单词 | Level-8 |
释义 | Level-8 (3000 words) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ~ A.M. ADA Aberdeen Adelaide Allies Alpine Amazon Amos Anglican Angus Antarctic Arlington Ashe Ashton Assyrian Austen Av a hundred times abandonment abbreviate abdicate abduct abiding abolitionism abolitionist abomination aborigine abreast abridge absorption abstinent abstracted accost accuser acquiescence acquitted across the country activate actuate actuated addicted adequately adjutant admonition ado adolesce adolescent adrift adroit adversity advertised advertiser advisory affable affix affluent affright afoot aggravated aghast aging agonize agreeably agreed upon ailing ailment aimless ain airship airway alacrity alcoholic all of a sudden allay allegedly alleviate alligator alloy alluring almond alms aluminum amble amends amicable ammonia amorous analogous ancestral ancestry angelic angered angler angular animosity annoying annum anomaly answerable ante antecede antecedent antelope anterior anthem anthropology antipathy anymore aperture apex apologetic apologise apostolic appalled appellation appliance appraise appreciative aptitude arbitration arbor arcade archdeacon archduke archer archipelago ardently ardor arid aright armament armchair armed forces armistice aroma arrogance artifice artisan as far as possible ascendant aspiring assemblage asserting astern astounded astounding astrology astronomical astute at bay at most at peace at random at will atheist atmospheric atonement atrocious attainable attired auburn audio augmented august auspice auspicious authorship autocrat autograph autonomy avalanche aver averse awareness awed awkwardly axis azure Babylonian Bacon Bailey Balkan Ball Baltic Balzac Banks Basil Bath Beaumont Bel Bermuda Bethlehem Bismarck Bohemia Bolshevik Bond Boone Bordeaux Boyle Bradford Brahmana Breton Bridget Brighton Brittany Bronx Bruno Brunswick Bryan Buchanan Buffalo Bulgarian Bunyan Burma Byrd babble bacon bailiff balancing bale balk bane banishment banter barb barbarism bargaining barker barometer barrister barrow barter bashful basically bastard batch bathroom bats batting battleship bawl bazaar be active bear upon bear witness bearable beastly beat in beauteous beaver befit befriend beginner behead belated believable belligerent belongings bends benediction benefice benign bereave best of all bethink better off betting biblical bibliography bidder bide billet biological birdie birthplace bishopric bizarre black and white blackberry blackbird blackened bladder blanch blasted bleach blemish blinding blinking blissful blithe blizzard bloc blocking blond blot out blouse bluntly blurred bluster boarder boasting boatman boatswain boisterous bolster bombardment bonfire bonnie bonny bony bookmark bookshop booming border on bordered boring borrower boulder bound up bourgeois bowling bowls boxing boycott braced bracket brad brag bramble branded brandish bravo brawl bray break away breakdown breakers breathlessly brent brewer brigadier brigand brilliance bring together broadcasting broaden broadside broken in broth brushing brutality bubbling budding buddy buffet buggy build in build on bulge bulky bungalow burdened bureaucracy burglar burlesque burly burst forth burying businessman bustling butler buzzing by all means by heart bye bygone bystander Cain Calais Calvinism Cambodia Canaan Carew Carnegie Carthaginian Catholicism Ceylon Chamberlain Champlain Charlemagne Charles II Chevalier Chile Chinaman Christian church Christmas Day Cicero Clemens Clive Collins Colony Communist Party Confucius Cooke Coolidge Copenhagen Cornell Cortes Cossack Cr Creator Croatia Crosby Crow Cunningham cadent cafe calculable calculating calico caliph call forth caller callous camping candlestick cannibal canter canto canvass caper capricious capsule captivate carcass caressing carnival casement cashier casino casket cast down cast off cast out cataract catch a glimpse catechism cater cavalier cellular censorship centered ceremonious cessation chaff chaise champ champagne chancellor chancery changeable chanted chanting characterise charger chastity cheerily chemist's cheque chewing chick chide childlike chilling chink chirp chisel chivalrous cholera chronicler chronology churchman churn cider cinnamon circumference circumferent claimant clapping clarify classroom clean up cleanliness clear out cleverly cleverness climate change clime clinical clocks clog close at hand closed in