

单词 @opal_written&level=sublist_6
  • a (little) bit more about
  • a (whole) range of
  • a (whole) series of
  • a better understanding of
  • a bit like
  • a certain amount of
  • a change in
  • a combination of
  • a function of
  • a group of
  • a high degree of
  • a high level of
  • a kind of
  • a large number of
  • a little bit (of)
  • a little bit about
  • a measure of
  • a number of
  • a number of different
  • a sense of
  • a series of
  • a small number of
  • a sort of
  • a variety of
  • a very important
  • a way of
  • a/the reduction in
  • a/the type of
  • ability noun
  • abnormal adjective
  • abnormality noun
  • above adverb
  • above adjective
  • absence noun
  • absent adjective
  • absolute adjective
  • academic adjective
  • academic noun
  • accept verb
  • acceptable adjective
  • acceptance noun
  • access noun
  • access verb
  • accessible adjective
  • according to preposition
  • according to
  • accordingly adverb
  • account noun
  • account verb
  • accountability noun
  • accumulate verb
  • accumulation noun
  • accuracy noun
  • accurate adjective
  • accurately adverb
  • achieve verb
  • achievement noun
  • acknowledge verb
  • acquire verb
  • acquisition noun
  • act noun
  • act verb
  • action noun
  • active adjective
  • actively adverb
  • activity noun
  • actual adjective
  • actually adverb
  • adapt verb
  • adaptation noun
  • adaptive adjective
  • add verb
  • addition noun
  • additional adjective
  • additionally adverb
  • address verb
  • adequate adjective
  • adequately adverb
  • adjust verb
  • adjustment noun
  • administer verb
  • administration noun
  • administrative adjective
  • adopt verb
  • adult adjective
  • adult noun
  • advantage noun
  • affect verb
  • again adverb
  • age noun
  • agenda noun
  • agent noun
  • agreement noun
  • agricultural adjective
  • aim noun
  • aim verb
  • all kinds of
  • all right
  • all right so
  • all sorts
  • all sorts of
  • allow verb
  • almost adverb
  • already adverb
  • also adverb
  • alter verb
  • alteration noun
  • alternative adjective
  • alternative noun
  • alternatively adverb
  • although conjunction
  • among preposition
  • amount noun
  • amount verb
  • an awful lot of
  • an example of
  • an idea of
  • an impact on
  • an important role in
  • an important role to play in
  • an integral part of
  • an understanding of
  • an/the increase in
  • analyse verb
  • analysis noun
  • analyst noun
  • analytical adjective
  • and all the rest of it
  • and so on
  • and so on (and so forth)
  • and things like that
  • (and) you can see that
  • animal noun
  • annual adjective
  • answer noun
  • answer verb
  • anxiety noun
  • apparent adjective
  • appear verb
  • appears to be
  • applicable adjective
  • application noun
  • apply verb
  • approach noun
  • appropriate adjective
  • appropriately adverb
  • approximately adverb
  • approximation noun
  • are based on
  • Are there any questions?
  • (are) less likely to
  • area noun
  • arguably adverb
  • argue verb
  • argue(s) that
  • argument noun
  • arise verb
  • arrangement noun
  • article noun
  • as a result (of)
  • as a whole
  • as follows
  • as I said
  • as I say
  • as in
  • as in the case of
  • as it were
  • as opposed to
  • as part of
  • as shown in
  • as to
  • as we have seen
  • as we shall see
  • as well
  • as well as
  • as you can see
  • as you know
  • (as) a consequence of
  • (as) a form of
  • (as) a means of
  • (as) a source of
  • (as) a way of
  • (as/is) a function of
  • aspect noun
  • aspect(s) of
  • assert verb
  • assertion noun
  • assess verb
  • assessment noun
  • assign verb
  • associate verb
  • associated adjective
  • association noun
  • association between
  • assume verb
  • assume that
  • assumption noun
  • at that point
  • at the beginning of
  • at the beginning/start (of)
  • at the bottom of
  • at the end (of)
  • at the expense of
  • at the heart of
  • at the level of
  • at the same time
  • at the top of
  • at this point
  • at this stage
  • attack noun
  • attack verb
  • attempt noun
  • attempt verb
  • attention noun
  • attitude noun
  • attribute noun
  • attribute verb
  • author noun
  • authority noun
  • availability noun
  • available adjective
  • average adjective
  • average noun
  • average verb
  • avoid verb
  • aware adjective
  • awareness noun
  • back to that
  • background noun
  • balance noun
  • balance verb
  • barrier noun
  • base noun
  • base verb
  • based adjective
  • based on the assumption that
  • basic adjective
  • basically adverb
  • basis noun
  • basis for
  • be expected to
  • be looking at
  • (be) due to the fact that
  • (be) regarded as
  • (be/is) due to
  • because conjunction
  • because of
  • become verb
  • been talking about
  • begin verb
  • beginning noun
  • behave verb
  • behaviour noun
  • belief noun
  • below preposition
  • below adverb
  • beneficial adjective
  • beneficiary noun
  • benefit noun
  • benefit verb
  • between preposition
  • beyond preposition
  • beyond adverb
  • beyond the scope of (this book/article/chapter)
