单词 |
@topic_permission-and-obligation |
释义 |
- acceptableadjective
b2 - acceptablyadverb
b2 - adherencenoun
c2 - admissibilitynoun
c2 - admissibleadjective
c2 - age limitnoun
b2 - allowverb
a2 - allowableadjective
c2 - allowancenoun
c1 - all rightadjective
a2 - alrightadjective
a2 - applicationnoun
c1 - a/your bounden dutyidiom
c2 - banverb
b1 - bannoun
b1 - beauxiliary verb
b2 - bend/stretch the rulesidiom
c2 - be supposed to do/be somethingidiom
b1 - bindingadjective
c2 - bring something into forceidiom
c2 - bye-lawnoun
c2 - by-lawnoun
c2 - bypassverb
c2 - canmodal verb
a2 - circumventverb
c2 - circumventionnoun
c2 - compellingadjective
c1 - compliancenoun
c1 - compliantadjective
c2 - complyverb
c1 - compulsoryadjective
b2 - conditionnoun
b1 - conformverb
c1 - conformancenoun
c2 - consentnoun
c1 - consentverb
c1 - contraveneverb
c2 - contraventionnoun
c2 - controlledadjective
b2 - defaultnoun
c1 - defyverb
c1 - deregulateverb
c2 - deregulationnoun
c2 - deregulatoryadjective
c2 - derogationnoun
c2 - dictatenoun
c2 - diktatnoun
c2 - dispensationnoun
c2 - dos and don’tsidiom
c1 - dueadjective
b2 - enforceverb
c1 - enforcementnoun
c1 - etiquettenoun
b2 - exceptionnoun
b2 - feel free (to do something)idiom
c1 - (feel) honor-bound to do somethingidiom
c2 - (feel) honour-bound to do somethingidiom
c2 - forbidverb
b2 - forbiddenadjective
b2 - forbidden fruitidiom
c2 - free-for-allnoun
c2 - (get/have somebody) over a barrelidiom
c2 - ground rulenoun
c2 - guidelinenoun
b2 - have tomodal verb
a1 - have your hands tiedidiom
c2 - illegaladjective
b1 - illegallyadverb
b1 - illegitimacynoun
c2 - illegitimateadjective
c2 - illegitimatelyadverb
c2 - illicitadjective
c2 - illicitlyadverb
c2 - impermissibleadjective
c2 - imposeverb
b2 - impositionnoun
c2 - in accordance with somethingidiom
c1 - inadmissibleadjective
c2 - in conformity with somethingidiom
c2 - infractionnoun
c2 - infringeverb
c2 - infringementnoun
c2 - in order (to do something)idiom
c2 - in/under no circumstancesidiom
c1 - lawnoun
a2 - lawfuladjective
c2 - lawfullyadverb
c2 - lawfulnessnoun
c2 - leavenoun
b2 - legaladjective
b1 - legallyadverb
b1 - legitadjective
c2 - legitimacynoun
c2 - legitimateadjective
c1 - legitimatelyadverb
c1 - leniencynoun
c2 - lenientadjective
c1 - lenientlyadverb
c1 - licitadjective
c2 - licitlyadverb
c2 - make an exceptionidiom
c2 - mustmodal verb
a1 - necessaryadjective
b2 - necessitynoun
b2 - neednoun
a2 - nodeterminer
a1 - no goidiom
c2 - no holds barredidiom
c2 - non-compliancenoun
c2 - non-observancenoun
c2 - non-smokingadjective
b1 - no-smokingadjective
b1 - not be supposed to do somethingidiom
b2 - obligationnoun
b2 - obligatoryadjective
c1 - obligedadjective
c1 - observeverb
c1 - off-limitsadjective
c2 - OKexclamation
a1 - on the understanding that…idiom
c2 - orderverb
b1 - ordinancenoun
c2 - outadverb
c2 - out of bounds (to/for somebody)idiom
c2 - out of orderidiom
c2 - out of the questionidiom
c1 - passverb
c2 - permissibleadjective
c2 - permissionnoun
a2 - permitverb
b2 - permitnoun
b2 - play by somebody’s (own) rulesidiom
c1 - policeverb
c2 - policingnoun
c2 - preconditionnoun
c2 - prerequisiteadjective
c2 - prerequisitenoun
c2 - prohibitverb
b2 - prohibitionnoun
b2 - provideverb
c2 - providedconjunction
b2 - providingconjunction
b2 - provisonoun
c2 - recusancynoun
c2 - recusantnoun
c2 - regulateverb
b2 - regulationnoun
b2 - regulationadjective
c1 - requireverb
b2 - requirementnoun
b2 - restrictverb
b2 - restrictedadjective
b2 - restrictionnoun
b2 - rigorousadjective
c1 - rigorouslyadverb
c1 - rulenoun
a1 - rule booknoun
b2 - run afoul of somethingidiom
c2 - statutenoun
c2 - statutoryadjective
c2 - statutory instrumentnoun
c2 - stipulateverb
c2 - stipulationnoun
c2 - strictadjective
b2 - strictlyadverb
b2 - strictnessnoun
b2 - stringentadjective
c2 - submissionnoun
c1 - the letter of the lawidiom
c2 - three-line whipnoun
c2 - toughadjective
b2 - toughenverb
c2 - unlawfuladjective
c2 - unlawfullyadverb
c2 - what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the ganderidiom
c2 - without failidiom
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