clove clustered coaching coastal coastline cobble cocaine cocktail cocoa cognize collaboration collier coloring combining combust come around come close comeback comedian comer commendation commissary commit suicide common law common people commute complement completing complimentary composing composite compounded compulsion concealing conceited conceive of concoct concuss concussion conditional conduce confessor confiding confines conflagrate conflagration conform to confrontation confusing congest consciously conscript consensus conservatory consolidated consolidation consonant conspicuously constable constancy constituency constraint constructive consuming contagious container contender contested contiguous contingency continuity continuously contracting contraction contributing convalesce convalescent conveniently converge conveying cooky cooler copying coquette cordiality coroner corpus correctness correlate corroborate corrupted cosmic counteract countryside courteously courtly courtship couth cover up coveted covetous coyote cracker cracking crackling craftsman cramped crane craven creaking creator credential credentials credibility credit card creditable credits creep up crevice criterion critically croak crowning crucifix crumple crumpled crunch crusade crutch cubic cuckoo cue cuff cultured cup of tea cupful cur curable currant curriculum curry curtail cut into cut short cut through cypress DNA DVD Dalton Damascus Damon Danube Devonshire Dewey Dickens Domingo Don Juan Doris Dover Dr. Johnson Drake Dresden Drew Dubai damaging dangerously dangling darkly darts das dauphin dawning daytime dazzled de Gaulle deafen dean death rate debase debris decayed deceitful decipher declaim decorative decreased deepening defiantly deflect degrading deign dejected delightfully delineate delinquent delirious demeanour demoralize demure deniable density dent dentist denunciation dependency dependent upon deposition depreciate depressing deputation derision derivative descriptive deserter desertion designation designing desist despotic dessert detection detention detestable detested detract detriment deuce devastating devilish devolve devotee devouring dexter dexterity dexterous dextrous diabetes diabolic diagnose dicky differentiate diffident diffused dignitary dilapidate diligently diminishing diminution diminutive dimmed dining room dint directory disability disagreement disapproval disconcerted disconsolate discontinue discouragement discoverer disdainful diseased disengage disfigure dishearten dishonest dishonour disillusion disintegrate dismantle disobedience disordered disorderly disparage dispensation dispensed disputable disquiet disregarded dissatisfaction dissect dissension dissipated dissipation dissuade distasteful distinguishable district attorney divest diving do away with do justice docile dodger doleful domesticate domination doorstep dope dormitory doubling doubtfully dough dowager down the stairs downcast downfall drainage dramatically dramatist draped drastic draw in drawback dreamer drenched drilled drink in droll drop down drop out drudge drummer drunkenness dry up dryly dual duchy dun dupe dutiful dweller dyed dyke dynamite EE Edison Elia Elijah Elizabethan English language Epistle Erasmus Erie Eskimo European Union Ezra e'en e'er early on eased east side eat up eccentricity echoing economic growth ecstatic eddy edify educator eel effuse eject elated electric light electrify elicit elk elusive embank embark on embellish ember embitter embodiment emigration emissary emphasized empower en route enabling enamel enchanting encircled encompass encumber engender engrossed enhanced enliven enormously enslave entangled enterprising enthusiastically entrench epigram epistle epitaph equation equilibrium equivocal eradicate erode erratic espouse espy estimable estrange etch eternally eulogy eunuch evangel evangelical evangelism evasion evenly evergreen evermore every week evil spirit exacting exaltation examiner exasperated excavation exceptionally exchange rate exchequer excommunicate execrate executive director executor exemplify exemption exercising exhale exhaustible exhortation exigency exigent exotic expediency expiate expiration exploitation explorer expostulate expound expressible expulsion extant extensively extol extraordinarily extremism FDA FO Fall Farmer Faust Fifth Avenue Filipino Fish Fleming Flemish Florentine Franco Free State French Revolution fabricate