  • bias noun
  • bias verb
  • body noun
  • briefly adverb
  • broad adjective
  • broadly adverb
  • burden noun
  • but in fact
  • by a factor of
  • by means of
  • by the end of
  • by the way
  • (by/from) the fact that
  • (by/with) the use of
  • call verb
  • can modal verb
  • can be applied to
  • can be described/explained in terms of
  • can be found in
  • can be seen (as/in)
  • can be used to
  • (can) be thought of as
  • can/may lead to
  • capability noun
  • capable adjective
  • capacity noun
  • care noun
  • case noun
  • categorize verb
  • category noun
  • causal adjective
  • causation noun
  • cause noun
  • cause verb
  • caused by
  • central adjective
  • centralize verb
  • centre noun
  • centre verb
  • century noun
  • certain adjective
  • certainty noun
  • chain noun
  • challenge noun
  • challenge verb
  • change noun
  • change verb
  • channel noun
  • character noun
  • characteristic adjective
  • characteristic noun
  • characteristics of
  • characterization noun
  • characterize verb
  • characterized by
  • choice noun
  • choose verb
  • circumstance noun
  • cite verb
  • claim noun
  • claim verb
  • claim that
  • class noun
  • classic adjective
  • classic noun
  • classical adjective
  • classification noun
  • classify verb
  • clear adjective
  • clearly adverb
  • climate noun
  • closely adverb
  • code noun
  • code verb
  • column noun
  • combination noun
  • combine verb
  • come back to (that)
  • commercial adjective
  • commit verb
  • commitment noun
  • common adjective
  • commonly adverb
  • communicate verb
  • communication noun
  • community noun
  • comparable adjective
  • comparative adjective
  • compare verb
  • compared with/to
  • comparison noun
  • compete verb
  • competition noun
  • completely adverb
  • complex adjective
  • complex noun
  • complexity noun
  • component noun
  • composition noun
  • comprehensive adjective
  • comprise verb
  • conceive verb
  • concentrate verb
  • concept noun
  • conception noun
  • conceptual adjective
  • conceptualize verb
  • concern noun
  • concern verb
  • concerned with
  • conclude verb
  • conclusion noun
  • condition noun
  • conditional adjective
  • conduct noun
  • conduct verb
  • confirm verb
  • conflict noun
  • conflict verb
  • connect verb
  • connection noun
  • consensus noun
  • consent noun
  • consequence noun
  • consequently adverb
  • conservation noun
  • conservative adjective
  • conserve verb
  • consider verb
  • considerable adjective
  • considerably adverb
  • consideration noun
  • considered to be
  • consist verb
  • consistency noun
  • consistent adjective
  • consistent with
  • consistently adverb
  • constant adjective
  • constant noun
  • constitute verb
  • constrain verb
  • constraint noun
  • construct noun
  • construct verb
  • construction noun
  • constructive adjective
  • consume verb
  • consumption noun
  • contact noun
  • contain verb
  • contemporary adjective
  • contemporary noun
  • content noun
  • context noun
  • continuity noun
  • continuous adjective
  • contrast noun
  • contrast verb
  • contribute verb
  • contribution noun
  • control noun
  • control verb
  • convention noun
  • conventional adjective
  • conversion noun
  • convert verb
  • cooperation noun
  • cooperative adjective
  • coordinate noun
  • coordinate verb
  • coordination noun
  • core noun
  • correct adjective
  • correction noun
  • correctly adverb
  • correlate verb
  • correlation noun
  • correspond verb
  • corresponding adjective
  • corresponding to
  • country noun
  • course noun
  • coverage noun
  • create verb
  • creation noun
  • creative adjective
  • criterion noun
  • critical adjective
  • critically adverb
  • criticize verb
  • crucial adjective
  • cultural adjective
  • culturally adverb
  • culture noun
  • cumulative adjective
  • current adjective
  • current noun
  • currently adverb
  • cycle noun
  • data noun
  • data on
  • deal verb
  • debate noun
  • decade noun
  • decision noun
  • decline noun
  • decline verb
  • decrease noun
  • decrease verb
  • define verb
  • definition noun
  • degree noun
  • demand noun
  • demonstrate verb
  • denote verb
  • department noun
  • depend verb
  • depend(s) on
  • dependence noun
  • dependent adjective
  • dependent on
  • derive verb
  • derived from
  • describe verb
  • description noun
  • descriptive adjective
  • design noun
  • design verb
  • desirable adjective
  • desire noun
  • desire verb
  • destroy verb
  • detail noun
  • detailed adjective
  • determinant noun
  • determination noun
  • determine verb
  • determined by
  • develop verb
  • developed adjective
  • development noun
  • deviation noun
  • device noun
  • diagram noun
  • differ verb
  • difference noun
  • difference(s) in
  • different adjective
  • different from
  • different types of
  • differentiate verb
  • differentiation noun
  • differently adverb
  • difficult adjective
  • difficulty noun
  • digital adjective
  • dimension noun
  • direct adjective
  • direct verb
  • direction noun
  • directly adverb
