uk/ˈsɑːmplɪŋ/us[ U ] the activity of providing or trying a small amount of a product so someone can decide whether to buy it:
When it works, sampling can be the most effective form of advertising.
[ U ] MARKETING the activity of getting the opinions of a number of people chosen from a group, in order to find out about the whole group:
Something has gone wrong in the sampling methods used by the market researchers.
[ U ] the activity of testing a small amount of something to see whether it is good, whether it contains a particular substance, etc.:
air/blood/water sampling
[ C ] a small amount, number, or part of something that is tried or tested:
He'll collect a sampling of 100 items and then scan them to confirm their prices.
a random sampling
See also
acceptance sampling
non probability sampling
probability sampling
snowball sampling
stratified sampling
work sampling