willmodal verb
uk/wɪl/us/wɪl/will modal verb (FUTURE)
A2 also 'll used to talk about what is going to happen in the future, especially things that you are certain about or things that are planned:
More examples
- The doctor will call next week to check on your progress.
- The choir will be performing the Hallelujah Chorus at the concert.
- The photos will be ready for collection on Tuesday afternoon.
- Representatives of the member states will be meeting next week.
- All our computer equipment will be replaced in the near future.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
In the future & soon
- a matter/question of time idiom
- ahead
- all in good time idiom
- anon
- come
- in for sth idiom
- in the fullness of time idiom
- in the long run idiom
- in the short run idiom
- in two shakes (of a lamb's tail) idiom
- long
- someday
- sometime
- soon
- sooner or later idiom
- space
- the days/week(s)/year(s) to come idiom
- then
- yet
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will modal verb (ABLE/WILLING)
A1 also 'll used to talk about what someone or something is able or willing to do:
More examples
- The photocopier will collate the documents for you.
- Your father will come for you at 4 o'clock.
- In the event of a strike, the army will take over responsibility for firefighting.
- The government will only say it is not in the general interest to reveal any more information.
- Oh, for crying out loud, why won't you listen to me!
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Ready and willing
- agreeable
- amenable
- at sb's beck and call idiom
- at your command idiom
- be good to go idiom
- beck
- command
- disposed
- eager
- fain
- find it in your heart to do sth idiom
- gamely
- keen
- prepared
- raring
- readily
- readiness
- ready
- shape
- speed
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will modal verb (REQUEST)
A2 used to ask someone to do something:
also 'll used as a polite way of inviting someone to do something, or of offering someone something:
More examples
- Will you give me a hand with this box?
- When you've finished that book will you lend it to me?
- Will you pass me the salt please?
- Will you give me a call when you get this message?
- Will you play that song again please?
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Making appeals & requests
- a cry for help idiom
- appellate
- application
- apply
- ask for sb
- beseech
- besiege
- besought
- bum
- cri de coeur
- crowdsource
- freeloader
- gateway
- hit sb up
- I'll thank you to do sth idiom
- pester
- petition
- request
- scrounge
- sponge
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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
will modal verb (IF)
A2 also 'll used in conditional sentences with 'if':
More examples
- If you see Alan on your wanderings, will you tell him he's wanted in the office?
- If we back down on this issue, our reputation will be compromised.
- If the two sides conflict with each other again, it will be disastrous for party unity.
- If a plane window breaks the cabin will rapidly decompress.
- If we continue to deplete the earth's natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the environment.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
In the future & soon
- a matter/question of time idiom
- ahead
- all in good time idiom
- anon
- come
- in for sth idiom
- in the fullness of time idiom
- in the long run idiom
- in the short run idiom
- in two shakes (of a lamb's tail) idiom
- long
- someday
- sometime
- soon
- sooner or later idiom
- space
- the days/week(s)/year(s) to come idiom
- then
- yet
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will modal verb (LIKELY)
also 'll used to refer to what is likely:
More examples
- You will have heard about the plans for next week.
- You will probably have already made plans for the weekend.
- That'll be Tony on the phone.
- As you will have guessed by now, David and I are engaged.
- You will be aware that things haven't been going well.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Possible and probable
- always
- anything's possible idiom
- arguably
- as never before idiom
- avenue
- lean
- lean towards sth
- liable
- likelihood
- likely
- maybe
- realm
- sporting chance
- stand
- strange
- stranger things have happened idiom
- strong
- ten
- ten to one idiom
- vista
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will modal verb (ORDER)
also 'll used when angry to tell someone to do something:
More examples
- You will do as you are told!
- Will you shut up!
- Will you stop doing that and pay attention!
- You'll finish your dinner if you want any dessert.
- You'll tidy your room before you go out.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Giving orders & commands
- all-points bulletin
- bade
- boss
- bossyboots
- chain of command
- crack the whip idiom
- defy
- demand
- enjoin
- expect
- forget
- harry
- lay down the law idiom
- mandate
- ordain
- order sb around
- overbearing
- prescribed
- steamroller
- stick
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will modal verb (ALWAYS)
also 'll used when referring to something that always or usually happens:
More examples
- My children will always come before my career.
- I'm afraid physics will always be a closed book to me.
- People will file lawsuits at the drop of a hat these days.
- Tight jeans will only emphasize any extra weight that you are carrying.
- An empty bottle will float.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Always & never
- again
- all along idiom
- all-time
- along
- always
- ever
- first
- hell
- in all my (born) days idiom
- in/through all the years idiom
- invariably
- kingdom
- month
- perpetual
- perpetually
- till/until kingdom come idiom
- till/until the cows come home idiom
- time
- when hell freezes over idiom
- world
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uk/wɪl/us/wɪl/will noun (MENTAL POWER)
B2 [ C or U ] the mental power used to control and direct your thoughts and actions, or a determination to do something, despite any difficulties or opposition:
C1 [ S ] what someone wants to happen:
More examples
- A good leader must have a strong will.
- "The will of man is by his reason swayed."
- Her will turned out to be stronger than his.
- He succeeded by sheer strength of will.
- She was always trying to impose her will on other people.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Strength of will and determination
- alpha male
- bitter
- bloody-minded
- character
- determination
- dogged
- earnest
- fibre
- mettle
- militant
- obstinate
- perseverance
- pigheaded
- resolution
- resolve
- single-minded
- stamina
- staying power
- stick-to-it-iveness
- wilful
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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
will noun (DOCUMENT)
C2 [ C ] an official statement of what a person has decided should be done with their money and property after their death:
More examples
- He was struck out from his father's will.
- He left me his racehorses in his will.
- When she remarried, she made a new will.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Inheriting & bequeathing
- advance directive
- beneficiary
- bequeath
- bequest
- codicil
- cut
- heir apparent
- heiress
- heirloom
- inheritor
- intestate
- legacy
- pass
- probate
- residue
- settle
- settle sth on sb
- settle your affairs idiom
- survivor
- transfer
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uk/wɪl/us/wɪl/will verb (MAKE HAPPEN)
[ + obj + to infinitive ] If you will something to happen, you try to make it happen by the power of your thoughts:
[ I or T ] formal to want something:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Wanting things
- ache for sth
- acquisitive
- ambitious
- angle
- angle for sth
- aspirant
- fancy
- finger
- hang the cost/expense idiom
- hanker after/for sth
- have your eye on sth idiom
- hunger
- hunger after/for sth
- pine
- set your sights on sth idiom
- shook
- sight
- sth is calling you idiom
- straw
- tempt
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will verb (LEAVE)
[ T ] to arrange to give money or property to others after your death
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Inheriting & bequeathing
- advance directive
- beneficiary
- bequeath
- bequest
- codicil
- cut
- heir apparent
- heiress
- heirloom
- inheritor
- intestate
- legacy
- pass
- probate
- residue
- settle
- settle sth on sb
- settle your affairs idiom
- survivor
- transfer
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