital of Tunisia
the capital and principal port of Tunisia
a port city in eastern Tunisia on the Mediterranean
a port city in southwestern Turkey on the Gulf of Antalya
a port city in western Turkey
port city in the United Arab Emirates on the Persian Gulf
a port in southwestern Alabama on Mobile Bay
a port on Alaska's southern coast from which oil is shipped to markets around the world
a town in Arizona on the Mexican border opposite Nogales, Mexico
City of the Angels
a city in southern California; motion picture capital of the world; most populous city of California and second largest in the United States
a city in western California on San Francisco Bay opposite San Francisco; primarily and industrial urban center
San Diego
a picturesque city of southern California on San Diego Bay near the Mexican border; site of an important naval base
San Francisco
a port in western California near the Golden Gate that is one of the major industrial and transportation centers; it has one of the world's finest harbors; site of the Golden Gate Bridge
a port in southwestern Connecticut on Long Island Sound
Florida's largest city; a port and important commercial center in northeastern Florida
a city and resort in southeastern Florida on Biscayne Bay; the best known city in Florida; a haven for retirees and a refuge for Cubans fleeing Castro
Panama City
a resort and fishing town on the Gulf of Mexico in northwest Florida
a resort city in western Florida; located on Tampa Bay on the Gulf of Mexico
a town in southeast Georgia near the Atlantic coast; a port of entry
a city in western Georgia on the Chattahoochee River; industrial center
a port in eastern Georgia near the mouth of the Savannah river
capital of Hawaii
the capital and largest city of Hawaii; located on a large bay on the island of Oahu
Pearl Harbor
a harbor on Oahu to the west of Honolulu; location of a United States naval base that was attacked by the Japanese on 7 Dec 1941
Windy City
largest city in Illinois; a bustling Great Lakes port that extends 26 miles along the southwestern shoreline of Lake Michigan
a city in northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan; steel production
New Orleans
a port and largest city in Louisiana; located in southeastern Louisiana near the mouth of the Mississippi river; a major center for offshore drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico; jazz originated here among black musicians in the late 19th century; Mardi Gras is celebrated here each year
the largest city in Maryland; a major seaport and industrial center
Boston Harbor
the seaport at Boston
a town in northern Michigan on an arm of Lake Huron
Motor City
the largest city in Michigan and a major Great Lakes port; center of the United States automobile industry; located in southeastern Michigan on the Detroit river across from Windsor
a town in northwest Michigan on the Upper Peninsula
a town in east central Michigan on an arm of Lake Huron
a city in northeast Minnesota on Lake Superior
Gateway to the West
the largest city in Missouri; a busy river port on the Mississippi River near its confluence with the Missouri River; was an important staging area for wagon trains westward in the 19th century
a port town in southeastern New Hampshire on the Atlantic Ocean
Greater New York
the largest city in New York State and in the United States; located in southeastern New York at the mouth of the Hudson river; a major financial and cultural center
freshwater port and largest city in Oregon; located in northwestern Oregon on the Willamette River which divides the city into east and west sections; renowned for its beautiful natural setting among the mountains
a port city on Lake Erie in northwestern Pennsylvania
a port city in southeastern South Carolina
a city in southern Texas on the Rio Grande near its mouth into the Gulf of Mexico; has a channel that accommodates oceangoing ships
the largest city in Texas; located in southeastern Texas near the Gulf of Mexico; site of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
a city in southern Texas on the Rio Grande
Newport News
a port city in southeastern Virginia at the mouth of the James River off Hampton Roads; large shipyards
port city located in southeastern Virginia on the Elizabeth River at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay; headquarters of the Atlantic fleet of the United States Navy
a port city in southeastern Virginia on the Elizabeth River opposite Norfolk; naval base; shipyards
a town in western Washington
a town in northwestern Washington on a bay near the Canadian border
a major port of entry and the largest city in Washington; located in west central Washington on the protected waters of Puget Sound with the snow-capped peaks of the Cascade Range and Mount Ranier visible to the south and east; an aerospace and computer center; site of the University of Washington
Ciudad Bolivar
a port in eastern Venezuela on the Orinoco river
