uk/ʌp/us/ʌp/up adverb (HIGHER)
A2 towards a higher position; towards a higher value, number, or level:
out of the ground:
B2 from a higher to a lower position repeatedly:
More examples
- A coil of thick blue smoke rose up from his pipe.
- Transatlantic airfares are going up.
- Although long-distance phone calls are going up, the charge for local calls will not alter.
- Share prices moved up slowly yesterday.
- She filled the jug up with cream.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Up and upward
- ascent
- climbing
- heavenward
- perpendicular
- skyward
- uphill
- uplift
- uplifted
- upper
- uppermost
- upright
- upturned
- upward
- upwards
- vertical
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
up adverb (VERTICAL)
A1 in or into a vertical position:
More examples
- Putting up some new wallpaper has made all the difference to the place.
- Hang the clothes up to dry.
- His trousers were held up with a piece of elastic.
- The children's work had been put up on the walls of the classroom.
- I stuck the notice up on the board.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Up and upward
- ascent
- climbing
- heavenward
- perpendicular
- skyward
- uphill
- uplift
- uplifted
- upper
- uppermost
- upright
- upturned
- upward
- upwards
- vertical
up adverb (TOP)
A2 in a high position; at the top:
More examples
- He tilted his chair backwards and put his feet up on his desk.
- I need you to hold it steady while I'm up the ladder.
- Dad is up on the roof clearing the guttering.
- The sugar is up on that shelf behind you.
- Luckily, my toast landed on the carpet with the buttered side up!
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Up and upward
- ascent
- climbing
- heavenward
- perpendicular
- skyward
- uphill
- uplift
- uplifted
- upper
- uppermost
- upright
- upturned
- upward
- upwards
- vertical
up adverb (NEAR)
B1 very near:
More examples
- A car drove up alongside (ours).
- He went up to a complete stranger and started talking.
- She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.
- A young girl came up to me and asked for money.
- We crept up behind her and yelled "Boo!"
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards
- -ways
- at
- convergent
- earthward
- facing
- for
- forward
- forwards
- hither
- into
- inwards
- on
- oncoming
- onward
- onwards
- thither
- unto
- ward
- way
- wise
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up adverb (INCREASE)
B2 to a greater degree; in order to increase:
B2 If a level or amount is up, it has increased:
More examples
- It was rainy this morning, but it brightened up after lunch.
- I might just warm up the leftovers from yesterday's meal in the microwave.
- Guide dogs open up the lives of the blind or visually impaired.
- His time in the army certainly toughened him up.
- My foot swelled up to three times the normal size when it was stung by a wasp.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Increasing and intensifying
- -ify
- a snowball effect idiom
- accretion
- accumulate
- accumulative
- add fuel to the fire idiom
- balloon
- bump
- dial
- growing
- heighten
- hot up
- increase
- multiply
- pile
- scale sth up
- speed-up
- spurt
- step
- step sth up
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up adverb (NOT IN BED)
B1 not in bed:
to be able to get out of bed and move around again after a period of illness, because your health has improved enough
More examples
- On a working day I tend to get up around seven o'clock.
- I'm unused to getting up so early.
- I was up until three o'clock trying to get it finished!
- My sister was up most of the night with her baby who's teething.
- We stayed up (late) to watch a film.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Animal physiology: not sleeping & not unconscious
- awoke
- come round
- consciousness
- insomniac
- keep sb up
- knock
- land
- morning person
- not sleep a wink idiom
- rise
- rise and shine! idiom
- sit up
- stay
- stir
- toss
- wait up
- wake (sb) up
- waking
- woke
- woken
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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
up adverb (EXIST)
into existence, view, or attention:
More examples
- They're planning to set up their own business.
- Could we set up a meeting for next week?
- We were discussing who would be suitable for the job, and your name came up.
- A job in the sales department has come up - would you be interested?
