单词 | Level-4 |
释义 | Level-4 (1500 words) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ~ AS Abraham Afghanistan Alfred Ali Anderson Arabia Arnold Aug Australian Austrian a.m. abbey abide abode abundance accessible accidental accomplishment accordance accordant accuracy accusation ache achievement acquisition actress acute ad adapted adjoin administrate admired admission adviser affirm again and again aggressive agitation agricultural aided airline airport album alcohol alien all at once all the way alleged allowance allusion alongside amateur amazed amazement amazing ambitious amiable ammunition amusing and so on angrily anguish animated answering antagonism anticipated antiquity anxiously any longer apparatus appearing applause appreciation architect architecture ardent aristocracy aroused array as such ass assail asserted assertion asset assisted astonishing astronomy at one time atom attachment attendance attending attentive attraction auto automatic automobile avenge avert avow awakened awhile Baltimore Bernard Brazil Broadway Brother Bruce Burns Byron backed backward baker ban bang banish banking bankrupt banner barn barren barrier bars baseball basic basin battalion batter bean beautifully beef befall beggar behavior behaviour believer bench bending benevolent beseech bidding biography birthday bitterness blade bleed blend bliss blowing blown blunt boards bodily boiled boiling boldly bonnet boost bough bounded brace breach breadth break down break into break up breathed breathless bribe briefly bring about bring back bring out brisk bronze brood brook brute bubble bulk bureau Cambridge Campbell Catherine Chambers Chief Executive Christopher Clark Cleveland Columbia Columbus Constitution Cuba cab calamity calculated call in call out camel camera canon carbon caress cargo carpenter carrier carry off carved casting casual catching causing cautiously ceiling cellar certify cf. chains chant charter chat chatter cheat cheerfully cheese chemistry cherish childish chimney chip choir chop chronicle chuckle circuit circulation civil war civilian civilized clap classical classify clearing clergy clergyman click climbing clip clothed cluster clutch coalesce coalition cock coffin coil coincide colonial come along come up to commanding commodity commune communications compact compass compassion compensation complect complexion complicated comrade concession concrete conductor confide conform confound congregation congress congressional conjecture conqueror consecrate conservative considerably consolation conspiracy consumption contented continent continuing controlled convent converted convulse cooked cooking cooperate cord corp corporate correction corresponding corridor corruption costly couch cough covenant cower cows crave creation creative credulous creed crest crimson crook crouch crowned crude crushed crystal cultivation curiously currently customary Day Death Detroit Diana Divine Down dad dainty daisy dale damp darken dated dazzle deaf dealer decidedly decisive dedicated defender defensive defer deficit defined definitely definition degrade deity delayed deliberately delicacy delicious delivery delude demon demonstration denounce deprived descendant deserved designate detailed developing devices devise devour dew dialogue diameter digit dignified dignify diligent disagreeable discern discontent discourage discretion discriminate disdain dismay dispatch disperse displease dispose of dissent distract distributed disturbance ditch diverse do by do well dock dodge doll domain donate done with dreaming dreary dressing droop dropping drunken dug dumb dye Edinburgh Empire eagerness earnings earthquake ecclesiastic ecclesiastical economist editorial educational effected effectual eighth eighty eldest electronic elevated elevation eliminate eloquence embark embarrassment embassy embody embroider emotional empire enact encamp encouragement encouraging endow engrave enlighten enlist enquire ensue ensure entertained enthusiastic entreat envelope episode equality equivalent errand essentially eternity ethics euro evade everlasting excellence excessive exchanged exciting exclamation excursion exertion exit expansion expedient expel expire exploit explosion exposure expressly extension extremity exult F Feb Ford Franklin fable faded faintly fall back falter fancied fanny fantastic fashionable fathom favourable feeding feminine fewer fidelity fiercely fiery filling fisc fiscal fisherman fitting five hundred flex flick flies flowing flushed flutter foam focus on fog footstep for the moment for the most part forbidden forecast foremost foresee forge fork formidable forsake fortnight fortress fragrant franchise frankly fraud frightful frost frozen frustrate fry fugitive fulfil fulfilled G GDP Gospel Grant Gregory Gutenberg gale gap garrison gen gene geology get rid of gigantic git gladly glasses glittering glove glowing go about goddess golf goose gossip governed grab grammar grape greatness greed greeting grieve grind grove grumble guarded guided Haiti Han Harris Harvard Hebrew Herbert Ho Hollywood Horace Hudson Hungary habitual half a dozen hand over handful happening harden harp haughty have on hawk hay heathen heave heights hell hen herald hereafter heredity hesitation hideous hiding high school historic hither hoarse honey honorable hood hop hopeful horrid horseman hospitality hostility hound housekeep housing hover hue hum human nature humiliate hundred thousand hunter hurl hurriedly hymn II Illinois Islam Israeli i.e. identified idiot idol illegal illuminate illustrious imitation impact impart impatience impel imperfect implore imposed in a way in advance in common in for in on in other words in particular in place in public in question in reality in return in the first place in the least in the meantime in the south in truth in turn incapable incessant inclination inconvenient increasingly incur independence indication infer inflame inflation inhabited inheritance injustice ink innocence innovate innumerable insane inscription insert insolent inspection inspector install instinctive integral intensity interpose interpretation intrigue intrude invariable invariably involuntary irony irresistible