adjective /praɪm/
[only before noun]- My prime concern is to protect my property.
- Winning is not the prime objective in this sport.
- The care of the environment is of prime importance.
- He's the police's prime suspect in this case.
Synonyms mainmain- major
- key
- central
- principal
- chief
- prime
- main [only before noun] largest or most important:
- Be careful crossing the main road.
- The main thing is to remain calm.
- major [usually before noun] very large or important:
- He played a major role in setting up the system.
- key [usually before noun] most important; essential:
- He was a key figure in the campaign.
- central (rather formal) most important:
- The central issue is that of widespread racism.
- principal [only before noun] (rather formal) most important:
- The principal reason for this omission is lack of time.
- chief [only before noun] (rather formal) most important:
- Unemployment was the chief cause of poverty.
- prime [only before noun] (rather formal) most important; to be considered first:
- My prime concern is to protect my property.
- a/the main/major/key/central/principal/chief/prime aim/concern
- a/the main/major/principal road/town/city
- the main/key thing is to…
- to be of major/key/central/prime importance
- of the best quality; excellent
- prime (cuts of) beef
- The store has a prime position in the mall.
Extra Examples- Over £100 000 worth of prime lamb was destroyed in the fire.
- a prime location in the centre of town
- a prime example of something is one that is typical of it
- The building is a prime example of 1960s architecture.
- most likely to be chosen for something; most suitable
- The house is isolated and a prime target for burglars.
- He's a prime candidate for promotion.
Word Originadjective Old English prīm (referring to a service of the Divine Office of the Western Church, said at the first hour of the day), from Latin prima (hora) ‘first (hour)’, reinforced in Middle English by Old French prime; the adjective dates from late Middle English, via Old French from Latin primus ‘first’.