a port city in northeastern Venezuela on the Caribbean Sea; founded in 1523, it is the oldest European settlement in South America
a port city in northwestern Venezuela; a major oil center
a port city in northern Vietnam; industrial center
an important port of Yemen; located on the Gulf of Aden; its strategic location has made it a major trading center of southern Arabia since ancient times
an important port in Yemen on the Red Sea
a port in southern Yemen on the Gulf of Aden to the east of Aden
the highest mountain in the western hemisphere; located in the Andes in western Argentina (22,834 feet high)
Mount Adams
a mountain peak in southwestern Washington in the Cascade Range (12,307 feet high)
Adam's Peak
a mountain peak in south central Sri Lanka (7,360 feet high)
a mountain peak in the Andes in Bolivia (20,960 feet high)
a mountain in the Himalayas in Nepal (26,500 feet high)
Mount Ararat
the mountain peak that Noah's ark landed on as the waters of the great flood receded
a mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,546 feet high)
a mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,047 feet high)
a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal (24,780 feet high)
a mountain peak in the Andes in Ecuador (20,560 feet high)
Mount Communism
the highest mountain peak in the Pamir Mountains; near the Chinese border in northeastern Tajikistan (24,590 feet high)
a mountain peak in the Andes in Peru (21,083 feet high)
a mountain in the Himalayas in Nepal (26,820 feet high)
El Libertador
a mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,047 feet high)
El Muerto
a mountain peak in the Andes on the border between Argentina and Chile (21,457 feet high)
Mount Everest
a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal; the highest mountain peak in the world (29,028 feet high)
a mountain peak in the Andes in Argentina (21,654 feet high)
a mountain in northern Kashmir (26,470 feet high)
a mountain in the Himalayas in Tibet (26,290 feet high)
Grand Teton
a mountain peak in northwestern Wyoming; the highest peak in the Teton Range (13,766 feet high)
Handies Peak
a mountain peak in the San Juan Mountains in southwestern Colorado (14,048 feet high)
a mountain in the Andes in Peru (22,205 feet high)
Mount Hubbard
a mountain peak in southeastern Alaska that is part of the Coast Range (14,950 feet high)
a mountain peak in the Andes in Bolivia (20,870 feet high)
a mountain peak in the Andes in Bolivia (21,201 feet high)
Mount Godwin Austen
a mountain peak in the Karakoram Range in northern Kashmir; the 2nd highest peak in the world (28,250 feet high)
a mountain in the Himalayas in northern India (25,450 feet high)
Mount Kanchenjunga
a mountain the Himalayas on the border between Nepal and Tibet (28,208 feet high)
Mount Kilimanjaro
the highest peak in Africa; located in northeastern Tanzania; 19,340 feet high
a mountain peak in the Andes in Argentina (20,997 feet high)
a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal (27,890 feet high)
a mountain in the Andes on the border between Argentina and Chile (22,057 feet high)
Mount Logan
a mountain peak in the St. Elias Range in the southwestern Yukon Territory in Canada (19,850 feet high)
a mountain in the Himalayas in Nepal (27,790 feet high)
a mountain in the Alps on the border between Switzerland and Italy (14,780 feet high); noted for its distinctive shape
Mount McKinley
a mountain in south central Alaska; the highest peak in North America (20,300 feet high)
a mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,210 feet high)
Monte Bianco
the highest mountain peak in the Alps; on the border between France and Italy to the south of Geneva (15,781 feet high)
Mount Bartle Frere
the highest mountain peak in Queensland, Australia
Mount Elbert
the highest peak in the Rocky Mountains in central Colorado (14,431 feet high)
a highest mountain peak in the Kunlun Shan in China; near the Indian border (23,891 feet high)
a mountain peak in the Andes in Argentina (21,302 feet high)
Nanda Devi
a mountain in the Himalayas in northern India (25,660 feet high)
Nanga Parbat
a mountain in the Himalayas in Kashmir (26,660 feet high)
North Peak
19,370 feet high
a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal (25,726 feet high)
Ojos del Salado
a mountain in the Andes on the border between Argentina and Chile (22,572 feet high)
Mount Olympus
a mountain peak in northeast Greece near the Aegean coast; believed by ancient Greeks to be the dwelling place of the gods (9,570 feet high)
Mount Parnassus
(Greek mythology) a mountain in central Greece where (according to Greek mythology) the Muses lived; known as the mythological home of music and poetry
Pike's Peak
a mountain peak in the Rockies in central Colorado (14,109 feet high)
a mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,241 feet high)
Pobeda Peak
a mountain peak in the Tien Shan mountains in northern India (24,406 feet high)
a mountain peak in the Karakoram Range in northern Kashmir (25,560 feet high)
