uk/ˈtriː.kəl.i//ˈtriː.kli/us/ˈtriː.kəl.i//ˈtriː.kli/UKtreacly adjective (STICKY)
dark and sticky, like treacle:
He'd coated the shelves with a thick treacly varnish.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Glues, gluing & stickiness
- adhere
- adhesion
- adhesive
- Blu-Tack
- cement
- epoxy resin
- fixative
- gloop
- glue
- gluey
- gum
- gummed
- gummy
- honeydew
- plaster
- propanone
- putty
- slimy
- sticky
- tacky
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treacly adjective (FEELINGS)
disapproving too pleasant or kind, or expressing feelings of love in a false way:
The film is spoilt by a slightly treacly sentimentality.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Sentimental and over-emotional
- cloying
- mawkish
- mush
- mushy
- sappy
- schmaltz
- sentimental
- sentimentalism
- sickly
- sloppy
- slush
- slushy
- soppy
- syrupy