the act or process of giving out parts of a whole, or a part given out in this way:
[U]The allocation of space in this office is unusual.
[U]the act of deciding officially which person, company, area of business, etc. something should be given to, or what share of a total amount of something such as money or time should be given to someone to use in a particular way:
resource/time allocation
The company is holding a review into the optimal allocation of a salesperson's time.
allocation of capital/funds/resourcesThe move will lead to more efficient pricing and allocation of capital.
[C]the share of a total amount of something given to a person, company, etc.:
The program is financed with a $5 billion annual allocation.
[C or U]alsoallotmentSTOCK MARKETthe number of new shares that are offered to each possible buyer, or the process of offering them:
The rules on performance-related share allocations are extremely complex.
Each individual investor got an allocation of 294 shares.
[C or U]ACCOUNTINGa cost or an amount that is put in a particular place in a company's accounts, or the process of putting it there