单词 | create |
释义 | create (once / 25 pages) 1v 2v To create simply means to make or bring into existence. Bakers create cakes, ants create problems at picnics, and you probably created a few imaginary friends when you were little. Similar to conceive and spawn and the exact opposite of destroy, create is a word that often implies a little bit of imagination. In fact, it takes a lot of creativity to create something spectacular; that is, unless you're a robot, and then your creations occur automatically. Or Mother Nature, where creation just happens naturally: Birds create nests, the tides create waves, and snowstorms create days off from school. WORD FAMILYcreate: created, creates, creating, creation, creative, creator, creature, miscreate, re-create, recreate+/created: re-created/creation: creationism, creations, re-creation/creative: creatively, creativeness, creativity, uncreative/creator: creators/creature: creatures/miscreate: miscreated, miscreating, miscreation/miscreation: miscreations/re-create: re-creating/recreate: recreated, recreates, recreating, recreation/recreation: recreational, recreations/recreational: nonrecreational, recreationally/uncreative: uncreatively, uncreativeness USAGE EXAMPLESMr. Qarau hopes that his conservation work will create a sustainable harvest, enabling Fijians to eat turtles again. New York Times(Jan 02, 2017) Beyond education efforts, Brewer created by executive order the first state Ethics Commission. Washington Times(Jan 02, 2017) “We’ve got to create more value in health care,” Mr. Murphy said in an interview after Mr. Trump’s election. New York Times(Jan 02, 2017) 1 1v bring into existence The company was created 25 years ago He created a new movement in painting Hypo reinvent bring back into existence developmake something new, such as a product or a mental or artistic creation carve outestablish or create through painstaking effort buildgive form to, according to a plan 2v make or cause to be or to become create a furor Syn|Hypo make beget, bring forth, engender, father, generate, get, mother, sire make children multiply, procreate, reproducehave offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant regenerateform or produce anew clearmake a way or path by removing objects distil, distill, extractextract by the process of distillation derive, educedevelop or evolve from a latent or potential state froth, spume, sudsmake froth or foam and become bubbly establish, lay down, makeinstitute, enact, or establish puncturemake by piercing twinemake by twisting together or intertwining cleavemake by cutting into trackmake tracks upon bring, instituteadvance or set forth in court short, short-circuitcreate a short circuit in re-createcreate anew grindcreated by grinding bring forth, generatebring into existence initiate, originate, startbring into being give, yieldcause to happen or be responsible for bring, make for, play, work, wreakcause to happen or to occur as a consequence arouse, bring up, call down, call forth, conjure, conjure up, evoke, invoke, put forward, raise, stirsummon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic create by mental act, create mentallycreate mentally and abstractly rather than with one's hands makecreate by artistic means actualise, actualize, realise, realize, substantiatemake real or concrete; give reality or substance to cause, do, makegive rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally establish, givebring about put on, turn incarry out (performances) bear, turn outbring forth, "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year" create from raw material, create from raw stuffmake from scratch build, construct, makemake by combining materials and parts build, establishbuild or establish something abstract assemble, piece, put together, set up, tack, tack togethercreate by putting components or members together stylemake consistent with a certain fashion or style strikeproduce by ignition or a blow copy, re-createmake a replica of create verballycreate with or from words compose, writewrite music choreographcompose a sequence of dance steps, often to music directguide the actors in (plays and films) filmrecord in film film-makemake films; be a film maker recreatecreate anew offsetcreate an offset in scrapemake by scraping bring forth, producebring forth or yield bring about, give rise, producecause to happen, occur or exist presscreate by pressing prepareto prepare verbally, either for written or spoken delivery cutform or shape by cutting or incising cutform by probing, penetrating, or digging raisecreate a disturbance, especially by making a great noise beatmake by pounding or trampling chopform or shape by chopping manufacturecreate or produce in a mechanical way blast, shellcreate by using explosives arouse, elicit, enkindle, evoke, fire, kindle, provoke, raisecall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses) incorporateform a corporation form, organise, organizecreate (as an entity) pompadourstyle women's hair in a pompadour propagatemultiply sexually or asexually fructify, setbear fruit breed, multiplyhave young (animals) or reproduce (organisms) bear, birth, deliver, give birth, havecause to be born brood, cover, hatch, incubatesit on (eggs) regeneratereplace (tissue or a body part) through the formation of new tissue moonshinedistill (alcohol) illegally; produce moonshine manifoldmake multiple copies of reformproduce by cracking spin offproduce as a consequence of something larger customise, customizemake