

单词 give


uk/ɡɪv/us/ɡɪv/gave, given

give verb (PROVIDE)

A1 [ I or T ] to offer something to someone, or to provide someone with something:

[ + two objects ] She gave us a set of saucepans as a wedding present.
Can you give me a date for another appointment?
They never gave me a chance/choice.
Has the director given you permission to do that?
[ + adv/prep ] We always try to give to charity.
We're collecting for the children's home - please give generously.
The police gave (out) road-safety booklets to the children (= gave them to all the children).
Please give (up) your seat to an elderly or disabled person if they need it.

B1 [ T ] to pay someone a particular amount:

I gave the taxi driver £20 and told him to keep the change.
give of your money, time, etc. formal

to give your money, time, or best efforts, especially in a way that seems generous:

We're very grateful to all the people who have given of their time.
UK She wasn't feeling well, so I don't think she gave of her best tonight.
give (sth) your all US also give (sth)your best old-fashioned

to put a lot of effort into doing something:

We must be finished by tonight, so I want you to give it your all.

A2 [ T ] to tell someone something:

The winner's name was given (out)/They gave the winner's name (out) on the news.
[ + two objects ] Can you give Jo a message for me?

[ T ] to punish someone by sending them to prison for a particular period:

[ + two objects ] If you're found guilty, they'll give you three years.

B1 [ T ] to allow a person or activity a particular amount of time:

[ + two objects ] I'm nearly ready - just give me a couple of minutes.

[ T ] informal to calculate that something will last a particular amount of time:

[ + two objects ] Look at that old car she bought - I give it two weeks before it breaks down.

More examples

  • Can you give any evidence to support your claim?
  • I'm never going to guess the answer if you don't give me a clue.
  • The letters that people wrote after his death gave me a lot of comfort.
  • A loving family environment gives children that sense of stability and permanence which they need.
  • I'm a bit wary of/about giving people my address when I don't know them very well.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Giving, providing and supplying

  • accommodate
  • accord
  • administer
  • administration
  • assignment
  • award
  • dish
  • go round (somewhere)
  • hand sth around
  • hand sth back
  • hand sth in
  • hand sth out
  • invest
  • lay
  • spare
  • stake sb to sth
  • step
  • step forward
  • supplier
  • supply

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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

Paying money
Trying and making an effort
Announcing, informing & stating
Putting people in prison
Allowing and permitting
Predicting things and intuition

give verb (CAUSE)

B1 [ T ] to produce or cause something:

[ + two objects ] The fresh air gave us an appetite (= made us hungry).
What you said has given me an idea.
The alarm gave (out) a high-pitched sound.
give sb to understand sth formal

to tell someone something or cause someone to think that something is true:

I was given to understand she was staying at this hotel.

More examples

  • The photocopier is giving me all sorts of problems.
  • The noise and heat of the office was giving him a headache.
  • The success of the team gave the manager great satisfaction.
  • The teacher's comments gave her confidence.
  • The red carpet gave the ceremony a real sense of occasion.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Creating and producing

  • bear fruit idiom
  • bring
  • bring sth out
  • churn sth out
  • cobble
  • craft
  • mass-produce
  • on the go idiom
  • overproduce
  • patch sth together
  • phase
  • pump
  • raise
  • rush
  • throw
  • turn sth in
  • turn sth out
  • uncreative
  • unleash
  • unproductive

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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

Defining & explaining

give verb (DO)

A2 [ T ] to perform an action:

[ + two objects ] She gave me a smile/strange look.
They had to give the car a push to start it.
Give me a call/ring (= phone me) when you get back from holiday.
Who is giving the speech/lecture/concert?

A2 [ T ] to organize a party, meal, etc.:

They're always giving parties.
The ambassador is giving a banquet for the visiting president.
give sth a go

to attempt something:

Only a few people are successful as professional athletes, but it's worth giving it a go.

[ T + two objects ] formal to say publicly that everyone present at a formal occasion, especially a meal, should drink a toast to someone (= have a drink in honour of someone):

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the president!

