Idioms - conversation practice
- It takes a lot of practice to play the violin well.
- There's a basketball practice every Friday evening.
- She does an hour's piano practice every day.
- with practice With practice you will become more skilled.
- practice in doing something I've had a lot of practice in saying ‘no’ recently!
- It takes years of practice to get it right.
- We had an extra practice session on Friday.
Extra ExamplesTopics Musica1- Don't worry if you can't do it at first—it takes practice!
- His accent should improve with practice.
- I'll be able to get in a bit of practice this weekend.
- It will be good practice for later, when you have to make speeches in public.
- The children need more practice in tying their shoelaces.
- This chapter gives students practice in using adjectives.
- We watched the swimmers go through their practice drills.
- The trainees need more practice in using the compass.
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- basketball
- batting
- football
- …
- do
- get
- get in
- …
- facilities
- field
- ground
- …
- out of practice
- with practice
- practice at
- …
- be good practice for something
- practice makes perfect
- the theory and practice of teaching
- She's determined to put her new ideas into practice.
- in practice the complications that arise in actual practice
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + practice- put something into
- in practice
- Wearing gloves should be standard practice when handling pesticides.
- These methods remain current practice.
- It is a common practice to include recommendations for further action in the report.
- Everyone knows it is good business practice to listen to your customers.
- childcare policy and practice
- a review of pay and working practices
- Religious practices differ from group to group.
- I am constantly adopting new practices on my farm.
- The goverment has changed its accounting practices.
- practice of doing something We will follow the practice of going in alphabetical order.
- The company has ended its practice of pumping raw sewage out to sea.
- American social practices
- Certain practices exist in both public and private schools.
- Established practices are difficult to modify.
- It is standard practice not to pay bills until the end of the month.
- The bank has continued its practice of charging late fees.
- This is now common practice among ethnographers.
- changes in employment practices
- environmentally sound practices
- the company's general practice of selling through agents
- the decisions that govern our practice and our conduct
- questionable accounting practices regarding the sale of hardware
- shady business practices
- Rumours of sharp practice or dishonest dealing will ruin his career.
- We use this information to inform clinical practice.
- safe medical practices for children
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- good
- recommended
- sound
- …
- introduce
- adopt
- employ
- …
- exist
- begin
- continue
- …
- practice among
- practice for
- practice in
- …
- a change in practice
- a code of practice
- make a practice of something
- …
- [countable] a thing that is done regularly; a habit or a custom
- practice of doing something the German practice of giving workers a say in how their company is run
- it is somebody's practice to do something It is his practice to read several books a week.
Extra Examples- I don't make a practice of forgetting to pay my bills, I assure you!
- the ancient custom of log rolling, a practice that continues to this day
- It was my practice never to make a written record of the conversations.
- [uncountable, countable] the work or the business of some professional people such as doctors, dentists and lawyers; the place where they work
- the practice of medicine
- clinical/medical practice
- Students should have prior experience of veterinary practice.
- in practice My solicitor is no longer in practice.
- a successful medical/dental/law practice
Wordfinder- cure
- doctor
- examine
- medicine
- patient
- practice
- prescribe
- receptionist
- specialist
- surgeon
Extra ExamplesTopics Medicineb2, Jobsb2- He has been suspended from practice, pending legal investigations.
- He runs a successful legal practice in Ohio.
- It's a group practice, so you can easily change doctors.
- Martin began his own practice in 1993.
- She has opened a new practice in the town.
- She maintains a private practice as a mental health consultant.
- a physician in family practice
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- successful
- clinical
- legal
- …
- be in
- go into
- set up in
- …
for improving skill
action not ideas
way of doing something
of doctor/lawyer
Word Originlate Middle English: from practise, on the pattern of pairs such as advise, advice.
be/get out of practice
- to be/become less good at doing something than you were because you have not spent time doing it recently
- Don't ask me to speak French! I'm out of practice.
- If you don't play regularly you soon get out of practice.
in practice
- in reality
- Prisoners have legal rights, but in practice these rights are not always respected.
- The idea sounds fine in theory, but would it work in practice?
practice makes perfect
- (saying) a way of encouraging people by telling them that if you do an activity regularly and try to improve your skill, you will become very good at it