单词 | dweller |
释义 | dweller (once / 1294 pages) n WORD FAMILY dweller: dwellers+/dwell: dwelled, dweller, dwelling, dwells, dwelt, indwell/dwelling: dwellings/indwell: indweller, indwelling, indwells, indwelt/indweller: indwellers USAGE EXAMPLESAccording to the 1996 report Urban Agriculture by the United Nations Development Programme, an estimated 800 million urban dwellers worldwide grow food and raise livestock. Nature(Dec 20, 2016) Whether city dwellers will be as enthusiastic and accepting of the little robots as their city leaders are is open to question. Seattle Times(Dec 18, 2016) McGoldrick, owner of Admiral D’s Marina and Waterfront Tavern, said addressing the problem extends beyond any one entrepreneur’s or lakefront dweller’s qualms about property values. Washington Times(Dec 17, 2016) n a person who inhabits a particular place Syn|Exp|Hypo|Hyper denizen, habitant, indweller, inhabitant Agrippina the Elder granddaughter of Augustus and mother of Caligula and Agrippina the Younger (14 BC - AD 33) Agrippina the Youngerwife who poisoned Claudius after her son Nero was declared heir and who was then put to death by Nero AlcaeusGreek lyric poet of Lesbos; reputed inventor of Alcaic verse (611-580 BC) Alcibiadesancient Athenian statesman and general in the Peloponnesian War (circa 450-404 BC) Antigonus Cyclopsa general of Alexander the Great and king of Macedonia; lost one eye; killed in a battle at Ipsus (382-301 BC) ArminiusGerman hero; leader at the battle of Teutoburger Wald in AD 9 (circa 18 BC - AD 19) Artaxerxes Iking of Persia who sanctioned the practice of Judaism in Jerusalem (?-424 BC) Artaxerxes IIking of Persia who subdued numerous revolutions and made peace with Sparta (?-359 BC) Athelstanthe first Saxon ruler who extended his kingdom to include nearly all of England (895-939) Clovis Iking of the Franks who unified Gaul and established his capital at Paris and founded the Frankish monarchy; his name was rendered as Gallic `Louis' (466-511) Demetrius Poliorcetesson of Antigonus Cyclops and king of Macedonia; he and his father were defeated at the battle of Ipsus (337-283 BC) DemosthenesAthenian statesman and orator (circa 385-322 BC) DracoAthenian lawmaker whose code of laws prescribed death for almost every offense (circa 7th century BC) LysimachusMacedonian general under Alexander the Great; with Seleucus he defeated Antigonus and Demetrius at the battle of Ipsus (circa 355-281 BC) Philemon(New Testament) a Christian (probably living in Colossae) whose slave escaped and went to see Saint Paul Sapphothe Greek lyric poet of Lesbos; much admired although only fragments of her poetry have been preserved (6th century BC) Seleucus I NicatorMacedonian general who accompanied Alexander the Great into Asia; founded a line of kings who reigned in Asia Minor until 65 BC (358-281 BC) Socratesancient Athenian philosopher; teacher of Plato and Xenophon (470-399 BC) Tenzing NorgaySherpa mountaineer guide who with Sir Edmund Hillary was one of the first to attain the summit of Mount Everest (1914-1986) Asian, Asiatic a native or inhabitant of Asia Europeana native or inhabitant of Europe Aussie, Australiana native or inhabitant of Australia Austronesiana native or inhabitant of Austronesia Kiwi, New Zealandera native or inhabitant of New Zealand Americana native or inhabitant of a North American or Central American or South American country Americana native or inhabitant of the United States Alsatiana native or inhabitant of Alsace bordereran inhabitant of a border area (especially the border between Scotland and England) cottage dweller, cottagersomeone who lives in a cottage easterneran inhabitant of an eastern area; especially of the U.S. Galilaean, Galileanan inhabitant of Galilee (an epithet of Jesus Christ) Hittitea member of an ancient people who inhabited Anatolia and northern Syria about 2000 to 1200 BC island-dweller, islanderan inhabitant of an island landlubber, landman, landsmana person who lives and works on land Latinan inhabitant of ancient Latium liversomeone who lives in a place marcheran inhabitant of a border district Nazarenean inhabitant of Nazareth Northerneran inhabitant of the North Numidianan inhabitant of ancient Numidia Occidentala native inhabitant of the Occident Philistinea member