单词 | Level-3 |
释义 | Level-3 (1500 words) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ~ Adam Adams Albert Allen Andrew Anthony Athens Atlantic Austria abandoned aboard abolish above all abrupt abruptly absorbed abstract accent accommodate account for accumulate acid acknowledged acre acres act as adequate adhere adjust admirable adore adorn adult advancing advertising advised advocate affectionate afflict aged aggress agony agriculture alarmed alert all the time allege alliance aloud altar altered alternative amendment amity ample amused amusement analysis analyst ancestor angle animate anna announcement antique anyhow anyway appetite appointment apprehension approval approved apt archbishop aristocrat arouse arrow artificial artillery artistic as follows as it were as usual as yet ascertain ash ashore aspire assassin assault assent assigned assistant assurance astonished astonishment at a time at any rate at hand at times at work athlete attach to attained attend to attendant attorney attractive autumn avenue award awe awkward B Belgium Bible Book Brown Bush background badly banker baptism barely bargain barrel basket bat bathe battery beaten beating bedroom bee beer behalf believing bell belt bestow bet bewilder bigger billy bind bite bitterly blank blanket blast blog bloody bloom blossom blush boast bolt bond boom boss bother boundary bowed brass break in break out breathing brethren brick bride brigade bring in bring up broadcast brutal bud bullet bunch bundle burnt bush but then button buying by no means by the way Caesar Canadian Carolina Christianity Clinton Communist cable cake call on calmly canal candle cannon canvas cards carpet carry on cart carve cash cat cathedral cautious cavalry cede championship changing chapel chase checked chemical chicken childhood chill choke chorus cigar cigarette circulate cite civilization clasp cleared client cling to cloak clock closer closing clothing coarse code coin collapse collar colleague colored colors colours combat combination combined come home come over come upon come with commissioner commonly communism comparatively comparison compensate competent competition complex complicate compliment comply composition compound compromise computer concealed concede concentrate concert confession confined confirmed confront confused congratulate congregate conquest consequently consistent console conspicuous conspire constitutional consul contemporary contents continually continuous continuum contradict contribution contrive controversy conventional copper copyright cordial corporation correspondence correspondent costs costume countess countryman courtesy covering crash crawl craze crazy cream credible crossing cruelty cruise cry out crying cultivated cunning curl currency curve customs cut off cycle D DAT Daniel Davis Democratic Doctor Douglas dame damn daring dart dashed daylight deadly dealing dearest decay decent declaration decree dedicate deeds deer defeated defect defense defiant delegate den dense departed depend on depend upon depress deprive deputy derived descent deserted desirable desk desolate despatch despise destined destiny detach detain detective determination device devotion diamond dictate diet dig digest diminish dip diplomacy diplomatic dirty disappointed disappointment disciple disclose discourse disgrace disguise disgust dislike dismissed disorder dispense disposed dissolve distinctly distribution dive divert divorce dominate doom doorway doubtful draft drain dramatic dreamed dried drill drinking drown drum duchess duck dusk dwelling E ED Egyptian eagle earliest earned earnestly earthly editing educated elaborate elbow electricity elegant elephant elocute eloquent emergency emergent emphasis employee employer enchant enclose encouraged endeavor ending endless enforce engagement enjoyment enlarge entertainment entitled entry envy equal to equipment escape from escort essay esteem ethic even as eventual eventually evolution exaggerate exalt exceedingly excess exclusive executed exhausted exhibition exile existing expectation expenditure expensive explode exquisite extensive external extra extravagant Federal Florence Florida Frederick Frenchman faced facile facility facing factor factory faculty failing fairy fall upon fantasy fare farewell farmer fascinate fastened faster fatigue favorable favourite fee fence festival fetch fiction firing fishing fist fitted flank floating flock flour flourish follower followers folly for a while foreigner formation formula fortify fortunately foul founder fountain fourteen fragment franc fright from time to time frontier frown ft fuel fulfill fundamental funds funeral funny fur furious furniture Georgia Grace Great Britain Green gallant gallop gamble gang garment gasp gathering genuine geography get away get back get in get on give in give way glare glide glimpse glitter global gloomy go by go for go off go over go to bed good and good-bye goodness gown graceful gracious graduate grandfather grandmother gratify gravely gravity grey grin grip groan gross grow up growl guarantee guy H Hall Hamilton Heaven Hill Holland Howard hail hammer handkerchief happily harbor harbour harsh harvest hated hatred haul haunt hazard headed headquarter headquarters heal heartily heavenly heavens hedge heed heir helping helpless herd here and there heroic highway hinder hired historian hold in hold on hold out hold up home in honourable hook hopeless horizon hospitable howl human being humour hunting hush hut International Iran Iraq identity ignore illness illusion immortal impressed impressive imprison improved in case in full in general in hand in short in sight in the air in the end in the way incredible index indifference indignant indignation induced infantry infect inferior inflate inflict ingenious initial initiate injured inn inscribe insect inspiration inspired instructions insurance intent intercourse interior internal internet intervene invasion invention investor invisible invitation inward irregular irritate isle isolate item Jacob Japan Jerry