  • disadvantage noun
  • disadvantage verb
  • discipline noun
  • discover verb
  • discrimination noun
  • discuss verb
  • discussion noun
  • distance noun
  • distinct adjective
  • distinction noun
  • distinctive adjective
  • distinguish verb
  • distribute verb
  • distribution noun
  • diverse adjective
  • diversity noun
  • divide verb
  • division noun
  • document noun
  • document verb
  • does not appear to be
  • domain noun
  • dominance noun
  • dominant adjective
  • dominate verb
  • donor noun
  • draw verb
  • due adjective
  • duration noun
  • during preposition
  • duty noun
  • dynamic adjective
  • dynamic noun
  • early adjective
  • easily adverb
  • ecological adjective
  • economic adjective
  • economically adverb
  • education noun
  • educational adjective
  • effect noun
  • effective adjective
  • effectively adverb
  • effectiveness noun
  • efficacy noun
  • efficiency noun
  • efficient adjective
  • efficiently adverb
  • effort noun
  • element noun
  • elements of
  • elevate verb
  • eliminate verb
  • elsewhere adverb
  • emerge verb
  • emergence noun
  • emotional adjective
  • emphasis noun
  • emphasize verb
  • empirical adjective
  • empirically adverb
  • employ verb
  • empower verb
  • enable verb
  • encode verb
  • encounter noun
  • encounter verb
  • encourage verb
  • end noun
  • end verb
  • energy noun
  • engage verb
  • enhance verb
  • ensure verb
  • enter verb
  • entirely adverb
  • entity noun
  • entry noun
  • environment noun
  • environmental adjective
  • equal adjective
  • equal noun
  • equal verb
  • equally adverb
  • equivalence noun
  • equivalent adjective
  • equivalent noun
  • error noun
  • especially adverb
  • essence noun
  • essential adjective
  • essentially adverb
  • establish verb
  • establishment noun
  • estimate noun
  • estimate verb
  • estimation noun
  • et al
  • et cetera (et cetera)
  • ethic noun
  • ethical adjective
  • ethnic adjective
  • ethnicity noun
  • evaluate verb
  • evaluation noun
  • (even) in the absence of (any)
  • event noun
  • evidence noun
  • evidence of/that/for
  • evident adjective
  • evolution noun
  • evolutionary adjective
  • evolve verb
  • exactly adverb
  • exam noun
  • examination noun
  • examine verb
  • example noun
  • exceed verb
  • exception noun
  • excess noun
  • excessive adjective
  • exchange noun
  • exclude verb
  • exclusion noun
  • exclusive adjective
  • exclusively adverb
  • exemplify verb
  • exercise noun
  • exercise verb
  • exist verb
  • existence noun
  • expand verb
  • expansion noun
  • expect verb
  • expectation noun
  • experience noun
  • experience verb
  • experiment noun
  • experimental adjective
  • expert adjective
  • expert noun
  • expertise noun
  • explain verb
  • explanation noun
  • explanatory adjective
  • explicit adjective
  • explicitly adverb
  • exploit verb
  • exploitation noun
  • exploration noun
  • explore verb
  • expose verb
  • express verb
  • expression noun
  • extend verb
  • extension noun
  • extensive adjective
  • extent noun
  • external adjective
  • extreme adjective
  • extreme noun
  • extremely adverb
  • facilitate verb
  • facility noun
  • fact noun
  • factor noun
  • fail verb
  • failure noun
  • fairly adverb
  • familiar adjective
  • famous adjective
  • favour verb
  • favourable adjective
  • feature noun
  • feature verb
  • feature(s) of
  • federal adjective
  • female adjective
  • female noun
  • field noun
  • final adjective
  • finally adverb
  • financial adjective
  • find verb
  • finding noun
  • first of all
  • flexibility noun
  • flexible adjective
  • flow noun
  • flow verb
  • focus noun
  • focus verb
  • focus on
  • following preposition
  • following adjective
  • for a long time
  • for a number of reasons
  • for example
  • for instance
  • for the moment
  • for the purpose(s) of
  • for those of you
  • force noun
  • force verb
  • foreign adjective
  • form noun
  • form verb
  • formal adjective
  • formation noun
  • formula noun
  • formulate verb
  • formulation noun
  • found that
  • framework noun
  • free adjective
  • frequent adjective
  • frequently adverb
  • from the perspective of
  • from the point of view of
  • fully adverb
  • function noun
  • function verb
  • functional adjective
  • fund noun
  • fund verb
  • fundamental adjective
  • fundamentally adverb
  • funding noun
  • further adjective
  • furthermore adverb
  • future adjective
  • future noun
  • gain noun
  • gain verb
  • gap noun
  • gender noun
  • general adjective
  • general noun
  • generalization noun
  • generalize verb
  • generally adverb
  • generate verb
  • generation noun
  • geographical adjective
  • give rise to
  • given adjective
  • global adjective
  • go back to (that)
  • go on to
  • goal noun
  • going to be talking about
  • going to give you an example
  • going to go into
  • going to go through
  • going to look at
  • going to say
  • going to show you
  • going to talk about
  • (going to) come to
  • govern verb
  • government noun
  • governmental adjective
  • greater than
  • group noun