of an Aegean people who settled ancient Philistia around the 12th century BC Phrygiana native or inhabitant of Phrygia plainsmanan inhabitant of a plains region (especially the Great Plains of North America) occupant, occupier, residentsomeone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged period or who was born there earthling, earthman, tellurian, worldlingan inhabitant of the earth Trinidadianinhabitant or native of Trinidad villagerone who has lived in a village most of their life westerneran inhabitant of a western area; especially of the U.S. African American, African-American, Afro-American, Black Americanan American whose ancestors were born in Africa Asian Americanan American who is of Asian descent Oriental, oriental persona member of an Oriental race; the term is regarded as offensive by Asians (especially by Asian Americans) Indiana native or inhabitant of India Abo, Aboriginal, Aborigine, Australian Aborigine, native Australiana dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived Eurafricana person of mixed European and African descent Eurasiana person of mixed European and Asian descent sahibformerly a term of respect for important white Europeans in colonial India; used after the name Celt, Kelta member of a European people who once occupied Britain and Spain and Gaul prior to Roman times Franka member of the ancient Germanic peoples who spread from the Rhine into the Roman Empire in the 4th century Teutona member of the ancient Germanic people who migrated from Jutland to southern Gaul and were annihilated by the Romans Afghan, Afghanistania native or inhabitant of Afghanistan Albaniana native or inhabitant of Albania Altaicany member of the peoples speaking a language in the Altaic language group Armeniana native or inhabitant of Armenia Andorrana native or inhabitant of Andorra Austriana native or inhabitant of Austria Bangladeshia native or inhabitant of Bangladesh Basquea member of a people of unknown origin living in the western Pyrenees in France and Spain Bengali(Hinduism) a member of a people living in Bangladesh and West Bengal (mainly Hindus) Belgiana native or inhabitant of Belgium Bhutanese, Bhutania native or inhabitant of Bhutan Bulgariana native or inhabitant of Bulgaria Burmesea native or inhabitant of Myanmar Belorussian, Byelorussian, White Russiana native or inhabitant of Byelorussia Byzantinea native or inhabitant of Byzantium or of the Byzantine Empire Cambodian, Kampucheana native or inhabitant of Cambodia Chinesea native or inhabitant of Communist China or of Nationalist China Cyprian, Cypriot, Cypriotea native or inhabitant of Cyprus Czech, Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakiana native or inhabitant of the former republic of Czechoslovakia Czecha native of inhabitant of the Czech Republic Slovaka native or inhabitant of Slovakia Danea native or inhabitant of Denmark East Indiana native or inhabitant of the East Indies Brit, Britisher, Britona native or inhabitant of Great Britain Anglea member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Saxons and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons Saxona member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Angles and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons; dominant in England until the Norman Conquest Jutea member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Angles and Saxons to become Anglo-Saxons Langobard, Lombarda member of a Germanic people who invaded northern Italy in the 6th century Finna native or inhabitant of Finland Latviana native or inhabitant of Latvia Lithuaniana native or inhabitant of Lithuania French person, Frenchman, Frenchwomana person of French nationality Balkanan inhabitant of the Balkan Peninsula Creolea person descended from French ancestors in southern United States (especially Louisiana) Creolea person of European descent born in the West Indies or Latin America Cretana native or inhabitant of Crete Greek, Hellenea native or inhabitant of Greece Thracianan inhabitant of ancient Thrace Malay, Malayana member of a people inhabiting the northern Malay Peninsula and Malaysia and parts of the western Malay Archipelago Dutchman, Hollander, Netherlandera native or inhabitant of Holland Hindoo, Hindu, Hindustania native or inhabitant