

单词 plant organ
plant organ
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plant organ: plant organs
A plant hormone called auxin, which spurs the growth of leaves, flowers, and other plant organs, is the key: Florets grow where auxin flows.
Science Magazine(Jun 14, 2013)
It seems as if life were weakened in these plant organs to a quite imperceptible degree, but never, not even temporarily, really suspended.
Maunder, E. Walter (Edward Walter), Are the Planets Inhabited?(2011)
This reflex process agrees in every point with the heliotropic effects of light on plant organs.
Park, Robert Ezra, Introduction to the Science of Soci...(2010)
n a functional and structural unit of a plant or fungus
reproductive structure
the parts of a plant involved in its reproduction
a partition or wall especially in an ovary
honey gland, nectary
a gland (often a protuberance or depression) that secretes nectar
a female sex organ occurring in mosses, ferns, and most gymnosperms
calyx tube, floral cup, hypanthium
the cuplike or ringlike or tubular structure of a flower which bears the sepals and stamens and calyx (as in Rosaceae)
chlamys, floral envelope, perianth, perigone, perigonium
collective term for the outer parts of a flower consisting of the calyx and corolla and enclosing the stamens and pistils
magic mushroom, mescal button, sacred mushroom
the button-shaped top of the mescal cactus; a source of psilocybin
cup-shaped plant organ
special cell constituting the base of the basidium in various fungi especially of the order Tremellales
an organ shaped like a helmet; usually a vaulted and enlarged petal as in Aconitum
gill, lamella
any of the radiating leaflike spore-producing structures on the underside of the cap of a mushroom or similar fungus
fruiting body
an organ specialized for producing spores
(botany) the usually underground organ that lacks buds or leaves or nodes; absorbs water and mineral salts; usually it anchors the plant to the ground
root cap
thimble-shaped mass of cells covering and protecting the growing tip of a root
root hair
thin hairlike outgrowth of an epidermal cell just behind the tip; absorbs nutrients from the soil
offset, runner, stolon
a horizontal branch from the base of plant that produces new plants from buds at its tips
stalk, stem
a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ
capitulum, head
a dense cluster of flowers or foliage
foliage, leaf, leafage
the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants
any new growth of a plant such as a new branch or a bud
mature fruiting body of an ascomycetous fungus
small asexual fruiting body resembling a cushion or blister consisting of a mat of hyphae that is produced on a host by some fungi
the fruiting body of a basidiomycete which bears its spores on special cells
an asexual reproductive cell
organs of fruiting (especially the reproductive parts of ferns and mosses)
fleshy spore-bearing inner mass of e.g. a puffball or stinkhorn
spore-bearing layer of cells in certain fungi containing asci or basidia
spore case, sporocarp
specialized leaf branch in certain aquatic ferns that encloses the sori or clusters of sporangia
bloom, blossom, flower
reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
the male reproductive organ of a flower
the part of the stamen that contains pollen; usually borne on a stalk
the female ovule-bearing part of a flower composed of ovary and style and stigma
the stalk of a pistil that raises it above the receptacle
(botany) the narrow elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma
the apical end of the style where deposited pollen enters the pistil
a slender stalk that furnishes an axis for a carpel
corn stalk, cornstalk
the stalk of a corn plant
the stalk of a stamen
funicle, funiculus
the stalk of a plant ovule or seed
the stalk of a leaflet
the organ that bears the ovules of a flower
a small body that contains the female germ cell of a plant; develops into a seed after fertilization
that part of the ovary of a flowering plant where the ovules form
arrangement of the ovules in the placenta and of the placentas in the ovary
episperm, seed coat, testa
protective outer layer of seeds of flowering plants
nutritive tissue surrounding the embryo within seeds of flowering plants
small asexual reproductive structure in e.g. liverworts and mosses that detaches from the parent and develops into a new individual
cone, strobile, strobilus
cone-shaped mass of ovule- or spore-bearing scales or bracts
a reduced or scarcely developed leaf at the start of a plant's life (i.e., cotyledons) or in the early stages of leaf development
floral leaf
a modified leaf that is part of a flower
the aromatic root of the sweet flag used medicinally
cocoyam, dasheen, eddo, taro
edible starchy tuberous root of taro plants
aromatic root of ginseng plants
horseradish, horseradish root
the root of the horseradish plant; it is grated or ground and used for seasoning
pungent edible root of any of various cultivated radish plants
chicory, chicory root
the dried root of the chicory plant: used as a coffee substitute
dandelion green
the foliage of the dandelion plant
oyster plant, salsify
edible root of the salsify plant
Hottentot bread, Hottentot's bread
thick edible rootstock of elephant's-foot
a strong slender often flexible stem as of bamboos, reeds, rattans, or sugar cane
hard woody root of the briar Erica arborea
acorn cup, cupule