J Jefferson Jesus Christ Job Johnny Jonathan Jordan jacket jaw jerk joining jolly joyful joyous judicial juice jungle just then justified justly Kansas Kent Kentucky keep on keeper ken kin kindle kitty knit L Labor Land Liverpool Luke label ladder lade lance landlord lantern lapse large number lash latitude lawful lawn lay down layer lazy leak legislative let go liberate lily lined linen literally live on locality location logical lone long since look forward loom loudly lowered loyalty lung lust Manchester Manhattan Maria Mars Matthew Michigan Mills Milton Missouri Moore Morris ma'am madness magnet make sure manly manufacturer manufacturing marching marketing marshal marvellous mast mathematics matt matter to max measured medal mediate meek melody memoir memorial menace mend merciful merge mess metropolis migrant migrate miner mineral minimum mining minority missile moan moisten momentary monastery monk monkey monstrous morality morrow mortgage moss motionless mould mourning move in multiply municipal murdered murderer muse musician mute mystic myth Nancy Napoleon Navy Netherlands New Jersey New Orleans Nicholas Night Nixon Norway Nov needle newly nick niece nigh nineteen nobility noisy nourish nowhere numerable numerate nun nut Oct Oliver Order Owen oar objective observing obstinate occurrence occurrent of late offended offense old lady old-fashioned olive omen on the road on the whole once again one time opera operating operator or else orchard orchestra organise organs originate orphan ounce out of sight over again overall overhead overtake overthrow overwhelming Pacific Pakistan Park Patrick Persian Poland Portugal Portuguese Post packed panic par parade paragraph park parliamentary parlor part with partake particle parting pass away pass by pass on pass over pastor pasture pathetic patrol paved peep pencil peoples pepper percentage perception perch perfume perplexed persecution persevere persistent personage pertain pet petty phase philosophical photo photography picking pillar pin pinch pioneer plague planning plea plunder poke policeman polished pomp pond ponder pope popularity porch positively pouring practised prairie preaching precaution predecessor preference preliminary presentation preside pretended pretense pro probability procedure proceeds proclaimed productive programme prohibited prolong promising promotion prophecy propriety prose proud of provincial prudence publicly puff pulling pulse pump punch punished purely purity pushing put out quaint qualified query quest questioning Rachel Reagan Richmond Robinson Roman Catholic Ross Russell Ruth racing radiate raft ranch rapture rascal rash rat readiness real estate reasoning reassure receipt reckless recognised recommendation reduction refined refrain refusal regain registered regularly rein reinforce rejoin related to relatively relevant remainder remembrance remorse removal renounce repay repeatedly repel requested requirement researcher resemblance resentment resignation resistible resolute respected respectful restraint retail retained retirement revelation revolutionary revolver rhyme rhythm ribbon riches rig righteousness rightly rigid ringing rings roast robber rosy roughly routine ruling rumor run down run for run into run out run through run up rural rustle Santa Saxon Scottish Secretary of State Solomon Son South Africa St. Louis Stanley Stewart Stuart Supreme Court Sweden Swiss Switzerland Syria sage sailing salon satire sauce scared scarlet scenery scent scores scout scramble scrap scrape scratch scrutiny sculpture secretary of state secretly seemingly sentimental separation serene serpent set forth set off settler seventy severely shaft shaken shallow shatter shave sheer shelf sheriff shocked shouting shrewd shrill shrine shrub shrug shut up sickness signature significance simultaneous sinking sinner sire sit up skipper skull slaughter slay sleep in sleeve slice slumber smash smite sneer soap soar socialist sofa software solemnly solicit solitude soup spark speaker specially speedily spill splash split spots spreading spring up squad squadron squeeze stagger stalk stall stand for startling stately statistics status statute stay at step in steward stimulate stirring stocking stocks stopping stove strait stray streak stretch out strife stripe stroll studying stumble stun subdued sublime submarine subordinate subsequently successfully successive suck suffrage suicide suited sullen sultan sunlight sunny superiority supervise supporter supporting supreme court surf surge surgery surpass surroundings sustained swamp swarm sweat sweeping sweetness swimming swinging switch sympathetic Tennessee Thompson Tory Treasury Turk Turkish tackle tactic tactics take advantage take over take part taken up talking to tame technique telegram temperament tempest ten thousand tenant tenderly tension terrace terribly terrify terrorism that is to say therein this evening thorn threshold throb throng thumb tiger tightly tired of to and fro toe token tomorrow tonight tons torch tore torrent totally tourism tourist tournament toy tract trademark trader traitor tramp tranquil traveler traveling travelled traverse treason trend tribute tropic trouser truck trumpet tumult turn back turn in turn on turn up twenty-four twilight twinkle twisted two weeks tyranny tyrant ultimately unanimous uncertainty uncomfortable uncommon undertaking unemployment unique unjust unlikely unseen unworthy upbeat update upstairs upwards urban urgent utilise utility utterance V Victoria Vienna vacate values varying vault vehement velvet venerate vent verb vice president vicinal vicinity vile villain vine violently violet virtually virtuous viz. volcano WI Wall Street Wallace Wells World Cup wagon wail waist wake up walk in warfare warmth washing wasted waving wax weaken weave website weed weekend weeping westward whale wherefore wholesome wildly willingly winding wishing wither wolf wont work at work out world war worldly worm wretch wrist yacht yea young girl youthful Zealand 'hood 120 20th 57 58 59 61 62 63 64 66 67 68 69 71 72 73 74 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 88 8vo 93 95 |
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