  • group verb
  • grow verb
  • growth noun
  • guess noun
  • guess verb
  • guidance noun
  • handout noun
  • happen verb
  • harm noun
  • harmful adjective
  • has/have been shown to (be)
  • has/have the potential to
  • have a significant impact on
  • have shown that
  • have to look at
  • he or she
  • held that
  • hence adverb
  • here adverb
  • here we have
  • hierarchical adjective
  • hierarchy noun
  • high adjective
  • high levels of
  • higher than
  • highlight verb
  • highly adverb
  • his or her
  • historically adverb
  • history noun
  • hopefully adverb
  • horizontal adjective
  • however adverb
  • huge adjective
  • human adjective
  • human noun
  • hypothesis noun
  • hypothesize verb
  • hypothetical adjective
  • I (just) want to
  • I suppose
  • I think (that)
  • I want to talk about/look at/say
  • I was going to/we are going to
  • I was talking about
  • I would like to
  • I would say
  • idea noun
  • ideal adjective
  • ideal noun
  • ideally adverb
  • identical adjective
  • identification noun
  • identify verb
  • identity noun
  • if and only if
  • if you like
  • if you remember
  • if you think about (it)
  • if you think about it
  • if you/we look at
  • illustrate verb
  • image noun
  • immediate adjective
  • impact noun
  • impact verb
  • implement verb
  • implementation noun
  • implicit adjective
  • implicitly adverb
  • imply verb
  • importance noun
  • important adjective
  • importantly adverb
  • impose verb
  • improve verb
  • improvement noun
  • in a minute
  • in a moment
  • in a number of ways
  • in a sense
  • in a variety of ways
  • in a way
  • in a way that
  • in accordance with
  • in addition
  • in contrast
  • in contrast to
  • in fact
  • in front of you
  • in general
  • in much the same way (as)
  • in order to
  • in other words
  • in part
  • in particular
  • in question
  • in recent years
  • in relation to
  • in respect of
  • in response to
  • in so far as
  • in some cases
  • in some way
  • in some ways
  • in spite of the fact that
  • in such a way
  • in such a way (that)
  • in terms of
  • in the area of
  • in the case of
  • in the course of
  • in the event of
  • in the field of
  • in the first place
  • in the form of
  • in the future
  • in the light of
  • in the literature
  • in the next section
  • in the past
  • in the presence of
  • in the previous section
  • in the process of
  • in the range of
  • in the same way
  • in the same way (as/that)
  • in the sense (that)
  • in the sense that/of
  • in the study
  • in the study of
  • in the way that
  • in this case
  • in this chapter
  • in this course
  • in this study
  • in this way
  • in this/that case
  • in this/that way
  • in turn
  • (in) a (wide) variety of
  • (in) a/the (wide) range of
  • (in) the context of
  • (in) the development of
  • in/within the context of
  • inability noun
  • inadequate adjective
  • inappropriate adjective
  • include verb
  • including preposition
  • inclusion noun
  • inconsistent adjective
  • incorporate verb
  • increase noun
  • increase verb
  • increase in the number of
  • increasingly adverb
  • indeed adverb
  • independence noun
  • independent adjective
  • independently adverb
  • index noun
  • indicate verb
  • indicate(s) that
  • indication noun
  • indicator noun
  • indirect adjective
  • indirectly adverb
  • individual adjective
  • individual noun
  • individually adverb
  • induce verb
  • induction noun
  • inequality noun
  • infer verb
  • inference noun
  • influence noun
  • influence verb
  • inform verb
  • information noun
  • informed adjective
  • inherent adjective
  • initial adjective
  • initially adverb
  • initiate verb
  • initiation noun
  • initiative noun
  • input noun
  • insight noun
  • instability noun
  • instance noun
  • instruction noun
  • instrument noun
  • insufficient adjective
  • integral adjective
  • integrate verb
  • integrated adjective
  • integration noun
  • intend verb
  • intensity noun
  • intensive adjective
  • intention noun
  • interact verb
  • interaction noun
  • interactive adjective
  • interest noun
  • interested adjective
  • interested in
  • interesting adjective
  • intermediate adjective
  • internal adjective
  • international adjective
  • interpret verb
  • interpretation noun
  • interval noun
  • intervene verb
  • intervention noun
  • interview noun
  • interview verb
  • interviewee noun
  • interviewer noun
  • intrinsic adjective
  • introduce verb
  • introduction noun
  • invent verb
  • investigate verb
  • investigation noun
  • investigator noun
  • involve verb
  • involved adjective
  • involved in
  • involvement noun
  • irrelevant adjective
  • is a good example of
  • is a measure of
  • is a/the result of
  • is based on
  • is consistent with
  • is defined as
  • is equal to
  • is important to
  • is not the same (thing) as
  • is related to
  • is the most common cause of
  • (is) (often) referred to as
  • (is) an example of
  • is/are likely to
  • is/are likely to be
  • is/are shown in
  • (is/are/be) associated with