of Hindustan or India Hmong, Miaoa people living traditionally in mountain villages in southern China and adjacent areas of Vietnam and Laos and Thailand; many have emigrated to the United States Hungarian, Magyara native or inhabitant of Hungary Icelandera native or inhabitant of Iceland Indonesiana native or inhabitant of Indonesia Irani, Iranian, Persiana native or inhabitant of Iran Iraki, Iraqia native or inhabitant of Iraq Irelander, Irish persona native or inhabitant of Ireland Israelitea native or inhabitant of the ancient kingdom of Israel Israelia native or inhabitant of Israel Italiana native or inhabitant of Italy Romanan inhabitant of the ancient Roman Empire Japanese, Nipponesea native or inhabitant of Japan Jordaniana native or inhabitant of Jordan Koreana native or inhabitant of Korea who speaks the Korean language Kurda member of a largely pastoral Islamic people who live in Kurdistan; the largest ethnic group without their own state Kuwaitia native or inhabitant of Kuwait Lao, Laotiana member of a Buddhist people inhabiting the area of the Mekong River in Laos and Thailand and speaking the Lao language; related to the Thais Lapp, Lapplander, Saame, Saami, Same, Samia member of an indigenous nomadic people living in northern Scandinavia and herding reindeer Latin American, Latinoa native of Latin America Lebanesea native or inhabitant of Lebanon Liechtensteinera native or inhabitant of Liechtenstein Luxembourger, Luxemburgera native or inhabitant of Luxembourg Macedoniana native or inhabitant of Macedon Malaysiana native or inhabitant of Malaysia Maldivan, Maldiviana native or inhabitant of Maldives Nauruana native or inhabitant of Nauru Nepalese, Nepalia native or inhabitant of Nepal North Americana native or inhabitant of North America Norse, Norseman, Norwegiana native or inhabitant of Norway Pakistania native or inhabitant of Pakistan Parthiana native or inhabitant of Parthia Polea native or inhabitant of Poland Polynesiana native or inhabitant of Polynesia Portuguesea native or inhabitant of Portugal Romanian, Rumaniana native or inhabitant of Romania San Marinesea native or inhabitant of San Marino Norse, Northman, Scandinavianan inhabitant of Scandinavia Scot, Scotchman, Scotsmana native or inhabitant of Scotland Slovenea native of Slovenia South Americana native or inhabitant of South America Spaniarda native or inhabitant of Spain Singhalese, Sinhalesea native or inhabitant of Sri Lanka Swedea native or inhabitant of Sweden Sherpaa member of the Himalayan people living in Nepal and Tibet who are famous for their skill as mountaineers Syriana native or inhabitant of Syria Taiwanesea native or inhabitant of Taiwan Tadzhik, Tajika native or inhabitant of Tajikistan and neighboring areas of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan and China Siamese, Tai, Thaia native or inhabitant of Thailand Tibetana native or inhabitant of Tibet Tyroleana native or inhabitant of the Tyrol Turkiany member of the peoples speaking a Turkic language Kazakhstania native or inhabitant of Kazakhstan Ukraniana native or inhabitant of the Ukraine Anglo-Americanan American who was born in Britain or one whose ancestors were British Alabaman, Alabamiana native or resident of Alabama Alaskana native or resident of Alaska Arizonan, Arizoniana native or resident of Arizona Arkansan, Arkansawyera native or resident of Arkansas Bay Statera native or resident of Massachusetts Bostoniana native or resident of Boston Californiana native or resident of California Caroliniana native or resident of the Carolinas Coloradana native or resident of Colorado Connecticutera native or resident of Connecticut Delawarean, Delawariana native or resident of Delaware Floridiana native or resident of Florida Franco-Americanan American who was born in France or whose ancestors were French German Americanan American who was born in Germany or whose ancestors were German Georgiana native or resident of the American state of Georgia Hawaiiana native or resident of Hawaii Idahoana native or resident of Idaho Illinoisana native or resident of Illinois Hoosier, Indianana native or resident of Indiana Iowana native or resident of Iowa Kansana native or resident of Kansas Bluegrass Stater, Kentuckiana native or resident of Kentucky