noun /ˈsnæpʃɒt/
- (also snap)a photograph, especially one taken quickly
- snapshots of the children
Synonyms photographphotograph- picture
- photo
- shot
- snapshot/snap
- photograph a picture that has been made using a camera:
- a photograph of the house
- Can I take a photograph?
- picture a photograph:
- We had our picture taken in front of the hotel.
- photo a photograph:
- a passport photo
- shot a photograph:
- I tried to get a shot of him in the water.
- snapshot/snap an informal photograph that is taken quickly, and not by a professional photographer:
- holiday snaps
- print a copy of a photograph that is produced from film or from a digital camera:
- a set of prints
- a colour photograph/picture/photo/snap/print
- to take a photograph/picture/photo/shot/snapshot
- [usually singular] a short description or a small amount of information that gives you an idea of what something is like
- The play offers a snapshot of life in Britain under the Romans.