  • is/are/were more likely to (be)
  • isolated adjective
  • isolation noun
  • issue noun
  • it can be seen that
  • it can be shown that
  • it could/can be argued that
  • it has been argued that
  • it has been shown that
  • it has been suggested that
  • it is (not) possible to/that
  • it is clear that
  • it is difficult to
  • it is difficult to see (how)
  • it is easy to see that
  • it is fair to say that
  • it is for this reason that
  • it is important (to)
  • it is important to note that
  • it is important to realize that
  • it is important to recognize/be aware of/bear in mind
  • it is important to remember that
  • it is important to understand
  • it is impossible to
  • it is interesting to note that
  • it is likely that
  • it is necessary to
  • it is not clear
  • it is not surprising that
  • it is reasonable to assume that
  • it is useful to
  • it is worth noting that
  • it may be
  • it may be possible to
  • it seems to me (that)
  • it should be noted that
  • item noun
  • journal noun
  • judgement noun
  • just going to
  • (just) to remind you
  • justification noun
  • justify verb
  • key adjective
  • key noun
  • kind noun
  • kinds of
  • knowledge noun
  • label noun
  • label verb
  • lack noun
  • lack verb
  • language noun
  • large adjective
  • largely adverb
  • later adverb
  • later adjective
  • later on
  • latter noun
  • law noun
  • lead verb
  • lead(s) to
  • leader noun
  • leadership noun
  • learn verb
  • learning noun
  • lecture noun
  • lecturer noun
  • legal adjective
  • legally adverb
  • less determiner
  • less pronoun
  • less adverb
  • less than
  • let me just
  • level noun
  • lies at the heart of
  • like this
  • likely adjective
  • likely adverb
  • limit noun
  • limit verb
  • limitation noun
  • limited adjective
  • line noun
  • link noun
  • link verb
  • linked to
  • list noun
  • list verb
  • literature noun
  • local adjective
  • localized adjective
  • locally adverb
  • located adjective
  • location noun
  • logic noun
  • logical adjective
  • look verb
  • look at this
  • loss noun
  • (lots and) lots of
  • low adjective
  • lower adjective
  • lower than
  • main adjective
  • maintain verb
  • major adjective
  • majority noun
  • male adjective
  • male noun
  • many determiner
  • many adjective
  • many pronoun
  • many of you
  • margin noun
  • material adjective
  • material noun
  • matter noun
  • maximize verb
  • maximum adjective
  • maximum noun
  • may modal verb
  • may be due to
  • may or may not
  • may well be
  • meaning noun
  • meaningful adjective
  • means noun
  • measure noun
  • measure verb
  • mechanism noun
  • media noun
  • mediate verb
  • medical adjective
  • medium noun
  • member noun
  • memory noun
  • men and women
  • mental adjective
  • mention verb
  • method noun
  • methodological adjective
  • methodology noun
  • middle noun
  • might modal verb
  • migrate verb
  • migration noun
  • minimal adjective
  • minimize verb
  • minimum adjective
  • minimum noun
  • minor adjective
  • minority noun
  • mix verb
  • mobile adjective
  • mobility noun
  • mobilize verb
  • mode noun
  • model noun
  • model verb
  • modelling noun
  • modern adjective
  • modernity noun
  • modernization noun
  • modify verb
  • module noun
  • moment noun
  • monitor verb
  • more and more
  • more likely to
  • more or less
  • more than
  • moreover adverb
  • most determiner
  • most of you
  • motivate verb
  • motivation noun
  • move verb
  • move on to
  • movement noun
  • multiple adjective
  • must modal verb
  • namely adverb
  • national adjective
  • national noun
  • natural adjective
  • naturally adverb
  • nature noun
  • necessarily adverb
  • necessary adjective
  • necessity noun
  • need noun
  • need verb
  • negative adjective
  • negative noun
  • negatively adverb
  • net adjective
  • network noun
  • neutral adjective
  • nevertheless adverb
  • new adjective
  • norm noun
  • normal adjective
  • normally adverb
  • not necessarily
  • (not only) but also
  • note noun
  • note verb
  • nothing to do with
  • notion noun
  • novel adjective
  • number noun
  • object noun
  • objective adjective
  • objective noun
  • observation noun
  • observe verb
  • observed in
  • observer noun
  • obtain verb
  • obvious adjective
  • obviously adverb
  • occupation noun
  • occupy verb
  • occur verb
  • occurrence noun
  • of course
  • of some kind
  • of the total
  • of this chapter
  • of this study
  • offer verb
  • often adverb
  • OK adjective
  • OK adverb
  • OK exclamation
  • OK now
  • OK so
  • on the basis of
  • on the basis of/that
  • on the board
  • on the one hand
  • on the other hand
  • on the part of
  • on the whole
  • on the/your handout
  • one of the key
  • one of the most
  • one of the reasons
  • one of the things
  • (one of) the most important
  • one or more of
  • ongoing adjective
  • online adjective
  • operate verb
  • operation noun
  • operational adjective
  • opportunity noun
  • optimal adjective
  • option noun
  • or something like that
  • or whatever
  • order noun
