单词 | Level-7 |
释义 | Level-7 (2000 words) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~ Abel Acts Affirmed Agriculture Albania Allied Ambrose Anglo-Saxon Antwerp Apostle Apr Arctic Armenian Asiatic Augusta abash abashed abbe abdomen abject abound in absolve absorbing abstraction abundantly accessory acclaim accompaniment accomplice accounting accumulation accurse accursed accusing aching acquiring actively admiralty adoration adored adultery advantageous advent adventurous advert aerial aeroplane aesthetic affectation affiliate affine affinity affirmative affront afloat aforesaid afresh agenda aggression agile airplane alderman alienate all day long all together all too allegory allotted allow for alphabet altitude amber ambiguous ambulance ambush amelia amended amiss amply and so forth animation anoint apathy apiece appellate append applicant apprehended apprehensive approving arable arbitrate arched architectural archives ardour arduous arithmetic arrayed artery artful as much as possible ascetic ask in assessment assiduous assignment assimilate assort assuring astray astronomer asunder at a loss at best at first sight at stake attentively attest audacious auditor auld auntie austerity authoritative authorize autobiography automatically auxiliary avarice aversion aviation avoidable avowed Baghdad Baldwin Barcelona Bart Bavaria Beethoven Begin Bengal Berkeley Bombay Bosnia Boswell Brady Brazilian Brooke Browne Browning Brutus Buck Buddha Buddhist Burke Butler back up bacteria badge baking balm banana bandit banned barbaric barley baroness baronet barricade basement battlefield beacon beak beaming bear in mind bearded beau beck beech beetle beget beguile beholding benefactor beneficent bent on bequeath berry best friend beth betrothed beverage bewilderment bewitch bible bigot bike biographer blacken blackness blacksmith blasphemy blended blest blindly blindness blister blonde bloodshed blooming blow up blue sky blues boar boarding bog boiler boldness bookseller booty borough bot bothered boulevard bouquet bowel bowels bracelet braid brazen break with breaker breeches bridal brilliancy brilliantly bring forward broadly broil broom brother-in-law buck bugle bulb bulletin bullock bulwark buoyant bureaucrat burgher burrow busily businessmen by any means by chance CIA Calcutta Calvin Capitol Caribbean Carson Castro Charleston Chase Chopin Christendom Christie Church of England Clay Cleopatra Commerce Conrad Constantine Continental Cooper Cora Corinth Cornwall Coventry Cumberland Cyprus Cyril Cyrus Czech call at calmness calumny canny canopy cant capability capitulate captor caput carelessness caricature carrot carrying out cartridge carving cask casually catch it cavity ceaseless central bank ceremonial chafe chagrin chained challenging char charcoal chasm chastise chateau chattering chauffeur cheerfulness chef chess chief justice chief of staff chilly chips choking christen chunk cipher circus citadel citizenship civic civil right civilised civility clamber clamour clang classics classification cleanly clear away clear up clearness cleave cleft clerical clinch close together close up cloudy clover coerce coldness colonize colossal colouring columnist combatant come before come together comely comforting comical commentate commentator commodore commotion communicating comparing compassionate complexity compliance component comprehended compressed compromising compulsory concealment conceit concentrate on concluding confederation conflicting conformity congratulations congruous conquering conservation consign consistency consistently consort conspirator constellate constellation construe consulate consultant contagion contaminate contemptible contemptuously contentment context continental continuation contradictory contributor contrivance conveyance convulsion convulsive cooling cope with copious cords cork coronate coronation corral costa cot councillor counterfeit counterpart coupled courier covert cowardice crab crackle crafty crag cram cramp crank crashing craving crawling credited crescent crippled crocodile crowding crucify cry for culprit cult cum cumber curling curly curt cut to cut up czar D.C. Dakota Danish Dawson Delhi Democratic Party Disney Dominican Don Quixote Dow Jones Durham Dutchman dairy dandy dangle darn date from daunted day after day day by day dead body deadline debauch debtor decency deciding decompose decorum decreed