

单词 initiation
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The initiation of something is the beginning. It's what sets events in motion, gets the party underway, or kicks off a new program.
An initiation can also be an introduction into something, formally or informally. You might undergo an initiation ceremony when you join the Girl Scouts for the first time, or have a rude initiation into the world of traffic law when you get your first speeding ticket. But beware of the initiation rituals for college frats — you could find yourself swallowing a live goldfish or streaking across campus in your tighty-whiteys.
initiation: initiations+/initiate: initiated, initiates, initiating, initiation, initiative, initiator, initiatory, uninitiate/initiated: uninitiated/initiative: initiatives/initiator: initiators/uninitiate: uninitiates
The annual dress up day is a tradition for rookies in an initiation practice called "hazing".
BBC(Dec 13, 2016)
They’ve also heard rumors that Joseph was killed as part of a gang initiation.
Los Angeles Times(Nov 30, 2016)
"We have big parties for the initiations where we dance and sing, and feel good."
BBC(Nov 19, 2016)
1n the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new
she looked forward to her initiation as an adult
creation, foundation, founding, innovation, instauration, institution, introduction, origination
authorship, paternity
the act of initiating a new idea or theory or writing
beginning, commencement, start
the act of starting something
2n an act that sets in motion some course of events
induction, trigger
fomentation, instigation
deliberate and intentional triggering (of trouble or discord)
causation, causing
the act of causing something to happen
3n a formal entry into an organization or position or office
his initiation into the club
induction, installation
inaugural, inauguration
the ceremonial induction into a position
coronation, enthronement, enthronisation, enthronization, investiture
the ceremony of installing a new monarch
bar mitzvah
(Judaism) an initiation ceremony marking the 13th birthday of a Jewish boy and signifying the beginning of religious responsibility
bas mitzvah, bat mitzvah, bath mitzvah
(Judaism) an initiation ceremony marking the 12th birthday of a Jewish girl and signifying the beginning of religious responsibility
ceremonial, ceremonial occasion, ceremony, observance
a formal event performed on a special occasion
n wisdom as evidenced by the possession of knowledge
his dullness was due to lack of initiation
knowledgeability, knowledgeableness
wisdom, wiseness
the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight




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