  • order verb
  • ordinary adjective
  • organization noun
  • organize verb
  • orient verb
  • orientation noun
  • origin noun
  • original adjective
  • originally adverb
  • originate verb
  • other adjective
  • otherwise adverb
  • our understanding of
  • outcome noun
  • outline verb
  • output noun
  • over time
  • (over) a period of time
  • overall adjective
  • overall adverb
  • overlap noun
  • overlap verb
  • overview noun
  • parallel adjective
  • parallel noun
  • part noun
  • partial adjective
  • partially adverb
  • participant noun
  • participate verb
  • participation noun
  • particular adjective
  • particular noun
  • particularly adverb
  • partly adverb
  • pattern noun
  • per preposition
  • per cent noun
  • per cent adjective
  • perceive verb
  • percentage noun
  • perception noun
  • perfectly adverb
  • perform verb
  • performance noun
  • perhaps adverb
  • period noun
  • period of time
  • permit verb
  • personal adjective
  • perspective noun
  • phase noun
  • phenomenon noun
  • physical adjective
  • picture noun
  • play a key role in
  • play a role in
  • play(s) an important role (in)
  • point noun
  • point verb
  • policy noun
  • popular adjective
  • population noun
  • pose verb
  • position noun
  • position verb
  • positive adjective
  • positive noun
  • positively adverb
  • possibility noun
  • possible adjective
  • potential adjective
  • potential noun
  • potentially adverb
  • poverty noun
  • power noun
  • powerful adjective
  • practical adjective
  • practical noun
  • practice noun
  • practitioner noun
  • precede verb
  • precise adjective
  • precisely adverb
  • precision noun
  • predict verb
  • prediction noun
  • predominantly adverb
  • prefer verb
  • preference noun
  • presence noun
  • present adjective
  • present noun
  • present verb
  • presentation noun
  • pressure noun
  • prevent verb
  • prevention noun
  • previous adjective
  • previously adverb
  • primarily adverb
  • primary adjective
  • principle noun
  • prior adjective
  • prior to
  • priority noun
  • private adjective
  • probability noun
  • problem noun
  • problematic adjective
  • procedural adjective
  • procedure noun
  • process noun
  • process verb
  • produce noun
  • produce verb
  • product noun
  • production noun
  • productive adjective
  • professional adjective
  • professional noun
  • profile noun
  • programme noun
  • progress noun
  • progression noun
  • progressive adjective
  • project noun
  • project verb
  • projection noun
  • promote verb
  • promotion noun
  • proportion noun
  • proportional adjective
  • proposal noun
  • propose verb
  • proposition noun
  • protect verb
  • protection noun
  • protocol noun
  • provide verb
  • psychological adjective
  • public adjective
  • public noun
  • publish verb
  • pure adjective
  • purpose noun
  • qualitative adjective
  • quality noun
  • quantify verb
  • quantitative adjective
  • quantity noun
  • question noun
  • question verb
  • quickly adverb
  • (quite) a lot (of)
  • quote noun
  • quote verb
  • race noun
  • random adjective
  • randomize verb
  • randomly adverb
  • range noun
  • range verb
  • rapid adjective
  • rapidly adverb
  • rate noun
  • rate verb
  • rather adverb
  • rather than
  • rating noun
  • ratio noun
  • rational adjective
  • rationale noun
  • rationality noun
  • reach verb
  • react verb
  • reaction noun
  • read verb
  • readily adverb
  • reading noun
  • real adjective
  • reality noun
  • reason noun
  • reasonable adjective
  • reasonably adverb
  • reasoning noun
  • reasons for
  • recent adjective
  • recently adverb
  • recognition noun
  • recognize verb
  • recommend verb
  • reconstruct verb
  • reconstruction noun
  • record noun
  • record verb
  • recording noun
  • recovery noun
  • reduce verb
  • reduction noun
  • reduction in the number of
  • refer verb
  • refer(s) to
  • reference noun
  • reflect verb
  • reflection noun
  • regard noun
  • regard verb
  • regardless of preposition
  • regime noun
  • region noun
  • regional adjective
  • regulation noun
  • reinforce verb
  • reject verb
  • rejection noun
  • relate verb
  • related adjective
  • related to
  • relating to
  • relation noun
  • relationship noun
  • relative adjective
  • relative noun
  • relative to
  • relatively adverb
  • release noun
  • relevance noun
  • relevant adjective
  • relevant to
  • reliability noun
  • reliable adjective
  • reliance noun
  • rely verb
  • removal noun
  • remove verb
  • replace verb
  • replacement noun
  • report noun
  • report verb
  • reporting noun
  • represent verb
  • representation noun
  • representative adjective
  • representative noun
  • require verb
  • requirement noun
  • research noun
  • research verb
  • research on
  • researcher noun
  • resident noun
  • resistance noun
  • resistant adjective
  • resolution noun
  • resolve verb
  • resource noun
  • respect noun
  • respectively adverb
  • respond verb
  • response noun
  • responsibility noun
  • responsible adjective
  • responsible for
  • restrict verb
  • restriction noun
