

单词 iambic
(once / 8934 pages)

An iambic line of prose or poetry is one that consists of iambs. Got it? No, well let's try: an iamb is two consecutive syllables where the first is unstressed, the second stresed, as in "de-DUM." It's that simple.
What do you get if you put five iambs together? No, it's not a joke, it's iambic pentameter (penta from the Greek for "five") as in: "de-DUM, de-DUM, de-DUM, de-DUM, de-DUM." It sounds better as: "If MU-/-sic BE / the FOOD / of LOVE,/ play ON." Now that's poetry. If iambic pentameter was good enough for Shakespeare, Milton, and Donne, then maybe you should give it a try.
iamb: iambi, iambic, iambs
We need this to fight but also just because it’s fun to think about the moon, iambic pentameter or the sea.
The Guardian(Dec 30, 2016)
Heroes and villains, the strong and the weak — the heightened language and the mighty weight of iambic pentameter dignify the greatest character and the least.
Los Angeles Times(Dec 09, 2016)
“We’re taught that Shakespeare is a sacred thing, with the iambic pentameter and all that stuff,” he continued.
New York Times(Sep 30, 2016)
1adj of or consisting of iambs
iambic pentameter
2n a verse line consisting of iambs
verse, verse line
a line of metrical text




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