dedication deduce deduction defective deformed deft degraded delicately dell delta deluge demeanor denomination depending on depicted deplorable deport deprave deprecate depute describable deserts desperation despotism deteriorate developer deviate devoid diagram dial dice dictated die out dilate dilemma dilute dimple dinge dingy diocese disappearing disappointing disc discarded disciplined disclaim discomfit disconcert discontented disgraced disgraceful disgusting dishonor disinterested dismayed dismissal disobedient disobey dispel dispense with displeased dissatisfied dissolution distorted distraction distressing ditto diverge diversify diversity diverted divorced documentary doe dole dolphin donna donor dotted doubly doubting dove downright downtown downwards doze dragon dragoon drained drapery drawers drawl drench drive back drive off drive up drone drunkard dub dubious duplicate durable dwell on dwindle dynamic EU Easter Eight Eliot Episcopal Es Essex Excellency e.g. eats economical edged edict efface efficacy egotism elate electoral electronics elevator eleventh elite emanate embarrassing embodied embracing embroidery emerald emission emulate encampment enchantment encroach endangered endear endowment engraved engross enigma enjoin enquiry enraged ensign ensuing entail enthusiast entice entity entrepreneur envious epidemic epithet equator erase erection erring eruption etiquette evaluate evaporate eventful every now and then everyday exaggeration excessively exclaiming exclusion executioner exhilarate expanse expectancy exquisitely exterminate extinction extort extricate exultation Fed Federal Reserve Finland Finn Fitzgerald Foster Frau fa fabulous facilitate fake fall over fallacy fanciful far-off farmhouse farthest fashioned fawn fearfully feebly feed on feigned festivity feud fiber figure out filing fin finances financing findings fir first name first-class first-rate fiscal year flannel flask flatten flavour fleece fleeting flinch flip flog flooded flow from fluctuate fluent foil folding folio follies follow up fondly fondness for certain for the time being forbidding forebode forefather foregoing foretell forged formality format formulate forthcoming fortitude forty-five forwards founding four o'clock framework frankness freak freezing frequency friction fried frolic frowning frustrated fulfilment furtive Gates Gaza Genoa Gibraltar Gloucester Grecian Greene Greenwich Grey gait gallantry gambler garret gasoline gather up gaud general manager generously genetic gentry geographic geological geometry get married ghostly giddy gig giggle gill gird give birth giving up gland glaze gliding glistening glue gm gnaw go after good morning good-looking gracefully graciously grandchild grandma grapple grassy gratefully gratifying great power grime grinding grinning grit grizzle grocery groove grouped grub gruff guerrilla guiding guild guinea gunner HIV Hampton Hannibal Hanover Hart Havana Hawkins Hawthorne Hayes Highlands Highness Holy Ghost Holy Spirit Huguenot Hume Hunt Hunter habitually half-hour halfway hallow halting hand down handicap handsomely handy hang up hardly a harrow harshly have the best hazardous healed hearken hearten heartless heating heaving heedless heiress helicopter helper helplessly heroism highland hike hive hockey hold back homeless homestead hopefully horde horrified horrify hostilities hot water hotly housewife huddled hull human right humans humming hurrah hushed hustle hybrid hydrogen hypnosis hypocrite hysterical IMF Ike Isaiah ib. identification ideology idly idolatry ignominy illumination illumine imaginable immerse immunity impeach impelled impenetrable implication implicit imploring importune impregnate improvise imprudent impure in all probability in darkness in force in haste in height in passing in secret in store in the main inaccuracy inactive incessantly incidentally incite incomparable incompetent incomplete incomprehensible inconceivable incongruous incorporated incumbent indefinitely independently indescribable indistinct induct indulgent inexorable inexplicable infected infidel infirmity inflamed inflammation informal informing infrastructure infuse inhuman initially inquisitive insanity inscribed inseparable insisting insolence inspiring instigate instructive instrumental insulting intact intensify interact intercede interchange intersect intervening intimately intimation intimidate intruder intrust intuition