fade away fairness fairy tale faithless fall away fall short fall under falsely faltering familiarly fanaticism far and wide farthing fascism fast asleep fastening fastest fastidious fasting fated father-in-law fatherland fatigued faulty favorably fax fay feasible feasting feathered featured feel for fend fertilise fertilizer fervently fervor fervour fickle fictitious fidget fig filial fill in financier find fault fine art firearm fireman fireside firework firmament first appearance first quarter fishery fissure fit in fitful fixture flake flatly flats flattened flea flickering flint flooding flop flounder flowering flu flurry flux flyer foaming foolishly foolishness footprint for free for sure for that matter forage forbearance ford foreboding forecastle foreclose foreclosure forefinger foreground foreign country forenoon foresight forfeited forgery forgetfulness forgiving form of government forty-eight frame of mind frantically fraternity fraught freckle free state freedman frenzied fresco fresh water freshly friendliness fringed frontispiece frosty froth frugal frustration fuller fumes funnel furl GOP Gardner Ge General Assembly Geneva George Washington Ghana Gibbs Glenn Gorbachev Gore Gospels Goth Gould Greenland Griffith Guatemala Guinea Gulf of Mexico gag gage galaxy gallantly gallows gaming gaol gaping garage garland garner garnish gaudy gayly gee gender genealogy general assembly general election generalize generic genteel genuinely geologist gesticulate get the better of get together get well girlish give back giver glade glamour glance over glean glimmering glint gloomily glorified glossy go against go around goad goblet gondola good day good faith good health goodbye goodwill gout governmental grand jury granddaughter grandpa grange granny grasshopper grating gratuity graveyard gravitate gravitation gravy grazing greasy great care greenhouse greens griffin grill grimace grizzly groping grotto grower grumbling guessing guideline guile gull gully gulp gunboat gunpowder gurgle gutter Haitian Halifax Ham Hamas Hamburg Hardy Harlem Hartford Hearst Hebrews Hector Henry VIII Herman Herod Highlander Hillary Hindoo Honduras Hoover Houghton House of Lords Hudson Bay Hun Huron Hussein Huxley habilitate habitat hacker haggard hairy hallowed halo ham hamlet hammock hand in hand hand out hang out hank hapless harangue harassed hard time hardness hardware harmful harmonize hatchet hauling haunting have a look havoc hazy head off headland healthcare healthful heart attack heather hedge fund helplessness hereby herein herewith herring hew hick hickory hierarchy high priest high up hilarity hilt hindrance hissing historically hither and thither hoard hoarsely hobble hobby hoe hold fast home run homeland homer homesick homosexual honeymoon honorary hooked hooks hoop hoot hose hourly housekeeping hub hulk hullo human body humanitarian humbled humbug humid humiliating huntsman hurdle hurting hygiene IP IV Idaho Iliad Inca Independence Indianapolis Interior Iroquois Ishmael Israelite Israelites icon ignite ignoble ignominious illegitimate illicit illiterate imagery imbecile immaculate immeasurable immovable impaired impassable impassioned impassive impeachment impediment imperceptible imperfection imperfectly imperialism impersonal impertinence impetus implacable implant implicate importation imposition impostor impoverish impoverished impracticable imprint impudence impunity in due time in the long run inaccessible inappropriate incensed incise incoherent income tax incompatible inconsistency incorrect incredibly inculcate incurable indecent indefatigable indent indifferently indigenous indignity indiscretion indiscriminate indispose individually indolence indomitable indoors inducement induction indulging ineffectual inefficient inequality inert inexhaustible inexperienced inexpressible infatuate infectious infest infidelity infinity inflect inflexible infrequent infringe infuriate ingenuous ingratitude inhale inlet inmost innate innocently inscrutable insecure insider insistence installation instantaneous insulate insurance company insured insurer integration intensified intercession interfering interim interminable intermittent intestine intolerant intone intoxicated intoxication intrepid intriguing intrinsic intrusion intuitive inundate invading involvement irk ironically irrational irregularity irrelevant irrevocable irrigation irritating islet itch JEM Jap Jeremiah Johns