coopernoun [ C ]
/ˈkuː.pər//ˈkuː.pɚ/a person who makes and repairs barrels (= large wooden containers with a flat top and curved sides, used for holding beer, wine, etc.)
Examples from literature
- An ale-brewer may employ in his service one cooper only to bind, hoop and pin, but not to make, his master's ale vessels.
- He was a cooper by trade.
- Here, among snakes, bears, and panthers, whenever my strength was sufficient, I cut down a juniper-tree, and converted it into cooper's timber.
- John, tiring of the trade of cooper, to which he was apprenticed, ran away to sea.
- The cooper's house was so roomy that each guest had his separate retiring-room, to which they were ushered with all due ceremony, while the plentiful supper was in the act of being placed upon the table.