noun /ˌɪnfəʊˈmɜːʃl/
(especially North American English)- an advertising film that tries to give a lot of information about a subject, so that it does not appear to be an advertisementTopics TV, radio and newsc2, Businessc2More Like This Blended or portmanteau wordsBlended or portmanteau words
- alcopop
- breathalyser
- bromance
- brunch
- chillax
- chugger
- docusoap
- edutainment
- greenwash
- guesstimate
- infomercial
- mechatronics
- metrosexual
- mockney
- motel
- multiplex
- pleather
- podcast
- robocall
- simulcast
- sitcom
- smog
- staycation
- telethon
- televangelist
- workaholic
Word Origin1980s: blend of information and commercial.