usuk/maɪl/B1 [ C ] a unit of distance equal to 1,760 yards or 1.6 kilometres:
a ten-mile drive
The nearest town is ten miles away.
The speed limit is 30 miles an/per hour.
miles C1 [ plural ]
a very long way:
From the top, we could see for miles in every direction.
He lives miles away on the other side of town.
More examples
- The path twists and turns for over a mile.
- The boat was about a mile from the shore when the engine suddenly died.
- I've sponsored her £1 for every mile that she runs.
- He runs five miles every day.
- The length of the bay is approximately 200 miles.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Measurements of length & distance
- breadth
- cm
- footer
- ft
- head
- inch
- kilometre
- km
- meter
- metre
- micrometre
- micron
- mm
- mpg
- nanometre
- range
- scalar
- sq
- yard
- yd
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be miles away
a mile a minute
a mile off
miles from anywhere/nowhere
miles too big, small, expensive, etc.
stand/stick out a mile