square up
— phrasal verb with square uk/skweər/us/skwer/verb
UK to prepare to fight, compete, or argue with someone:
The players squared up to each other and started shouting.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
- a fight to the finish idiom
- bloodless
- bloodletting
- brawl
- combat
- counterinsurgency
- disturbance
- dust-up
- engagement
- fighting
- fistfight
- fisticuffs
- fray
- he who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day idiom
- hotspot
- last
- pick
- shoot
- slug
- slug it out idiom
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informal to pay someone the money that you owe them:
If you pay for both tickets now, I'll square up with you later.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Paying money
- ante
- charge
- chargeable
- congestion charge
- demurrage
- disburse
- discharge
- disgorge
- fork
- fork out sth
- overspend
- pay up
- pick up the bill/tab idiom
- put sth down 1
- repayable
- self-financing
- sink
- spring
- tip
- worth
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