noun /sɔː/
- (often in compounds) a tool that has a long blade (= metal cutting part) with sharp points (called teeth) along one of its edges. A saw is moved backwards and forwards by hand or driven by electricity and is used for cutting wood or metal. see also buzz saw, chainsaw, circular saw, coping saw, fretsaw, hacksaw, handsaw, jigsaw, musical saw, tenon saw, whipsaw
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- (old-fashioned) a short phrase or sentence that states a general truth about life or gives advice
- As the old saw goes, you can't please all of the people all of the time.
Word Originnoun sense 1 Old English saga, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zaag. noun sense 2 Old English sagu ‘a saying, speech’, of Germanic origin; related to German Sage, also to say and saga.