

单词 inexplicit
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If something's inexplicit, it's not clearly stated — it's vague or ambiguous. If a book's themes and plot are inexplicit, many of its readers will miss them completely and end up confused.
An explicit explanation is clear as day, its details leaving no room for misunderstanding. When things, conversely, are inexplicit, they aren't clear or definite. After making an inexplicit agreement, people may have different ideas of what they've agreed to. This adjective adds the "not" prefix in- to explicit, from the Latin explicitus, "unobstructed," and its root explicare, "unfold, unravel, or explain."
inexplicit: inexplicitly, inexplicitness+/explicit: explicitly, explicitness, inexplicit
Then, when finally my letter did arrive, it was inexplicit, and I had either to go to London myself or write again.
Onions, Oliver [pseud.], The Tower of Oblivion(2010)
A big part of Pawson's work, like the craning and hewing subdued and inexplicit, is social, and about the characters who inhabit it.
The Guardian(Sep 18, 2010)
The curious thing about all this is that the image itself is so inexplicit.
New York Times(Apr 15, 2010)
adj implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something
having the power of implying or suggesting something in addition to what is explicit
implicit in, inherent, underlying
in the nature of something though not readily apparent
silent, tacit, understood
implied by or inferred from actions or statements
unexpressed, unsaid, unspoken, unstated, unuttered, unverbalised, unverbalized, unvoiced
not made explicit
secret or hidden; not openly practiced or engaged in or shown or avowed
explicit, expressed
precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication
precise; explicit and clearly defined
denotative, denotive
having the power of explicitly denoting or designating or naming
unambiguous, unequivocal, univocal
admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion
declared, stated
declared as fact; explicitly stated
definitive, unequivocal
clearly defined or formulated
not tacit or implied
describing nudity or sexual activity in graphic detail
hard-core, hardcore
extremely explicit
open, overt
open and observable; not secret or hidden




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