Mount Ranier
a mountain peak in central Washington; highest peak in the Cascade Range; (14,410 feet high)
Mount Rushmore
a mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota; the likenesses of Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln and Roosevelt are carved on it
a mountain peak in the Andes in Bolivia (21,391 feet high)
Mount Shasta
a volcanic mountain peak in the Cascade Range in northern California (14,162 feet high)
Mount Sherman
a peak in the Rocky Mountains in central Colorado (14,036 feet high)
Mount Sinai
a mountain peak in the southern Sinai Peninsula (7,500 feet high); it is believed to be the peak on which Moses received the Ten Commandments
Tirich Mir
a mountain in the Hindu Kush in Pakistan (25,230 feet high)
a mountain in the Andes on the border between Argentina and Chile (22,310 feet high)
Ulugh Muz Tagh
a mountain in the Kunlun range in China (25,340 feet high)
Uncompahgre Peak
the highest peak in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado (14,309 feet high)
a mountain in the Alps in Switzerland (14,804 feet high)
Wheeler Peak
a mountain peak in northeastern New Mexico in the Rocky Mountains
Mount Whitney
the highest peak in the Sierra Nevada range in California (14,494 feet high)
Mount Wilson
a peak in the San Juan mountains of Colorado (14,246 feet high)
a mountain peak in the Andes in Peru (21,709 feet high)
American Stock Exchange
a stock exchange in New York
the stock exchange in Paris
Charlestown Navy Yard
the navy yard in Boston where the frigate `Constitution' is anchored
Mausoleum at Halicarnasus
a white marble mausoleum 140 feet high built in 352 BC at Halicarnassus as a memorial to a king; destroyed in 1402
New York Stock Exchange
a stock exchange in New York
Taj Mahal
beautiful mausoleum at Agra built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan (completed in 1649) in memory of his favorite wife
(anatomy) a point or small area
blind spot, optic disc, optic disk
the point where the optic nerve enters the retina; not sensitive to light
belly button, bellybutton, navel, omphalos, omphalus, umbilicus
a scar where the umbilical cord was attached
McBurney's point
a point one third of the way along a line drawn from the hip to the umbilicus; the point of maximum sensitivity in acute appendicitis
(physics) the point of minimum displacement in a periodic system
(physics) the point of maximum displacement in a periodic system
beginning, origin, root, rootage, source
the place where something begins, where it springs into being
celestial point
a point in the heavens (on the celestial sphere)
center, centre, midpoint
a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure
crinion, trichion
point where the hairline meets the midpoint of the forehead
a point of congestion or blockage
the point where two lines meet or intersect
a point where two lines (paths or arcs etc.) intersect
a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section
geographic point, geographical point
a point on the surface of the Earth
ground zero
the point of detonation (or above or below) of a nuclear weapon
hot spot, hotspot
a point of relatively intense heat or radiation
some point in the air; above ground level
point of contact between two objects or parts
place, position
the particular portion of space occupied by something
the appropriate or customary location
pressure point
any of several points on the body where the pulse can be felt and where pressure on an underlying artery will control bleeding from that artery at a more distal point
military position, position
a point occupied by troops for tactical reasons
the point where three areas or surfaces meet or intersect
place, spot, topographic point
a point located with respect to surface features of some region
vanishing point
the point beyond which something disappears or ceases to exist
focal point, focus
a point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges
the scar on certain seeds marking its point of attachment to the funicle
focal point, focus, nidus
a central point or locus of an infection in an organism
the middle part of a slack rope (as distinguished from its ends)
grave, tomb
a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone)
the place where two or more things come together
work, workplace
a place where work is done
center of curvature, centre of curvature
the center of the circle of curvature
either of the corners of the eye where the upper and lower eyelids meet
the place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with
(in flight formation) a position to the side and just to the rear of another aircraft
apex, apex of the sun's way, solar apex
the point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed stars
the point opposite in direction from the solar apex; the point the solar system is moving away from
apoapsis, point of apoapsis
(astronomy) the point in an orbit farthest from the body being orbited
