

单词 kinship group
kinship group
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kinship group: kinship groups
It’s long been understood that this requires us to look at kinship groups when thinking about the reproductive success of those genes.
Washington Post(Jul 15, 2014)
They are divided into kinship groups, with inheritance as a rule in the male line.
Haddon, Alfred Court, Man, Past and Present(2011)
The state, in distinction from the kinship group or the village community, was organized for power and profit.
Tufts, James Hayden, The Ethics of Coöperation(2010)
n group of people related by blood or marriage
clan, kin, kin group, kindred, tribe
Bronte sisters
a 19th century family of three sisters who all wrote novels
Marx Brothers
a family of United States comedians consisting of four brothers with an anarchic sense of humor
mishpachah, mishpocha
(Yiddish) the entire family network of relatives by blood or marriage (and sometimes close friends)
family, family unit
primary social group; parents and children
your parents
family tree, genealogy
successive generations of kin
a clan or tribe identified by their kinship to a common totemic object
Tribes of Israel, Twelve Tribes of Israel
twelve kin groups of ancient Israel each traditionally descended from one of the twelve sons of Jacob
couple, match, mates
a pair of people who live together
man and wife, marriage, married couple
two people who are married to each other
ancestry, blood, blood line, bloodline, descent, line, line of descent, lineage, origin, parentage, pedigree, stemma, stock
the descendants of one individual
Lost Tribes
the ten Tribes of Israel that were deported into captivity in Assyria around 720 BC (leaving only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin)
social group
people sharing some social relation




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