Jonson Junior Juno Justice Department jackal jade jag jagged jammed jeopardy jewelry jingle jock jog jostle jot jovial joyously jubilee judgement judiciary juggle jump out juncture junk jurist juror justifiable Ka Kabul Kant Karen Keats Kenya Key Khrushchev Kid King Arthur King of England King of France Kingdom of God Kingston Kissinger Koran Kuwait kangaroo keep away keep back keep quiet kernel kindling knob knock down knock out knoll knuckle kt Lafayette Lancashire Lancelot Las Vegas Latin America Laws Lear Leeds Leipzig Lena Leonardo Levi Levi's Lexington Libya Lisbon Lithuania Livingstone Lodge Logan Longfellow Lordship Louis XIV Louisville Ltd. Luxembourg Lyon lab labor force laboring labouring labyrinth laddie lamentable languor lard latch laughingly launching laundry laurels lavender law of nature lax lay out layman lazily lead on leaden leafy leash leave behind leaven lecturer lee leech leeward legate legendary lengthened lengthy leopard lessened let alone let down let in let loose let out levity liberality liberally liberated librarian licensed licentious licit licked lie about lieu life style lighthouse lightness likelihood liken lilac limiting linden liner lineup literacy lithe litigious little by little little hand little sister live together live up to livelihood liven livid living room living thing loathsome lobster local government locally loch lock in locust loft log in loin long distance long run look down on loot lottery loved one lovingly lucidity lucrative lunar lurch lurid lute MIT Macaulay Macbeth Mahomet Main Street Maitland Malaysia Manila Mann Mar Mark Twain Marseilles Marx Mass Masters Maxwell Medicare Medici Melissa Melville Meredith Merton Mickey Mill Milwaukee Minneapolis Mongolia Moon Moorish Morley Mormon Morse Mozart Mus machine gun magnetism magnified mahogany maim main street mainstream major league major-general make love make peace make sense make way malaria malign mammal mammoth mammy mane mangle manifestly manifesto manoeuvre marc march on marginal mark out marquis marquise marred married woman marrow mart mash masked masquerade masterly math mattress meagre meaningless meanness mediaeval median medicate mediocre meditative meekly meg melodious melodrama memo memorandum mending mentor mercantile mercury merged merited mesh metaphysical meteor methodical microscope middle-class midsummer midway mien millennium mince minus minutely miser mishap misleading misrepresent mistaking mistrust mite mm moat mobilize moderately modern times molasses momentarily monastic moody moose mop morale mortified motley mountaineer mourner mournfully mouthful move out move up moving in mow mug mum mummy municipality munition murk mustard mutable mutilated mutually myrtle mystify NASA NW Nash Nashville Neptune New York State New Yorker Newark Newfoundland Ni Niagara Nicaragua Niger Nobel Noel Norris Northumberland Northwest nag nameless naming napkin narrowed natural resources natural selection nausea navigator needy negligence nervous system nervousness nettle new deal news conference newsman next door nibble nickel nip nitrogen nominally noncommercial north side northwestern not guilty not to mention notary notebook noteworthy nourished nous novice now and again nuclear weapon nucleus null numberless nurture O'Connor O'Neill Oakland Old World Opera Orion Ottawa Ovid obese objectionable obliterated oblivious oblong obnoxious obscene observant observatory obsolete obstinately obtrusive occult offending offer up offset old boy old master old times old-time olden omnibus omnipotent on guard on paper ongoing onset onslaught onwards ooze open fire opener oppressor optic optics opulent oral oration orb ordnance organised organizer originate in ostensible ostentatious otter out of place outcast outing outspoken outwardly overgrown overpowering overrun overshadow oversight overtime overturned oxide oz. PM PS Pa Paine Pan Parsons Penelope Perry Peruvian Phoenix Pilgrim Pliny Plutarch Poe Pole Porter Post Office Potomac Prague President of the United States Prince of Wales Protestantism Pt pa pacific packer pact pageant pained palate pallor paltry panorama pantry papism papist paradise paralysis paralyzed parched parchment pardonable pare parental parity parking parley parody parole parry parsley passer-by pathology patrician patronize patter pawn pay off payroll peanut peasantry pedant peddle pedestal pedestrian pedigree peeve peevish pelt penal penetration penni