More examples

  • To celebrate his birthday, Tony gave a party.
  • The producer gave a party to thank all the people who had helped in the making of the film.
  • She gave a sigh of relief as the car came to a stop.
  • Just give the ends a trim, please.
  • If you don't give it a go, you'll never know what you could have achieved.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Acting and acts

  • (your) every move idiom
  • -ation
  • act/do sth on your own responsibility idiom
  • action
  • activity
  • agency
  • ant
  • be up to sth idiom
  • feel
  • gambit
  • get around to sth
  • give yourself over/up to sth
  • go about sth
  • go about your business idiom
  • go through with sth
  • hand
  • manoeuvring
  • talk
  • talk the talk idiom
  • up to

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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

Managing and organizing
Trying and making an effort
Drinking alcohol

give verb (STRETCH)

[ I ] If something gives, it stretches, bends, or breaks, or becomes less firm or tight, under pressure:

The rope gave under/with the weight of the load.
The shoes will give a little after you've worn them once or twice.
figurative You can't work so hard all the time - something will have to give (= change).
figurative Suddenly her patience gave (out) and she shouted angrily at the children.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Becoming bigger

  • accrue
  • augment
  • billow
  • bloat
  • broaden
  • bump
  • engorged
  • enlarge
  • enlargement
  • expansion
  • extend
  • extension
  • oak
  • puff up
  • regenerate
  • scalability
  • scalable
  • scaleable
  • shoot
  • stretch

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give verb (DECIDE)

[ T + obj + adj ] UK in some sports, to decide and state officially that a player or the ball is in a particular condition or place:

The umpire gave the batsman out.
The ball was clearly out, but the line judge gave it in.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Announcing, informing & stating

  • acquaint sb/yourself with sth
  • advise
  • advisement
  • annunciation
  • come out
  • commit
  • confront
  • declare
  • fyi
  • give sb a heads up idiom
  • head
  • let sb know idiom
  • official
  • pronouncement
  • put
  • put sth out 1
  • spread the word idiom
  • tell
  • unannounced
  • word

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don't give me that!
give as good as you get
give or take
give me ... any day/every time!
give way
give sb what for
given the chance/choice
what I wouldn't give for sth
I would give anything/a lot

Phrasal verb(s)

give sth away
give sb away
give sth back
give in
give sth in
give sth off
give onto sth
give out
give sth out
give over
give sth over to sth/sb
give yourself over/up to sth
give up
give up sth
give up (sth)
give (sth) up
give sth up
give sb up
give yourself up
give up on sb/sth

givenoun [ U ]


the quality of stretching, bending, or breaking, or becoming less firm or tight, under pressure:

A sweater knitted in pure cotton doesn't have much give (= will not stretch much).

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Flexible, loose and yielding

  • adrift
  • bendable
  • bendy
  • ductile
  • elastic
  • floppy
  • flowing
  • jointed
  • loose
  • loose-fitting
  • loosely
  • looseness
  • plastic
  • slackness
  • springy
  • sprung
  • stretch
  • stretchy
  • supple
  • yield

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us/ɡɪv/present participle giving, past tense gave, past participle given

give verb (OFFER)

[ T ] to offer something of your own to another person or thing, or to allow something you own or control to be owned or used by another:

We’re collecting for the Red Cross – please give what you can.
We’re giving Helen a salad bowl/We’re giving a salad bowl to Helen as a wedding present.
Give me back my book/Give my book back (= Return my book).
Give her enough time (= Allow her to have enough time) to finish the exam.

give verb (PRODUCE)

[ T ] to produce or cause something:

He gave me a hard push.
Give me a phone call when you get home.
The president is giving a speech tonight.
The fresh air gave us an appetite (= made us hungry).
We’re giving a birthday party for Kareem.
He gave me the impression (= He made me think) that the deal would go through.
This car has given (= caused) me lots of trouble ever since I got it.

give verb (STRETCH)

[ I ] to stretch or become looser:

New shoes will give a little after you’ve worn them a few times.
fig. The negotiations are completely deadlocked, and neither side will give an inch (= each refuses to change its position even a little).
noun [ U ] us/ɡɪv/

A cotton sweater doesn’t have much give.


give someone a break
give someone a heads up
give a hoot
give someone a piece of your mind
give someone a run for his or her money
give something a whirl
give someone hell
give or take
give rise to something
give someone the benefit of the doubt
give someone the cold shoulder
give way
give way to something
not give someone the time of day
someone would give anything for something
someone would give someone the shirt off his or her back

Phrasal verb(s)

give away something
give away something
give in
give off something
give out
give out something
give up (something)
give up on something/someone




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