单词 | conifer |
释义 | conifer (once / 9030 pages) n A conifer is a type of tree that produces cones and evergreen needles. Spot a pile of cones beneath a tree and you've found yourself a conifer. With the word cone embedded in it, it's no surprise that conifer is the term used for cone-producing trees. Conifers can often be identified by their typically long needle-shaped leaves like the kind you find on a Christmas tree. Mostly found in northern forests where the winters are cold, the tough prickly leaves on conifers make them adaptable to the weather. WORD FAMILYconifer: coniferous, conifers USAGE EXAMPLESSUN January walks focus on conifers, evergreen trees in our collection, 1 p.m. Seattle Times(Dec 29, 2016) Genetic material from the trees was being used in an international programme to conserve conifers. BBC(Dec 07, 2016) Several conifers will turn a brilliant purple in winter after the temperatures drop. Seattle Times(Dec 01, 2016) n any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones Syn|Hypo|Hyper coniferous tree pine, pine tree, true pine a coniferous tree larch, larch treeany of numerous conifers of the genus Larix all having deciduous needlelike leaves Pseudolarix amabilis, golden larchChinese deciduous conifer resembling a larch with golden yellow leaves fir, fir tree, true firany of various evergreen trees of the genus Abies; chiefly of upland areas cedar, cedar tree, true cedarany cedar of the genus Cedrus spruceany coniferous tree of the genus Picea hemlock, hemlock treean evergreen tree douglas firtall evergreen timber tree of western North America having resinous wood and short needles CathayaChinese evergreen conifer discovered in 1955; not yet cultivated elsewhere cedar, cedar treeany of numerous trees of the family Cupressaceae that resemble cedars cypress, cypress treeany of numerous evergreen conifers of the genus Cupressus of north temperate regions having dark scalelike leaves and rounded cones Athrotaxis selaginoides, King William pineevergreen of Tasmanian mountains having sharp-pointed leaves that curve inward Metasequoia glyptostrodoides, dawn redwood, metasequoialarge fast-growing Chinese monoecious tree having flat bright-green deciduous leaves and small globular cones; commonly cultivated in United States as an ornamental; known as a fossil before being discovered in China arborvitaeany of several Asian and North American conifers of the genera Thuja and Thujopsis keteleeriaAsiatic conifers resembling firs Wollemi pinenewly discovered (1994) pine thought to have been long extinct; Australia; genus and species names not yet assigned araucariaany of several tall South American or Australian trees with large cones and edible seeds dammar pine, kauri pineany of various trees of the genus Agathis; yield dammar resin plum-yewany of several evergreen trees and shrubs of eastern Asia resembling yew and having large seeds enclosed in a fleshy envelope; sometimes cultivated as ornamentals celery pineAustralasian evergreen conifer having a graceful head of foliage resembling celery that is composed of phyllodes borne in the axils of scalelike leaves podocarpany evergreen in the southern hemisphere of the genus Podocarpus having a pulpy fruit with one hard seed Podocarpus coriaceus, yacca, yacca podocarpWest Indian evergreen with medium to long leaves Podocarpus elatus, Rockingham podocarp, brown pinelarge Australian tree with straight-grained yellow wood that turns brown on exposure African yellowwood, Podocarpus elongatus, cape yellowwoodSouth African tree or shrub having a rounded crown Podocarpus totara, totaravaluable timber tree of New Zealand yielding hard reddish wood used for furniture and bridges and wharves Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, New Zealand Dacryberry, New Zealand white pine, Podocarpus dacrydioides, kahikateaNew Zealand evergreen valued for its light easily worked wood Dacrydium cupressinum, imou pine, red pine, rimutall New Zealand timber tree Dacrydium colensoi, tar-wood, tarwoodNew Zealand silver pine of conical habit with long slender flexuous branches; adapted to cold wet summers and high altitudes Falcatifolium falciforme, common sickle pinesmall tropical rain forest tree of Indonesia and Malaysia Falcatifolium taxoides, yellow-leaf sickle pinea rain forest tree or shrub of New Caledonia having a conic crown and pale green sickle-shaped leaves; host species for the rare parasite yew Dacrydium bidwilli, Halocarpus bidwilli, New Zealand mountain pine, tar-wood, tarwoodNew Zealand shrub Lagarostrobus colensoi, silver pine, westland pinetimber tree of New Zealand having shiny white wood Dacrydium franklinii, Lagarostrobus franklinii, huon pineTasmanian timber tree with yellow aromatic wavy-grained wood used for carving and ship building; sometimes placed in genus Dacrydium Nageia nagi, nagimedium-sized tree having glossy lanceolate leaves; southern China to Taiwan and southern Japan Podocarpus ferruginea, Prumnopitys ferruginea, black pine, miroNew Zealand