(astronomy) a point where an orbit crosses a plane
the source or origin from which something derives (i.e. comes or issues)
a point at which water issues forth
fountainhead, head, headspring
the source of water from which a stream arises
the source of a river
wellhead, wellspring
the source of water for a well
jumping-off place, point of departure
a place from which an enterprise or expedition is launched
birthplace, place of birth
the place where someone was born
birthplace, cradle, place of origin, provenance, provenience
where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence
the center of the Earth
bull, bull's eye
the center of a target
equinoctial point, equinox
(astronomy) either of the two celestial points at which the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic
center of gravity, centre of gravity
the point within something at which gravity can be considered to act; in uniform gravity it is equal to the center of mass
center of mass, centre of mass
point representing the mean position of the matter in a body
the center of an object
navel, navel point
the center point or middle of something
polling place, polling station
a place where voters go to cast their votes in an election
confluence, meeting
a place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers)
(astronomy) a heavenly body's highest celestial point above an observer's horizon
one of two places from which people are communicating to each other
epicenter, epicentre
the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake
a position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle)
half-mast, half-staff
a position some distance below the top of a mast to which a flag is lowered in mourning or to signal distress
hiding place
a place suitable for hiding something (such as yourself)
heights, high
a high place
a small unpretentious out-of-the-way place
holy, holy place, sanctum
a sacred place of pilgrimage
place where something began and flourished
point source
a concentrated source (especially of radiation or pollution) that is spatially constricted
trail head, trailhead
the beginning of a trail
(baseball) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base
a fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops)
magnetic pole
either of two points where the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field are vertical
a place that attracts many visitors
the point below the observer that is directly opposite the zenith on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected
nesting place
a place suitable for nesting
the center point on a shield
a high place affording a good view
crest, crown, peak, summit, tip, top
the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)
periapsis, point of periapsis
(astronomy) the point in an orbit closest to the body being orbited
one of two antipodal points where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects the Earth's surface
celestial pole, pole
one of two points of intersection of the Earth's axis and the celestial sphere
pole position
the most favorable position at the start of a race
the place where people vote
pride of place
the first or highest or most important or most ostentatious place
(astronomy) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion (as observed from the sun)
site, situation
physical position in relation to the surroundings
the physical position of something
a side-by-side position
position or manner in which something is situated
post, station
the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand
a vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk)
the position of a prominent or well-known object in a particular landscape
location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east
location near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east
back, rear
the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer
the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer
a place (seaport or airport) where people and merchandise can enter or leave a country
a place where people meet
a place that is scoured (especially by running water)
service area
place on a highway providing garage services and eating and toilet facilities
a place that is frequently exhibited and visited for its historical interest or natural beauty
a solitary place
the position where a thing or person stands
(nautical) the location to which a ship or fleet is assigned for duty
a spot where something halts or pauses
target, target area
the location of the target that is to be hit
pool, puddle
something resembling a pool of liquid
place or situation affording some advantage (especially a comprehensive view or commanding perspective)
the point above the observer that is directly opposite the nadir on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected
the location of a planet in the zodiac at which it is believed to exert its maximum influence
a locally circumscribed place characterized by some distinctive features