cup-shaped structure of hardened bracts at the base of an acorn
orris, orrisroot
fragrant rootstock of various irises especially Florentine iris; used in perfumes and medicines
the petals or sepals of a flower that bend downward (especially the outer perianth of an iris)
sarsaparilla root
dried root of any of various plants of the genus Smilax used as a flavoring agent
licorice root
root of licorice used in flavoring e.g. candy and liqueurs and medicines
dried root of two plants of the genus Polygala containing an irritating saponin
(botany) a leaf that that is modified in such a way as to resemble a pitcher or ewer
mandrake, mandrake root
the root of the mandrake plant; used medicinally or as a narcotic
cassava, manioc
cassava root eaten as a staple food after drying and leaching; source of tapioca
deep orange edible root of the cultivated carrot plant
the whitish root of cultivated parsnip
a small club-shaped structure typically bearing four basidiospores at the ends of minute projections; unique to basidiomycetes
fruiting body of some rust fungi bearing chains of aeciospores
the male sex organ of spore-producing plants; produces antherozoids; equivalent to the anther in flowers
sporophyl, sporophyll
leaf in ferns and mosses that bears the sporangia
sporangium, spore case, spore sac
organ containing or producing spores
stalk bearing one or more sporangia
saclike structure in which ascospores are formed through sexual reproduction of ascomycetes
a spore-bearing branch or organ: the part of the thallus of a sporophyte that develops spores; in ferns and mosses and liverworts is practically equivalent to the sporophyte
cell or organ in which gametes develop
gametangia and surrounding bracts
a modified branch bearing gametangia as in the thalloid liverworts
cluster of sporangia usually on underside of a fern frond
a spore-producing structure in certain lichens and fungi
an air-filled root (submerged or exposed) that can function as a respiratory organ of a marsh or swamp plant
(botany) main root of a plant growing straight downward from the stem
adventitious root
root growing in an unusual location e.g. from a stem
small root or division of a root
prop root
a root that grows from and supports the stem above the ground in plants such as mangroves
cutting, slip
a part (sometimes a root or leaf or bud) removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting
a fleshy underground stem or root serving for reproductive and food storage
rhizome, rootstalk, rootstock
a horizontal plant stem with shoots above and roots below serving as a reproductive structure
the main stem or central part about which plant organs or plant parts such as branches are arranged
woody stem of palms and tree ferns
stem of a bean plant
cladode, cladophyll, phylloclad, phylloclade
a flattened stem resembling and functioning as a leaf
caudex, stock
persistent thickened stem of a herbaceous perennial plant
supporting stalk or stem-like structure especially of a pistil or fern frond or supporting a mushroom cap
flower stalk, scape
erect leafless flower stalk growing directly from the ground as in a tulip
leafstalk, petiole
the slender stem that supports the blade of a leaf
blade, leaf blade
especially a leaf of grass or the broad portion of a leaf as distinct from the petiole
a modified bud consisting of a thickened globular underground stem serving as a reproductive structure
solid swollen underground bulb-shaped stem or stem base and serving as a reproductive structure
the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant
amplexicaul leaf
a leaf with its base clasping the stem
greenery, verdure
green foliage
part of a compound leaf
compound leaf of a fern or palm or cycad
the large floating leaf of an aquatic plant (as the water lily)
scale, scale leaf
a specialized leaf or bract that protects a bud or catkin
fig leaf
a leaf from a fig tree
simple leaf
a leaf that is not divided into parts
compound leaf
a leaf composed of a number of leaflets on a common stalk
entire leaf
a leaf having a smooth margin without notches or indentations
crenate leaf
a leaf having a scalloped margin
serrate leaf
a leaf having a margin notched like a saw with teeth pointing toward the apex
dentate leaf
a leaf having a toothed margin
emarginate leaf
a leaf having a notch at the apex
erose leaf
a leaf having a jagged margin as though gnawed
runcinate leaf
a leaf having incised margins with the lobes or teeth curved toward the base; as a dandelion leaf
lobed leaf
a leaf having deeply indented margins
parallel-veined leaf
a leaf whose veins run in parallel from the stem
parted leaf
a leaf having margins incised almost to the base so as to create distinct divisions or lobes
prickly-edged leaf
a leaf having prickly margins
a cluster of leaves growing in crowded circles from a common center or crown (usually at or close to the ground)
a division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant
stem of plants of the Gramineae
halm, haulm
stems of beans and peas and potatoes and grasses collectively as used for thatching and bedding
a new branch
a swelling on a plant stem consisting of overlapping immature leaves or petals
bole, tree trunk, trunk
the main stem of a tree; usually covered with bark; the bole is usually the part that is commercially useful for lumber
plant part, plant structure
any part of a plant or fungus




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