conifer used for lumber; the dark wood is used for interior carpentry Podocarpus spicata, Prumnopitys taxifolia, black pine, mataiconifer of Australia and New Zealand Prumnopitys andina, Prumnopitys elegans, plum-fruited yewSouth American evergreen tree or shrub Prince Albert yew, Prince Albert's yew, Saxe-gothea conspicuasmall yew having attractive foliage and partially weeping branches cultivated as an ornamental; mountains of southern Chile Podocarpus amara, Prumnopitys amara, Sundacarpus amaraa large fast-growing monoecious tropical evergreen tree having large glossy lanceolate leaves; of rain forests of Sumatra and Philippines to northern Queensland Japanese umbrella pine, Sciadopitys verticillatatall evergreen having a symmetrical spreading crown and needles growing in whorls that resemble umbrellas at ends of twigs yewany of numerous evergreen trees or shrubs having red cup-shaped berries and flattened needlelike leaves pinon, pinyonany of several low-growing pines of western North America Pinus glabra, spruce pinelarge two-needled pine of southeastern United States with light soft wood Pinus nigra, black pinelarge two-needled timber pine of southeastern Europe Pinus rigida, northern pitch pine, pitch pinelarge three-needled pine of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada; closely related to the pond pine Pinus serotina, pond pinelarge three-needled pine of sandy swamps of southeastern United States; needles longer than those of the northern pitch pine European nut pine, Pinus pinea, stone pine, umbrella pinemedium-sized two-needled pine of southern Europe having a spreading crown; widely cultivated for its sweet seeds that resemble almonds Pinus cembra, Swiss pine, Swiss stone pine, arolla pine, cembra nut treelarge five-needled European pine; yields cembra nuts and a resinous exudate Pinus mugo, Swiss mountain pine, dwarf mountain pine, mountain pine, mugho pine, mugo pinelow shrubby pine of central Europe with short bright green needles in bunches of two Pinus longaeva, ancient pinesmall slow-growing pine of western United States similar to the bristlecone pine; chocolate brown bark in plates and short needles in bunches of 5; crown conic but becoming rough and twisted; oldest plant in the world growing to 5000 years in cold semidesert mountain tops white pineany of several five-needled pines with white wood and smooth usually light grey bark when young; especially the eastern white pine yellow pineany of various pines having yellow wood Jeffrey pine, Jeffrey's pine, Pinus jeffreyi, black pinetall symmetrical pine of western North America having long blue-green needles in bunches of 3 and elongated cones on spreading somewhat pendulous branches; sometimes classified as a variety of ponderosa pine Pinus contorta, lodgepole, lodgepole pine, shore pine, spruce pineshrubby two-needled pine of coastal northwestern United States; red to yellow-brown bark fissured into small squares Pinus contorta murrayana, Sierra lodgepole pinetall subspecies of lodgepole pine Pinus taeda, frankincense pine, loblolly pinetall spreading three-needled pine of southeastern United States having reddish-brown fissured bark and a full bushy upper head Pinus banksiana, jack pineslender medium-sized two-needled pine of eastern North America; with yellow-green needles and scaly grey to red-brown fissured bark swamp pineany of several pines that prefer or endure moist situations such as loblolly pine or longleaf pine Canadian red pine, Pinus resinosa, red pinepine of eastern North America having long needles in bunches of two and reddish bark Pinus sylvestris, Scotch fir, Scotch pine, Scots pinemedium large two-needled pine of northern Europe and Asia having flaking red-brown bark Jersey pine, Pinus virginiana, Virginia pine, scrub pinecommon small shrubby pine of the eastern United States having straggling often twisted or branches and short needles in bunches of 2 Monterey pine, Pinus radiatatall California pine with long needles in bunches of 3, a dense crown, and dark brown deeply fissured bark Pinus aristata, Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine, bristlecone pinesmall slow-growing upland pine of western United States (Rocky Mountains) having dense branches with fissured rust-brown bark and short needles in bunches of 5 and thorn-tipped cone scales; among the oldest living things some over 4500 years old Pinus pungens, hickory pine, prickly pine, table-mountain pinea small two-needled upland pine of the eastern United States (Appalachians) having dark brown flaking bark and thorn-tipped cone scales Pinus attenuata, knobcone pinemedium-sized three-needled pine of the Pacific coast of the United States having a prominent knob on each scale of the cone Japanese red pine, Japanese table pine, Pinus densiflorapine native to Japan and Korea having a wide-spreading irregular crown when mature; grown as an ornamental Japanese black pine, Pinus thunbergii, black pinelarge Japanese ornamental having long needles in