adjective /ˌɪndɪˈskriːt/
(disapproving)Word Family
- discreet adjective (≠ indiscreet)
- discretion noun (≠ indiscretion)
- not careful about what you say or do, especially when you reveal something secret or something that could be embarrassing or offensive
- One indiscreet comment could spoil the whole thing.
- it is indiscreet (of somebody) (to do something) It was indiscreet of him to disclose that information.
Word Originlate Middle English (originally as indiscrete in the sense ‘lacking judgement’): from late Latin indiscretus ‘not separate or distinguishable’ (in medieval Latin ‘careless, indiscreet’), from in- ‘not’ + discretus ‘separate’ (past participle of discernere ‘discern’, the sense arising from late Latin discretio ‘separation’, from discernere, from dis- ‘apart’ + cernere ‘to separate’).