

单词 permission


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    [uncountable] the act of allowing somebody to do something, especially when this is done by somebody in a position of authority
    • permission for something You must ask permission for all major expenditure.
    • permission to do something After much persuasion, permission was granted to speak to the refugees at the camp.
    • The school has been refused permission to expand.
    • All minors must seek parental permission to marry.
    • permission for somebody/something to do something No official permission has been given for the event to take place.
    • permission from somebody/something You shouldn't rent out your property without seeking permission from your mortgage lender.
    • permission from somebody/something to do something He had to get permission from his parents to audition for the show.
    • without permission She took the car without permission.
    • with somebody's permission (formal) With your permission, I'd like to say a few words.
    • by permission of somebody poems reprinted by kind permission of the author
    Express Yourself Asking for permission/​a favourAsking for permission/​a favourYou are more likely to get what you want if you can ask for it politely. Here are some ways of asking whether you may do something:
      • Would you mind if I opened the window?
      • Could I possibly borrow your phone?
      • I hate to ask, but could I please borrow your phone?
      (North American English)
      • Do you happen to have a pair of gloves I could borrow for the evening?
      • Would it be all right if I left five minutes early?
      • Is there any chance that we could stay at your house the night before our flight?
      • Would it be OK to leave my bag here?
      • Yes, of course.
      • Go ahead.
      • That's fine.
      • I'd rather you didn't, if you don't mind.
      • I'd prefer it if you asked somebody else.
      • If there's someone else you can ask, I'd be grateful.
    Extra Examples
    • We couldn't get permission to film in Primrose Hill.
    • I did not give permission for anyone to print it or copy it.
    • She was given permission for a three-month visit to Asia.
    • Staff may not leave early without the express permission of the director.
    • The council granted outline permission for the construction of a house on the land.
    • The illustrations are reproduced by kind permission of the British Library.
    • The information was published with the full permission of Amnesty International.
    • They chopped the trees down without having been granted the necessary permission.
    • permission to park
    • He had taken the car without his father's permission.
    • I asked permission to photograph the house.
    • Of course you can. You don't need to ask my permission.
    • The portrait is reproduced by kind permission of the artist.
    • They applied for permission to put up a temporary structure.
    • They were given permission to enter the building.
    • Who gave permission for this?
    Topics Permission and obligationa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • full
    • special
    • explicit
    verb + permission
    • have
    • gain
    • get
    • with somebody’s permission
    • without somebody’s permission
    • permission for
    • by permission of somebody
    See full entry
  2. [countable, usually plural] an official written statement allowing somebody to do something
    • The publisher is responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reproduce illustrations.
    • The report recommends that all planning permissions for quarrying in national parks should expire in ten years.
    see also planning permission
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • full
    • special
    • explicit
    verb + permission
    • have
    • gain
    • get
    • with somebody’s permission
    • without somebody’s permission
    • permission for
    • by permission of somebody
    See full entry
  3. Word Originlate Middle English: from Latin permissio(n-), from the verb permittere ‘allow’, from per- ‘through’ + mittere ‘send, let go’.




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