dellnoun [ C ]
/del//del/literarya small valley, usually with trees
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Geography: valleys
- abyss
- arroyo
- cirque
- corrie
- cwm
- dale
- defile
- glen
- gorge
- gulch
- gully
- hanging valley
- hollow
- landform
- ravine
- rift valley
- vale
- valley
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Examples from literature
- At noon we halted and took shelter from the sun in a little dell with a gushing spring bubbling up in the midst, and a patch of willows fringing the banks of the running stream.
- Here and there in a deep pit among the tumbled grey rocks would be a little vivid green dell, with a fairy ring of cultivated vegetation.
- In one of these wild dells they passed the night, and slept soundly and sweetly after their fatigues.
- She was in a fairy dell thick with ferns, and at beautiful distances from each other incredibly splendid oaks spread and almost trailed their lovely giant branches.
- The soft breezes, fresh from shaded dells and nooks of fern, fragrant with the odor of pine and vine and wet wood-violets, blew over the thirsty meadows and golden stubble-fields, and brought an hour of gentle rain.