- There are several things I'd like to bring up at the meeting tomorrow.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Existing and being
- account for sth
- alive
- am
- are
- be
- come
- existent
- extant
- go back
- have legs idiom
- hood
- languish
- lie
- lie in sth
- live
- living
- lurk
- run
- stalk
- was
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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
up adverb (EQUAL)
so as to be equal in quality, knowledge, or achievement:
More examples
- I need a couple of days in the office to catch up with some paperwork.
- We've received so many orders that we're finding it difficult to keep up with the demand.
- I'm planning to catch up on some sleep this weekend.
- Jack finds it difficult to keep up with the rest of the class.
- My Italian friends speak so fast that I find it really difficult to keep up with what they're saying.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Similar and the same
- a level playing field idiom
- affinity
- akin
- alike
- allied
- approach
- clock
- constant
- equal
- every inch idiom
- firm
- homogeneous
- homogenous
- identical
- inch
- resemblance
- Rome
- same
- same difference idiom
- same old same old idiom
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up adverb (TOGETHER)
in a state of being together with other similar things:
More examples
- if you put a little money aside each week, it's surprising how quickly it adds up.
- if you add those four figures up, it comes to £400.
- Collect up your things and follow me.
- She gathered up the newspapers that were scattered around the floor.
- I just need to gather up a few things and then we can go.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Classifying and creating order
- alphabetize
- arrange
- arrangement
- catalogue
- categorize
- format
- organization
- precedence
- prioritize
- put sth/sb in a pigeonhole idiom
- range
- reconstruct
- rejig
- stream
- tick sth off
- topology
- track
- tracking
- triage
- umbrella
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up adverb (TIGHTLY)
tightly or firmly in order to keep something safe or in position:
More examples
- She wrapped the vase up carefully before packing it in the suitcase.
- I found a bundle of letters tied up with a red ribbon at the back of her drawer.
- Can you help me do up my dress?
- Do your laces up or you'll trip over.
- Wrap him up in a blanket and give him a hot drink.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Tight and tightening
- close-fitting
- fast
- serried
- skinny
- snug
- stiffen
- strain
- taut
- tauten
- tense
- tension
- tight
- tighten
- tighten sth up
- tightly
- vice-like
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
up adverb (SMALLER)
broken or cut into smaller pieces; made smaller in area:
More examples
- She broke the bar of chocolate up and handed each child a piece.
- I'll cut up a few pieces of fruit for the kids.
- He folded up the sheets and put them in the washing basket.
- We had to smash up the old fireplace to get it out.
- She chopped up a small onion and added it to the pan.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Separating and dividing
- atomize
- bifurcate
- bifurcation
- bisect
- borderline
- breakdown
- disestablish
- dismember
- dissociate
- dissociate yourself from sth
- disunite
- divide
- drift
- pull sth/sb apart
- quarter
- ravel
- resolve
- resolve sth into sth
- rive
- tear 1
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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
up adverb (AGE)
to a greater age:
More examples
- Learning to take disappointments is all part of growing up.
