单词 |
@topic_discussion-and-agreement |
释义 |
- abrogateverb
c2 - abrogationnoun
c2 - accedeverb
c2 - acceptverb
b1 - acceptableadjective
b2 - acceptablyadverb
b2 - acceptancenoun
c1 - accommodateverb
c1 - accommodationnoun
c2 - accordnoun
c2 - acquiesceverb
c2 - acquiescencenoun
c2 - acquiescentadjective
c2 - a done dealidiom
c2 - agreeverb
a2 - agreedadjective
b2 - agreementnoun
b1 - agree to differ/disagreeidiom
c2 - alliancenoun
c1 - allowverb
c2 - all rightexclamation
a2 - allyverb
c2 - alrightexclamation
a2 - appealnoun
c1 - appealverb
c1 - arbitrateverb
c2 - arbitrationnoun
c2 - arbitratornoun
c2 - argueverb
b1 - arm-twistingnoun
c2 - arrangementnoun
b2 - as oneidiom
c2 - as one manidiom
c2 - bargainnoun
b2 - bargainverb
c1 - bargainingnoun
c1 - bargaining chipnoun
c2 - bargaining powernoun
c1 - be (a) party to somethingidiom
c2 - (be) at one (with somebody/something)idiom
c2 - be with somebody (on something)idiom
c2 - blagverb
c2 - blandishmentsnoun
c2 - breachnoun
c1 - breachverb
c1 - bribenoun
c1 - bribeverb
c1 - buy-innoun
c2 - call it quitsidiom
c2 - cancelverb
b2 - capitulateverb
c2 - capitulationnoun
c2 - carrotnoun
c2 - cementverb
c2 - coaxverb
c2 - coaxingadjective
c2 - coaxingnoun
c2 - collaborateverb
c1 - collaborationnoun
c1 - collaborativeadjective
c1 - collectiveadjective
c1 - colludeverb
c2 - collusionnoun
c2 - collusiveadjective
c2 - come to heelidiom
c2 - come to terms (with somebody)idiom
c2 - commitverb
b1 - commitmentnoun
b2 - common groundnoun
c2 - compactnoun
c2 - complaisancenoun
c2 - complaisantadjective
c2 - compliancenoun
c1 - compliantadjective
c2 - compromisenoun
c1 - compromiseverb
c1 - concedeverb
c1 - concessionnoun
c1 - concludeverb
c2 - concordnoun
c2 - concordantadjective
c2 - concordatnoun
c2 - conditionnoun
b1 - confirmverb
b2 - consensualadjective
c2 - consensusnoun
c1 - consentnoun
c1 - consentverb
c1 - contractnoun
b2 - contractverb
c2 - contractualadjective
c2 - contractuallyadverb
c2 - conventionnoun
c1 - convinceverb
b1 - cooling-off periodnoun
c2 - cooperateverb
c1 - cooperationnoun
c1 - cooperativeadjective
c1 - coordinateverb
c1 - coordinationnoun
c1 - countenanceverb
c2 - covenantnoun
c2 - covenantverb
c2 - dangleverb
c2 - dealnoun
b1 - dialoguenoun
b2 - discussverb
a1 - discussionnoun
a2 - dishonourverb
c2 - dissolutionnoun
c2 - dissolveverb
c2 - dissuadeverb
c2 - drive/strike a hard bargainidiom
c2 - encourageverb
b1 - enticeverb
c2 - exhortverb
c2 - exhortationnoun
c2 - expireverb
c1 - expirynoun
c2 - fence-mendingnoun
c2 - gentleman’s agreementnoun
c2 - getverb
b2 - giveverb
c2 - give way (to somebody/something)idiom
c2 - handshakenoun
b2 - harangueverb
c2 - haranguenoun
c2 - honest brokernoun
c2 - honorverb
c2 - honor systemnoun
c2 - honourverb
c2 - horse-tradingnoun
c2 - humourverb
c2 - induceverb
c1 - inducementnoun
c1 - in syncidiom
c2 - intercedeverb
c2 - intercessionnoun
c2 - intermediarynoun
c2 - intermediaryadjective
c2 - interveneverb
c1 - interventionnoun
c1 - jointadjective
b2 - jointlyadverb
b2 - lobbyverb
c1 - lobbyistnoun
c1 - lureverb
c1 - make common cause with somebodyidiom
c2 - make (your) peace with somebodyidiom
c2 - mediateverb
c2 - mediationnoun
c2 - mediatornoun
c2 - meet somebody halfwayidiom
c2 - mendverb
c2 - mend (your) fences (with somebody)idiom
c2 - middle groundnoun
c2 - moderatornoun
c2 - modus vivendinoun
c2 - negotiableadjective
c2 - negotiateverb
b2 - negotiationnoun
b2 - nobbleverb
c2 - nullifyverb
c2 - OKexclamation
a1 - onenessnoun
c2 - on the same pageidiom
c2 - on the understanding that…idiom
c2 - pactnoun
c2 - parleynoun
c2 - parleyverb
c2 - partynoun
c1 - peacekeepernoun
c1 - peacemakernoun
c2 - peace offeringnoun
c2 - persuadeverb
b1 - persuasionnoun
c1 - persuasiveadjective
b2 - pour oil on troubled water(s)idiom
c2 - prenuptial agreementnoun
c2 - pressverb
c1 - pressurenoun
b1 - pressureverb
c1 - pressurizeverb
c1 - protocolnoun
c1 - provisonoun
c2 - pushverb
b2 - ratificationnoun
c2 - ratifyverb
c2 - realignverb
c2 - realignmentnoun
c2 - reconcilableadjective
c2 - reconcileverb
c2 - reconciliationnoun
c2 - red linenoun
c2 - refereenoun
c2 - relentverb
c2 - renegeverb
c2 - rescindverb
c2 - rescissionnoun
c2 - resolutionnoun
c1 - resolveverb
b2 - retractverb
c2 - rightexclamation
b2 - rupturenoun
c2 - ruptureverb
c2 - sealverb
c1 - seduceverb
c2 - settleverb
b2 - settlementnoun
c1 - signverb
a2 - signatorynoun
c2 - sign on the dotted lineidiom
c2 - silver tonguenoun
c2 - silver-tonguedadjective
c2 - sink your differencesidiom
c2 - smooth-talkingadjective
c2 - the fine printnoun
c2 - the negotiating tablenoun
c2 - the small printnoun
c1 - strike a bargain/deal (with somebody/something)idiom
c2 - submissionnoun
c1 - submissiveadjective
c2 - submissivelyadverb
c2 - submitverb
c1 - surelyadverb
b1 - swayverb
c2 - sweetenverb
c2 - temptverb
c1 - termnoun
c1 - termsnoun
b2 - the gift of the gabidiom
c2 - tie-upnoun
c2 - togetheradverb
b2 - tolerancenoun
c1 - tolerantadjective
c1 - tolerantlyadverb
c1 - tolerationnoun
c1 - treatynoun
c1 - trucenoun
c1 - twist somebody’s armidiom
c1 - uncontentiousadjective
c2 - uncontroversialadjective
c2 - understandverb
c2 - understandingnoun
b2 - undertakeverb
c1 - undertakingnoun
c1 - unitedadjective
b1 - unitynoun
b2 - urgeverb
b2 - violateverb
c1 - violationnoun
c1 - violatornoun
c2 - warrantynoun
c2 - wheedleverb
c2 - wipe the slate cleanidiom
c2 - yes-mannoun
c2 - yieldverb
c1 - you winidiom
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