penniless peopled per annum perennial perfected perfidy perishable perjure pernicious persistence persistently persona personify persuasive perusal peso pest petulant pheasant physicist physiological pianist piece of paper pillage pinched pinnacle pipeline pique piracy pitiless pivot placable plaintiff plait platinum platoon playground playmate plaza pleb plod plumage plumb plundered poach podcast pointing out poisoning police officer politic pollen pondering pontiff poor boy poor people poplar poppy populous porcelain portable portent portico portrayed posed postage postal posting postmaster postwar potash pouch pounce pounding pour forth pout practitioner pragmatic praising prank precedence precious stone precipitous preclude predator predicament predictable predominant prefect prefix prejudiced prelude premiere preoccupied presence of mind present moment preserves pretentious prettily prevalence priceless priestly prim primeval primrose printable privateer probate probation processing proficient profligate prolific promenade promontory promoter prompting promulgate pronoun pronunciation propensity proportional protein protestation protester protocol protracted protrude proverbial provocation provoking provost prune pseud psychic psychologist public domain public service puffed puffing pull off pulp punctuate punishing punt puppet puppy purchaser purgatory purr push back puzzling Quakers Quincy quack quartet quartz quell quickness quill quilt quite an quota Reading Rebel Red Sea Reed Republican Party Rhode Island Rhodes Richards Richelieu Riley Roman Empire Romania Romeo Ron Rousseau Rus Ruskin rabble racket radar raider raiment raining raise up raisin rajah rambling randy rapt rarity ratification ravel raving ravish raw material razor readable real life reassured rebuilding recapture receptacle recitation reconsider reconstruction recorder reddish redouble redoubled redoubt reek referendum reformed refrigerate refund regal registration regretful regulating regulatory rehabilitate reigning reinforced reinstate relaxation releasing remunerate rend renovate rental reopen reparation repast replacing replenish reportedly repressed reproachful reprobate reproof repulsive reputable requisition requite residue respectability respite resplend resplendent responsive restlessly restlessness resurrection retainer retaliation reticent retribution retrospect revered reverend reverently reverie reviewer revisit revocable rewrite rheumatism richness ride away ride out right angle rigidly rivulet roadway robot roll in roll over romp rook rosemary roster rouge rousing roving rowing royal family rudder rudeness rueful rugby ruinous rumbling run across running away rupee rye SEC Sacramento Saddam Salem Salvador Samoa Samson Santiago Saracen Saturn Saudi Arabia Saxony Scandinavian Schiller Schmidt Scipio Scotchman Scout Secretary of War Security Council Sellers Seneca Senor Seoul Serb Seth Seward Seymour Shanghai Sherwood Shia Siegfried Sinai Sioux Snow Social Security South American Southerner Spartan Springfield St. Lawrence St. Petersburg Starr Strauss Sue Suez Sumner Sussex sable sabre sacrilege sadden saddled sag saga sagacious sahib salmon salutary sanctified sanctioned sandal sander sandstone sanitary sash sate satiate satirical saturated saucepan saucer saucy sausage scald scamper scandalous scanning scarcity scattering scenario scented sceptre scholarly scissor scissors scolding scorned scratching screech screening scribble scribe scroll scrutinize sculptor scurry seasonable seasoned seating secluded sedate sedition seedling seeker seemly seer seethe segregate self-government self-possession self-respect self-sacrifice sen sensational sensibly sensuous serf serviceable servitude set apart set free set upon settle on setup seventy-five sewed shadowed shake off shaky shameless shanty shaping sharpened sharper shaved shaving sheaf shear sheath shedding sheen sheet of paper shimmer shingle shiny shipment shoemaker shopkeeper short story short-term shortcoming shortened show off shrieking shrivel shrubbery shuddering shut down shuttle shyness sickening sideline sideways sieve sighted silks simmer simplify simulate sinew singly sink in sister-in-law skating skilfully slang sled sleek sleep with sleepless sleigh sliced slick slime slink slit slogan slop slot slow down slum small print small town smear smilingly smitten smoky smoothed smuggler snail snarled sneeze snipe snob snore snowboard