noun OPAL W
(plural minorities)
Idioms - Only a small minority of students is/are interested in politics these days.
- Only a tiny minority of products is/are affected.
- For a minority, the decision was a disappointment.
- That's very much a minority view.
- Minority interest groups have gained disproportionate influence.
- among a/the minority You are definitely among the minority.
- minority shareholders in the bank
- to have a minority stake in a company
Extra ExamplesTopics Social issuesb2- a sizeable minority of the population
- the view of a small but vocal minority
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- large
- significant
- sizeable
- …
- belong to
- discriminate against
- target
- …
- opinion
- view
- rights
- …
- among a/the minority
- from a/the minority
- in a/the minority
- …
- only a minority
- the rights of ethnic/racial minorities
- There is a large German-speaking minority in the east of the country.
- persecuted/oppressed minorities
- minority languages
- (North American English) The school is 95 per cent minority (= 95 per cent of children are not white Americans but from different groups).
- (North American English) minority neighborhoods (= where no or few white people live)
- minority groups/populations/leaders
Collocations Race and immigrationRace and immigrationPrejudice and racismsee also BAME, BME, ethnic minority, visible minority- experience/encounter racism/discrimination/prejudice/anti-semitism
- face/suffer persecution/discrimination
- fear/escape from/flee racial/political/religious persecution
- constitute/be a form of racial/race discrimination
- reflect/reveal/show/have a racial/cultural bias
- be biased/be prejudiced against (especially British English) black people/(both especially North American English) people of color/African Americans/Asians/Africans/Indians, etc.
- discriminate against minority groups/minorities
- perpetuate/conform to/fit/defy a common/popular/traditional/negative stereotype
- overcome/be blinded by deep-seated/racial/(especially North American English) race prejudice
- entrench/perpetuate racist attitudes
- hurl/shout (especially British English) racist abuse; (especially North American English) a racist/racial/ethnic slur
- challenge/confront racism/discrimination/prejudice
- combat/fight (against)/tackle blatant/overt/covert/subtle/institutional/systemic racism
- damage/improve (especially British English) race relations
- practise (racial/religious) tolerance/segregation
- bridge/break down/transcend cultural/racial barriers
- encourage/promote social integration
- outlaw/end discrimination/slavery/segregation
- promote/embrace/celebrate cultural diversity
- conform to/challenge/violate (accepted/established/prevailing/dominant) social/cultural norms
- live in a multicultural society
- attack/criticize multiculturalism
- fight for/struggle for/promote racial equality
- perpetuate/reinforce economic and social inequality
- introduce/be for/be against (British English) positive discrimination/(especially North American English) affirmative action
- support/be active in/play a leading role in the civil rights movement
- control/restrict/limit/encourage immigration
- attract/draw a wave of immigrants
- assist/welcome refugees
- house/shelter refugees and asylum seekers
- smuggle illegal immigrants into the UK
- deport/repatriate illegal immigrants/failed asylum seekers
- assimilate/integrate new immigrants
- employ/hire migrant workers
- exploit/rely on (cheap/illegal) immigrant labour
- apply for/gain/obtain/be granted/be denied (full) citizenship
- have/hold dual citizenship
Extra ExamplesTopics People in societyb2- Qualified minority applicants are highly sought after.
- people from ethnic minorities
- Dental decay is most prevalent amongst poor and minority communities.
- Many religious minorities fear their beliefs will be ignored.
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- large
- significant
- sizeable
- …
- belong to
- discriminate against
- target
- …
- opinion
- view
- rights
- …
- among a/the minority
- from a/the minority
- in a/the minority
- …
- only a minority
- [uncountable] (law) the state of being under the age at which you are legally an adult
- When his minority ended he had to fight to reclaim his property.
Word Originlate 15th cent. (in sense (3)): from French minorité or medieval Latin minoritas, from Latin minor ‘smaller’.
be in a/the minority
- to form less than half of a large group
- Men are in the minority in this profession.
- We are in the minority on this issue.
be in a minority of one
- (often humorous) to be the only person to have a particular opinion or to vote a particular wayTopics Opinion and argumentc2