the central part of the Earth
the positively charged dense center of an atom
(astronomy) the center of the head of a comet; consists of small solid particles of ice and frozen gas that vaporizes on approaching the sun to form the coma and tail
a point or extent in space
9n the gun muzzle's direction
he held me up at the point of a gun
gun muzzle, muzzle
the open circular discharging end of a gun
10n a wall socket
power point
electric outlet, electric receptacle, electrical outlet, outlet, wall plug, wall socket
receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices
11n a contact in the distributor; as the rotor turns its projecting arm contacts them and current flows to the spark plugs
breaker point, distributor point
contact, tangency
(electronics) a junction where things (as two electrical conductors) touch or are in physical contact
1n a geometric element that has position but no extension
a point is defined by its coordinates
attracter, attractor
(physics) a point in the ideal multidimensional phase space that is used to describe a system toward which the system tends to evolve regardless of the starting conditions of the system
intersection, intersection point, point of intersection
a point where lines intersect
the point at which a line intersects a coordinate axis
chaotic attractor, strange attractor
an attractor for which the approach to its final point in phase space is chaotic
metacenter, metacentre
(shipbuilding) the point of intersection between two vertical lines, one line through the center of buoyancy of the hull of a ship in equilibrium and the other line through the center of buoyancy of the hull when the ship is inclined to one side; the distance of this intersection above the center of gravity is an indication of the stability of the ship
the point of intersection of lines or the point opposite the base of a figure
component, constituent, element, factor, ingredient
an abstract part of something
2n a very small circular shape
a row of points
disc, disk, saucer
something with a round shape resembling a flat circular plate
3n a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations
full point, full stop, period, stop
suspension point
(usually plural) one of a series of points indicating that something has been omitted or that the sentence is incomplete
punctuation, punctuation mark
the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases
4n the dot at the left of a decimal fraction
decimal point, percentage point
mathematical notation
a notation used by mathematicians
5v mark with diacritics
point the letter
label, mark, tag
attach a tag or label to
6v mark (Hebrew words) with diacritics
label, mark, tag
attach a tag or label to
1n sharp end
he stuck the point of the knife into a tree
he broke the point of his pencil
the pointed head or striking tip of an arrow
a subsidiary point facing opposite from the main point that makes an arrowhead or spear hard to remove
the pointed part of barbed wire
point formed by two intersecting arcs (as from the intrados of a Gothic arch)
diamond point
a very hard small point made from a diamond
nib, pen nib
the writing point of a pen
a sharp point (as on the end of a spear)
the sharp point of a pin
spear-point, spearhead, spearpoint
the head and sharpened point of a spear
each of the sharp points on the soles of athletic shoes to prevent slipping (or the shoes themselves)
a barb on a harpoon or arrow
a sharp metal spike or spur that is fastened to the leg of a gamecock
end, terminal
either extremity of something that has length
2n the property of a shape that tapers to a sharp tip
the property of having only a dull tip (if any)
the property possessed by a shape that narrows toward a point (as a wedge or cone)
3n a V shape
the cannibal's teeth were filed to sharp points
peak, tip
widow's peak
a V-shaped point in the hairline in the middle of the forehead
small elevation on the grinding surface of a tooth
the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates)
convex shape, convexity
a shape that curves or bulges outward
4n a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer
the point of the arrow was due north
a written or printed symbol (as for punctuation)
5n a promontory extending out into a large body of water
they sailed south around the point
foreland, head, headland, promontory
a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea)
6v give a point to
sharpen, taper
make sharp or acute; taper; make (something) come to a point
change form, change shape, deform
assume a different shape or form
n a linear unit used to measure the size of type; approximately 1/72 inch
linear measure, linear unit
a unit of measurement of length
v sail close to the wind
travel on water propelled by wind
v repair the joints of bricks
point a chimney
bushel, doctor, fix, furbish up, mend, repair, restore, touch on
restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken




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