bunches of 2; widely planted in United States because of its resistance to salt and smog Pinus torreyana, Torrey pine, Torrey's pine, grey-leaf pine, sabine pine, soledad pinemedium-sized five-needled pine of southwestern California having long cylindrical cones American larch, Larix laricina, black larch, tamarackmedium-sized larch of Canada and northern United States including Alaska having a broad conic crown and rust-brown scaly bark Larix occidentalis, Oregon larch, western larch, western tamaracktall larch of western North America have pale green sharply pointed leaves and oblong cones; an important timber tree Larix lyallii, subalpine larchmedium-sized larch of the Rocky Mountains; closely related to Larix occidentalis European larch, Larix deciduatall European tree having a slender conic crown, flat needlelike leaves, and hairy cone scales Larix russica, Larix siberica, Siberian larchmedium-sized larch of northeastern Russia and Siberia having narrowly conic crown and soft narrow bright-green leaves; used in cultivation silver firany of various true firs having leaves white or silvery white beneath Abies bracteata, Abies venusta, Santa Lucia fir, bristlecone fira pyramidal fir of southwestern California having spiny pointed leaves and cone scales with long spines Cedrus libani, cedar of Lebanoncedar of Lebanon and northwestern Syria that attains great age and height Cedrus deodara, Himalayan cedar, deodar, deodar cedartall East Indian cedar having spreading branches with nodding tips; highly valued for its appearance as well as its timber Atlas cedar, Cedrus atlanticatall Algerian evergreen of Atlas mountains with blue-green leaves; widely planted as an ornamental Norway spruce, Picea abiestall pyramidal spruce native to northern Europe having dark green foliage on spreading branches with pendulous branchlets and long pendulous cones Brewer's spruce, Picea breweriana, weeping sprucemedium-sized spruce of California and Oregon having pendulous branches Engelmann spruce, Engelmann's spruce, Picea engelmanniitall spruce of Rocky Mountains and British Columbia with blue-green needles and acutely conic crown; wood used for rough lumber and boxes Picea glauca, white sprucemedium-sized spruce of northeastern North America having short blue-green leaves and slender cones Picea mariana, black spruce, spruce pinesmall spruce of boggy areas of northeastern North America having spreading branches with dense foliage; inferior wood Picea obovata, Siberian sprucetall spruce of northern Europe and Asia; resembles Norway spruce Picea sitchensis, Sitka sprucea large spruce that grows only along the northwestern coast of the United States and Canada; has sharp stiff needles and thin bark; the wood has a high ratio of strength to weight Picea orientalis, oriental spruceevergreen tree of the Caucasus and Asia Minor used as an ornamental having pendulous branchlets Colorado blue spruce, Colorado spruce, Picea pungens, silver sprucetall spruce with blue-green needles and dense conic crown; older trees become columnar with lower branches sweeping downward Picea rubens, eastern spruce, red spruce, yellow sprucemedium-sized spruce of eastern North America; chief lumber spruce of the area; source of pulpwood Canadian hemlock, Tsuga canadensis, eastern hemlock, spruce pinecommon forest tree of the eastern United States and Canada; used especially for pulpwood Carolina hemlock, Tsuga carolinianamedium-sized evergreen of southeastern United States having spreading branches and widely diverging cone scales Tsuga mertensiana, black hemlock, mountain hemlocklarge evergreen of western United States; wood much harder than Canadian hemlock Pacific hemlock, Tsuga heterophylla, west coast hemlock, western hemlocktall evergreen of western North America; commercially important timber tree Oregon fir, Oregon pine, Pseudotsuga menziesii, douglas hemlock, douglas pine, douglas spruce, green douglas firlofty douglas fir of northwestern North America having short needles and egg-shaped cones Pseudotsuga macrocarpa, big-cone douglas fir, big-cone sprucedouglas fir of California having cones 4-8 inches long Cupressus goveniana, gowen cypresssmall sometimes shrubby tree native to California; often used as an ornamental; in some classification systems includes the pygmy cypress and the Santa Cruz cypress Cupressus goveniana pigmaea, Cupressus pigmaea, pygmy cypressrare small cypress native to northern California; sometimes considered the same species as gowen cypress Cupressus abramsiana, Cupressus goveniana abramsiana, Santa Cruz cypressrare California cypress taller than but closely related to gowen cypress and sometimes considered the same species Arizona cypress, Cupressus arizonicaArizona timber tree with bluish silvery foliage Cupressus guadalupensis, Guadalupe cypressrelatively low wide-spreading endemic on Guadalupe Island; cultivated for its bluish foliage Cupressus macrocarpa, Monterey cypresstall California cypress endemic on Monterey Bay; widely used for