  • restrictive adjective
  • result noun
  • result verb
  • result(s) in
  • reveal verb
  • review noun
  • right noun
  • right so
  • rise noun
  • risk noun
  • role noun
  • root noun
  • roughly adverb
  • rule noun
  • rural adjective
  • safety noun
  • same adjective
  • same pronoun
  • sample noun
  • sample verb
  • sampling noun
  • satisfaction noun
  • satisfy verb
  • scale noun
  • scale verb
  • scenario noun
  • scheme noun
  • science noun
  • scientific adjective
  • scope noun
  • second adverb
  • secondary adjective
  • secondly adverb
  • section noun
  • sector noun
  • security noun
  • see also
  • seek verb
  • seems to be
  • segment noun
  • select verb
  • selection noun
  • selective adjective
  • seminar noun
  • sense noun
  • sensitive adjective
  • sensory adjective
  • separate adjective
  • separate verb
  • separately adverb
  • separation noun
  • sequence noun
  • series noun
  • service noun
  • session noun
  • set noun
  • set verb
  • sex noun
  • sexual adjective
  • sexuality noun
  • shape noun
  • shape verb
  • share noun
  • share verb
  • sheet noun
  • shift noun
  • shift verb
  • should modal verb
  • show verb
  • show(s) that
  • sign noun
  • sign verb
  • significance noun
  • significant adjective
  • significantly adverb
  • similar adjective
  • similar to (that of)
  • similarity noun
  • similarly adverb
  • simple adjective
  • simplify verb
  • simply adverb
  • simultaneous adjective
  • simultaneously adverb
  • single adjective
  • site noun
  • situation noun
  • size noun
  • skill noun
  • slide noun
  • slightly adverb
  • small adjective
  • so conjunction
  • so as to
  • so that
  • so we have
  • so you can see
  • so you get
  • (so) for example
  • (so) in other words
  • so-called adjective
  • social adjective
  • socially adverb
  • societal adjective
  • society noun
  • software noun
  • solution noun
  • solve verb
  • some kind of
  • some sort of
  • somehow adverb
  • something like
  • something to do with
  • sometimes adverb
  • sort noun
  • sort verb
  • source noun
  • space noun
  • spatial adjective
  • specialist noun
  • specialized adjective
  • specific adjective
  • specifically adverb
  • specification noun
  • specify verb
  • sphere noun
  • split verb
  • spread noun
  • spread verb
  • stability noun
  • stabilize verb
  • stable adjective
  • stage noun
  • standard adjective
  • standard noun
  • state noun
  • state verb
  • statement noun
  • statistic noun
  • statistical adjective
  • statistically adverb
  • status noun
  • stimulate verb
  • stimulation noun
  • stock noun
  • store verb
  • story noun
  • straightforward adjective
  • strategy noun
  • strength noun
  • strengthen verb
  • stress noun
  • stress verb
  • strongly adverb
  • structural adjective
  • structure noun
  • structure verb
  • student noun
  • study noun
  • study verb
  • style noun
  • subject adjective
  • subject noun
  • subject verb
  • subject to
  • subjective adjective
  • subsequent adjective
  • substance noun
  • substantial adjective
  • substantially adverb
  • substantive adjective
  • substitute verb
  • substitution noun
  • successful adjective
  • successfully adverb
  • such determiner
  • such pronoun
  • such as
  • such that
  • sufficient adjective
  • sufficiently adverb
  • suggest verb
  • suitable adjective
  • sum noun
  • sum verb
  • summarize verb
  • summary noun
  • supply noun
  • supply verb
  • support noun
  • support verb
  • support for
  • suppose verb
  • survey noun
  • survival noun
  • sustain verb
  • symbol noun
  • system noun
  • systematic adjective
  • systematically adverb
  • talk noun
  • talk verb
  • target noun
  • target verb
  • task noun
  • teach verb
  • teacher noun
  • technical adjective
  • technique noun
  • technological adjective
  • technology noun
  • tend verb
  • tend to
  • tend to be
  • tend(s) to be
  • tendency noun
  • tension noun
  • term noun
  • term verb
  • terminology noun
  • terms noun
  • territory noun
  • test noun
  • test verb
  • text noun
  • textbook noun
  • that is to say
  • the ability to/of
  • the above
  • the advantages and disadvantages of
  • the aim/purpose of this study/chapter/article
  • the amount of
  • the analysis of
  • the application of
  • the assumption that
  • the availability of
  • the basis of
  • the benefits of
  • the cause(s) of
  • the concept of
  • the consequences of
  • the content of
  • the corresponding
  • the creation of
  • the definition of
  • the degree of
  • the degree to which
  • the development of
  • the difference between
  • the distribution of
  • the effect(s) of
  • the effectiveness of
  • the emergence of
  • the evolution of
  • the existence of
  • the extent of
  • the extent to which
  • the fact that
  • the first thing (that)
  • the following
  • the form of
  • the formation of
  • the former
  • the frequency of
  • the growth of
  • the idea is that
  • the idea of
  • the idea that
  • the impact of
  • the implementation of
  • the importance of
  • the influence of
  • the introduction of
  • the issue of