snub soberly sociable socially socket softening soiled soldiery solidarity soluble solvent sonorous sophomore soprano sou sounder south side souvenir spasm spat spawn speak up specialized specialty spectre spectrum speculator speeding spiteful splashed splendidly spoilt spotless spout sprawling sprightly sprint sprout spurn spurt squall squander square mile squarely squeak squeal stabilize stag staged stalked stalls stalwart stampede starlight starry state of affairs stationary statistical staunch stave stay away steak stealthily steamed steaming steeple step down stick in stifled stifling stigma stile stimulant stimulating stinging stink stint stirrup stock market stockade stockholder stolid stone wall stoutly straggling straight line stranded strangled stratagem strategist strikingly striped structural strut studded studious stunning stupefy stupendous stupor suave subdivide subjective subjugate submerged submissive subordination subserve substitution subterranean subtlety subvert subway succour sullenly sunbeam sundown supervisor supplant supple supplication supplier surfing surgical surging surly surpassing surveillance surveying surveyor suspiciously swagger swallow up sweeten swiftness swimmer swindle switchboard swoon symbolize sympathise sympathize with synagogue syrup Ta Taft Tampa Tartar Tarzan Tehran Terence Teresa Teutonic Texan Thackeray Thai The Hague Theresa Thor Thorpe Titus Toledo Tracy Transportation Tree Trojan Troy Tudor Tunisia tacit tactical tad tainted take a look take back take into account take notice taken with tally tamed tamp tanker tapping tardy tarnish tart tattered tattoo tawny tax cut tea party tearful teasing technically tee teem teens tenacious tenet tentative terminable terrestrial terrifying thatch thaw the right way therefrom think over thinner thirdly thirty-six thirty-two thoroughfare thrall thrifty thriving thronged throw back throw in thrush thud thunderbolt thundering thwarted tightening tilted time to come timidity timing tingle tipped tiptoe tiring tithe titled to the contrary to the full to wit toiling tolerance toleration tonic too large topped topple tottering touch on tracing tracking traditionally trance transcriber transgression transient transpire trapping treasury treble tremendously tremor tress tricky trimming triumphal tropics trough trudge trustful trusty tuition tumbler tumor tumultuous tunic turban turkey turn off turnip turnover turret tusk tweed twenty-eight twenty-seven twenty-six twill twins typewrite United Kingdom Uruguay umpire unaccustomed unaffected unarm unarmed unavoidable unbearable unbelief unbounded uncanny unceasing unclear uncommonly uncompromising uncouth undecided undeniable under that undergraduate undertone underwood unemployment rate unerring unfavorable unfriendly unhappiness unhealthy unheard uniformity uniformly unintelligible uninteresting uninterrupted unionism uniting unjustly unlocked unobserved unparalleled unpaved unprepared unprofitable unravel unscrupulous unsettled unsteady untie untrue unused unutterable unveiled unwelcome unwonted up the stairs upgrade upheave upland uppermost uprising upside upside down upturned uranium urgency urine urn ut utensil utterable VI Vaughan Village Virginian vacuum vagrant validity valuate valuation vanishing variance variously varnish vaulted veal veer vehemence veneration venison venue verandah verdure verified versatile vested vestige vi vicissitude victual victuals view as viewing vigil vindictive vintage visionary visitation vizier voluble voluptuous vomit vouch vowel vulture Wade Walter Scott Walton Warsaw Watts West Bank West Coast West Germany West Point West Virginia Weston Wharton Whitehall Whitman Wilkins Wilkinson Wilton Wise Wise Men Wolfe Wood Worcester World War I Wyoming wade waft waive walk off wallet wand warble warship wartime watered waterfall waterway watery waxed way of life wayside wayward weakly wear on wearisome well-being well-to-do wench west side what for whimper whipping whiten whitewash whoop wicket widening wigwam wildlife wilful wily wince wind up windward windy wintry without doubt witting woody woollen work up workings workmanship wound up wrangle wrapped up wrapping wrest wrestling wretchedness wriggle write down writhing wrongness Yahweh Yemen yawning yelp yeoman yolk yore young person Zion Zulu zenith zest zinc zoology 1960s 1970s 1990s 22nd 23rd 31st 4to |
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