invaluable inventory invert investigating invincible inwardly iris ironical irons irresponsible islander issuing ivy Jehovah Jenny Johnston Judah jeer jockey joking jolt josh joyfully jug just in time juvenile K Kansas City Knox keel kidney killer kite knitting Labour Lamb Lancaster Leigh Lindsay Lion Locke Long Island Lorraine Low Lowell Lucas Lutheran Lyons labored laboured lag lagoon laird lamented landmark languish lat latent launder laurel lava lead up lender lengthen libel lied lifeless light upon limestone line up lining listing listless livery lizard loading loads loath lock up locker locomotive lodge in loiter lonesome longtime look up to lookout loosely loosened lore lose it loser lowly luckily lunatic lusty luxuriant Malay Malone Malta Marches McCarthy Memphis Middleton Mister Mobile Mohammedan Monroe Montana Moor Morrison Mortimer Munich madly magnanimous malady malignant mall maneuver mania manifold manned manpower many an maple martyrdom mastered materialism materially mates matter of course maturity maxim maze mean time measurable medieval membrane menacing menu mercenary merciless merger merriment metallic midday middle class middle-aged midshipman mightily mildly military service mime mimic mindful mingling minstrel mint mire miscellaneous miserably misgiving misty misunderstanding misunderstood mitigate mix up mixing modestly molecule mollie mom momentous momentum monotony morally morsel mortification mosquito moth motivate mountainous move into muffled multiplied mumble murderous muslin mustache mutilate mutton mysteriously Nan Nebraska Nero Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico Newcastle Newman Newport Newton Nina Normandy North American North Korea Norwegian narrowly nationalist nationwide native land natural gas natural history natural resource nave necessitate nestle neutralism neutralist neutrality newsletter niche nightfall nightly nimble no end nobly noiselessly nominee nonetheless nook north-east northeast notch nourishment nova nude nuisance numb nursed nutrition nymph O'Brien Old Testament Ontario Orlando Osborne Oswald oat obliging oblique obliterate obstinacy obstruction obtrude oddly offshore oftener omission on purpose one after another one thousand open air open door operative oppressive optimistic optional oratory orient originality ornamental ostentate ostentation oust out of doors out of the question outcry outdoor outlined outpost outraged outrageous outright outsider outskirt outskirts over and over again over here overcoat overflowing overlooking overnight overseer overture Pakistani Paradise Peking Penn Pentagon Pompey Portsmouth Prescott Princeton Psalms pacing pail pal pall pallid palpable palpate pane panther pants parable paradox paralyze paramount parapet parasite parch participant partridge pas pasha pass along passable password pastime pathway pauper peaceable peacefully peacock pear peck pecuniary peel pending penetrable penitence pensive per capita peremptory perpetrate perpetuate perseverance perspiration pessimism pestilence pestilent petal petticoat pew pharmacy philosophic piazza pie pile up pilgrim pitching placate plaintive playwright plucked poignant poised poisonous poker pompous ponderous poorly portal possessor post office poster potentially poultry powdered powerfully practiced precarious precinct predominate preferable pregnancy preparatory preposterous prerogative press conference press on pretty much prevalent prevention priesthood princely privation privileged prodigal proffer profuse profusion projection prominence prophesy prophetic proportionate prospective protective protract proven providence provisional prowess prowl proximal proximity pry psyche psychiatry pull down punctual purport purposely pursuer push on put away put to death pyramid quail quake quarterly quay RICO ROM Raleigh Ranger Raphael Rebecca Red Cross Reid Reuben Reverend Rex Rice Robertson Rockefeller Rollo radiance radiation railing ram rampart ranked ratified rattled rattling re-enter reasoned reassuring rebellious receipts reciprocal recital reclaim recline recoil recompense reconnoitre redden redeemed redistribution redress reed referee reflective refreshed refute regenerate regrets regularity rehearsal reiterate rejection relapse relay rely upon reminder remonstrate rendezvous renewal renown reorganize rep replacement reprove republication repudiate repugnant reservoir resolutely respire