  • the kinds of
  • the latter
  • the level of
  • the likelihood of
  • the majority of
  • the manner in which
  • the meaning of
  • the most common
  • the most important
  • the nature of
  • the need for/to
  • the notion of
  • the number of
  • the other end of the spectrum
  • the other way round
  • the percentage of
  • the performance of
  • the point is that
  • the possibility of
  • the potential for
  • the presence or absence of
  • the prevalence of
  • the principle of
  • the probability of
  • the problem of
  • the problem with
  • the process of
  • the purposes of
  • the quality of
  • the question is
  • the question of
  • the question of (whether or not)
  • the rate of
  • the rate of (change)
  • the ratio of
  • the reason for
  • the reason for this is that
  • the reason why
  • the relationship between
  • the rise of
  • the risk of
  • the role of
  • the same sort of
  • the same thing
  • the significance of
  • the size of
  • the sort of thing
  • the sorts of
  • the state of
  • the study of
  • the total number of
  • the type of
  • the value(s) of
  • the vast majority of
  • the view that
  • the way that
  • the way(s) in which
  • the whole of
  • the work of
  • (the) way(s) in which
  • the/a lack of
  • the/a number of
  • the/a proportion of
  • the/an effect(s) on
  • theme noun
  • theoretical adjective
  • theoretically adverb
  • theory noun
  • there are a number of
  • there is a need for/to
  • there is no doubt that
  • there is no reason to
  • thereby adverb
  • therefore adverb
  • these sorts of
  • thing noun
  • this does not mean that
  • this idea of
  • this is (not) the case
  • this is not the case
  • this means that
  • (this) is not to say/suggest that
  • this/that kind of (thing)
  • this/that sort of (thing)
  • thought noun
  • threat noun
  • threshold noun
  • throughout preposition
  • throughout adverb
  • thus adverb
  • title noun
  • to a greater or lesser extent
  • to account for
  • to be aware of
  • to bear in mind
  • to deal with
  • to do with
  • to ensure that
  • to find out
  • to see how
  • to show you
  • to some extent
  • to suggest that
  • to take account of
  • to the extent that
  • to think about
  • to work out
  • (to) note that
  • (to) take into account
  • (to/should/need to) be taken into account
  • together adverb
  • tool noun
  • topic noun
  • total adjective
  • total noun
  • trace noun
  • traditional adjective
  • traditionally adverb
  • training noun
  • transfer noun
  • transfer verb
  • transform verb
  • transformation noun
  • transition noun
  • transmission noun
  • transmit verb
  • transport noun
  • transport verb
  • transportation noun
  • treat verb
  • treatment noun
  • trend noun
  • true adjective
  • trust noun
  • trust verb
  • try verb
  • tutor noun
  • type noun
  • types of
  • typical adjective
  • typically adverb
  • ultimate adjective
  • ultimately adverb
  • uncertainty noun
  • unclear adjective
  • undergo verb
  • underlying adjective
  • understand verb
  • understanding noun
  • undertake verb
  • undertaking noun
  • unique adjective
  • unit noun
  • universal adjective
  • university noun
  • unlikely adjective
  • unrelated adjective
  • unstable adjective
  • upper adjective
  • urban adjective
  • usage noun
  • use noun
  • use verb
  • used adjective
  • useful adjective
  • utility noun
  • utilization noun
  • utilize verb
  • valid adjective
  • validate verb
  • validation noun
  • validity noun
  • valuable adjective
  • value noun
  • value verb
  • variable adjective
  • variable noun
  • variance noun
  • variation noun
  • variation in
  • varied adjective
  • variety noun
  • various adjective
  • vary verb
  • version noun
  • versus preposition
  • vertical adjective
  • very adverb
  • via preposition
  • view noun
  • view verb
  • viewer noun
  • violence noun
  • visible adjective
  • visual adjective
  • volume noun
  • voluntary adjective
  • (was/have been) found to be
  • way noun
  • we can see
  • we know that
  • we looked at
  • we talk about
  • we talked about
  • we were talking about
  • we/you need to know
  • wealth noun
  • website noun
  • weight noun
  • welfare noun
  • What do you think…?
  • What does that mean?
  • what happens if
  • what happens to
  • what I mean
  • what I mean by
  • what I want to do
  • whatever determiner
  • whatever pronoun
  • when it comes to
  • when we/you look at
  • whereas conjunction
  • whether conjunction
  • whether or not
  • while at the same time
  • whole adjective
  • whole noun
  • Why do you think…?
  • wide adjective
  • widely adverb
  • widespread adjective
  • will be discussed in more detail
  • with regard to
  • with respect to
  • with the exception of
  • within preposition
  • word noun
  • working adjective
  • working noun
  • world noun
  • write verb
  • yield noun
  • yield verb
  • you can imagine
  • you can look at
  • you can see here
  • you find that
  • you might say
  • you might want to (look at)
  • you will find
  • you will see




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