- She decided she'd rather bring her children up in the countryside.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Stages of life
- adolescence
- adulthood
- autumn
- autumn years idiom
- babyhood
- decline
- get on
- girlhood
- glory days
- golden age
- heyday
- middle-aged
- middlescence
- midlife
- midlife crisis
- old age
- those were the days idiom
- twilight
- twilight years idiom
- youth
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up adverb (PROBLEM)
B1 [ after verb ] used when talking or asking about what is happening:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Occurring and happening
- afoot
- assail
- asynchronous
- attendant
- be at work idiom
- become
- come round
- come up
- event
- go ahead
- go down
- go hand in hand with sth idiom
- go together
- go with sth
- hand
- happen
- intervene
- materialize
- turn up
- underway
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up adverb (FINISHED)
[ after verb ] When a period of time is up, it is finished:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Finished & over
- bar
- be (all) over bar the shouting idiom
- be done and dusted idiom
- can 1
- closed
- done
- down
- finished
- finito
- in the can idiom
- lapsed
- last
- mission
- one, two, etc. down, one, two etc. to go. idiom
- out
- see
- through
- to the last idiom
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up adverb (IMPROVE)
into an improved position or state:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Becoming better
- alive
- bloom
- by/in leaps and bounds idiom
- come alive idiom
- come along
- consolidate
- move
- move on to bigger/better things idiom
- on the up (and up) idiom
- perk
- perk up
- pick
- rally
- shape
- straighten
- straighten up
- turn over a new leaf idiom
- turn sth around
- turn sth round
- warm
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up adverb (END)
B2 to an end, finish, or state of being complete:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Causing something to end
- abandon
- all good things (must) come to an end idiom
- and have done with it idiom
- be over the hump idiom
- bitter
- draw
- knock off (sth)
- lay
- lay sth to rest idiom
- lay the ghost of sth (to rest) idiom
- leave it at that idiom
- leave off (sth/doing sth)
- lid
- lift
- raise
- suppression
- the curtain falls on sth idiom
- to the bitter end idiom
- top sth off
- walk
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up adverb (DIRECTION)
towards the north:
UK towards a more important place, especially a city:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards
- -ways
- at
- convergent
- earthward
- facing
- for
- forward
- forwards
- hither
- into
- inwards
- on
- oncoming
- onward
- onwards
- thither
- unto
- ward
- way
- wise
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up adverb (INTENDED)
intended, suggested, or being considered for something:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Planning, expecting and arranging
- accidentally
- accidentally on purpose idiom
- advertent
- advisedly
- aim
- aim at sth
- calculate
- engineer
- I might have known idiom
- in the pipeline idiom
- intend
- intent
- intention
- outlook
- promise
- reckon on sth
- scheme
- scientific
- see sth coming idiom
- set sth up
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up adverb (EAGER)
willing and able to do or take part in an activity:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Excited, interested and enthusiastic
- aflutter
- agog
- all of a flutter idiom
- amped
- animated
- be as high as a kite idiom
- delirious
- exhilarated
- fanatical
- fascinated
- fasten
- fasten on/upon sth
- flushed
- flutter
- overheated
- overzealous
- passionate
- pop-eyed
- potty
- sniff
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up adverb (TRIAL)
[ after verb ] UK on trial in a court:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Court cases, orders & decisions
- actionable
- administer
- admissible
- affidavit
- affiliation order
- bail
- bale
- court martial
- inadmissible
- injunction
- judgment
- judicature
- judicial
- plea
- remedy
- retrial
- Rex
- ruling
- separation
- sequester
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up adverb (ROAD)
[ after verb ] UK When a road is up, it is being repaired and so is unsuitable for use:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Roads & routes in general
- approach
- ascent
- bicycle lane/path
- bike lane/path
- blacktop
- communication
- cycle lane/path
- fast link
- footstep
- inside lane
- one-way
- outside lane
- pass
- passable
- road
- road safety
- road sense
- switchback
- trade route
- two-way
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up adverb (HAIR)
If someone's long hair is up, it is arranged on the top or back of the head:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Up and upward
- ascent
- climbing
- heavenward
- perpendicular
- skyward
- uphill
- uplift
- uplifted
- upper
- uppermost
- upright
- upturned
- upward
- upwards
- vertical
uk/ʌp/us/ʌp/up preposition (HIGHER)
A2 to or in a higher level or position:
More examples
- The lorry chugged up the hill.
- With a knife clenched between his teeth, he climbed up the tree to cut some coconuts.
- The spider crept up the wall.
- He came charging up the stairs to tell me the good news.
- The noise of the car startled the birds and the whole flock flew up into the air.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Up and upward
- ascent
- climbing
- heavenward
- perpendicular
- skyward
- uphill
- uplift
- uplifted
- upper
- uppermost
- upright
- upturned
- upward
- upwards
- vertical
up preposition (TOP)
at the top of:
More examples
- Her office is up those steps to your right.
- They've got a different flag up the flagpole today.
- We had to rescue our kitten from up the tree.
- Who would build their house up a mountain? That's silly.