ornament as well as reforestation and shelterbelt planting Cupressus lusitanica, Mexican cypress, Portuguese cypress, cedar of Goatall spreading evergreen found in Mexico having drooping branches; believed to have been introduced into Portugal from Goa Cupressus sempervirens, Italian cypress, Mediterranean cypresstall Eurasian cypress with thin grey bark and ascending branches Austrocedrus chilensis, Chilean cedara small South American evergreen having coppery bark and pretty foliage Calocedrus decurrens, Libocedrus decurrens, incense cedar, red cedartall tree of the Pacific coast of North America having foliage like cypress and cinnamon-red bark Atlantic white cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides, coast white cedar, southern white cedar, white cedar, white cypressslow-growing medium-sized cedar of east coast of the United States; resembles American arborvitae Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, Lawson's cedar, Lawson's cypress, Oregon cedar, Port Orford cedarlarge timber tree of western North America with trunk diameter to 12 feet and height to 200 feet Alaska cedar, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, Nootka cypress, yellow cedar, yellow cypresstall evergreen of the Pacific coast of North America often cultivated for ornament Cryptomeria japonica, Japan cedar, Japanese cedar, sugitall evergreen of Japan and China yielding valuable soft wood incense cedarany of several attractive trees of southwestern South America and New Zealand and New Caledonia having glossy evergreen leaves and scented wood Libocedrus plumosa, kawakaNew Zealand timber tree resembling the cypress Libocedrus bidwillii, mountain pine, pahauteaevergreen tree of New Zealand resembling the kawaka Thuja plicata, canoe cedar, red cedar, western red cedarlarge valuable arborvitae of northwestern United States American arborvitae, Thuja occidentalis, northern white cedar, white cedarsmall evergreen of eastern North America having tiny scalelike leaves on flattened branchlets Oriental arborvitae, Platycladus orientalis, Thuja orientalisAsiatic shrub or small tree widely planted in United States and Europe; in some classifications assigned to its own genus Thujopsis dolobrata, hiba arborvitaeslow-growing medium-large Japanese evergreen used as an ornamental Araucaria araucana, chile pine, monkey puzzlelarge Chilean evergreen conifer having intertwined branches and bearing edible nuts Araucaria excelsa, Araucaria heterophylla, norfolk island pineevergreen of Australia and Norfolk Island in the South Pacific Araucaria columnaris, new caledonian pinevery tall evergreen of New Caledonia and the New Hebrides similar to norfolk island pine Araucaria bidwillii, bunya bunya, bunya bunya treeAustralian conifer bearing two-inch seeds tasting like roasted chestnuts; among the aborigines the tree is hereditary property protected by law Araucaria cunninghamii, Moreton Bay pine, hoop pinepine of Australia and New Guinea; yields a valuable light even-textured wood Agathis australis, kauri, kaurytall timber tree of New Zealand having white straight-grained wood Agathis alba, Agathis dammara, amboina pine, amboyna pinenative to the Moluccas and Philippines; a source of dammar resin Agathis robusta, dundathu pine, queensland kauri, smooth bark kauriAustralian timber tree resembling the kauri but having wood much lighter in weight and softer Agathis lanceolata, red kauriNew Zealand tree with glossy leaves and scaly reddish-brown bark California nutmeg, Torreya californica, nutmeg-yewCalifornia evergreen having a fruit resembling a nutmeg but with a strong turpentine flavor Torrey tree, Torreya taxifolia, stinking cedar, stinking yewrare small evergreen of northern Florida; its glossy green leaves have an unpleasant fetid smell when crushed Phyllocladus asplenifolius, celery top pine, celery-topped pinemedium tall celery pine of Tasmania Phyllocladus trichomanoides, tanekahamedium tall celery pine of New Zealand Alpine celery pine, Phyllocladus alpinussmall shrubby celery pine of New Zealand English yew, Old World yew, Taxus baccatapredominant yew in Europe; extraordinarily long-lived and slow growing; one of the oldest species in the world California yew, Pacific yew, Taxus brevifolia, western yewsmall or medium irregularly branched tree of the Pacific coast of North America; yields fine hard close-grained wood Japanese yew, Taxus cuspidatashrubby hardy evergreen of China and Japan having lustrous dark green foliage; cultivated in the eastern United States Florida yew, Taxus floridanasmall bushy yew of northern Florida having spreading branches and very narrow leaves Austrotaxus spicata, New Caledonian yewlarge yew native to New Caledonia; cultivated in eastern Australia and New Zealand and Hawaii Pseudotaxus chienii, white-berry yewyew of southeastern China, differing from the Old World yew in having white berries gymnospermous tree any tree of the division Gymnospermophyta |
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