单词 |
@topic_sports-ball-and-racket-sports?level=c2 |
释义 |
- acenoun
c2 - advantagenoun
c2 - air ballnoun
c2 - alleynoun
c2 - alley-oopexclamation
c2 - alley-oopnoun
c2 - assistnoun
c2 - at-batnoun
c2 - backboardnoun
c2 - backcourtnoun
c2 - backfieldnoun
c2 - backhandnoun
c2 - backlinenoun
c2 - back-to-backnoun
c2 - bailnoun
c2 - ballboynoun
c2 - ballgirlnoun
c2 - ballhawknoun
c2 - baselinenoun
c2 - basemannoun
c2 - batsmannoun
c2 - big leaguenoun
c2 - birdienoun
c2 - bogeynoun
c2 - bombnoun
c2 - boundarynoun
c2 - bowlnoun
c2 - boxnoun
c2 - box scorenoun
c2 - breaknoun
c2 - break pointnoun
c2 - brushbacknoun
c2 - bullpennoun
c2 - bunkernoun
c2 - buntverb
c2 - caddienoun
c2 - capverb
c2 - centre backnoun
c2 - centre forwardnoun
c2 - centre halfnoun
c2 - centurynoun
c2 - chipnoun
c2 - chipverb
c2 - chip shotnoun
c2 - clearverb
c2 - clearancenoun
c2 - conversionnoun
c2 - convertverb
c2 - cornerbacknoun
c2 - court tennisnoun
c2 - creasenoun
c2 - crossverb
c2 - crossnoun
c2 - curvenoun
c2 - daisy-cutternoun
c2 - declareverb
c2 - deliverynoun
c2 - deucenoun
c2 - diamondnoun
c2 - dismissverb
c2 - dismissalnoun
c2 - divisionnoun
c2 - divotnoun
c2 - dog-legnoun
c2 - double faultnoun
c2 - double-faultverb
c2 - double playnoun
c2 - downnoun
c2 - downswingnoun
c2 - dribbleverb
c2 - dribblenoun
c2 - drivenoun
c2 - drivernoun
c2 - driving rangenoun
c2 - drop goalnoun
c2 - drop kicknoun
c2 - drop-kickverb
c2 - ducknoun
c2 - dugoutnoun
c2 - dunkverb
c2 - eaglenoun
c2 - end runnoun
c2 - end zonenoun
c2 - equalizeverb
c2 - fairwaynoun
c2 - farm teamnoun
c2 - faultnoun
c2 - fieldverb
c2 - fieldernoun
c2 - field goalnoun
c2 - fieldingnoun
c2 - Final Fournoun
c2 - fireballernoun
c2 - first downnoun
c2 - flag footballnoun
c2 - flanknoun
c2 - flankernoun
c2 - fly ballnoun
c2 - fly halfnoun
c2 - follow-onnoun
c2 - follow-throughnoun
c2 - foot faultnoun
c2 - footienoun
c2 - footynoun
c2 - force-outnoun
c2 - force playnoun
c2 - foreadverb
c2 - forehandnoun
c2 - forkballnoun
c2 - forwardnoun
c2 - foul ballnoun
c2 - foul linenoun
c2 - fournoun
c2 - free safetynoun
c2 - friendlynoun
c2 - full backnoun
c2 - full-court pressnoun
c2 - full tossnoun
c2 - fumbleverb
c2 - fumblenoun
c2 - game pointnoun
c2 - get/keep somebody onsideidiom
c2 - goaltendernoun
c2 - golden goalnoun
c2 - golf linksnoun
c2 - googlynoun
c2 - greennoun
c2 - gridironnoun
c2 - ground ballnoun
c2 - groundernoun
c2 - groundoutnoun
c2 - groundstrokenoun
c2 - grubbernoun
c2 - guardnoun
c2 - half backnoun
c2 - half-centurynoun
c2 - half-volleynoun
c2 - handballnoun
c2 - handicapnoun
c2 - handoffnoun
c2 - hardballnoun
c2 - hat-tricknoun
c2 - headverb
c2 - high-topadjective
c2 - high-topsnoun
c2 - hole-in-onenoun
c2 - home platenoun
c2 - homernoun
c2 - home runnoun
c2 - hooknoun
c2 - hookernoun
c2 - hook shotnoun
c2 - howzatexclamation
c2 - huddlenoun
c2 - hurlingnoun
c2 - inadverb
c2 - inboundsadjective
c2 - infieldnoun
c2 - in-goal areanoun
c2 - inningnoun
c2 - inningsnoun
c2 - ironnoun
c2 - keep wicketidiom
c2 - kickballnoun
c2 - kickernoun
c2 - knock-downnoun
c2 - knockoutnoun
c2 - lacrossenoun
c2 - lawn tennisnoun
c2 - lay-upnoun
c2 - lbwabbreviation
c2 - left fieldnoun
c2 - leg byenoun
c2 - linebackernoun
c2 - line drivenoun
c2 - linemannoun
c2 - line of scrimmagenoun
c2 - line-outnoun
c2 - linesmannoun
c2 - linksnoun
c2 - Little Leaguenoun