- Is anyone still up the tower, or did you all come down together?
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Up and upward
- ascent
- climbing
- heavenward
- perpendicular
- skyward
- uphill
- uplift
- uplifted
- upper
- uppermost
- upright
- upturned
- upward
- upwards
- vertical
up preposition (ALONG)
A2 (further) along:
B2 along the surface of something first in one direction and then in the opposite direction, usually repeatedly:
More examples
- Jack, move up the bench a bit, then Tess can sit next to me.
- We took turns to row the boat up the river.
- The gravel crunched underfoot as we walked up the path.
- There's a big traffic jam further up the motorway, so we'd better take a different route.
- The plane set off up the runway, gradually gathering speed.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Ahead, in front and beyond
- ahead
- ante
- be (right) under your nose idiom
- before
- beyond
- downriver
- follow
- follow your nose idiom
- fore
- fore-
- front
- head
- lead 1
- nose
- para
- past
- yonder
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
up preposition (ORIGIN)
towards the starting point of something, especially a river or stream:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Backwards, sideways and back and forth
- anticlockwise
- back and forth idiom
- backward
- backwards
- broadside
- counterclockwise
- hither
- hither and thither idiom
- retro
- right/wrong way round idiom
- round
- side
- sideways
- stand
- swept-back
- there
- there and back idiom
- to and fro
- to-ing and fro-ing
- wrong
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up preposition (TO)
UK not standard to or at:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards
- -ways
- at
- convergent
- earthward
- facing
- for
- forward
- forwards
- hither
- into
- inwards
- on
- oncoming
- onward
- onwards
- thither
- unto
- ward
- way
- wise
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uk/ʌp/us/ʌp/up adjective (RISING)
moving up:
More examples
- Total sales this month were up by $2 billion.
- Net profits in September were marginally up on the figures for August.
- Kathy wore her hair up with a pair of expensive looking earrings.
- We need to go to the first floor, where's the up escalator?
- an up stroke
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Up and upward
- ascent
- climbing
- heavenward
- perpendicular
- skyward
- uphill
- uplift
- uplifted
- upper
- uppermost
- upright
- upturned
- upward
- upwards
- vertical
up adjective (IN OPERATION)
[ after verb ] When a system, computer, or similar machine is up, it is operating, especially in its usual way:
More examples
- There was a brief powercut but by ten o'clock the computers were up again.
- Will the system be up again tomorrow morning?
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Machines - Functioning
- asthmatically
- commission
- faulty
- fire sth up
- function as sth/sb
- functionally
- in commission idiom
- operation
- operational
- operative
- order
- pack up
- peg
- perform
- play up
- right
- roll
- start
- start (sth) up
- torpor
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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
up adjective (HAPPY)
informal feeling happy:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Feeling pleasure and happiness
- (as) pleased as Punch idiom
- be as high as a kite idiom
- be dancing in the streets idiom
- be floating on air idiom
- be full of the joys of spring idiom
- be in seventh heaven idiom
- breezy
- brighten
- contented
- dance
- delighted
- ecstatic
- elated
- incandescent
- jubilant
- jump for joy idiom
- light-hearted
- look/feel like a million dollars idiom
- loved up
- swoon
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uk/ʌp/us/ʌp/informalup verb (INCREASE)
[ T ] -pp- to increase something such as a price:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Price increases
- added value
- bounce
- dead cat bounce
- hyperinflation
- inflation
- inflationary
- jack
- jump
- markup
- put sth up
- rack sth up
- rebound
- rise
- rocket
- run sth up
- shooting
- soar
- spiral
- surcharge
- zoom
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up verb (GO AWAY)
used with another verb to emphasize that someone left a place or did something in a sudden and possibly unexpected way:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
- abandon
- absquatulate
- backward
- be ready to roll idiom
- bog
- desertion
- drive
- go down
- hit
- piss
- push along
- push off
- ready
- run
- run away
- sally
- track
- walk off (somewhere)
- walk out
- without (so much as) a backward glance idiom
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