

单词 faintly
(once / 428 pages)

Something that's done faintly is very weak, quiet, or almost imperceptible. When you're driving in the fog, you can often just faintly see the car in front of you.
A sick patient might call faintly for a nurse, and a distant sound, like the murmur of conversation from downstairs, can only be heard faintly. The day after you take down your Christmas tree, your living room might still smell faintly of pine, and a new acquaintance sometimes reminds you faintly of someone you know well. In the 14th century, faintly first meant "timidly," and then "feebly or wearily."
faint: fainted, fainter, faintest, fainting, faintingly, faintly, faintness, faints+/faintness: faintnesses
He sighs faintly, and reaches for the bottle of red.
The Guardian(Dec 30, 2016)
Even if he himself is still faintly bemused by the idea that anyone would consider his story worthy of celebration.
The Guardian(Dec 29, 2016)
On that occasion, Wollaston wrote, it was May and Hammond who looked “faintly embarrassed”.
The Guardian(Dec 26, 2016)
adv to a faint degree or weakly perceived
between him and the dim light a form was outlined faintly
stars shining faintly through the overcast
could hear his distant shouts only faintly
the rumors weren't even faintly true




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