

单词 question



question noun (ASKING)

A1 [ C ] a sentence or phrase used to find out information:

The police asked me questions all day.
Why won't you answer my question?
"So where is the missing money?" "That's a good question." (= I don't know the answer.)
There will be a question-and-answer session (= a period when people can ask questions) at the end of the talk.

A2 [ C ] in an exam, a problem that tests a person's knowledge or ability:

Answer/Do as many questions as you can.

More examples

  • She adroitly avoided the question.
  • She asked the question expecting an affirmative.
  • I'm afraid you've completely misunderstood the question.
  • I don't think that question is relevant, counselor.
  • You can find the answer to almost any question in cyberspace.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Questioning people & asking questions in general

  • beat
  • bombard
  • canvass
  • cross-question
  • debrief
  • desk research
  • enquiry
  • feel sb/sth out
  • grilling
  • interrogate
  • interview
  • interviewee
  • opinion poll
  • pin
  • Q, q
  • questioner
  • questioning
  • roll
  • what do you have to say for yourself? idiom
  • worm

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question noun (PROBLEM)

B2 [ C ] any matter that needs to be dealt with or considered:

This raises the question of teacher pay.
What are your views on the climate change question?

B2 [ U ] doubt or confusion:

There's no question about (= it is certain) whose fault it is.
Whether children are reading fewer books is open to question (= there is some doubt about it).
Her loyalty is beyond question (= there is no doubt about it).
There's no question that he's guilty.
sb/sth in question C2 formal

the person or thing that is being discussed:

I stayed at home on the night in question.

More examples

  • The question of security is high on the agenda for this afternoon's meeting.
  • The committee has deliberated the question at great length.
  • There is a wide diversity of opinion on the question of unilateral disarmament.
  • Both projects are on ice until the question of funding is resolved.
  • Leaving aside the question of cost, how many people do we need on the job?

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Topics & areas of interest

  • affair
  • backyard
  • domain
  • ground
  • in your backyard idiom
  • kingdom
  • matter
  • specialism
  • specialty
  • sphere
  • stage
  • subject
  • sweep
  • talk
  • talking of sb/sth idiom
  • theme
  • themed
  • thesis
  • topic
  • turf

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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:



be a question of doing sth
be out of the question

questionverb [ T ]


B2 to ask a person about something, especially officially:

Several men were questioned by police yesterday about the burglary.
68 percent of those questioned in the poll thought noise levels had increased.

B2 to express doubts about the value or truth of something:

I questioned the wisdom of taking so many pills.
[ + question word ] Results from a study questioned whether treatment with the drug really improved survival.
She gave me a questioning look (= as if she wanted an answer from me).

More examples

  • All my attempts to question the authorities on the subject were met by evasion and prevarication.
  • Police have released a picture of the man they want to question.
  • A man is being questioned in relation to the attempted murder last night.
  • Under a quarter of people questioned said that they were happily married.
  • When questioned on TV, the minister retracted his allegations.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Questioning people & asking questions in general

  • beat
  • bombard
  • canvass
  • cross-question
  • debrief
  • desk research
  • enquiry
  • feel sb/sth out
  • grilling
  • interrogate
  • interview
  • interviewee
  • opinion poll
  • pin
  • Q, q
  • questioner
  • questioning
  • roll
  • what do you have to say for yourself? idiom
  • worm

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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

Suspecting & questioning



[ C ] a sentence or phrase that asks for information:

ask (sb) a question Can I ask a question, Gail?
answer a question Not one assistant correctly answered all the questions they were asked.
have a question Does anybody have any questions?

[ C ] a subject or problem:

We return to the question of whether pay for performance really motivates employees.
One very difficult question is how to charge market prices for energy.

[ C, U ] a feeling of doubt about something:

There is some question as to what is the best strategy.
The ethics of some of his business deals are open to question.
raise questions about sth His evidence raised questions about the credibility of a key eyewitness.
See also
scaled question
bring/call sth into question

to express doubt about something:

If somebody calls something into question, then let's stop and review it.

to make people feel doubt about something:

The chief executive's popularity has sunk to levels that bring his legitimacy into question.
in question

that is being discussed:

For shareholders of the company in question the idea of a takeover must be appealing.

if something is in question, no-one knows what is going to happen to it:

The automaker's future remains in question.
out of the question

if something is out of the question, it definitely will not or cannot happen:

A pay rise is out of the question.

questionverb [ T ]


to ask someone questions about something:

He does not know why authorities decided to question him.
question sb about/on sth Employers are not legally allowed to question job candidates about their plans to have children.

to express doubts about something:

Increasingly, the return on huge software investments made to improve efficiency was being questioned.




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