congenital erythropoietic porphyrianoun [ U ]
uk/kənˌdʒen.ɪ.təl eˈrɪθ.rə.pɔɪ.et.ɪk.pɔːˈfɪr.i.ə/us/kənˌdʒen.ə.t̬əl əˌrɪθ.rə.pɔɪˌet̬.ɪk pɔːrˈfɪr.i.ə/abbreviation CEP specializeda rare inherited (= passed on from one of your parents) disease in which the body cannot process some parts of the blood properly
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Disorders & diseases of the heart & blood
- acquired agammaglobulinemia
- agammaglobulinemia
- agnogenic myeloid metaplasia
- anaemia
- anemic
- angina
- deep vein thrombosis
- Ebstein's anomaly
- economy-class syndrome
- Eisenmenger syndrome
- endocarditis
- eosinophilia
- haemorrhage
- hypothermia
- leukaemia
- patent ductus arteriosus
- pediatric thrombocytopenia
- pericarditis
- peripheral vascular disease
- POEMS syndrome
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