c2 - lobverb
c2 - locknoun
c2 - long ballnoun
c2 - loose forwardnoun
c2 - loose headnoun
c2 - lovenoun
c2 - magic numbernoun
c2 - maidennoun
c2 - major leaguenoun
c2 - make the cutidiom
c2 - March Madness™noun
c2 - markernoun
c2 - markingnoun
c2 - match playnoun
c2 - medal playnoun
c2 - miniature golfnoun
c2 - minigolfnoun
c2 - minor leaguenoun
c2 - mixed doublesnoun
c2 - NBAabbreviation
c2 - neutral zonenoun
c2 - NFCabbreviation
c2 - NFLabbreviation
c2 - no-ballnoun
c2 - no-hitternoun
c2 - nose tacklenoun
c2 - no sidenoun
c2 - offsideadjective
c2 - offsidenoun
c2 - off-tackleadjective
c2 - onsideadjective
c2 - onsideadverb
c2 - openernoun
c2 - outadverb
c2 - outfieldnoun
c2 - outfieldernoun
c2 - overnoun
c2 - pace bowlernoun
c2 - parnoun
c2 - passing shotnoun
c2 - pass playnoun
c2 - penalty spotnoun
c2 - pennantnoun
c2 - pinch-hitverb
c2 - pitchverb
c2 - pitch and puttnoun
c2 - pitchernoun
c2 - pitchoutnoun
c2 - place kicknoun
c2 - pop flynoun
c2 - premiershipnoun
c2 - propnoun
c2 - pro shopnoun
c2 - pulling guardnoun
c2 - puntnoun
c2 - put-innoun
c2 - puttverb
c2 - putternoun
c2 - putting greennoun
c2 - quarternoun
c2 - quarterbacknoun
c2 - quarter-finalnoun
c2 - racket abusenoun
c2 - rallynoun
c2 - RBInoun
c2 - reboundnoun
c2 - receiveverb
c2 - receivernoun
c2 - red zonenoun
c2 - refnoun
c2 - relegateverb
c2 - relievernoun
c2 - reservenoun
c2 - returnverb
c2 - right fieldnoun
c2 - right fieldernoun
c2 - roughnoun
c2 - roundersnoun
c2 - rucknoun
c2 - Rugby Leaguenoun
c2 - Rugby Unionnoun
c2 - ruggernoun
c2 - runnoun
c2 - run interferenceidiom
c2 - running backnoun
c2 - run-outnoun
c2 - run playnoun
c2 - sackverb
c2 - safetynoun
c2 - sand ironnoun
c2 - sand trapnoun
c2 - sand wedgenoun
c2 - scratchadjective
c2 - screen passnoun
c2 - scrimmagenoun
c2 - scrumnoun
c2 - scrum halfnoun
c2 - seednoun
c2 - seedverb
c2 - seededadjective
c2 - seriesnoun
c2 - serveverb
c2 - servenoun
c2 - servernoun
c2 - servicenoun
c2 - setnoun
c2 - set pointnoun
c2 - set shotnoun
c2 - shaftnoun
c2 - shootaroundnoun
c2 - shortstopnoun
c2 - shotmakingnoun
c2 - shuttlecocknoun
c2 - sidelinenoun
c2 - sixnoun
c2 - slam dunknoun
c2 - slam-dunkverb
c2 - sledgingnoun
c2 - slicenoun
c2 - smashnoun
c2 - snapverb
c2 - softballnoun
c2 - spinnernoun
c2 - spot kicknoun
c2 - standnoun
c2 - stand-off halfnoun
c2 - the National Football League
c2 - stealverb
c2 - stoppagenoun
c2 - strikeoutnoun
c2 - strikernoun
c2 - strike ratenoun
c2 - stripnoun
c2 - stroke playnoun
c2 - strong safetynoun
c2 - stumpnoun
c2 - sweepernoun
c2 - swingnoun
c2 - switch-hitternoun
c2 - tap penaltynoun
c2 - taxi squadnoun
c2 - T-ball
c2 - technical foulnoun
c2 - teenoun
c2 - Tee Ball™noun
c2 - terracenoun
c2 - Test matchnoun
c2 - tiebreakernoun
c2 - tight endnoun
c2 - tight headnoun
c2 - tip-innoun
c2 - topspinnoun
c2 - touchdownnoun
c2 - touch footballnoun
c2 - touch judgenoun
c2 - touchlinenoun
c2 - tourneynoun
c2 - tramlinesnoun
c2 - travelverb
c2 - treynoun
c2 - trynoun
c2 - unmarkedadjective
c2 - unseededadjective
c2 - up-and-undernoun
c2 - volleynoun
c2 - volleyverb
c2 - walkverb
c2 - wedgenoun
c2 - whiffnoun
c2 - whiffverb
c2 - wicketnoun
c2 - wicketkeepernoun
c2 - wideoutnoun
c2 - wide receivernoun
c2 - wingnoun
c2 - wing backnoun
c2 - wingernoun
c2 - woodnoun
c2 - yardagenoun
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