according to requirements initiate, lead upset in motion, start an event or prepare the way for determine, influence, mold, regulate, shapeshape or influence; give direction to draw, makemake, formulate, or derive in the mind re-createform anew in the imagination; recollect and re-form in the mind anathemise, anathemize, bedamn, beshrew, curse, damn, imprecate, maledictwish harm upon; invoke evil upon blessgive a benediction to mark, setestablish as the highest level or best performance etymologise, etymologizegive the etymology or derivation or suggest an etymology (for a word) revetconstruct a revetment introducebring in or establish in a new place or environment do, makecreate or design, often in a certain way comfit, confect, confectionmake into a confection come upbring forth, usually something desirable developgenerate gradually setapply or start regenerate, renewreestablish on a new, usually improved, basis or make new or like new give birthcreate or produce an idea schematizeformulate in regular order; to reduce to a scheme or formula contrive, devise, excogitate, forge, formulate, inventcome up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort formulateprepare according to a formula conceive, conceptualise, conceptualize, gestatehave the idea for concoct, dream up, hatch, think of, think updevise or invent fictionalise, fictionalize, retellmake into fiction conceive of, envisage, ideate, imagineform a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case contrive, design, plan, projectmake or work out a plan for; devise coin, mint, strikeform by stamping, punching, or printing spinform a web by making a thread design, planmake a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form designcreate the design for; create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner initiate, pioneertake the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of effect, effectuate, set upproduce bring on, inducecause to arise incarnatemake concrete and real makecompel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way occasiongive occasion to call forth, evoke, kick up, provokeevoke or provoke to appear or occur pacifyfight violence and try to establish peace in (a location) breed, engender, spawncall forth actuate, incite, motivate, move, prompt, propelgive an incentive for action force, impelurge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate seedbear seeds cropyield crops overbearbear too much fruitbear fruit makemake by shaping or bringing together constituents counterfeit, fake, forgemake a copy of with the intent to deceive dry-wallconstruct with drywall lockbuild locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels wattlebuild of or with wattle frame, frame upconstruct by fitting or uniting parts together rebuild, reconstructbuild again groinbuild with groins cantileverconstruct with girders and beams such that only one end is fixed confuse, jumble, mix upassemble without order or sense reassembleassemble once again, after taking something apart configureset up for a particular purpose compoundcreate by mixing or combining forge, form, mold, mould, shape, workmake something, usually for a specific function dipplace (candle wicks) into hot, liquid wax erect, put up, raise, rear, set upconstruct, build, or erect rig uperect or construct, especially as a temporary measure bakeprepare with dry heat in an oven brewprepare by brewing cook, fix, make, prepare, readyprepare for eating by applying heat cookprepare a hot meal knitmake (textiles) by knitting crochetcreate by looping or crocheting knotmake into knots; make knots out of tissue, weavecreate a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton intertwine, tatmake lacework by knotting or looping interpret, representcreate an image or likeness of writecreate code, write a computer program imitatemake a reproduction or copy of tracecopy by following the lines of the original drawing on a transparent sheet placed upon it; make a tracing of back upmake a copy of (a computer file) especially for storage in another place as a security copy hectographcopy on a duplicator clonemake multiple identical copies of mimeo, mimeographprint copies from (a prepared stencil) using a mimeograph roneomake copies on a Roneograph coinmake up compose, indite, pen, writeproduce a literary work rhyme, rimecompose rhymes recite, retellrender verbally, "recite a poem" counterpointwrite in counterpoint set to musicwrite (music) for (a text) arrange, setadapt for performance in a different way scorewrite a musical score for melodise, melodizesupply a melody for harmonise, harmonizewrite a harmony for instrument, instrumentatewrite an instrumental score for stage directdirect for the stage present, represent, stageperform (a play), especially on a stage cinematise, cinematizemake a film of or adopt so as to make into a film microfilmrecord on microfilm performgive a performance (of something) act, play, representplay a role or part reenactenact or perform again model, simulatecreate a representation or model of play, spielreplay (as a melody) induce, inductproduce electric current by electrostatic or magnetic processes reinventcreate anew and make over develop, evolve, germinatework out publish, writehave (one's written work) issued for publication program, programmewrite a computer program corduroybuild (a road) from logs laid side by side sporulateproduce spores crank out, grind outproduce in a routine or monotonous manner designcreate designs rough, rough