resurrect retaliate retard retrace retrieve reunion rheumatic rich man rigging right away right on rightful rigorous ring out risky rivet roadside roasted roll up roller rookie roost rooted rotation rout rudely rudiment ruffled rule in run along run by runaway rung rupture rush out rustling SA San Diego Saviour Scandinavia Shah Sheridan Siberia Sinclair Song South African South Korea Soviets Speaker Spenser St. George St. George's St. James St. Peter Stalin Stanford Stanton Steele Stella Sudan Sur Sweet Swift Syracuse Syrian safeguard salesman salutation sanctity sanguine sarcastic satisfactorily satisfying saturate saunter savagely savour scant scarf sceptical schoolboy scoff scoop scornfully scour scrambled scraps scruples sear secede seclusion securely see through seizure self-conscious self-control semblance senate send out separable sepulchre sequel serenity seriousness servile severed shack shades of shag shaggy sham shipwreck shred shrieked shut out shutting si sic sick of sickly sierra sift sign in sign up signified signor silenced silken silvery similarity sixpence skeptical skillful skim slab slacken slant sleeper sliding slip away slippery sloop sloping slower sluggish slump smack smelt smothered snuff soaked soaring sociology sock softness sojourn solace solicitor solicitude son-in-law sorcery sordid soundly south-east south-west southeast southwest spar sparing speak out speakable specified speck spectacular speculative speechless spiral spire splinter spokeswoman spouse spread over spruce squaw staggering staid stairway stale standpoint staple starboard starch starter state of mind steamboat steering step on stiffen stiffly stimulated stoke stoop to stooping storage straightforward straightway straining strengthening striker strung stud stung stupidity sub subjection submerge subsidiary subsistence substantially suburban successively succumb suffocate sulky sumptuous sunken supersede supervision supplicate supplying suppression sure enough surmounted surname surprisingly surviving swap swearing swerve swine swirl swoop symbolic symmetry syndicate synod synonym Taiwan Talbot Tennyson Terry Thailand Thornton Tigers Timothy Todd Tours Trent Trinity Tristram Truth Turner Tyler tablespoonful takeover talented talk over tangible tapestry tarry tasteful taxi taxpayer te teammate teaspoonful teen teenager tempered tenacity tended to tending tenement tenure terminated terrain textile texture the Alps then again theologian thereon thereto therewith thermometer thesis thicken thirteenth thoughtless thousand times thrash three-quarters throbbing throw away throw off throw out thrusting thump tied up tier time being timidly tinker tinkle tiresome to begin with to date toad too bad tormented torpedo totter tout towel township tradesman trailing trainer transcendent translator transmission transplant trapped trapper trash travel to trespass triangle tribal tributary trickle trillion trimmed trio troubling trump trumpets trustworthy try for tucked tuft tumbling turmoil turn around turn down tweet twentieth twenty-three twisting tying Ukraine Ulysses United Nations unaccountable unanimously unaware unchanged unclean uncovered under it under the circumstances underlying undone undress undulate uneasily unemployed uneven unfamiliar unfinished unhappily unify unimportant unlawful unload unmarried unmoved unnoticed unpopular unquestionably unreal unrest unsatisfactory unselfish unsettle unspeakable until now untouched unwise uplifted usefulness utilize Vancouver Venezuela Vermont Versailles Vietnam Vietnamese Viking Villa Voltaire vacancy vagabond valor valour vane vapour variant vas vase vassal vehemently velocity vend venom ventilate veranda veritable veto viceroy viewers vigilance villa vincible violated visage viscount visibly vista vivacity vividly vocabulary vocation vogue volatile vouchsafe Walker Walpole Warner Warwick Webb Wesley Whitney Wilder Willis Winchester Word of God Wright wager waggon wailing waken walk over walk through waltz wan wardrobe warmer warming warp watcher watchman wavering weaver weaving wedded wedge weighty well-nigh whereabouts whimsical whimsy whirlwind whisker whiskers whit whiteness win over winged wipe out wise man wistfully witchcraft womanhood womanly womb work of art worrying worshipper would-be wrap up x Y Yorkshire yeah yelling yen Zeus 1000 1980s 26th 27th 29th |
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