Louisianan, Louisianiana native or resident of Louisiana Down Easter, Mainera native or resident of Maine Marylandera native or resident of Maryland Michigander, Wolverinea native or resident of Michigan Gopher, Minnesotana native or resident of Minnesota Mississippiana native or resident of Mississippi Missouriana native or resident of Missouri Montanana native or resident of Montana Cornhusker, Nebraskana native or resident of Nebraska Nevadana native or resident of Nevada Granite Stater, New Hampshiritea native or resident of New Hampshire Garden Stater, New Jerseyan, New Jerseyitea native of resident of New Jersey New Mexicana native or resident of New Mexico New Yorkera native or resident of New York (especially of New York City) North Carolinian, Tarheela native or resident of North Carolina North Dakotana native or resident of North Dakota Buckeye, Ohioana native or resident of Ohio Oklahoman, Soonera native or resident of Oklahoma Beaver, Oregoniana native or resident of Oregon Keystone Stater, Pennsylvaniana native or resident of Pennsylvania Rhode Islandera native or resident of Rhode Island South Caroliniana native or resident of South Carolina South Dakotana native or resident of South Dakota Tennessean, Volunteera native or resident of Tennessee Texana native or resident of Texas Utahana native or resident of Utah Vermontera native or resident of Vermont Virginiana native or resident of Virginia Washingtoniana native or resident of the state of Washington Washingtoniana native or resident of the city of Washington West Virginiana native or resident of West Virginia Badger, Wisconsinitea native or resident of Wisconsin Wyomingitea native or resident of Wyoming Puerto Ricana native or resident of Puerto Rico Yank, Yankee, Yankee-Doodlean American (especially to non-Americans) Annamese, Vietnamesea native or inhabitant of Vietnam Cambrian, Cymry, Welsh, Welshmana native or resident of Wales Maltesea native or inhabitant of Malta Germana person of German nationality Gibraltariana native or inhabitant of Gibraltar Singaporeanan inhabitant of Singapore Sloveniana native or inhabitant of Slovenia Sri Lankana native or inhabitant of Sri Lanka Dardan, Dardanian, Trojana native of ancient Troy Jugoslav, Jugoslavian, Yugoslav, Yugoslaviana native or inhabitant of Yugoslavia Alexandriana resident or native of Alexandria (especially Alexandria in Egypt) Appalachiana native or inhabitant of Appalachia Bohemiana native or inhabitant of Bohemia in the Czech Republic coastera resident of a coastal area coloniala resident of a colony Colossiana native or inhabitant of the city of Colossae in ancient Phrygia dalesmana person who lives in the dales of northern England Dalmatiana native or inhabitant of Dalmatia Greciana native or resident of Greece housematesomeone who resides in the same house with you Iberiana native or inhabitant of the Iberian Peninsula (especially in ancient times) Iberiana native or inhabitant of Iberia in the Caucasus inmateone of several resident of a dwelling (especially someone confined to a prison or hospital) Mesoamericana member of one of the various peoples inhabiting Mesoamerica metropolitana person who lives in a metropolis Monacan, Monegasquea native or inhabitant of Monaco Mongoloida member of the Mongoloid race New Englander, Yankeean American who lives in New England Niseia person born in the United States of parents who emigrated from Japan outliera person who lives away from his place of work owner-occupieran occupant who owns the home that he/she lives in sojournera temporary resident Southerneran American who lives in the South Hispanic, Hispanic American, Spanish Americanan American whose first language is Spanish statera resident of a particular state or group of states suburbanitea resident of a suburb tenantany occupant who dwells in a place Timoresea native or inhabitant of Timor Toryan American who favored the British side during the American Revolution towner, townsmana resident of a town or city West Indiana native or inhabitant of the West Indies Northerner, Yank, Yankeean American who lives in the North (especially during the American Civil War) individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul a human being |
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