Jerusalem Jewish Jr Justice jail jar jealousy jean jest jet jimmy journalism journalist jr. jury just now Kennedy Korea keep in keep up kid killing kneel knot Lawrence Lee Lewis Los Angeles Lucy lace lament landing landscape lap laugh at lay in laying leadership leaning leather legend legislation legislature legitimate leisure letting liable license lie in lighten lightly lightning linger lion liquid liquor lit literal little girl live with lively loaded lodging lofty logic long ago longing look after look back look into look on look to looking for losses lots lowest loyal lunch Mark Martin Massachusetts Mexican Mississippi Morgan Moscow Moses Murray machinery madam mademoiselle magistrate mainly maintained make out malice mamma mansion manuscript marble margin marine martyr marvel mask masses massive mature meadow meantime mechanical mechanics meditate melancholy melt messenger mike milk ministry mirror mischief misfortune missing missionary mist mistaken mixture mob mobile mock modest modify moist monument moonlight more and more motor mouse mule multiple multitude mutual N Negro New England New York City Norman Northern nail naked namely narrative naval navigate nearest neat necessarily negate negative neglected negotiation negro neighborhood neighbourhood nephew nerves neutral no matter nonsense notable notwithstanding nuclear Ohio Orleans o'er oak obedience obligate obligation observer obstacle obviously occasions of age offence offensive old woman omit on the contrary on the table on the way one hundred online openly opponent opt option or so orate ordain organic organized originally other than outer outline outrage outward overlook overwhelm owing owned Page Palestine Pennsylvania Persia Philadelphia Pierre Pope Prime Minister Protestant Prussia p.m. package pains painter palm panel pant papa parallel parish parted partial participate pat patch patent pathos patriotic patron pattern pave pay for paying peaceful peak pearl penalty penny pension perfection perpetual perplex persecute personality personally petition phenomenon philosopher phone piano picturesque pierce pig pillow pilot pink pious pirate pistol pit planet planned planted pleasing pledge pluck plus point of view pole polish politician poll pony pool pop pose posted potato potential powder practically practise preacher preceding precisely preferred premier prepare for prescribe preserved presidential pressing prey prime minister primitive prior privacy proceeding proceedings procession producer profitable profits prohibit prominent promptly pronounced proposition proprietor prosperity protected provoke psychology publisher purple purse pursued put up puzzled queer quite a quiver R Romans Roosevelt rabbit radical rag raid rally rarely rates rational rattle raw reaction realise realm rebellion recede reception recite recognition recollection reconcile recorded recovery recruit redeem refine reflected refresh refuge regard as regulation rejected relationship relax relieved reluctant remedy renewed repent reporting repose representation reprint reproduce resent reserved resident resistance resort respectable respective respects responsible for rest on restaurant rested restless restrict retort revenge reverence reverent reverse revise revolve rid rid of rider ridge ridiculous right hand righteous riot ripe risen rite robe robin rocky rod rolling romantic roots rue ruined ruled ruler run away rushing Samuel San Francisco Sarah Seattle Service Shakespeare Simon Soviet Spaniard Stations Stephen sack sadly safely salary sally salute salvation salve sample sanction sandy sane satisfactory scandal scare schedule scientist scruple sculpt seal searching sect sector seeming selected selection selling sensitive separated sergeant sermon serving session set in seventeen seventh sew sexual shaking shared sharply shepherd shew shield shilling shirt shiver shooting shower shriek shudder shy siege silently silly simplicity situated sixteen sixth sixty skip skirt slain sleeping slender slide smart smoking snatch so-called sob sober socialism soften solitary solve some other soothe sow sparkle spear specific specimen spectacle spectate spectator speculation speedy sphere spin spokesman sponsor spur spy squire stain stand by stand up staring startled starve statesman steadily steamer steep steer stem stimulus stirred stole stomach stoop stout strangely straw strengthen stress strictly stride struggling stuck studio stupid subdue substantial substitute subtle succession successor suitable summit sunk sunset sunshine superintend superstition suppress surgeon surprising suspended suspicious sway swiftly symptom T TV Taylor Tell take away take off take on take out talks tangle tank tap target technical telegraph televise television temperature temptation tenderness tense terminate thankful the States the like theme theology thereby thereof thief think about thirst thirteen thither thoughtful thread threatening three hundred three times ticket timber timid tin tip to be sure tobacco tolerable tomb ton topic torment torn torture toss touching trading traditional traffic tragedy trained transact transaction transform transit translation transmit traveller travelling treachery tread tremendous trench trim triumphant trunk trusted tube tumble tune turn away turned out twenty-five two hundred typical UK UN ugly uncertain undergo undoubtedly uneasy unfortunately unity unlike unnecessary unpleasant unwilling upright upset upward user Venice vacant valid vanished vanity variable variation varied vegetable vehicle vein vengeance veteran vex victor vigorous virtual visiting vivid voter vow vulgar W Wales Williams wages wandering wanting warrant washed wealthy wearing web wedding weekly welfare well-known wheat wherever whirl widely wilt winner wipe wisdom witch woe wondering wool workman worried wrapped wrath wreck wrought Yankee y yell yonder young woman zeal zone 150 1st 300 33 34 36 37 38 39 400 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 65 70 75 80 90 |
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