in, rough outprepare in preliminary or sketchy form makegather and light the materials for channelise, channelizemake a channel for; provide with a channel facilitateincrease the likelihood of (a response) constructcreate by organizing and linking ideas, arguments, or concepts constructcreate by linking linguistic units free, liberate, releaserelease (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition blastmake with or as if with an explosion manufactureproduce naturally strike a chord, touch a chordevoke a reaction, response, or emotion ask for, inviteincrease the likelihood of drawelicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc. rekindlearouse again infatuatearouse unreasoning love or passion in and cause to behave in an irrational way prickto cause a sharp emotional pain fire up, heat, ignite, inflame, stir up, wakearouse or excite feelings and passions excite, shake, shake up, stimulate, stirstir the feelings, emotions, or peace of excitearouse or elicit a feeling angermake angry discomfit, discompose, disconcert, untune, upsetcause to lose one's composure shamecause to be ashamed bruise, hurt, injure, offend, spite, woundhurt the feelings of overcome, overpower, overtake, overwhelm, sweep over, whelmovercome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli interestexcite the curiosity of; engage the interest of expressmanifest the effects of (a gene or genetic trait) regroup, reorganise, reorganizeorganize anew, as after a setback choose upform sides, as for a game draw upform or arrange in order or formation, as of a body of soldiers regimentform (military personnel) into a regiment syndicateorganize into or form a syndicate lead, leave, resulthave as a result or residue date back, date from, go backbelong to an earlier time 3v pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity Don't disturb him--he is creating Hypo|Hyper draw engage in drawing paintmake a painting buildbe engaged in building finger-paintapply colors with one's fingers stippleapply (paint) in small dots or strokes bodypaintapply paint to a body frescopaint onto wet plaster on a wall distemperpaint with distemper chargeplace a heraldic bearing on fill in, shaderepresent the effect of shade or shadow on stipplemake by small short touches that together produce an even or softly graded shadow, as in paint or ink watercolor, watercolourpaint with watercolors act, move perform an action, or work out or perform (an action) 4v create by artistic means create a poem Schoenberg created twelve-tone music Picasso created Cubism Syn|Hypo|Hyper make make, produce create or manufacture a man-made product do, make create or design, often in a certain way designcreate the design for; create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner designcreate designs cut, tailorstyle and tailor in a certain fashion make updevise or compose make make or cause to be or to become 5v create or manufacture a man-made product 2Syn|Hypo make, produce make create by artistic means breed cause to procreate (animals) make over, redo, refashion, remakemake new prefabricateproduce synthetically, artificially, or stereotypically and unoriginally underproduceproduce below capacity or demand outputto create or manufacture a specific amount pulsate, pulseproduce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of short bursts or pulses or cause an apparatus to produce pulses clap together, clap up, slap togethermake hastily and carelessly custom-make, customise, customize, tailor-makemake to specifications dummy, dummy upmake a dummy of turn outproduce quickly or regularly, usually with machinery machinemake by machinery churn outproduce something at a fast rate overproduceproduce in excess elaborateproduce from basic elements or sources; change into a more developed product put output out considerable effort laminatecreate laminate by bonding sheets of material with a bonding material bootlegproduce or distribute illegally generateproduce (energy) generate, give, render, return, yieldgive or supply extrude, squeeze outform or shape by forcing through an opening smeltextract (metals) by heating reproducemake a copy or equivalent of preassemble, prefabricateto manufacture sections of (a building), especially in a factory, so that they can be easily transported to and rapidly assembled on a building site of buildings fudge together, throw togetherproduce shoddily, without much attention to detail print, publishput into print confectmake or construct proofmake or take a proof of, such as a photographic negative, an etching, or typeset burn, cutcreate by duplicating data mongrelise, mongrelizecause to become a mongrel cross, crossbreed, hybridise, hybridize, interbreedbreed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties recast, reforge, remodelcast or model anew double, duplicate, reduplicate, repeat, replicatemake or do or perform again duplicatemake a duplicate or duplicates of triplicatereproduce threefold quadruplicatereproduce fourfold reissue, reprintprint anew photocopy, run off, xeroxreproduce by xerography play back, replayreproduce (a recording) on a recorder copy, imitate, simulatereproduce someone's behavior or looks republishpublish again gazettepublish in a gazette fingerprinttake an impression of a person's fingerprints printmake into a print v invest with a new title, office, or rank Create one a peer Hyper appoint, charge assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to |
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